jforum example source code file (PoolChangesTest.java)
The jforum PoolChangesTest.java source code/* * Created on 02/12/2005 19:23:32 * The JForum Project * http://www.jforum.net */ package net.jforum.entities; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * @author Rafael Steil * @version $Id: PoolChangesTest.java,v 1.2 2006/04/29 14:14:27 rafaelsteil Exp $ */ public class PoolChangesTest extends TestCase { public void testLabelOnlyShouldHaveChanged() { Poll p1 = new Poll(); p1.setLabel("Label"); p1.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); Poll p2 = new Poll(); p2.setLabel("Label 2"); p2.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); PollChanges changes = new PollChanges(p1, p2); assertTrue(changes.hasChanges()); assertEquals(0, changes.getChangedOptions().size()); assertEquals(0, changes.getDeletedOptions().size()); assertEquals(0, changes.getNewOptions().size()); } public void testShouldHave1Update() { Poll p1 = new Poll(); p1.setLabel("Label"); p1.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); p1.addOption(new PollOption(2, "Option 2", 0)); Poll p2 = new Poll(); p2.setLabel("Label"); p2.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); p2.addOption(new PollOption(2, "Option 2 changed", 0)); PollChanges changes = new PollChanges(p1, p2); assertTrue(changes.hasChanges()); assertEquals(1, changes.getChangedOptions().size()); assertEquals(new PollOption(2, "Option 2 changed", 0), changes.getChangedOptions().get(0)); } public void testShouldHave3NewOptions() { Poll p1 = new Poll(); p1.setLabel("Label"); p1.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); Poll p2 = new Poll(); p2.setLabel("Label"); p2.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); p2.addOption(new PollOption(2, "Option 2", 0)); p2.addOption(new PollOption(3, "Option 3", 0)); p2.addOption(new PollOption(4, "Option 4", 0)); PollChanges changes = new PollChanges(p1, p2); assertTrue(changes.hasChanges()); assertEquals(3, changes.getNewOptions().size()); assertEquals(new PollOption(2, "Option 2", 0), changes.getNewOptions().get(0)); assertEquals(new PollOption(3, "Option 3", 0), changes.getNewOptions().get(1)); assertEquals(new PollOption(4, "Option 4", 0), changes.getNewOptions().get(2)); } public void testShouldHave2DeletedOptions() { Poll p1 = new Poll(); p1.setLabel("Label"); p1.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); p1.addOption(new PollOption(2, "Option 2", 0)); p1.addOption(new PollOption(3, "Option 3", 0)); p1.addOption(new PollOption(4, "Option 4", 0)); Poll p2 = new Poll(); p2.setLabel("Label"); p2.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); p2.addOption(new PollOption(2, "Option 2", 0)); PollChanges changes = new PollChanges(p1, p2); assertTrue(changes.hasChanges()); assertEquals(2, changes.getDeletedOptions().size()); assertEquals(new PollOption(3, "Option 3", 0), changes.getDeletedOptions().get(0)); assertEquals(new PollOption(4, "Option 4", 0), changes.getDeletedOptions().get(1)); } public void testShouldHaveNoChanges() { Poll p1 = new Poll(); p1.setLabel("Label"); p1.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); p1.addOption(new PollOption(2, "Option 2", 0)); Poll p2 = new Poll(); p2.setLabel("Label"); p2.addOption(new PollOption(1, "Option 1", 0)); p2.addOption(new PollOption(2, "Option 2", 0)); PollChanges changes = new PollChanges(p1, p2); assertFalse(changes.hasChanges()); } } Other jforum examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this jforum PoolChangesTest.java source code file: |
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