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Lift Framework example source code file (Mailer.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Mailer.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

addresstype, box, box, empty, inject, inject, mailbodytype, mailtypes, mimemessage, naming, string, string, subject, unit, unit, util

The Lift Framework Mailer.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package util

import javax.mail._
import javax.mail.internet._
import javax.naming.{Context, InitialContext}
import java.util.Properties
import common._
import actor._
import xml.{Text, Elem, Node, NodeSeq}

 * Utilities for sending email.
object Mailer extends Mailer

 * This trait implmenets the mail sending.  You can create subclasses of this class/trait and
 * implement your own mailer functionality
trait Mailer extends SimpleInjector {
  private val logger = Logger(classOf[Mailer])
  sealed abstract class MailTypes
   * Add message headers to outgoing messages
  final case class MessageHeader(name: String, value: String) extends MailTypes
  abstract class MailBodyType extends MailTypes
  final case class PlusImageHolder(name: String, mimeType: String, bytes: Array[Byte])

   * Represents a text/plain mail body. The given text will
   * be encoded as UTF-8 when sent.
  final case class PlainMailBodyType(text: String) extends MailBodyType

   * Represents a text/plain mail body that is encoded with the
   * specified charset
  final case class PlainPlusBodyType(text: String, charset: String) extends MailBodyType

  final case class XHTMLMailBodyType(text: NodeSeq) extends MailBodyType
  final case class XHTMLPlusImages(text: NodeSeq, items: PlusImageHolder*) extends MailBodyType

  sealed abstract class RoutingType extends MailTypes
  sealed abstract class AddressType extends RoutingType {
    def address: String
    def name: Box[String]
  final case class From(address: String, name: Box[String] = Empty) extends AddressType
  final case class To(address: String, name: Box[String] = Empty) extends AddressType
  final case class CC(address: String, name: Box[String] = Empty) extends AddressType
  final case class Subject(subject: String) extends RoutingType
  final case class BCC(address: String, name: Box[String] = Empty) extends AddressType
  final case class ReplyTo(address: String, name: Box[String] = Empty) extends AddressType

  implicit def xmlToMailBodyType(html: NodeSeq): MailBodyType = XHTMLMailBodyType(html)

  final case class MessageInfo(from: From, subject: Subject, info: List[MailTypes])

  implicit def addressToAddress(in: AddressType): Address = {
    val ret = new InternetAddress(in.address){n => ret.setPersonal(n)}

  implicit def adListToAdArray(in: List[AddressType]): Array[Address] =

   * Passwords cannot be accessed via System.getProperty.  Instead, we
   * provide a means of explicitlysetting the authenticator.
  //def authenticator = authenticatorFunc
  var authenticator: Box[Authenticator] = Empty

   * Use the mailer resource in your container by specifying the JNDI name
  var jndiName: Box[String] = Empty

   * Custom properties for the JNDI session
  var customProperties: Map[String, String] = Map()

  lazy val jndiSession: Box[Session] =
    name <- jndiName
    contextObj <- Helpers.tryo(new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env"))
    context <- Box.asA[Context](contextObj)
    sessionObj <- Helpers.tryo(context.lookup(name))
    session <- Box.asA[Session](sessionObj)
  } yield session

  lazy val properties: Properties = {
    val p = System.getProperties.clone.asInstanceOf[Properties]
    customProperties.foreach {case (name, value) => p.put(name, value)}
    // allow the properties file to set/override system properties

    Props.props.foreach {
      case (name, value) =>
        p.setProperty(name, value)

   * The host that should be used to send mail.
  def host = hostFunc()

   * To change the way the host is calculated, set this to the function that calcualtes the host name.
   * By default: System.getProperty("")
  var hostFunc: () => String = _host _

  private def _host = properties.getProperty("") match {
    case null => "localhost"
    case s => s

  def buildProps: Properties = {
    val p = properties.clone.asInstanceOf[Properties]
    p.getProperty("") match {
      case null => p.put("", host)
      case _ =>


   * Set the mail.charset property to something other than UTF-8 for non-UTF-8
   * mail.
  lazy val charSet = properties.getProperty("mail.charset") match {
    case null => "UTF-8"
    case x => x

  // def host_=(hostname: String) = System.setProperty("", hostname)

  protected class MsgSender extends SpecializedLiftActor[MessageInfo] {
    protected def messageHandler = {
      case MessageInfo(from, subject, info) =>
        try {
          msgSendImpl(from, subject, info)
        } catch {
          case e: Exception => logger.error("Couldn't send mail", e)

  protected def performTransportSend(msg: MimeMessage) = {
    import Props.RunModes._
    (Props.mode match {
        case Development => devModeSend.vend
        case Test => testModeSend.vend
        case Staging => stagingModeSend.vend
        case Production => productionModeSend.vend
        case Pilot => pilotModeSend.vend
        case Profile => profileModeSend.vend

