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jforum example source code file (QuotaLimits.txt)

This example jforum source code file (QuotaLimits.txt) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - jforum tags/keywords

add, description, filesize, group, group, jforum, jforum, quota, quota, quotas, submit, the, the, to

The jforum QuotaLimits.txt source code

!!! Attachment Quota Limits
In JForum, you may assign limits to the attachments users send to the board. These limits are called "Quotas", and each [Group] may have a specific quota for it. Quota administration is performed at Admin Panel -> Attachments -> Quota Limits, where it is possible to ''Add'', ''Manage'' and ''Assign' quotas. 

!! Add a new Quota
The first section of the ''Quota Administration'' page consists of a single form with two fields, ''Description'' and ''Filesize''. The first, ''Description'', it's just an identification of such Quota, like "Big", "Default" or "Small". The field ''Filesize'' expects you to inform how big the new Quota should be, being possible to use Megabytes (MB) or Kilobytes as value. 

Click ''Submit'' to create the new Quota

!! Managing existing Quotas
Just below the forum used to add a new quota, there is a listing with all currently existing quotas, there it is possible to change the name and the size of the quota, as well deleting it. 

!! Quota settings per group
To be effective, a Quota must be assigned to a Group, which is how JForum determines how much data an user can send within each message. To associate a Quota to a Group, use the "Group Permission" table. There, associate the Group to the Quota you previously created, and click "Submit". 

That's all. Now, when attaching files, JForum will look at the groups the user belongs to and determine the maximum size of all files he's sending. If an [User] belongs to more than one group, the biggest Quota limit will be used. 

Other jforum examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this jforum QuotaLimits.txt source code file:

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