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The source code/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jk.common; import org.apache.jk.core.JkHandler; import javax.management.MBeanServer; import javax.management.ObjectName; import javax.management.Attribute; import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory; import java.io.IOException; /** * Load the HTTP or RMI adapters for MX4J and JMXRI. * * Add "mx.enabled=true" in jk2.properties to enable it. * You could also select http and/or jrmp protocol, * with mx.httpPort, mx.httpHost, mxjrmpPort and mx.jrmpPort * */ public class JkMX extends JkHandler { MBeanServer mserver; private boolean enabled=false; private int httpport=-1; private String httphost="localhost"; private int jrmpport=-1; private String jrmphost="localhost"; public JkMX() { } /* -------------------- Public methods -------------------- */ /** Enable the MX4J adapters (new way) */ public void setEnabled(boolean b) { enabled=b; } public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled; } /** Enable the MX4J adapters (old way, compatible) */ public void setPort(int i) { enabled=(i != -1); } public int getPort() { return ((httpport != -1) ? httpport : jrmpport); } /** Enable the MX4J HTTP internal adapter */ public void setHttpPort( int i ) { httpport=i; } public int getHttpPort() { return httpport; } public void setHttpHost(String host ) { this.httphost=host; } public String getHttpHost() { return httphost; } /** Enable the MX4J JRMP internal adapter */ public void setJrmpPort( int i ) { jrmpport=i; } public int getJrmpPort() { return jrmpport; } public void setJrmpHost(String host ) { this.jrmphost=host; } public String getJrmpHost() { return jrmphost; } /* ==================== Start/stop ==================== */ ObjectName httpServerName=null; ObjectName jrmpServerName=null; /** Initialize the worker. After this call the worker will be * ready to accept new requests. */ public void loadAdapter() throws IOException { boolean httpAdapterLoaded = false; boolean jrmpAdapterLoaded = false; if ((httpport != -1) && classExists("mx4j.adaptor.http.HttpAdaptor")) { try { httpServerName = new ObjectName("Http:name=HttpAdaptor"); mserver.createMBean("mx4j.adaptor.http.HttpAdaptor", httpServerName, null); if( httphost!=null ) mserver.setAttribute(httpServerName, new Attribute("Host", httphost)); mserver.setAttribute(httpServerName, new Attribute("Port", new Integer(httpport))); ObjectName processorName = new ObjectName("Http:name=XSLTProcessor"); mserver.createMBean("mx4j.adaptor.http.XSLTProcessor", processorName, null); //mserver.setAttribute(processorName, new Attribute("File", "/opt/41/server/lib/openjmx-tools.jar")); //mserver.setAttribute(processorName, new Attribute("UseCache", new Boolean(false))); //mserver.setAttribute(processorName, new Attribute("PathInJar", "/openjmx/adaptor/http/xsl")); mserver.setAttribute(httpServerName, new Attribute("ProcessorName", processorName)); //server.invoke(serverName, "addAuthorization", // new Object[] {"openjmx", "openjmx"}, // new String[] {"java.lang.String", "java.lang.String"}); // use basic authentication //server.setAttribute(serverName, new Attribute("AuthenticationMethod", "basic")); // ObjectName sslFactory = new ObjectName("Adaptor:service=SSLServerSocketFactory"); // server.createMBean("openjmx.adaptor.ssl.SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactory", sslFactory, null); // SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean factory = // (SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean)StandardMBeanProxy.create(SSLAdaptorServerSocketFactoryMBean.class, server, sslFactory); // // Customize the values below // factory.setKeyStoreName("certs"); // factory.setKeyStorePassword("openjmx"); // server.setAttribute(serverName, new Attribute("SocketFactoryName", sslFactory.toString())); // starts the server mserver.invoke(httpServerName, "start", null, null); log.info( "Started MX4J console on host " + httphost + " at port " + httpport); //return; httpAdapterLoaded = true; } catch( Throwable t ) { httpServerName=null; log.error( "Can't load the MX4J http adapter " + t.toString() ); } } if ((jrmpport != -1) && classExists("mx4j.tools.naming.NamingService")) { try { jrmpServerName = new