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HSQLDB example source code file (dsv-roundtrip.sql)

This example HSQLDB source code file (dsv-roundtrip.sql) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - HSQLDB tags/keywords

and, and, dsv_target_file, from, from, int, into, is, is, pre-check, select, select, values, where

The HSQLDB dsv-roundtrip.sql source code

 * $Id$
 * Tests a DSV "round trip".
 * Create a table, export the data, import it back, cf. imported  and original.

/** This is the default on UNIX.
 *  Our *.dsv test files are stored as binaries, so this is required
 *  to run tests on Windows: */

* *DSV_TARGET_FILE = ${}/test-roundtrip-${}.dsv

INSERT INTO t(i, a, d) VALUES (1, 149, null);
INSERT INTO t(i, a, d) VALUES (2, null, '2007-06-24');

/* Export */
\x t

SELECT count(*) FROM t WHERE i = 1 AND a = 149 AND d IS null;
*if (*? != 1)
    \q Pre-check of inserted data failed (1)
*end if
SELECT count(*) FROM t WHERE i = 2 AND a IS NULL AND d = '2007-06-24';
*if (*? != 1)
    \q Pre-check of inserted data failed (2)
*end if

/* Import */

SELECT count(*) FROM t WHERE i = 1 AND a = 149 AND d IS null;
*if (*? != 2)
    \q Post-check of imported data failed (1)
*end if
SELECT count(*) FROM t WHERE i = 2 AND a IS NULL AND d = '2007-06-24';
*if (*? != 2)
    \q Post-check of imported data failed (2)
*end if

Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this HSQLDB dsv-roundtrip.sql source code file:

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