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HSQLDB example source code file (

This example HSQLDB source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - HSQLDB tags/keywords

attempt, by, column, column, invalid, na, na, no, no, table, the, the, user, wrong

The HSQLDB source code

# Copyright 2005 HSQL Developers Group
# can be distributed and used according to HSQLDB License
# see
001=08001 The database is already in use by another process
002=08003 Connection is closed
003=08003 Connection is broken
004=08003 The database is shutdown
005=21000 Column count does not match
006=22012 Division by zero
007=22019 Invalid escape character
008=23000 Integrity constraint violation
009=23000 Violation of unique index $$: duplicate value(s) for column(s) $$
010=23000 Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column
011=37000 Unexpected token
012=37000 Unexpected end of command
013=37000 Unknown function
014=37000 Need aggregate function or group by
015=37000 Set Function on non-numeric data is not allowed
016=37000 Wrong data type
017=21000 Single value expected
018=40001 Serialization failure
019=40001 Transfer corrupted
020=IM001 This function is not supported
021=S0001 Table already exists
022=S0002 Table not found
023=S0011 Index already exists
024=S0011 Attempt to define a second primary key
025=S0011 Attempt to drop the primary key
026=S0012 Index not found
027=S0021 Column already exists
028=S0022 Column not found
029=S1000 File input/output error
030=S1000 Wrong database file version
031=S1000 The database is in read only mode
032=S1000 The table data is read only
033=S1000 Access is denied
034=S1000 InputStream error
035=S1000 No data is available
036=S1000 User already exists
037=S1000 User not found
038=S1000 Assert failed
039=S1000 External stop request
040=S1000 General error
041=S1009 Wrong OUT parameter
042=S1010 Function not found
043=S0002 Trigger not found
044=S1011 Savepoint not found
045=37000 Label required for value list
046=37000 Wrong data type or data too long in DEFAULT clause
047=S0011 Both tables must be permanent or temporary
048=S1000 The table's data source for has not been defined
049=S0000 Index or constraint name cannot begin with SYS_
050=S0011 Attempt to drop a foreign key index
051=S1000 ResultSet was set to forward only
052=S0003 View already exists
053=S0004 View not found
054=S0005 NA
055=S0005 Not a Table
056=S0011 Attempt to drop or rename a system index
057=S0021 Column types do not match
058=s0021 Column constraints are not acceptable
059=S0011 Attempt to drop a system constraint
060=S0011 Constraint already exists
061=S0011 Constraint not found
062=SOO10 Invalid argument in JDBC call
063=S1000 Database is memory only
064=37000 not allowed in OUTER JOIN condition
065=22003 Numeric value out of range
066=37000 Software module not installed
067=37000 Not in aggregate function or group by clause
068=37000 Cannot be in GROUP BY clause
069=37000 Cannot be in HAVING clause
070=37000 Cannot be in ORDER BY clause
071=37000 ORDER BY item should be in the SELECT DISTINCT list
072=S1000 Out of Memory
073=S1000 This operation is not supported
074=22019 Invalid identifier
075=22019 Invalid TEXT table source string
076=S1000 bad TEXT table source file - line number: $$ $$
077=23000 NA
078=S1000 error in script file
079=37000 NULL in value list
080=08000 socket creation error
081=37000 invalid character encoding
082=08000 NA
083=08000 NA
084=08000 NA
085=08000 Unexpected exception when setting up TLS
086=08000 NA
087=08000 NA
088=08000 NA
089=08000 NA
090=08000 NA
091=08000 NA
092=08000 NA
093=08000 NA
094=08003 Database does not exists
095=22003 Type Conversion not supported
096=\u0020table $$ row count error : $$ read, needed $$
097=\u0020 wrong data for insert operation
099=S1000 =Expression not supported in this context
100=\u0020$$ table: $$
101=\u0020$$ table: $$
102=duplicate column in list
103=table has no primary key
104=23000 Violation of unique constraint $$: duplicate value(s) for column(s) $$
105=S0021 missing DEFAULT value on column $$
106=S1000 Not a condition
107=attempt to connect while db opening /closing
113=\u0020line: $$ $$
114=\u0020line: $$ $$
115=\u0020$$ $$
116=\u0020$$.properties $$
117=25000 invalid transaction state
118=invalid scope value
119=result set is null
120=result set is closed
