Java EE 6 example source code file (build.xml)
The Java EE 6 build.xml source code<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.--> <project name="security" default="create-file-user" basedir="."> <import file="../../bp-project/main.xml"/> <!-- attempt to calculate a value for javaee.home --> <loadfile srcFile="./nbproject/private/private.properties" property="javaee.home.foo" quiet="true"> <filterchain > <linecontains > <contains value="j2ee.server.instance=["/> </linecontains> <tokenfilter> <replaceregex pattern="\].*[0-9]" replace=""/> </tokenfilter> <tokenfilter> <replaceregex pattern="j2ee\.server\.instance=\[" replace=""/> </tokenfilter> <striplinebreaks/> </filterchain> </loadfile> <condition property="javaee.home" value="${javaee.home.foo}"> <not> <isset property="javaee.home"/> </not> </condition> <!-- create a password file if one is not defined --> <property name="javaee.server.passwordfile.foo" value="foopassword.txt"/> <delete file="${javaee.server.passwordfile.foo}" failonerror="false"/> <!-- do not format the following echo which is intentional --> <echo file="${javaee.server.passwordfile.foo}" append="false">AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD= <condition property="javaee.server.passwordfile" value="${javaee.server.passwordfile.foo}"> <not> <isset property="javaee.server.passwordfile"/> </not> </condition> <import file="../../bp-project/app-server-ant.xml"/> <target name="create-file-user" depends="init" unless="user.exists"> <antcall target="keygen-common"> <param name="app.user" value="javaee6user"/> <param name="app.password" value="abc123"/> <param name="app.groups" value="javaee6user"/> </antcall> </target> <target name="delete-file-user"> <antcall target="keydel-common"> <param name="app.user" value="javaee6user"/> </antcall> </target> </project> Other Java EE 6 examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java EE 6 build.xml source code file: |
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