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HSQLDB example source code file (testcases.txt)

This example HSQLDB source code file (testcases.txt) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - HSQLDB tags/keywords

conditional, dsv, dsv, dsv_const_cols, executes, exports, id, pl, sql, sql, test, test, tests, tests

The HSQLDB testcases.txt source code

$Id: testcases.txt 348 2007-07-25 23:01:45Z unsaved $

file              items/features tested
-----------       ----------------------------
dsv-trimming.sql  DSV import tests, including trimming of whitespace.
lastval.sql       Test automatic ? variable.
nullrep.sql       Test the null-representation token (default and custom).
q-noarg*.sql      Test for success status \q exits.
q-arg*.nsql       Tests for failure status "\q arg..." exits.
noop.sql          Does nothing (exit status should be success).
goodsqlonly.sql   Executes some successful SQL.
badsqlonly.nsql   Executes some bad SQL.
logic.sql         Conditional expression tests.
nq-noarg*.sql     Test for success status \q exits, in nested script.
nq-arg*.nsql      Tests for failure status "\q arg..." exits, in nested script.
plcontrolflow.sql Test of PL control flow commands like if, foreach, etc.
rawmode.sql       Test of raw input mode.
dsv-constcols.sql *DSV_CONST_COLS usage.
dsv-omits.sql     Test omitting of columns in DSV imports.
dsv-prepare.sql   Test "* prepare" command.
dsv-rejects.sql   Test import behavior when a reject file/report is in place.
dsv-roundtrip.sql Exports and re-import data, verifying that is hasn't changed.
subst.inter       Tests interactive commands :s...
write.inter       Tests interactive command :w
append.inter      Tests interactive commands :a...
history.inter     Tests interactive recall/execute commands (plus :h, :b)

Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this HSQLDB testcases.txt source code file:

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