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jforum example source code file (Migration.txt)

This example jforum source code file (Migration.txt) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - jforum tags/keywords

admin, if, it, jforum, jforum, mysql, panel, phpbb, phpbb, phpbb2jforum, phpnuke, phpnuke, the, the

The jforum Migration.txt source code

!!! PHPBB / PHPNuke to JForum migration
Migrating from a PHPBB or PHPNuke forum to JForum is quite straightforward. We provide a command line tool that reads all information from a source database - PHPBB or PHPNuke - and convert it to a JForum database. 

JForum's ''Phpbb2JForum'' is able to import ''most'' of the tables, as shown in the table below. Please note that, while there are items marked as __%%(color: red)no%%__, is doesn't  mean that JForum don't have a relative table - It only means that the table's data will not be imported by the tool. 

||Table Name||Is data Imported?||Description
|phpbb_auth_access|__%%(color: red)no%%__|JForum uses a completely different security model from PHPBB. 
|phpbb_banlist|__%%(color: green)YES%%__|
|phpbb_categories|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_config|__%%(color: red)no%%__|Configurations in JForum are completely different from PHPBB
|phpbb_confirm|__%%(color: red)no%%__| 
|phpbb_disallow|__%%(color: red)no%%__| 
|phpbb_forum_prune|__%%(color: red)no%%__|Feature not implemented yet
|phpbb_forums|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_groups|__%%(color: green)YES%%__|Groups are migrated, but not group roles ('permissions'')
|phpbb_posts|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_posts_text|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_privmsgs|__%%(color: green)YES%%__|All private messages are imported
|phpbb_privmsgs_text|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_ranks|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_search_results|__%%(color: red)no%%__|JForum uses [Lucene|] for search
|phpbb_search_wordlist|__%%(color: red)no%%__|Same as above
|phpbb_search_wordmatch|__%%(color: red)no%%__|Same as above
|phpbb_sessions|__%%(color: red)no%%__|Session information is irrelevant
|phpbb_smilies|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_themes|__%%(color: red)no%%__|JForum uses a different template engine
|phpbb_themes_name|__%%(color: red)no%%__| 
|phpbb_topics|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_topics_watch|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_user_group|__%%(color: green)YES%%__|
|phpbb_users|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_vote_desc|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_vote_results|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_vote_voters|__%%(color: green)YES%%__| 
|phpbb_words|__%%(color: red)no%%__|JForum currently does not implement this feature 

!! Permissions / Access rights
''Phpbb2JForum'' __does not__ import permissions / roles, so, after the importing process is finished, you'll need to manually setup access rights for each for the imported groups. The migration tool only setup Admin access for those users who also are Administrators in the PHPBB version. 

!! Search - Indexing the database

!! Downloading the import tool
''Phpbb2JForum'' is a command line tool, which means you won't have a nice and fancy window :). Also, you'll need to have Java 1.4. 

It comes with the main [JForum package|], and it is located in the directory ''/tools/phpbb2jforum'', where you will find two files: phpbb2jforum.bat and The first is to be used in a Windows environment, while the second will work for any Unix based system - Linux, BSD, Mac OS X etc...

!! The configuration file
Before you run the tool, it is necessary to setup some configurations, like database host and username, as well the table prefixes used in your current PHPBB installation. Open the file ''/tools/phpbb2jforum/resource/__SystemGlobals.properties__'' in any text editor, and prepare it according to the following table:

||Property||Default value||Description
|database.jforum.url|jdbc:mysql://localhost/jforum?user=root&password=root|This is the connection string to where JForum tables are in - to where the data will be migrated
|database.phpbb|phpbb|Name of the PHPBB database. It __must__ be located in the same MySQL server where JForum is (specified by the property ''database.jforum.url''
|phpbb.table.prefix|phpbb_|The prefix of the PHPBB tables. Most installations will have the default value. If you are going to migrate from a PHPNuke forum, it is probably that the prefix is ''nuke_bb''

Those are the only three properties you need to set. 

[{Note title='Location of the PHPBB PHPNuke database and access rights'

In order to properly work, JForum and PHPBB / PHPNuke databases must be in the same MySQL server (not the same database, but same server). Also, the database user should be able to access both databases, as JForum will try to execute queries in either JForum and PHPBB / PHPNuke instances, using the form "SELECT <fields> FROM ".

!! Create JForum database structure
The last step before running ''Phpbb2JForum'' is to make sure that JForum's tables are created. You can do this by importing the file ''WEB-INF/config/database/mysql/mysql_db_struct.sql''. This script will create all tables for you.

!! Running

[{Tip title='MySQL table type'

If you are using MySQL, it is a good idea to set the table type to ''MyISAM'' instead of ''InnoDB'' before running the migration tool. This will make the SQL statements run much faster. 
After you finish with the data importing, you can set it back to ''InnoDB''.

Now, open the CMD Prompt (or a shell, if running some kind of Unix like machine) and go to the directory ''tools/phpbb2jforum''. There are two scripts, one for Windowss - ''phpbb2jforum.bat'' - and another for Unix boxes - ''''. 

As argument, you are required to inform the root directory of JForum (where you unzipped it). Example:

cd c:\JForum-2.1.8\tools\phpbb2jforum
phpbb2jforum.bat c:\JForum-2.1.8

__Linux / Mac OS X / *Nix__
cd /home/dev/JForum-2.1.8/tools/phpbb2jforum
sh /home/dev/JForum-2.1.8

 Press <ENTER> to start, and wait until the program finishes.

!! Permissions and first run
As stated before, ''Phpbb2JForum'' does not migrate PHPBB roles. At most, it will try to setup Admin Access for all those users who are considered Admins in PHPBB as well (User Level equals to "1"), which is enough to access the Admin Panel and setup the board according to your needs. 

If, for any reason, your PHPBB administrator user cannot see JForum's Admin Panel after the migration, please check [] . In this link is shown how to set the administrator's role, which you can use as start to access the Admin Panel.

Other jforum examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this jforum Migration.txt source code file:

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