   * How to send a message in dev mode.  By default, use Transport.send(msg)
  lazy val devModeSend: Inject[MimeMessage => Unit] = new Inject[MimeMessage => Unit]((m: MimeMessage) => Transport.send(m)) {}

   * How to send a message in test mode.  By default, log the message
  lazy val testModeSend: Inject[MimeMessage => Unit] = new Inject[MimeMessage => Unit]((m: MimeMessage) =>"Sending Mime Message: "+m)) {}

   * How to send a message in staging mode.  By default, use Transport.send(msg)
  lazy val stagingModeSend: Inject[MimeMessage => Unit] = new Inject[MimeMessage => Unit]((m: MimeMessage) => Transport.send(m)) {}

   * How to send a message in production mode.  By default, use Transport.send(msg)
  lazy val productionModeSend: Inject[MimeMessage => Unit] = new Inject[MimeMessage => Unit]((m: MimeMessage) => Transport.send(m)) {}

   * How to send a message in pilot mode.  By default, use Transport.send(msg)
  lazy val pilotModeSend: Inject[MimeMessage => Unit] = new Inject[MimeMessage => Unit]((m: MimeMessage) => Transport.send(m)) {}

   * How to send a message in profile mode.  By default, use Transport.send(msg)
  lazy val profileModeSend: Inject[MimeMessage => Unit] = new Inject[MimeMessage => Unit]((m: MimeMessage) => Transport.send(m)) {}

   * Synchronously send an email.
  def blockingSendMail(from: From, subject: Subject, rest: MailTypes*) {
    msgSendImpl(from, subject, rest.toList)
  def msgSendImpl(from: From, subject: Subject, info: List[MailTypes]) {
    val session = authenticator match {
      case Full(a) => jndiSession openOr Session.getInstance(buildProps, a)
      case _ => jndiSession openOr Session.getInstance(buildProps)

    val message = new MimeMessage(session)
    message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, info.flatMap {case x: To => Some[To](x) case _ => None})
    message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, info.flatMap {case x: CC => Some[CC](x) case _ => None})
    message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, info.flatMap {case x: BCC => Some[BCC](x) case _ => None})
    // message.setReplyTo(filter[MailTypes, ReplyTo](info, {case x @ ReplyTo(_) => Some(x); case _ => None}))
    message.setReplyTo(info.flatMap {case x: ReplyTo => Some[ReplyTo](x) case _ => None})
    info.foreach {
      case MessageHeader(name, value) => message.addHeader(name, value)
      case _ => 

    val bodyTypes = info.flatMap {case x: MailBodyType => Some[MailBodyType](x); case _ => None}
    bodyTypes match {
      case PlainMailBodyType(txt) :: Nil =>

      case _ =>
        val multiPart = new MimeMultipart("alternative")
        bodyTypes.foreach {
          tab =>
          val bp = buildMailBody(tab)


  protected lazy val msgSender = new MsgSender

   * The default mechanism for encoding a NodeSeq to a String representing HTML.  By default, use Html5.toString(node)
  protected def encodeHtmlBodyPart(in: NodeSeq): String = Html5.toString(firstNode(in))

  protected def firstNode(in: NodeSeq): Node = in match {
    case n: Node => n
    case ns => ns.toList.collect {
      case e: Elem => e
    } match {
      case Nil => if (ns.length == 0) Text("") else ns(0)
      case x :: xs => x

   * Given a MailBodyType, convert it to a javax.mail.BodyPart.  You can override this method if you
   * add custom MailBodyTypes
  protected def buildMailBody(tab: MailBodyType): BodyPart = {
    val bp = new MimeBodyPart
          tab match {
            case PlainMailBodyType(txt) => bp.setText(txt, "UTF-8")
            case PlainPlusBodyType(txt, charset) => bp.setText(txt, charset)
            case XHTMLMailBodyType(html) => bp.setContent(encodeHtmlBodyPart(html), "text/html; charset=" + charSet)
            case XHTMLPlusImages(html, img@_*) =>
              val html_mp = new MimeMultipart("related")
              val bp2 = new MimeBodyPart
              bp2.setContent(encodeHtmlBodyPart(html), "text/html; charset=" + charSet)
              img.foreach {
                i =>
                val rel_bpi = new MimeBodyPart
                rel_bpi.setDataHandler(new javax.activation.DataHandler(new javax.activation.DataSource {
                      def getContentType = i.mimeType

                      def getInputStream = new

                      def getName =

                      def getOutputStream = throw new"Unable to write to item")

   * Asynchronously send an email.
  def sendMail(from: From, subject: Subject, rest: MailTypes*) {
    // forward it to an actor so there's no time on this thread spent sending the message
    msgSender ! MessageInfo(from, subject, rest.toList)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Mailer.scala source code file:

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