121=37000 missing )
122=row has been modified by another transaction
123=37000 There is an index on the column to be removed
124=22001 Value too long
125=00000 Quoted identifier required
126=00000 Statement is closed
129=S1000 Data File input/output error
131=null string
133=null date
135=properties name is null or empty
136=Server certificate has no Common Name
137=Server certificate has empty Common Name
138=Unknown JDBC escape sequence: {$$
139=Certificate Common Name[$$] does not match host name[$$]
142=executeUpdate() cannot be used with this statement
143=\u0020$$ : $$
144=$$$$ is presumably locked by another process.
145=22001 end-of-line characters not allowed
146=trying to use unsupported result mode: $$
147=no valid database paths
148=Invalid address : $$\nTry one of: $$
149=Invalid address : $$
150=22001 Header not allowed or too long
152=00000 Parameter not set
153=00000 LIMIT or TOP not allowed
154=00000 Statement does not generate a row count
155=00000 Statement does not generate a result set
156=S0022 Ambiguous Column reference
157=23000 Check constraint violation
158=S1000 ResultSet is closed
159=37000 Single column select required in IN predicate
160=\u0020$$, requires $$
163=00000 ORDER BY with LIMIT required
164=S0002 Trigger already exists
165=S0000 Direct execute with param count > 0
168=LIMIT clause
169=TOP clause
170=S0011 Primary or unique constraint required on main table
171=\u0020$$ in table: $$
172=no file name specified for source
173=no value for:\u0020
174=zero length separator
175=Unsupported parameter/return value class:\u0020
176=input stream is null
177=23000 Integrity constraint violation - no parent
180=No sep.
181=field $$ ($$)
182=No end sep.
183=No end sep.
184=field $$ ($$)
185=as operands of a BETWEEN predicate
186=23000 Sequence is referenced by view
188=openning file: $$ error: $$
189=closing file: $$ error: $$
190=purging file: $$ error: $$
191=S0002 Sequence not found
192=S1000 Sequence already exists
193=23000 Table is referenced by a constraint in table
194=23000 Table is referenced by view
196=S1000 Text source file already exists
197=23000 Column is referenced in constraint or view
198=S1000 Error calling function
199=27000 Triggered data change violation
200=37000 Invalid argument
201=S1000 Internal Error : Unsupported internal operation in:
203=S1000 prepared statement is no longer valid
204=parsing trigger command\u0020
205=S3000 trigger or function not in path
208=invalid collation name
209=error $$ reading row - file $$
210=error $$ opening file - file $$
211=error $$ closing file - file $$
212=in unary negation operation
213=as both operands of aritmetic operator
214=as both comparison expression
215=parameter not allowed as the argument of a set function
216=S1000 Unresolved parameter type\u0020
217=as both operands of a CASE operation
218=as output of CASE when operand types are $$ and $$
219=as both expressions of LIKE
221=as both expression and first entry of an IN operation
222=Session is closed
225=S1000 Data file size limit is reached
226=22019 Three part identifiers prohibited
227=3F000 invalid schema name
228=S3000 dependent database object exists
229=01007 No such role
230=01006 No such role
231=2F003 Non-modifiable account
232=01006 No such grantee
233=2F000 System Authorization user not created yet
234=2F000 Can't create a normal User without a Grantee object
235=2F000 Can't change the Grantee for an existing User or Role object
236=0Z000 Null name
237=OP000 Illegal role name
238=0P000 Role already exists
239=0P000 No such role
240=RoleManager not set
241=28000 Grantee already exists
242=PUBLIC grantee not set
243=2F003 Non-modifiable grantee
244=28000 Circular grant
245=01007 Already have role
246=01006 Don't have role
248=0Z000 Error retrieving a nested role
249=28000 No such right
250=not allowed in schema definition
251=S0011 Primary key not allowed
252=37000 column is part of a constraint
253=37000 column size is required
254=37000 invalid size or precision
255=22001 The table cannot be disconnected from its data source
256=S1000 invalid file access class: $$
257=S1000 invalid storage class: $$
# note: do not translate the first and last message

Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this HSQLDB source code file:

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