Lift Framework example source code file (ExtractionExamplesSpec.scala)
The Lift Framework ExtractionExamplesSpec.scala source code/* * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package json import java.util.Date import org.specs.Specification object ExtractionExamples extends Specification("Extraction Examples Specification") { implicit val formats = DefaultFormats "Extraction example" in { val json = parse(testJson) json.extract[Person] mustEqual Person("joe", Address("Bulevard", "Helsinki"), List(Child("Mary", 5, Some(date("2004-09-04T18:06:22Z"))), Child("Mazy", 3, None))) } "Extraction with path expression example" in { val json = parse(testJson) (json \ "address").extract[Address] mustEqual Address("Bulevard", "Helsinki") } "Partial extraction example" in { val json = parse(testJson) json.extract[SimplePerson] mustEqual SimplePerson("joe", Address("Bulevard", "Helsinki")) } "Extract with a default value" in { val json = parse(testJson) (json \ "address2").extractOrElse(Address("Tie", "Helsinki")) mustEqual Address("Tie", "Helsinki") } "Map with primitive values extraction example" in { val json = parse(testJson) json.extract[PersonWithMap] mustEqual PersonWithMap("joe", Map("street" -> "Bulevard", "city" -> "Helsinki")) } "Map with object values extraction example" in { val json = parse(twoAddresses) json.extract[PersonWithAddresses] mustEqual PersonWithAddresses("joe", Map("address1" -> Address("Bulevard", "Helsinki"), "address2" -> Address("Soho", "London"))) } "Simple value extraction example" in { val json = parse(testJson) json.extract[Name] mustEqual Name("joe") (json \ "children")(0).extract[Name] mustEqual Name("Mary") (json \ "children")(1).extract[Name] mustEqual Name("Mazy") } "Primitive value extraction example" in { val json = parse(testJson) (json \ "name").extract[String] mustEqual "joe" (json \ "name").extractOpt[String] mustEqual Some("joe") (json \ "name").extractOpt[Int] mustEqual None ((json \ "children")(0) \ "birthdate").extract[Date] mustEqual date("2004-09-04T18:06:22Z") JInt(1).extract[Int] mustEqual 1 JInt(1).extract[String] mustEqual "1" JField("foo", JInt(1)).extract[Int] mustEqual 1 } "Primitive extraction example" in { val json = parse(primitives) json.extract[Primitives] mustEqual Primitives(124, 123L, 126.5, 127.5.floatValue, "128", 'symb, 125, 129.byteValue, true) } "Null extraction example" in { val json = parse("""{ "name": null, "age": 5, "birthdate": null }""") json.extract[Child] mustEqual Child(null, 5, None) } "Date extraction example" in { val json = parse("""{"name":"e1","timestamp":"2009-09-04T18:06:22Z"}""") json.extract[Event] mustEqual Event("e1", date("2009-09-04T18:06:22Z")) } "Option extraction example" in { val json = parse("""{ "name": null, "age": 5, "mother":{"name":"Marilyn"}}""") json.extract[OChild] mustEqual OChild(None, 5, Some(Parent("Marilyn")), None) } "Missing JSON array can be extracted as an empty List" in { parse(missingChildren).extract[Person] mustEqual Person("joe", Address("Bulevard", "Helsinki"), Nil) } "Multidimensional array extraction example" in { parse(multiDimensionalArrays).extract[MultiDim] mustEqual MultiDim( List(List(List(1, 2), List(3)), List(List(4), List(5, 6))), List(List(Name("joe"), Name("mary")), List(Name("mazy")))) } "Flatten example with simple case class" in { val f = Extraction.flatten(Extraction.decompose(SimplePerson("joe", Address("Bulevard", "Helsinki")))) val e = Map(".name" -> "\"joe\"", ".address.street" -> "\"Bulevard\"", ".address.city" -> "\"Helsinki\"") f mustEqual e } "Unflatten example with top level string and int" in { val m = Map(".name" -> "\"joe\"", ".age" -> "32") Extraction.unflatten(m) mustEqual JObject(List(JField("name",JString("joe")), JField("age",JInt(32)))) } "Unflatten example with top level string and double" in { val m = Map(".name" -> "\"joe\"", ".age" -> "32.2") Extraction.unflatten(m) mustEqual JObject(List(JField("name",JString("joe")), JField("age",JDouble(32.2)))) } "Unflatten example with two-level string properties" in { val m = Map(".name" -> "\"joe\"", ".address.street" -> "\"Bulevard\"", ".address.city" -> "\"Helsinki\"") Extraction.unflatten(m) mustEqual JObject(List(JField("name", JString("joe")), JField("address", JObject(List(JField("street", JString("Bulevard")), JField("city", JString("Helsinki"))))))) } "Unflatten example with top level array" in { val m = Map(".foo[2]" -> "2", ".foo[0]" -> "0", ".foo[1]" -> "1") Extraction.unflatten(m) mustEqual JObject(List(JField("foo", JArray(List(JInt(0), JInt(1), JInt(2)))))) } "Flatten and unflatten are symmetric" in { val parsed = parse(testJson) Extraction.unflatten(Extraction.flatten(parsed)) mustEqual parsed } "Flatten preserves empty sets" in { val s = SetWrapper(Set()) Extraction.flatten(Extraction.decompose(s)).get(".set") mustEqual Some("[]") } "Flatten and unflatten are symmetric with empty