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The source code/* * $Header: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat/src/share/org/apache/jasper/compiler/BeanGenerator.java,v 1.12 2004/02/23 06:22:36 billbarker Exp $ * $Revision: 1.12 $ * $Date: 2004/02/23 06:22:36 $ * * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jasper.compiler; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.apache.jasper.Constants; import org.apache.jasper.JasperException; /** * Generate code for useBean. * * @author Mandar Raje */ public class BeanGenerator extends GeneratorBase implements ServiceMethodPhase, ClassDeclarationPhase { Hashtable attrs; BeanRepository beanInfo; boolean genSession; boolean beanRT = false; Mark start; public BeanGenerator (Mark start, Hashtable attrs, BeanRepository beanInfo, boolean genSession) { this.attrs = attrs; this.beanInfo = beanInfo; this.genSession = genSession; this.start = start; } public void generate (ServletWriter writer, Class phase) throws JasperException { if (ClassDeclarationPhase.class.equals (phase)) checkSyntax (writer, phase); else if (ServiceMethodPhase.class.equals (phase)) generateMethod (writer, phase); } public void checkSyntax (ServletWriter writer, Class phase) throws JasperException { String name = getAttribute ("id"); String varname = name; String serfile = name; String scope = getAttribute ("scope"); String clsname = getAttribute ("class"); String type = getAttribute ("type"); String beanName = getAttribute ("beanName"); // Check for mandatory attributes: if ( name == null ) { String m = Constants.getString("jsp.error.usebean.missing.attribute"); throw new CompileException(start, m); } if (clsname == null && type == null) { String m = Constants.getString("jsp.error.usebean.missing.type", new Object[] {name}); throw new CompileException (start, m); } if (beanInfo.checkVariable(name) == true) { String m = Constants.getString("jsp.error.usebean.duplicate", new Object[] {name}); throw new CompileException (start, m); } if (scope != null && scope.equalsIgnoreCase ("session")) { if (genSession != true) { String m = Constants.getString("jsp.error.usebean.prohibited.as.session", new Object[] {name}); throw new CompileException (start, m); } } if (clsname != null && beanName != null) { String m = Constants.getString("jsp.error.usebean.not.both", new Object[] {name}); throw new CompileException (start, m); } if (clsname == null) clsname = type; if (scope == null || scope.equals("page")) { beanInfo.addPageBean(name, clsname); } else if (scope.equals("request")) { beanInfo.addRequestBean(name, clsname); } else if (scope.equals("session")) { beanInfo.addSessionBean(name,clsname); } else if (scope.equals("application")) { beanInfo.addApplicationBean(name,clsname); } else { String m = Constants.getString("jsp.error.usebean.invalid.scope", new Object[] {name, scope}); throw new CompileException (start, m); } } public void generateMethod (ServletWriter writer, Class phase) throws JasperException { String name = getAttribute ("id"); String varname = name; String serfile = name; String scope = getAttribute ("scope"); String clsname = getAttribute ("class"); String type = getAttribute ("type"); String beanName = getAttribute ("beanName"); if (type == null) type = clsname; // See if beanName is a request-time expression. if (beanName != null && JspUtil.isExpression (beanName)) { beanName = JspUtil.getExpr (beanName); beanRT = true; } if (scope == null || scope.equals ("page")) { // declare the variable. declareBean (writer, type, varname); // synchronized inspection. lock (writer, "pageContext"); // Generate code to locate the bean. locateBean (writer, type, varname, name, "PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE"); // create the bean if it doesn't exists. createBean (writer, varname, clsname, beanName, name, type, "PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE"); // unlock unlock (writer); // Initialize the bean if the body is present. generateInit (writer, varname); } else if (scope.equals ("request")) { // declare the variable. declareBean (writer, type, varname); // synchronized inspection. lock (writer, "request"); // Generate code to locate the bean. locateBean (writer, type, varname, name, "PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE"); // create the bean if it doesn't exists. createBean (writer, varname, clsname, beanName, name, type, "PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE"); // unlock. unlock (writer); // Initialize the bean if the body is present. generateInit (writer, varname); } else if (scope.equals ("session")) { // declare the variable. declareBean (writer, type, varname); // synchronized inspection. lock (writer, "session"); // Generate code to locate the bean. locateBean (writer, type, varname, name, "PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE"); // create the bean if it doesn't exists. createBean (writer, varname, clsname, beanName, name, type, "PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE"); // unlock. unlock (writer); // Initialize the bean. generateInit (writer, varname); } else if (scope.equals ("application")) { // declare the variable. declareBean (writer, type, varname); // synchronized inspection lock (writer, "application"); // Generate code to locate the bean. locateBean (writer, type, varname, name, "PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE"); // create the bean if it doesn't exist. createBean (writer, varname, clsname, beanName, name, type, "PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE"); // unlock. unlock (writer); // Initialize the bean. generateInit (writer, varname); } } private void lock (ServletWriter writer, String scope) { writer.println(" synchronized (" + scope + ") {"); writer.pushIndent(); } private void unlock (ServletWriter writer) { writer.popIndent(); writer.println(" } "); } private void generateInit (ServletWriter writer, String name) { writer.println ("if(_jspx_special" + name + " == true) {"); } private void declareBean (ServletWriter writer, String type, String varname) { writer.println (type + " " + varname + " = null;"); // Variable _jspx_special used for initialization. writer.println ("boolean _jspx_special" + varname + " = false;"); } private void locateBean (ServletWriter writer, String type, String varname, String name, String scope) { writer.println (varname + "= (" + type + ")"); writer.println ("pageContext.getAttribute(" + writer.quoteString(name) + "," + scope + ");"); } private void createBean(ServletWriter writer, String varname, String clsname, String beanName, String name, String type, String scope) { // Create the bean only if classname is specified. // Otherwise bean must be located in the scope. if (clsname != null || beanName != null) { writer.println ("if ( "+varname+" == null ) {"); // Code to create the bean: writer.pushIndent (); // Set the boolean var. so that bean can be initialized. writer.println ("_jspx_special" + name + " = true;"); generateBeanCreate (writer, varname, clsname, beanName, type); writer.println("pageContext.setAttribute(" + writer.quoteString(name) + ", " + varname + ", " + scope + ");"); writer.popIndent (); writer.println ("}"); } else { // clsname not specified -- object must be found inside the scope. writer.println ("if (" + varname + " == null) "); writer.println (" throw new java.lang.InstantiationException (\"bean " + varname + " not found within scope \"); "); } } protected void generateBeanCreate (ServletWriter writer, String varname, String clsname, String beanName, String type) { String convert = (clsname == null) ? type : clsname; if (beanName != null) clsname = beanName; writer.println ("try {"); writer.pushIndent (); if (beanRT == false) writer.println(varname+" = ("+ convert + ") java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "+ writer.quoteString(clsname) +");"); else writer.println(varname+" = ("+ convert + ") java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "+ clsname +");"); writer.popIndent (); writer.println ("} catch (Exception exc) {"); writer.pushIndent (); writer.println (" throw new ServletException (\" Cannot create bean of class \"" + "+\"" + clsname + "\", exc);"); writer.popIndent (); writer.println ("}"); } public String getAttribute(String name) { return (attrs != null) ? (String) attrs.get(name) : null; } } |
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