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The source code/* * 06/09/2001 - 12:07:56 * * Search.java - Search methods * Copyright (C) 2000 Slava Pestov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.jext.search; import javax.swing.text.Segment; import gnu.regexp.*; import org.jext.*; import org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.*; public class Search { public static SearchMatcher matcher; public static String replacePattern, findPattern, pythonScript; public static boolean useRegexp = false, ignoreCase = true, script = false, reverseSearch = false; public static void load() { findPattern = Jext.getProperty("find"); replacePattern = Jext.getProperty("replace"); useRegexp = Jext.getBooleanProperty("useregexp"); ignoreCase = Jext.getBooleanProperty("ignorecase"); script = Jext.getBooleanProperty("replacescript"); pythonScript = Jext.getProperty("pythonscript"); } public static void save() { Jext.setProperty("find", findPattern); Jext.setProperty("replace", replacePattern); Jext.setProperty("pythonscript", pythonScript); Jext.setProperty("ignorecase", ignoreCase ? "on" : "off"); Jext.setProperty("useregexp", useRegexp ? "on" : "off"); Jext.setProperty("replacescript", script ? "on" : "off"); } public static String getPythonScriptString() { return pythonScript; } public static void setPythonScriptString(String pythonScript) { Search.pythonScript = pythonScript; } public static boolean getPythonScript() { return script; } public static void setPythonScript(boolean script) { Search.script = script; } public static boolean getRegexp() { return useRegexp; } public static void setRegexp(boolean useRegexp) { Search.useRegexp = useRegexp; } public static boolean getIgnoreCase() { return ignoreCase; } public static void setIgnoreCase(boolean icase) { Search.ignoreCase = icase; } public static void setFindPattern(String findPattern) { Search.findPattern = findPattern; } public static String getFindPattern() { return findPattern; } public static void setReplacePattern(String replacePattern) { Search.replacePattern = replacePattern; } public static String getReplacePattern() { return replacePattern; } public static SearchMatcher getSearchMatcher() throws Exception { return getSearchMatcher(true); } public static SearchMatcher getSearchMatcher(boolean reverseOK) throws Exception { //if (matcher != null && (reverseOK || !reverseSearch)) // return matcher; if (findPattern == null || "".equals(findPattern)) return null; // replace must not be null String replace = (Search.replacePattern == null ? "" : Search.replacePattern); //String pythonScript = Search.pythonScript; //if (script && replace.length() != 0) //{ //Interpreter interp = BeanShell.getInterpreter(); //interp.eval("_replace(_0,_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9)\n{\nreturn (" + replace + ");\n}"); //replaceMethod = interp.getNameSpace().getMethod("_replace"); //} if (useRegexp) matcher = new RESearchMatcher(findPattern, replace, ignoreCase, script, pythonScript); else { matcher = new BoyerMooreSearchMatcher(findPattern, replace, ignoreCase, reverseSearch && reverseOK, script, pythonScript); } return matcher; } public static boolean find(JextTextArea textArea, final int start) throws Exception { SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(true); Segment text = new Segment(); SyntaxDocument buffer = textArea.getDocument(); buffer.getText(start, buffer.getLength() - start, text); int[] match = matcher.nextMatch(text); if (match != null) { textArea.select(start + match[0], start + match[1]); return true; } else return false; } public static boolean replace(JextTextArea textArea) { if(!textArea.isEditable()) { Utilities.beep(); return false; } // setSelectedText() clears these values, so save them int selStart = textArea.getSelectionStart(); boolean rect = textArea.isSelectionRectangular(); if (selStart == textArea.getSelectionEnd()) { Utilities.beep(); return false; } try { SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(false); if (matcher == null) { Utilities.beep(); return false; } String text = textArea.getSelectedText(); String replacement = matcher.substitute(text); if (replacement == null || replacement.equals(text)) return false; textArea.setSelectedText(replacement); //textArea.setSelectionStart(selStart); //textArea.setSelectionRectangular(rect); return true; } catch(Exception e) { } return false; } public static int replaceAll(JextTextArea textArea, int start, int end) throws Exception { if (!textArea.isEditable()) return 0; SyntaxDocument buffer = textArea.getDocument(); SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(false); if (matcher == null) return 0; int occurCount = 0; Segment text = new Segment(); int offset = start; loop: for( ; ; ) { buffer.getText(offset, end - offset, text); int[] occur = matcher.nextMatch(text); if (occur == null) break loop; int _start = occur[0] + offset; int _end = occur[1] - occur[0]; String found = buffer.getText(_start, _end); String subst = matcher.substitute(found); end -= (found.length() - subst.length()); if (subst != null) { buffer.remove(_start, _end); buffer.insertString(_start, subst, null); occurCount++; offset += occur[0] + found.length(); } else offset += _end; } return occurCount; } } // End of Search.java |
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