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Lift Framework example source code file (Maker.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Maker.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

box, box, f, full, list, maker, maker, manifest, pvalueholder, stackablemaker, t, t, threading, threads, vendor, vendor

The Lift Framework Maker.scala source code

 * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb 
package util 

import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap => CHash, Callable}
import java.lang.ThreadLocal
import scala.reflect.Manifest
import common._
import xml.NodeSeq

 * A trait that does basic dependency injection.
trait Injector {
  implicit def inject[T](implicit man: Manifest[T]): Box[T]

 * An implementation of Injector that has an implementation
trait SimpleInjector extends Injector {
  private val diHash: CHash[String, Function0[_]] = new CHash

   * Perform the injection for the given type.  You can call:
   * inject[Date] or inject[List[Map[String, PaymentThing]]].  The
   * appropriate Manifest will be
  implicit def inject[T](implicit man: Manifest[T]): Box[T] =
  (Box !! diHash.get(man.toString)).flatMap(f => Helpers.tryo(f.apply())).asInstanceOf[Box[T]]

   * Register a function that will inject for the given Manifest
  def registerInjection[T](f: () => T)(implicit man: Manifest[T]) {
    diHash.put(man.toString, f)

   * Create an object or val that is a subclass of the FactoryMaker to
   * generate factory for a particular class as well as define session and
   * request specific vendors and use doWith to define the vendor just for
   * the scope of the call.
  abstract class Inject[T](_default: Vendor[T])
                                (implicit man: Manifest[T]) extends StackableMaker[T] with Vendor[T] {

     * The default function for vending an instance
    object default extends PSettableValueHolder[Vendor[T]] {
      private var value = _default

      def get = value

      def is = get

      def set(v: Vendor[T]): Vendor[T] = {
        value = v

     * Vend an instance
    implicit def vend: T = make openOr

     * Make a Box of the instance.
    override implicit def make: Box[T] = super.make or Full(

 * In addition to an Injector, you can have a Maker which will make a given
 * type.  The important thing about a Maker is that it's intended to be used
 * as part of a factory that can vend an instance without the vaguaries of
 * whether the given class has registered a with the injector.
trait Maker[T] {
  implicit def make: Box[T]

object Maker {
  def apply[T](value: T): Maker[T] = new Maker[T]{implicit def make: Box[T] = Full(value)}
  def apply[T](func:() => T): Maker[T] = new Maker[T]{implicit def make: Box[T] = Full(func())}
  def apply[T](func: Box[() => T]): Maker[T] = new Maker[T]{implicit def make: Box[T] =}
  def apply1[T](box: Box[T]): Maker[T] = new Maker[T]{implicit def make: Box[T] = box}
  def apply2[T](func: Box[() => Box[T]]): Maker[T] = new Maker[T]{implicit def make: Box[T] = func.flatMap(_.apply())}
  def apply3[T](func: () => Box[T]): Maker[T] = new Maker[T]{implicit def make: Box[T] = func.apply()}

  implicit def vToMake[T](v: T): Maker[T] = this.apply(v)
  implicit def vToMake[T](v: () => T): Maker[T] = this.apply(v)
  implicit def vToMakeB1[T](v: Box[T]): Maker[T] = this.apply1(v)
  implicit def vToMakeB2[T](v: Box[() => T]): Maker[T] = this.apply(v)
  implicit def vToMakeB3[T](v: Box[() => Box[T]]): Maker[T] = this.apply2(v)
  implicit def vToMakeB4[T](v: () => Box[T]): Maker[T] = this.apply3(v)

 * A StackableMaker allows DynamicVar functionality by supply a Maker or function
 * that will vend an instance during any sub-call on the stack and then
 * restore the implementation.  This is value for testing.
trait StackableMaker[T] extends Maker[T] {
  private val _stack: ThreadLocal[List[PValueHolder[Maker[T]]]] = new ThreadLocal

  private def stack: List[PValueHolder[Maker[T]]] = _stack.get() match {
    case null => Nil
    case x => x

  def doWith[F](value: T)(f: => F): F =

  def doWith[F](vFunc: () => T)(f: => F): F =

  def doWith[F](addl: PValueHolder[Maker[T]])(f: => F): F = {
    val old = _stack.get()
    _stack.set(addl :: stack)
    try {
    } finally {

  protected final def find(in: List[PValueHolder[Maker[T]]]): Box[T] = in match {
    case Nil => Empty
    case x :: rest =>
      x.get.make match {
        case Full(v) => Full(v)
        case _ => find(rest)

  implicit def make: Box[T] = find(stack)

 * An implementation where you can define the stack of makers.
class MakerStack[T](subMakers: PValueHolder[Maker[T]]*) extends StackableMaker[T] {
  private val _sub: List[PValueHolder[Maker[T]]] = subMakers.toList

  override implicit def make: Box[T] = super.make or find(_sub)

 * A Vendor is a Maker that also guarantees that it will return a value
trait Vendor[T] extends Maker[T] with Function0[T] {
  implicit def vend: T
  def apply() = vend

 * A bridge from Java to Scala
class VendorJBridge {
   * Create a Vendor from a Func0
  def vendor[T](f: Func0[T]): Vendor[T] = Vendor(Func.lift(f))

   * Create a Vendor from a Callable
  def vendor[T](f: Callable[T]): Vendor[T] = Vendor(Func.lift(f))

   * Create a Vendor from a value
  def vendor[T](v: T): Vendor[T] = Vendor(v)

 * A companion to the Vendor trait
object Vendor {
  def apply[T](f: () => T): Vendor[T] = new Vendor[T] {
    implicit def vend: T = f()
    implicit def make: Box[T] = Full(f())

  def apply[T](f: T): Vendor[T] = new Vendor[T] {
    implicit def vend: T = f
    implicit def make: Box[T] = Full(f)

  implicit def valToVender[T](value: T): Vendor[T] = apply(value)
  implicit def funcToVender[T](f: () => T): Vendor[T] = apply(f)

case class FormBuilderLocator[T](func: (T, T => Unit) => NodeSeq)(implicit val manifest: Manifest[T])

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Maker.scala source code file:

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