jfreechart example source code file (LocalizationBundle.properties)
The jfreechart LocalizationBundle.properties source code# org.jfree.chart.ui.ui ResourceBundle properties file # # Changes (from 31-Aug-2003) # -------------------------- # 31-Aug-2003 : Initial version (AL); # \:=: Appearance=Appearance Auto-adjust_range=Auto-adjust range: Background=Background: Background_Color=Background Color Background_paint=Background paint: Color=Color: Color_Bar=Color Bar Domain_Axis=Domain Axis Draw_anti-aliased=Draw anti-aliased Draw_lines=Draw Lines: Draw_shapes=Draw Shapes: Edit...=Edit... Edit_Insets=Edit Insets Font=Font: Font_Selection=Font Selection General=General: Grid_Color=Grid Color Insets=Insets: Invert_Palette=Invert Palette: Label=Label: Label_Color=Label Color Label_Insets=Label Insets: Legend=Legend Maximum_range_value=Maximum range value: Minimum_range_value=Minimum range value: No_editor_implemented=No editor implemented Orientation=Orientation: Other=Other Outline=Outline: Outline_Color=Outline Color Outline_stroke=Outline stroke: Outline_Paint=Outline paint: Paint=Paint: Palette_Selection=Palette Selection Palette=Palette: Pen_Stroke_Selection=Pen/Stroke Selection Plot=Plot Range=Range Range_Axis=Range Axis Select...=Select... Series_Label_Color=Series Label Color Series_label_font=Series label font: Series_label_paint=Series label paint: Series_Outline_Paint=Series Outline Paint: Series_Outline_Stroke=Series Outline Stroke: Series_Paint=Series Paint: Series_Stroke=Series Stroke: Show_Legend=Show Legend: Show_tick_labels=Show tick labels Show_tick_marks=Show tick marks Show_Title=Show Title: Set_palette...=Set palette... Step_Palette=Step Palette: Stroke_Selection=Stroke Selection Text=Text: Ticks=Ticks Tick_label_font=Tick label font: Tick_Label_Insets=Tick Label Insets: Title=Title Title_Color=Title Color Other jfreechart examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this jfreechart LocalizationBundle.properties source code file: |
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