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jforum example source code file (Forums.txt)

This example jforum source code file (Forums.txt) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - jforum tags/keywords

create, delete, delete, description, edit, edit, forum, forums, panel, permissions, permissions, there, to, to

The jforum Forums.txt source code

!!! Forums
Just like [Categories], forums listing in the admin shows them organized by category - that's just for organization purposes. Forum administration is available at Admin Panel -> Forums, where the following actions are available:

# Create a new forum
# Edit an existing forum
# Delete one or more forums

!! Create a new forum
To create a new forum, click in the "Insert new" button. In the new page, there are several fields, as described in the following table: 

||Field name||Description
|Forum Name|The name of the forum itself
|Moderate this forum?|This option, when set to "Yes", tells JForum that every new message posted in this forums will only appear to the users after a Moderator review and approve it. 
|Description|A general purpose description of the forum, that will be shown to all users below the forum's name
|Permissions|All values in the permissions section are optional, and they intend to give you a choice to set up some of the permissions for the forum right when creating it. 

Please note that, after creating the forum, all roles should be managed from the [Permissions] section. 

!! Edit an existing forum
To edit a forum, click in the link "Edit" in the forum listing. There you will be able to change the forum's name, is moderation status, as well the description.

!! Delete one or more forums
To delete forums, just select them by clicking in the checkbox near to the edit button, and this "Delete selected".

Other jforum examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this jforum Forums.txt source code file:

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