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jforum example source code file (Main.txt)

This example jforum source code file (Main.txt) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - jforum tags/keywords

example, features, forums, groups, jforum, jforum, mysql, mysql, new, setting, sso, sso, upgrading, upgrading

The jforum Main.txt source code

!!! JForum Documentation

# [Introduction]
## [Features|]
# [Installation and Upgrading|]
## [New JForum install|]
## [Manual Installation|]
## [Upgrading from previous versions|Upgrade]
### [Upgrading from 2.1.7 to 2.1.8]
#### [New and changed features in JForum 2.1.8|New Features 2.1.8]
### [Upgrading from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7]
### [Upgrading from 2.1.4 to 2.1.6]
## MySQL specific
### [Handling MySQL 4.0- to MySQL 4.1+ UTF-8 problems|MySQL 4.0 to 4.1 UTF8 converter]
### [MySQL - Setting up the correct .SQL file for your database version|MySQL SQL Files]
#[Migrating from PHPBB or PHPNuke to JForum|migration]
## [Reindexing messages|ReindexingMessages]
# Customization and Integration
## [Setting up for code integration|Execution Context]
## [Templates and Styles]
## [Login & Authentication Integration]
### [Single SignOn (SSO)|SSO]
#### [Example: Implementing SSO|implementSSO]
#### [Example: SSO by Cookies|SSOCookies]
#### [Example: Remote User SSO|SSORemote]
### [Custom LoginAuthenticators|Authenticators]
# Administration
## [Statistics, Version Information & Online Users]
## [Groups]
### [Permissions]
## [Users]
### [Pending Activations]
## [Categories]
## [Forums]
## [Rankings]
## [Karma]
## [Smilies]
## Attachments
### [Attachment Configurations]
### [Quota Limits]
### [Extensions and Extension Groups]
## [Cache]
#How do I....
## [Make a Forum or Category private for some Groups?|Restricted Forums and Categories]
## [JForum3]
## [The development team|team]
## [How To Help and Contribute|JForum3HowToHelp]
## [CVS]
## [Building]
## [Using the Bug Tracker (JIRA)|jira]

Other jforum examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this jforum Main.txt source code file:

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