ObjectName("Naming:name=rmiregistry"); mserver.createMBean("mx4j.tools.naming.NamingService", jrmpServerName, null); mserver.invoke(jrmpServerName, "start", null, null); log.info( "Creating " + jrmpServerName ); // Create the JRMP adaptor ObjectName adaptor = new ObjectName("Adaptor:protocol=jrmp"); mserver.createMBean("mx4j.adaptor.rmi.jrmp.JRMPAdaptor", adaptor, null); // mx4j.adaptor.rmi.jrmp.JRMPAdaptorMBean mbean = (mx4j.adaptor.rmi.jrmp.JRMPAdaptorMBean)mx4j.util.StandardMBeanProxy. // create(mx4j.adaptor.rmi.jrmp.JRMPAdaptorMBean.class, mserver, adaptor); mserver.setAttribute(adaptor, new Attribute("JNDIName", "jrmp")); mserver.invoke( adaptor, "putNamingProperty", new Object[] { javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory"}, new String[] { "java.lang.Object", "java.lang.Object" }); String jrpmurl = "rmi://" + jrmphost + ":" + Integer.toString(jrmpport) ; mserver.invoke( adaptor, "putNamingProperty", new Object[] { javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL, jrpmurl}, new String[] { "java.lang.Object", "java.lang.Object" }); //mbean.putNamingProperty(javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory"); //mbean.putNamingProperty(javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL, "rmi://localhost:1099"); // Registers the JRMP adaptor in JNDI and starts it mserver.invoke(adaptor, "start", null, null); // mbean.start(); log.info( "Creating " + adaptor + " on host " + jrmphost + " at port " + jrmpport); jrmpAdapterLoaded = true; } catch( Exception ex ) { jrmpServerName = null; log.error( "MX4j RMI adapter not loaded: " + ex.toString()); } } if ((httpport != -1) && (! httpAdapterLoaded) && classExists("com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer")) { try { Class c=Class.forName( "com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer" ); Object o=c.newInstance(); httpServerName=new ObjectName("Adaptor:name=html,port=" + httpport); log.info("Registering the JMX_RI html adapter " + httpServerName + " at port " + httpport); mserver.registerMBean(o, httpServerName); mserver.setAttribute(httpServerName, new Attribute("Port", new Integer(httpport))); mserver.invoke(httpServerName, "start", null, null); httpAdapterLoaded = true; } catch( Throwable t ) { httpServerName = null; log.error( "Can't load the JMX_RI http adapter " + t.toString() ); } } if ((!httpAdapterLoaded) && (!jrmpAdapterLoaded)) log.warn( "No adaptors were loaded but mx.enabled was defined."); } public void destroy() { try { log.info("Stoping JMX "); if( httpServerName!=null ) { mserver.invoke(httpServerName, "stop", null, null); } if( jrmpServerName!=null ) { mserver.invoke(jrmpServerName, "stop", null, null); } } catch( Throwable t ) { log.error( "Destroy error" + t ); } } public void init() throws IOException { try { mserver = getMBeanServer(); if( enabled ) { loadAdapter(); } try { Class c=Class.forName( "org.apache.log4j.jmx.HierarchyDynamicMBean" ); Object o=c.newInstance(); log.info("Registering the JMX hierarchy for Log4J "); mserver.registerMBean(o, new ObjectName("log4j:hierarchy=default")); } catch( Throwable t ) { log.info("Can't enable log4j mx: " + t.toString()); } /* DynamicMBeanProxy.createMBean( JkMain.getJkMain(), "jk2", "name=JkMain" ); for( int i=0; i< wEnv.getHandlerCount(); i++ ) { JkHandler h=wEnv.getHandler( i ); DynamicMBeanProxy.createMBean( h, "jk2", "name=" + h.getName() ); } */ } catch( Throwable t ) { log.error( "Init error", t ); } } public void addHandlerCallback( JkHandler w ) { /*if( w!=this ) { DynamicMBeanProxy.createMBean( w, "jk2", "name=" + w.getName() ); } */ } MBeanServer getMBeanServer() { MBeanServer server; if( MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null).size() > 0 ) { server=(MBeanServer)MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null).get(0); } else { server=MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); } return (server); } private static boolean classExists(String className) { try { Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(className); return true; } catch(Throwable e) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info( "className [" + className + "] does not exist"); return false; } } private static org.apache.commons.logging.Log log= org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog( JkMX.class ); } |
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