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jforum example source code file (ImplementSSO.txt)

This example jforum source code file (ImplementSSO.txt) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The jforum ImplementSSO.txt source code

!!! Implementing your own SSO class
The default SSO mechanisms may not always be appropriate for your situation. Fortunately it is a simple matter to write your own class. Make sure you have read the SSO docs. These instructions assume full understanding of the SSO mechanism.
Your class __must__ implement the '''' interface.

The automatic registration process will work fine without the email and password session attributes, but the users email address and password will be set to defualt values. I wanted my users email and password set correctly in their forum profile.

I also had an additional problem that my login cookie contained an encrypted email address and not the username.

Whatever authentication you use, the example below should make things a bit clearer if you decied to implement your own SSO handler.

In order to access my users database (I do a lookup on my user database to retreive the username) I had to JAR up the required classes from my app and placed it in the JForum WEB-INF/lib folder.

For performance reasons I 'shadow' my apps login-cookie with JFourmSSO to hold the username. You could repeat your ''authenticateUser()'' logic in ''isSessionValid()'' and use your exisiting auto login cookie.

I chose the to use the default name JforumSSO for my cookie, but you can use anything you like - the cookie will only be recerenced within this class.


 package net.jforum.sso;
 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
 import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
 import net.jforum.ActionServletRequest;
 import net.jforum.ControllerUtils;
 import net.jforum.entities.UserSession;
 import net.jforum.util.preferences.ConfigKeys;
 import net.jforum.util.preferences.SystemGlobals;
 import net.jforum.JForum;
 // Import any other class you may need
 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;    // I use log4j
 public class MyUserSSO implements SSO {          // you must implement met.jforum.sso.SSO

     static final Logger  logger       = Logger.getLogger(MyUserSSO.class.getName()); // init logging
     public String authenticateUser(ActionServletRequest request) { //  required method
         UserVO      user        = new UserVO();
         Cookie myCookie = ControllerUtils.getCookie("auto-login"); // my app login cookie
         if (myCookie != null) {
             DAOManager  manager     = new JndiDAOManager();        // my apps database  
             UserDAO     userDAO     = manager.getUserDAO(manager.getConnection());
             user  = userDAO.getUser(HexTool.hexToString(myCookie.getValue()));
         } else 
             return null; // no cookie found
         if (user.isDisabled()) {
             logger.warn("***DISABLED_ATTEMPT on Forum: "+user.getUsername()); // log disabled attempt.
             return null;
         HttpSession session = JForum.getRequest().getSession();
         session.setAttribute("password", user.getPassword()); // set correct password
         session.setAttribute("email", user.getUsername());    // and email address (my username)
         ControllerUtils.addCookie("JforumSSO",user.getScreenName(), myCookie.getMaxAge()); //refresh
         return user.getScreenName(); // jforum username
     public boolean isSessionValid(UserSession userSession, HttpServletRequest request) {
         String      remoteUser  = null;
         Cookie SSOCookie = ControllerUtils.getCookie("JforumSSO");
         if (SSOCookie != null) remoteUser = SSOCookie.getValue(); //  jforum username
         // user has since logged out
         if(remoteUser == null && 
                 userSession.getUserId() != SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)) {
             return false;
          // user has since logged in
         } else if(remoteUser != null && 
                 userSession.getUserId() == SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)) {
             return false;
         // user has changed user
         } else if(remoteUser != null && !remoteUser.equals(userSession.getUsername())) {
             return false;
         return true; // myapp user and forum user the same

make sure the following '''' are set correctly, all other SSO related properties are assumed to have default values:


sso.implementation = net.jforum.sso.MyUserSSO // your classname\\
sso.redirect = http:/ //  I use full url, you may not need to.\\

now rebuild, deploy and login to your app, visit forum as a new user and look in your profile to check things are working as expected.

!! handy other things

* after registration confirmation myapp sends the user to a welcome post on the forum. This creates the forum account automatically with correct date/time and also makes the user immediatelly availble for receiving Private Messages.

* if you provide a simple method for getting the Jforum user's userid from the jforum database, you can present the correct 'my profile' and 'my bookmarks' urls in your main-site menus (the others will work already.

Other jforum examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this jforum ImplementSSO.txt source code file:

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