Lift Framework example source code file (Example.scala)
The Lift Framework Example.scala source codepackage net.liftweb.json.scalaz import scalaz._ import Scalaz._ import JsonScalaz._ import net.liftweb.json._ import org.specs.Specification object Example extends Specification { case class Address(street: String, zipCode: String) case class Person(name: String, age: Int, address: Address) "Parse address in an Applicative style" in { val json = parse(""" {"street": "Manhattan 2", "zip": "00223" } """) val a1 = field[String]("zip")(json) <*> (field[String]("street")(json) map Address.curried) val a2 = (field[String]("street")(json) |@| field[String]("zip")(json)) { Address } val a3 = Address.applyJSON(field("street"), field("zip"))(json) a1 mustEqual Success(Address("Manhattan 2", "00223")) a2 mustEqual a1 a3 mustEqual a1 } "Failed address parsing" in { val json = parse(""" {"street": "Manhattan 2", "zip": "00223" } """) val a = (field[String]("streets")(json) |@| field[String]("zip")(json)) { Address } a.fail.toOption.get.list mustEqual List(NoSuchFieldError("streets", json)) } "Parse Person with Address" in { implicit def addrJSON: JSONR[Address] = new JSONR[Address] { def read(json: JValue) = Address.applyJSON(field("street"), field("zip"))(json) } val p = parse(""" {"name":"joe","age":34,"address":{"street": "Manhattan 2", "zip": "00223" }} """) val person = Person.applyJSON(field("name"), field("age"), field("address"))(p) person mustEqual Success(Person("joe", 34, Address("Manhattan 2", "00223"))) } "Format Person with Address" in { implicit def addrJSON: JSONW[Address] = new JSONW[Address] { def write(a: Address) = makeObj(("street" -> toJSON(a.street)) :: ("zip" -> toJSON(a.zipCode)) :: Nil) } val p = Person("joe", 34, Address("Manhattan 2", "00223")) val json = makeObj(("name" -> toJSON(p.name)) :: ("age" -> toJSON(p.age)) :: ("address" -> toJSON(p.address)) :: Nil) json.shows mustEqual """{"name":"joe","age":34,"address":{"street":"Manhattan 2","zip":"00223"}}""" } "Parse Map" in { val json = parse(""" {"street": "Manhattan 2", "zip": "00223" } """) fromJSON[Map[String, String]](json) mustEqual Success(Map("street" -> "Manhattan 2", "zip" -> "00223")) } "Format Map" in { toJSON(Map("street" -> "Manhattan 2", "zip" -> "00223")).shows mustEqual """{"street":"Manhattan 2","zip":"00223"}""" } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Example.scala source code file: |
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