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The source code/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jasper; import java.io.CharArrayWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.jasper.compiler.CommandLineCompiler; import org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader; import org.apache.tomcat.util.compat.Jdk11Compat; import org.apache.tomcat.util.log.Log; /** * Shell for the jspc compiler. Handles all options associated with the * command line and creates compilation contexts which it then compiles * according to the specified options. * @author Danno Ferrin */ public class JspC implements Options { //, JspCompilationContext { public static final String DEFAULT_IE_CLASS_ID = "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"; public static final String SWITCH_VERBOSE = "-v"; public static final String SWITCH_QUIET = "-q"; public static final String SWITCH_OUTPUT_DIR = "-d"; public static final String SWITCH_OUTPUT_SIMPLE_DIR = "-dd"; public static final String SWITCH_IE_CLASS_ID = "-ieplugin"; public static final String SWITCH_PACKAGE_NAME = "-p"; public static final String SWITCH_CLASS_NAME = "-c"; public static final String SWITCH_FULL_STOP = "--"; public static final String SWITCH_URI_BASE = "-uribase"; public static final String SWITCH_URI_ROOT = "-uriroot"; public static final String SWITCH_FILE_WEBAPP = "-webapp"; public static final String SWITCH_WEBAPP_INC = "-webinc"; public static final String SWITCH_WEBAPP_XML = "-webxml"; public static final String SWITCH_MAPPED = "-mapped"; public static final String SWITCH_DIE = "-die"; public static final int NO_WEBXML = 0; public static final int INC_WEBXML = 10; public static final int ALL_WEBXML = 20; public static final int DEFAULT_DIE_LEVEL = 1; public static final int NO_DIE_LEVEL = 0; // future direction //public static final String SWITCH_XML_OUTPUT = "-xml"; boolean largeFile = false; boolean mappedFile = false; int jspVerbosityLevel = Log.INFORMATION; File scratchDir; String ieClassId = DEFAULT_IE_CLASS_ID; //String classPath; String targetPackage; String targetClassName; String uriBase; String uriRoot; String webxmlFile; int webxmlLevel; int dieLevel; boolean dieOnExit = false; static int die; // I realize it is duplication, but this is for // the static main catch //JspLoader loader; boolean dirset; Vector extensions; public boolean getKeepGenerated() { // isn't this why we are running jspc? return true; } public boolean getLargeFile() { return largeFile; } /** * Are we supporting HTML mapped servlets? */ public boolean getMappedFile() { return mappedFile; } // Off-line compiler, no need for security manager public Object getProtectionDomain() { return null; } public boolean getSendErrorToClient() { // implied send to System.err return true; } public boolean getClassDebugInfo() { // compile with debug info return false; } public String getIeClassId() { return ieClassId; } public int getJspVerbosityLevel() { return jspVerbosityLevel; } public File getScratchDir() { return scratchDir; } //public String getClassPath() { // return classpath; //} public Class getJspCompilerPlugin() { // we don't compile, so this is meanlingless return null; } public String getJspCompilerPath() { // we don't compile, so this is meanlingless return null; } public String getJavaEncoding() { return "UTF-8"; } public String getClassPath() { return System.getProperty("java.class.path"); } int argPos; // value set by beutifully obsfucscated java boolean fullstop = false; String args[]; private void pushBackArg() { if (!fullstop) { argPos--; } } private String nextArg() { if ((argPos >= args.length) || (fullstop = SWITCH_FULL_STOP.equals(args[argPos]))) { return null; } else { return args[argPos++]; } } private String nextFile() { if (fullstop) argPos++; if (argPos >= args.length) { return null; } else { return args[argPos++]; } } public JspC(String[] arg, PrintStream log) { args = arg; String tok; int verbosityLevel = Log.WARNING; dieLevel = NO_DIE_LEVEL; die = dieLevel; // Hack for Runtime package String rt=System.getProperty( "jsp.runtime.package" ); if( rt!