sets" in { val s = SetWrapper(Set()) Extraction.unflatten(Extraction.flatten(Extraction.decompose(s))).extract[SetWrapper] mustEqual s } "List extraction example" in { val json = parse(testJson) \ "children" json.extract[List[Name]] mustEqual List(Name("Mary"), Name("Mazy")) } "Map extraction example" in { val json = parse(testJson) \ "address" json.extract[Map[String, String]] mustEqual Map("street" -> "Bulevard", "city" -> "Helsinki") } "Extraction and decomposition are symmetric" in { val person = parse(testJson).extract[Person] Extraction.decompose(person).extract[Person] mustEqual person } "Extraction failure message example" in { val json = parse("""{"city":"San Francisco"}""") json.extract[Address] must throwA(MappingException("No usable value for street\nDid not find value which can be converted into java.lang.String", null)) } "Best matching constructor selection example" in { parse("""{"name":"john","age":32,"size":"M"}""").extract[MultipleConstructors] mustEqual MultipleConstructors("john", 32, Some("M")) parse("""{"name":"john","age":32}""").extract[MultipleConstructors] mustEqual MultipleConstructors("john", 32, Some("S")) parse("""{"name":"john","foo":"xxx"}""").extract[MultipleConstructors] mustEqual MultipleConstructors("john", 30, None) parse("""{"name":"john","age":32,"size":null}""").extract[MultipleConstructors] mustEqual MultipleConstructors("john", 32, None) parse("""{"birthYear":1990,"name":"john","foo":2}""").extract[MultipleConstructors] mustEqual MultipleConstructors("john", 20, None) parse("""{"foo":2,"age":12,"size":"XS"}""").extract[MultipleConstructors] mustEqual MultipleConstructors("unknown", 12, Some("XS")) } "Partial JSON extraction" in { parse(stringField).extract[ClassWithJSON] mustEqual ClassWithJSON("one", JString("msg")) parse(objField).extract[ClassWithJSON] mustEqual ClassWithJSON("one", JObject(List(JField("yes", JString("woo"))))) } "Double can be coerced to Int or Long" in { JDouble(2.1).extract[Int] mustEqual 2 JDouble(2.1).extract[Long] mustEqual 2L } "Map with nested non-polymorphic list extraction example" in { parse("""{"a":["b"]}""").extract[Map[String, List[String]]] mustEqual Map("a" -> List("b")) } "List with nested non-polymorphic list extraction example" in { parse("""[["a"]]""").extract[List[List[String]]] mustEqual List(List("a")) } "Complex nested non-polymorphic collections extraction example" in { parse("""{"a":[{"b":"c"}]}""").extract[Map[String, List[Map[String, String]]]] mustEqual Map("a" -> List(Map("b" -> "c"))) } val testJson = """ { "name": "joe", "address": { "street": "Bulevard", "city": "Helsinki" }, "children": [ { "name": "Mary", "age": 5 "birthdate": "2004-09-04T18:06:22Z" }, { "name": "Mazy", "age": 3 } ] } """ val missingChildren = """ { "name": "joe", "address": { "street": "Bulevard", "city": "Helsinki" } } """ val twoAddresses = """ { "name": "joe", "addresses": { "address1": { "street": "Bulevard", "city": "Helsinki" }, "address2": { "street": "Soho", "city": "London" } } } """ val primitives = """ { "l": 123, "i": 124, "sh": 125, "d": 126.5, "f": 127.5, "s": "128", "b": 129, "bool": true, "sym":"symb" } """ val multiDimensionalArrays = """ { "ints": [[[1, 2], [3]], [[4], [5, 6]]], "names": [[{"name": "joe"}, {"name": "mary"}], [[{"name": "mazy"}]]] } """ val stringField = """ { "name": "one", "message": "msg" } """ val objField = """ { "name": "one", "message": { "yes": "woo" } } """ def date(s: String) = DefaultFormats.dateFormat.parse(s).get } case class SetWrapper(set: Set[String]) case class Person(name: String, address: Address, children: List[Child]) case class Address(street: String, city: String) case class Child(name: String, age: Int, birthdate: Option[java.util.Date]) case class SimplePerson(name: String, address: Address) case class PersonWithMap(name: String, address: Map[String, String]) case class PersonWithAddresses(name: String, addresses: Map[String, Address]) case class Name(name: String) case class Primitives(i: Int, l: Long, d: Double, f: Float, s: String, sym: Symbol, sh: Short, b: Byte, bool: Boolean) case class OChild(name: Option[String], age: Int, mother: Option[Parent], father: Option[Parent]) case class Parent(name: String) case class Event(name: String, timestamp: Date) case class MultiDim(ints: List[List[List[Int]]], names: List[List[Name]]) case class MultipleConstructors(name: String, age: Int, size: Option[String]) { def this(name: String) = this(name, 30, None) def this(age: Int, name: String) = this(name, age, Some("S")) def this(name: String, birthYear: Int) = this(name, 2010 - birthYear, None) def this(size: Option[String], age: Int) = this("unknown", age, size) } case class ClassWithJSON(name: String, message: JValue) Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework ExtractionExamplesSpec.scala source code file: |
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