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 *  Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package org.apache.jk.common;



import org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry;
import org.apache.jk.apr.AprImpl;
import org.apache.jk.core.JkHandler;
import org.apache.jk.core.Msg;
import org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.C2BConverter;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.MessageBytes;

 * Base class for components using native code ( ).
 * It allows to access the jk_env and wrap ( 'box' ? ) a native
 * jk component, and call it's methods.
 * Note that get/setAttribute are expensive ( Strings, etc ),
 * invoke() is were all optimizations are done. We do recycle
 * all memory on both C and java sides ( the only exception is
 * when we attempt pinning but the VM doesn't support it ). The
 * low level optimizations from ByteBuffer, etc are used to
 * reduce the overhead of passing strings.
 * @author Costin Manolache
public class JniHandler extends JkHandler {
    protected AprImpl apr;

    // The native side handler
    protected long nativeJkHandlerP;

    protected String jkHome;

    // Dispatch table codes. Hardcoded for now, will change when we have more handlers.
    public static final int JK_HANDLE_JNI_DISPATCH=0x15;
    public static final int JK_HANDLE_SHM_DISPATCH=0x16;

    public static final int MSG_NOTE=0;
    public static final int C2B_NOTE=1;
    public static final int MB_NOTE=2;
    private boolean paused = false;

    public JniHandler() {

    public void setJkHome( String s ) {

    public String getJkHome() {
        return jkHome;

    /** You must call initNative() inside the component init()
    public void init() throws IOException {
        // static field init, temp

    protected void initNative(String nativeComponentName) {
        if( apr==null ) {
            // In most cases we can just load it automatically.
            // that requires all libs to be installed in standard places
            // ( LD_LIBRARY_PATH, /usr/lib
            try {
                apr=new AprImpl();
                wEnv.addHandler("apr", apr);
                if( oname != null ) {
                    ObjectName aprname=new ObjectName(oname.getDomain() +
                            ":type=JkHandler, name=apr");
                    Registry.getRegistry().registerComponent(apr, aprname, null);
            } catch( Throwable t ) {
                log.debug("Can't load apr", t);
        if( apr==null || ! apr.isLoaded() ) {
            if( log.isDebugEnabled() )
                log.debug("No apr, disabling jni proxy ");

        try {
            long xEnv=apr.getJkEnv();
            nativeJkHandlerP=apr.getJkHandler(xEnv, nativeComponentName );
            if( nativeJkHandlerP==0 ) {
                log.debug("Component not found, creating it " + nativeComponentName );
                nativeJkHandlerP=apr.createJkHandler(xEnv, nativeComponentName);
            log.debug("Native proxy " + nativeJkHandlerP );
        } catch( Throwable t ) {
  "Error calling apr ", t);

    public void appendString( Msg msg, String s, C2BConverter charsetDecoder)
        throws IOException
        ByteChunk bc=charsetDecoder.getByteChunk();
        charsetDecoder.convert( s );
        msg.appendByteChunk( bc );

    public void pause() throws Exception {
        synchronized(this) {
            paused = true;

    public void resume() throws Exception {
        synchronized(this) {
            paused = false;

    /** Create a msg context to be used with the shm channel
    public MsgContext createMsgContext() {
        if( nativeJkHandlerP==0 || apr==null  )
            return null;

        synchronized(this) {
                while(paused) {
            }catch(InterruptedException ie) {
                // Ignore, since it can't happen

        try {
            MsgContext msgCtx=new MsgContext();
            MsgAjp msg=new MsgAjp();

            msgCtx.setSource( this );
            msgCtx.setWorkerEnv( wEnv );

            msgCtx.setNext( this );

            msgCtx.setMsg( MSG_NOTE, msg); // XXX Use noteId

            C2BConverter c2b=new C2BConverter(  "UTF8" );
            msgCtx.setNote( C2B_NOTE, c2b );

            MessageBytes tmpMB=new MessageBytes();
            msgCtx.setNote( MB_NOTE, tmpMB );
            return msgCtx;
        } catch( Exception ex ) {
            return null;

    public void setNativeAttribute(String name, String val) throws IOException {
        if( apr==null ) return;

        if( nativeJkHandlerP == 0 ) {
            log.error( "Unitialized component " + name+ " " + val );

        long xEnv=apr.getJkEnv();

        apr.jkSetAttribute( xEnv, nativeJkHandlerP, name, val );

        apr.releaseJkEnv( xEnv );

    public void initJkComponent() throws IOException {
        if( apr==null ) return;

        if( nativeJkHandlerP == 0 ) {
            log.error( "Unitialized component " );

        long xEnv=apr.getJkEnv();

        apr.jkInit( xEnv, nativeJkHandlerP );

        apr.releaseJkEnv( xEnv );

    public void destroyJkComponent() throws IOException {
        if( apr==null ) return;

        if( nativeJkHandlerP == 0 ) {
            log.error( "Unitialized component " );

        long xEnv=apr.getJkEnv();

        apr.jkDestroy( xEnv, nativeJkHandlerP );

        apr.releaseJkEnv( xEnv );

    protected void setNativeEndpoint(MsgContext msgCtx) {
        long xEnv=apr.getJkEnv();
        msgCtx.setJniEnv( xEnv );

        long epP=apr.createJkHandler(xEnv, "endpoint");
        log.debug("create ep " + epP );
        if( epP == 0 ) return;
        apr.jkInit( xEnv, epP );
        msgCtx.setJniContext( epP );


    protected void recycleNative(MsgContext ep) {
        apr.jkRecycle(ep.getJniEnv(), ep.getJniContext());

    /** send and get the response in the same buffer. This calls the
    * method on the wrapped jk_bean object.
    protected int nativeDispatch( Msg msg, MsgContext ep, int code, int raw )
        throws IOException
        if( log.isDebugEnabled() )
            log.debug( "Sending packet " + code + " " + raw);

        if( raw == 0 ) {

            if( log.isTraceEnabled() ) msg.dump("OUT:" );

        // Create ( or reuse ) the jk_endpoint ( the native pair of
        // MsgContext )
        long xEnv=ep.getJniEnv();
        long nativeContext=ep.getJniContext();
        if( nativeContext==0 || xEnv==0 ) {
            setNativeEndpoint( ep );

        if( xEnv==0 || nativeContext==0 || nativeJkHandlerP==0 ) {
            log.error("invokeNative: Null pointer ");
            return -1;

        // Will process the message in the current thread.
        // No wait needed to receive the response, if any
        int status=apr.jkInvoke( xEnv,
                                 code, msg.getBuffer(), 0, msg.getLen(), raw );

        if( status != 0 && status != 2 ) {
            log.error( "nativeDispatch: error " + status, new Throwable() );

        if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug( "Sending packet - done " + status);
        return status;

    /** Base implementation for invoke. Dispatch the action to the native
    * code, where invoke() is called on the wrapped jk_bean.
    public  int invoke(Msg msg, MsgContext ep )
        throws IOException
        long xEnv=ep.getJniEnv();
        int type=ep.getType();

        int status=nativeDispatch(msg, ep, type, 0 );

        apr.jkRecycle(xEnv, ep.getJniContext());
        apr.releaseJkEnv( xEnv );
        return status;

    private static org.apache.commons.logging.Log log=
        org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog( JniHandler.class );
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