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/* @author Edward Hieatt, */

function jsUnitTracer() {
  this._traceWindow        = null;
  this.TRACE_LEVEL_INFO    = 2;
  this.TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG   = 3;
  this.popupWindowsBlocked = false;

jsUnitTracer.prototype.initialize = function () 
  if (this._traceWindow != null && top.testManager.closeTraceWindowOnNewRun.checked)

  this._traceWindow = null;

jsUnitTracer.prototype.finalize = function () 
  if (this._traceWindow!=null) {

jsUnitTracer.prototype.warn = function () 
  this._trace(arguments[0], arguments[1], this.TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING);

jsUnitTracer.prototype.inform = function () 
  this._trace(arguments[0], arguments[1], this.TRACE_LEVEL_INFO);

jsUnitTracer.prototype.debug = function () 
  this._trace(arguments[0], arguments[1], this.TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG);

jsUnitTracer.prototype._trace = function (message, value, traceLevel) 
  if (this._getChosenTraceLevel() >= traceLevel) {
    var traceString = message;
    if (value)
      traceString += ': ' + value;
    this._writeToTraceWindow(traceString, traceLevel);

jsUnitTracer.prototype._getChosenTraceLevel = function () 
  return eval(top.testManager.traceLevel.value);

jsUnitTracer.prototype._writeToTraceWindow  = function (traceString, traceLevel) 
  var htmlToAppend = '<p class="jsUnitDefault">' + traceString + '<\/p>\n';

jsUnitTracer.prototype._getTraceWindow = function () 
  if (this._traceWindow == null && !this.popupWindowsBlocked) {
    this._traceWindow ='','','width=600, height=350,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');
    if (!this._traceWindow) {
      this.popupWindowsBlocked = true;
    else {
      var resDoc = this._traceWindow.document;
      resDoc.write('<html>\n\n\nTracing - JsUnit<\/title>\n<head>\n<body>');
      resDoc.write('<h2>Tracing - JsUnit<\/h2>\n');
  return this._traceWindow;

if (xbDEBUG.on)
  xbDebugTraceObject('window', 'jsUnitTracer');


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