Java example source code file (upgradeto162.xml)
The upgradeto162.xml Java example source code<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <document> <properties> <title>Java date and time API - Upgrade from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2 <author>Stephen Colebourne </properties> <body> <section name="Upgrade"> <p> These are the release notes and advice for upgrading Joda-Time from version 1.6.1 to version 1.6.2. <source> Joda-Time version 1.6.2 ----------------------- Joda-Time is a date and time handling library that seeks to replace the JDK Date and Calendar classes. This is a patch release for Joda-Time 1.6 and 1.6.1. This release only contains bug fixes. We recommend all users of 1.6 upgrade to 1.6.2. We recommend JDK 1.4 or later, and have performed no testing on earlier JDKs. Joda-Time is licensed under the business-friendly Apache License Version 2. This is the same license as all of Apache, plus other open source projects such as Spring. The intent is to make the code available to the Java community with the minimum of restrictions. If the license causes you problems please contact the mailing list. ** Please also check out our related projects ** ** http://www.joda.org/joda-time/related.html ** Compatibility with 1.6.1 ------------------------ Binary compatible - Yes Source compatible - Yes Serialization compatible - Yes Data compatible - Yes, except - DateTimeZone data updated to version 2010l Semantic compatible - Yes Bug fixes since 1.6.1 --------------------- - DateTimeZone.getDefault [3048468,3056104] Handle missing user.timezone system property on Android that resulted in stack overflow RELEASE NOTES for v1.6 to v1.6.1 ================================ Compatibility with 1.6 ---------------------- Binary compatible - Yes Source compatible - Yes Serialization compatible - Yes Data compatible - Yes, except - DateTimeZone data updated to version 2010k (2010l in v1.6.2) Semantic compatible - Yes Deprecations since 1.6 ---------------------- - DateTimeFormatter.getChronolgy() [2783325] Incorrect spelling - new method DateTimeFormatter.getChronology() Bug fixes since 1.6 ------------------- - LocalTime.fromDateFields() Now handles times based on java.util.Date before 1970 - LocalDate.toInterval() [2487417] Now handles time zones which have no midnight at DST cutover - DateTimeZone.convertLocalToUTC [2903029] Now handles date after last ever DST change - Period formatting concurrency [2820871] Fix possible concurrency hole in PeriodFormatBuilder.Separator - Classloading CachedDateTimeZone could invalidate state [2935625] Default time zone now lazily loaded - DateTimeUtils shared static variable now volatile [2986043] - Time zone compiler now handles 24:00 [2804258] - Time zone compiler now handles non-UTC better - Assorted Javadoc clarifications, including [2721880] Enhancements since 1.6 ---------------------- - None </source> </p> </section> </body> </document> Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java upgradeto162.xml source code file: |
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