=null ) { Constants.JSP_RUNTIME_PACKAGE=rt; Constants.JSP_SERVLET_BASE=rt+".HttpJspBase"; } while ((tok = nextArg()) != null) { if (tok.equals(SWITCH_QUIET)) { verbosityLevel = Log.WARNING; } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_VERBOSE)) { verbosityLevel = Log.INFORMATION; } else if (tok.startsWith(SWITCH_VERBOSE)) { try { verbosityLevel = Integer.parseInt(tok.substring(SWITCH_VERBOSE.length())); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { log.println( "Verbosity level " + tok.substring(SWITCH_VERBOSE.length()) + " is not valid. Option ignored."); } } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_OUTPUT_DIR)) { tok = nextArg(); if (tok != null) { scratchDir = new File(new File(tok).getAbsolutePath()); dirset = true; } else { // either an in-java call with an explicit null // or a "-d --" sequence should cause this, // which would mean default handling /* no-op */ scratchDir = null; } } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_OUTPUT_SIMPLE_DIR)) { tok = nextArg(); if (tok != null) { scratchDir = new File(new File(tok).getAbsolutePath()); dirset = false; } else { // either an in-java call with an explicit null // or a "-d --" sequence should cause this, // which would mean default handling /* no-op */ scratchDir = null; } } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_PACKAGE_NAME)) { targetPackage = nextArg(); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_CLASS_NAME)) { targetClassName = nextArg(); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_URI_BASE)) { uriBase = nextArg(); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_URI_ROOT)) { uriRoot = nextArg(); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_WEBAPP_INC)) { webxmlFile = nextArg(); if (webxmlFile != null) { webxmlLevel = INC_WEBXML; } } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_WEBAPP_XML)) { webxmlFile = nextArg(); if (webxmlFile != null) { webxmlLevel = ALL_WEBXML; } } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_MAPPED)) { mappedFile = true; } else if (tok.startsWith(SWITCH_DIE)) { try { dieLevel = Integer.parseInt( tok.substring(SWITCH_DIE.length())); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { dieLevel = DEFAULT_DIE_LEVEL; } die = dieLevel; } else { pushBackArg(); // Not a recognized Option? Start treting them as JSP Pages break; } } // QueueLogger ql = new QueueLogger(); // ql.setVerbosityLevel(verbosityLevel); Constants.jasperLog = Log.getLog("JASPER_LOG", this ); // Constants.jasperLog.setLogger( ql ); } static Jdk11Compat jdkCompat=Jdk11Compat.getJdkCompat(); public boolean parseFile(PrintStream log, String file, Writer servletout, Writer mappingout) { try { JasperLoader loader = new JasperLoader(); loader.setParentClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); loader.setOptions( this); CommandLineContext clctxt = new CommandLineContext( loader, getClassPath(), file, uriBase, uriRoot, false, this); // Same execution env. as in 'normal' jasper // Some tags may need it ( at compile time ) jdkCompat.setContextClassLoader(loader); if ((targetClassName != null) && (targetClassName.length() > 0)) { clctxt.setServletClassName(targetClassName); clctxt.lockClassName(); } if (targetPackage != null) { clctxt.setServletPackageName(targetPackage); clctxt.lockPackageName(); } if (dirset) { clctxt.setOutputInDirs(true); } File uriDir = new File(clctxt.getRealPath("/")); if (uriDir.exists()) { if ((new File(uriDir, "WEB-INF/classes")).exists()) { loader.addJar(clctxt.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/classes")); } File lib = new File(clctxt.getRealPath("WEB-INF/lib")); if (lib.exists() && lib.isDirectory()) { String[] libs = lib.list(); for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; i++) { try { loader.addJar(lib.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + libs[i]); } catch (IOException ioe) { // failing a toCanonicalPath on a file that // exists() should be a JVM regression test, // therefore we have permission to freak out throw new RuntimeException(ioe.toString()); } } } } CommandLineCompiler clc = new CommandLineCompiler(clctxt); clc.compile(); targetClassName = null; String thisServletName; if (clc.getPackageName() == null) { thisServletName = clc.getClassName(); } else { thisServletName = clc.getPackageName() + '.' + clc.getClassName(); } if (servletout != null) { servletout.write("\n\t |
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