Java example source code file (cal_ethiopic.xml)
The cal_ethiopic.xml Java example source code<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <document> <properties> <title>Java date and time API - Coptic calendar system <author>Stephen Colebourne </properties> <body> <section name="Ethiopic calendar system"> <p> The Ethiopic calendar system is similiar to the <a href="cal_coptic.html">Coptic calendar and based on that used in ancient Egypt. The calendar system is in use today in Ethiopia. </p> <p> The Ethiopic calendar system consists of 12 months of exactly 30 days, followed by a 5 or 6 day intercalary month making a year of 365 or 366 days. Leap years (6 day intercalary month) occur every 4 years without exception (as per the Julian calendar). They occur when the remainder left after dividing the Ethiopic year by four is 3. The Ethiopic year starts on Septamber 11th/12th depending on leap years. The epoch date for the calendar is 0008-08-29 (Julian), which therefore is 0001-01-01 (Ethiopic). The current era is 'EE' (Ethiopian Era). </p> <p> Joda-Time implements the rules described above. We model the 5 or 6 day intercalary month as month 13. We also prevent the entry of dates before year 1. </p> <p> References <ul> <li>Calendrical Calculations - Millenium Edition - ISBN 0521777526 <li>Wikipedia - Ethiopic Calendar </ul> </p> </section> <section name="Using Ethiopic chronology in Joda-Time"> <p> Within Joda-Time the Ethiopic calendar system can be used by obtaining an instance of <a href="apidocs/org/joda/time/chrono/EthiopicChronology.html">EthiopicChronology. This is normally created via the <a href="apidocs/org/joda/time/chrono/EthiopicChronology.html#getInstance()">EthiopicChronology.getInstance() factory. The chronology is then passed into the constructors of the main date and time classes. </p> <source> // setup date object for midday on May Day 2004 (ISO year 2004) DateTime dtISO = new DateTime(2004, 5, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0); // find out what the same instant is using the Ethiopic Chronology DateTime dtEthiopic = dtISO.withChronology(EthiopicChronology.getInstance()); </source> </section> </body> </document> Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java cal_ethiopic.xml source code file: |
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