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Lift Framework example source code file (BaseField.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (BaseField.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

box, empty, fieldidentifier, full, full, list, list, nil, nodeseq, string, string, text, valuetype, valuetype

The Lift Framework BaseField.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package util

import common._
import xml.NodeSeq

 * Defines the association of this reference with an markup tag ID
trait FieldIdentifier {
  def uniqueFieldId: Box[String] = Empty

 * Associate a FieldIdentifier with an NodeSeq
case class FieldError(field: FieldIdentifier, msg: NodeSeq) {
  override def toString = field.uniqueFieldId + " : " + msg

object FieldError {
  import scala.xml.Text
  def apply(field: FieldIdentifier, msg: String) = new FieldError(field, Text(msg))

trait FieldContainer {
  def allFields: Seq[BaseField]

 * A field that can be displayed but not edited
trait ReadableField extends FieldIdentifier with ValueHolder with Bindable {
  import scala.xml.Text

   * The human name of this field
  def name: String

  def displayNameHtml: Box[NodeSeq] = Empty

  def displayHtml: NodeSeq = displayNameHtml openOr Text(displayName)

   * The display name of this field (e.g., "First Name")
  def displayName: String = name
   * Default read-only rendering of field
  def asHtml: NodeSeq = Text(get.toString)

   * Given the current context, should this field be displayed
  def shouldDisplay_? = true

 * A field that can be set
trait SettableField extends ReadableField with SettableValueHolder {
   * A list of functions that transform the value before it is set.  The transformations
   * are also applied before the value is used in a query.  Typical applications
   * of this are trimming and/or toLowerCase-ing strings
  def setFilter: List[ValueType => ValueType]

  def validations: List[ValueType => List[FieldError]]

   * A unique 'id' for the field for form generation
  def fieldId: Option[NodeSeq] = None

   * Is the Field required (and will have a style designating it as such)
  def required_? = false

   * Is this an upload field so that a form that includes this field must be multi-part mime
  def uploadField_? = false

   * Validate this field and return a list of Validation Issues
  def validate: List[FieldError]
  def helpAsHtml: Box[NodeSeq] = Empty

   * Create an input field for the item
  def toForm: Box[NodeSeq]

  * Give the current state of things, should the this field be shown
  def show_? = true

trait BaseField extends SettableField with FieldContainer {
  def allFields: Seq[BaseField] = List(this)

trait StringValidators {
  self: FieldIdentifier =>

  import scala.xml.Text
  import java.util.regex.Pattern
  type ValueType

  protected def valueTypeToBoxString(in: ValueType): Box[String]
  protected def boxStrToValType(in: Box[String]): ValueType

  def maxLen: Int

  def crop(in: ValueType): ValueType = 
      case null => null
      case s => s.substring(0, math.min(s.length, maxLen))

  def removeRegExChars(regEx: String)(in: ValueType): ValueType= 
      case null => null
      case s => s.replaceAll(regEx, "")

  def toLower(in: ValueType): ValueType = 
      case null => null
      case s => s.toLowerCase

  def toUpper(in: ValueType): ValueType = 
      case null => null
      case s => s.toUpperCase

  def trim(in: ValueType): ValueType = 
      case null => null
      case s => s.trim

  def notNull(in: ValueType): ValueType = 
    boxStrToValType(valueTypeToBoxString(in) match {
      case Full(str) if null ne str => Full(str)
      case _ => Full("")

   * A validation helper.  Make sure the string is at least a particular
   * length and generate a validation issue if not
  def valMinLen(len: Int, msg: => String)(value: ValueType): List[FieldError] = 
    valueTypeToBoxString(value) match {
      case Full(str) if (null ne str) && str.length >= len => Nil
      case _ => List(FieldError(this, Text(msg)))

   * A validation helper.  Make sure the string is no more than a particular
   * length and generate a validation issue if not
  def valMaxLen(len: Int, msg: => String)(value: ValueType): List[FieldError] =
    valueTypeToBoxString(value) match {
      case Full(str) if (null eq str) || str.length <= len => Nil
      case _ =>  List(FieldError(this, Text(msg)))

   * Make sure the field matches a regular expression
  def valRegex(pat: Pattern, msg: => String)(value: ValueType): List[FieldError] =
    valueTypeToBoxString(value).flatMap{str => if (pat.matcher(str).matches) Full(true) else Empty} match {
      case Full(true) => Nil
      case _ => List(FieldError(this, Text(msg)))

 * A base field that also has a confirm method
trait ConfirmField extends BaseField {  
   * Is this field on the confirm screen
  def onConfirm_? : Boolean

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework BaseField.scala source code file:

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