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Lift Framework example source code file (SecurityHelpers.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (SecurityHelpers.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

array, array, base64, boolean, char, crypto, int, int, io, security, securityhelpers, sha, sha-256, string, string, utf-8, utf-8

The Lift Framework SecurityHelpers.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb 
package util 

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
import{InputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, Reader, File, FileInputStream, BufferedReader}
import{SecureRandom, MessageDigest}
import javax.crypto._
import javax.crypto.spec._
import scala.xml.{Node, XML}
import common._

object SecurityHelpers extends StringHelpers with IoHelpers with SecurityHelpers

 * The SecurityHelpers trait provides functions to:<ul>
 * <li> generate random numbers
 * <li> generate keys
 * <li> encrypt/decrypt keys
 * <li> create SHA, SHA-256, MD5 hashs (can be hex encoded)
 * </ul>
trait SecurityHelpers { 
  self: StringHelpers with IoHelpers => 

  /** short alias for */
  private val _random = new SecureRandom

  private def withRandom[T](f: SecureRandom => T): T = 

  /** return a random Long modulo a number */
  def randomLong(mod: Long): Long = withRandom(random => Math.abs(random.nextLong) % mod)

  /** return a random int modulo a number */
  def randomInt(mod: Int): Int = withRandom(random => Math.abs(random.nextInt) % mod)

   * return true only 'percent' times when asked repeatedly.
   * This function is used in the Skittr example to get a random set of users
   * @param percent percentage as a double number <= 1.0
  def shouldShow(percent: Double): Boolean = withRandom(_.nextDouble <= percent)

  private final def cleanArray(in: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = in.filter(a => a >= 32 && a <= 127)

  /** encode a Byte array in Base 64 */
  def base64Encode(in: Array[Byte]): String = new String(cleanArray((new Base64).encode(in)))

  /** encode a Byte array in Base 64 in a way that's safe for use in URLs */
  def base64EncodeURLSafe(in: Array[Byte]): String = new String(Base64.encodeBase64URLSafe(in))

  /** decode a String in Base 64 */
  def base64Decode(in: String): Array[Byte] = (new Base64).decode(in.getBytes("UTF-8"))

  /** create a MD5 digest from a Byte array */
  def md5(in: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = (MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")).digest(in)

  /** create a MD5 digest from a String */
  def md5(in: String): String = new String(cleanArray((new Base64) encode md5(in.getBytes("UTF-8"))))

  /** create a SHA hash from a Byte array */
  def hash(in : Array[Byte]) : Array[Byte] = {

  /** create a SHA hash from a String */
  def hash(in: String) : String = {
    new String(cleanArray((new Base64) encode (MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA")).digest(in.getBytes("UTF-8"))))

   /** create a SHA hash from a String */
  def hashHex(in: String) : String = {

  /** Compare two strings in a way that does not vary if the strings
   * are determined to be not equal early (test every byte... avoids
   * timing attackes */
  def secureEquals(s1: String, s2: String): Boolean = (s1, s2) match {
    case (null, null) => true
    case (null, _) => false
    case (_, null) => false
    case (a, b) => secureEquals(a.getBytes("UTF-8"), b.getBytes("UTF-8"))
  /** Compare two byte arrays in a way that does not vary if the arrays
   * are determined to be not equal early (test every byte... avoids
   * timing attackes */
  def secureEquals(s1: Array[Byte], s2: Array[Byte]): Boolean = (s1, s2) match {
    case (null, null) => true
    case (null, _) => false
    case (_, null) => false
    case (a, b) => {
      val la = a.length
      val lb = b.length
      var ret = true
      var pos = 0
      while (pos < la && pos < lb) {
        ret &= (a(pos) == b(pos))
        pos += 1
      ret && la == lb

  /** create a SHA-256 hash from a Byte array */
  def hash256(in : Array[Byte]) : Array[Byte] = {

  /** create a SHA-256 hash from a String */
  def hash256(in : String): String = {
    new String(cleanArray((new Base64) encode (MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")).digest(in.getBytes("UTF-8"))))

  /** create an hex encoded SHA hash from a Byte array */
  def hexDigest(in: Array[Byte]): String = {
    val binHash = (MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA")).digest(in)

  /** create an hex encoded SHA-256 hash from a Byte array */
  def hexDigest256(in: Array[Byte]): String = {
    val binHash = (MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")).digest(in)

  def hexDecode(str: String): Array[Byte] = {
    val max = str.length / 2
    val ret = new Array[Byte](max)
    var pos = 0

    def byteOf(in: Char): Int = in match {
      case '0' => 0
      case '1' => 1
      case '2' => 2
      case '3' => 3
      case '4' => 4
      case '5' => 5
      case '6' => 6
      case '7' => 7
      case '8' => 8
      case '9' => 9
      case 'a' | 'A' => 10
      case 'b' | 'B' => 11
      case 'c' | 'C' => 12
      case 'd' | 'D' => 13
      case 'e' | 'E' => 14
      case 'f' | 'F' => 15
        case _ => 0

    while (pos < max) {
      val two = pos * 2
      val ch: Char = str.charAt(two)
      val cl: Char = str.charAt(two + 1)
      ret(pos) = (byteOf(ch) * 16 + byteOf(cl)).toByte
      pos += 1


  /** encode a Byte array as hexadecimal characters */
  def hexEncode(in: Array[Byte]): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder
    val len = in.length
    def addDigit(in: Array[Byte], pos: Int, len: Int, sb: StringBuilder) {
      if (pos < len) {
        val b: Int = in(pos)
        val msb = (b & 0xf0) >> 4
        val lsb = (b & 0x0f)
        sb.append((if (msb < 10) ('0' + msb).asInstanceOf[Char] else ('a' + (msb - 10)).asInstanceOf[Char]))
        sb.append((if (lsb < 10) ('0' + lsb).asInstanceOf[Char] else ('a' + (lsb - 10)).asInstanceOf[Char]))

        addDigit(in, pos + 1, len, sb)
    addDigit(in, 0, len, sb)


Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework SecurityHelpers.scala source code file:

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