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Lift Framework example source code file (StringHelpersSpec.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (StringHelpersSpec.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The Lift Framework StringHelpersSpec.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package util

import org.specs.{ScalaCheck, Specification}
import org.scalacheck.Gen._

import StringHelpers._

 * Systems under specification for StringHelpers.
object StringHelpersSpec extends Specification("StringHelpers Specification") with ScalaCheck with StringGen {

  "The snakify function" should {
    "replace upper case with underscore" in {
      snakify("MyCamelCase") must_== "my_camel_case"
      snakify("CamelCase") must_== "camel_case"
      snakify("Camel") must_== "camel"
      snakify("MyCamel12Case") must_== "my_camel12_case"
      snakify("CamelCase12") must_== "camel_case12"
      snakify("Camel12") must_== "camel12"

    "not modify existing snake case strings" in {
      snakify("my_snake_case") must_== "my_snake_case"
      snakify("snake") must_== "snake"

    "handle abbeviations" in {
      snakify("HTML") must_== "html"
      snakify("HTMLEditor") must_== "html_editor"
      snakify("EditorTOC") must_== "editor_toc"
      snakify("HTMLEditorTOC") must_== "html_editor_toc"

      snakify("HTML5") must_== "html5"
      snakify("HTML5Editor") must_== "html5_editor"
      snakify("Editor2TOC") must_== "editor2_toc"
      snakify("HTML5Editor2TOC") must_== "html5_editor2_toc"

  "The camelify function" should {
    "CamelCase a name which is underscored, removing each underscore and capitalizing the next letter" in {
      def previousCharacterIsUnderscore(name: String, i: Int) = i > 1 && name.charAt(i - 1) == '_'
      def underscoresNumber(name: String, i: Int) = if (i == 0) 0 else name.substring(0, i).toList.count(_ == '_')
      def correspondingIndexInCamelCase(name: String, i: Int) = i - underscoresNumber(name, i)
      def correspondingCharInCamelCase(name: String, i: Int): Char = camelify(name).charAt(correspondingIndexInCamelCase(name, i))

      val doesntContainUnderscores = forAllProp(underscoredStrings)((name: String) => !camelify(name).contains("_"))
      val isCamelCased = forAllProp(underscoredStrings) ((name: String) => {
        name.forall(_ == '_') && camelify(name).isEmpty ||
        name.toList.zipWithIndex.forall { case (c, i) =>
          c == '_' ||
          correspondingIndexInCamelCase(name, i) == 0 && correspondingCharInCamelCase(name, i) == c.toUpper ||
          !previousCharacterIsUnderscore(name, i) && correspondingCharInCamelCase(name, i) == c ||
          previousCharacterIsUnderscore(name, i) && correspondingCharInCamelCase(name, i) == c.toUpper
      doesntContainUnderscores && isCamelCased must pass
    "return an empty string if given null" in {
      camelify(null) must_== ""
    "leave a CamelCased name untouched" in {
      val camelCasedNameDoesntChange = forAllProp(camelCasedStrings){ (name: String) => camelify(name) == name }
      camelCasedNameDoesntChange must pass

  "The camelifyMethod function" should {
    "camelCase a name with the first letter being lower cased" in {
      val camelCasedMethodIsCamelCaseWithLowerCase = forAllProp(underscoredStrings){
        (name: String) =>
        camelify(name).isEmpty && camelifyMethod(name).isEmpty ||
        camelifyMethod(name).toList.head.isLower && camelify(name) == camelifyMethod(name).capitalize
      camelCasedMethodIsCamelCaseWithLowerCase must pass

  "SuperListString" should {
    """allow "foo" / "bar" """ in {
      ("foo" / "bar") must_== List("foo", "bar")

    """allow "foo" / "bar" / "baz" """ in {
      ("foo" / "bar" / "baz") must_== List("foo", "bar", "baz")

  "The StringHelpers processString function" should {
    "replace groups found in a string surrounded by <%= ... %> by their corresponding value in a map" in {
      processString("<%=hello%>", Map("hello" -> "bonjour")) must_== "bonjour"
    "replace groups found in several strings surrounded by <%= ... %> by their corresponding value in a map" in {
      processString("<%=hello%> <%=world%>", Map("hello" -> "bonjour", "world" -> "monde")) must_== "bonjour monde"
    "not replace the group if it starts with %" in {
      processString("<%=%hello%>", Map("hello" -> "bonjour")) must_== "<%=%hello%>"
    "throw an exception if no correspondance is found" in {
      processString("<%=hello%>", Map("hallo" -> "bonjour")) must throwA[Exception]

  "The StringHelpers capify function" should {
    "capitalize a word" in {
      capify("hello") must_== "Hello"
    "capitalize the first letters of 2 words" in {
      capify("hello world") must_== "Hello World"
    "capitalize the first letters of 2 words separated by an underscore" in {
      capify("hello_world") must_== "Hello_World"
    "capitalize the second character in a word if the first is a digit" in {
      capify("hello 1world") must_== "Hello 1World"
    "capitalize the third character in a word if the first 2 are digits" in {
      capify("hello 12world") must_== "Hello 12World"
    "suppress symbols placed in front of words and capitalize the words" in {
      capify("@hello $world") must_== "Hello World"
    "remove letters in the word if there are more than 250 digits in front of it" in {
      capify("1" * 250 + "hello") must_== "1" * 250
  "The StringHelpers clean function" should {
    "return an empty string if the input is null" in {
      clean(null) must_== ""
    "remove every character which is not a-zA-Z0-9_" in {
      clean(" He@llo Wor+ld_!") must_== "HelloWorld_"
  "The StringHelpers randomString" should {
    "return an empty string if size is 0" in {
      randomString(0) must_== ""
    "return a string of size n" in {
      randomString(10).toSeq must haveSize(10)

    "return only capital letters and digits" in {
      randomString(10) must beMatching("[A-Z0-9]*")
  "The StringHelpers escChar" should {
    "return the unicode value of a character as a string starting with \\u" in {
      escChar('{') must_== "\\u007b"
      escChar('A') must_== "\\u0041"
  "The StringHelpers splitColonPair" should {
    "split a string separated by a dot in 2 parts" in {
      splitColonPair("a.b", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b")
    "split a string separated by a dot in 2 trimmed parts" in {
      splitColonPair(" a . b ", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b")
    "split a string separated by a column in 2 parts" in {
      splitColonPair("a:b", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b")
    "split a string according to the dot prioritarily" in {
      splitColonPair("a.b:c", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b:c")
    "split a string according to first the dot if there are several ones and removing everything after the next dot" in {
      splitColonPair("a.b.c", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b")
      splitColonPair("a.b.c.d", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b")
    "use a default value for the second part if there is nothing to split" in {
      splitColonPair("abc", "1", "2") must_== ("abc", "2")
    "use null for the first part if the input string is null" in {
      splitColonPair(null, "1", "2") must_== ("", "2")
    "use a default value for the first part if the input string is empty" in {
      splitColonPair("", "1", "2") must_== ("1", "2")
  "The StringHelpers parseNumber function" should {
    "return a Long corresponding to the value of a string with digits" in {
      parseNumber("1234") must_== 1234L
    "return a positive Long value if the string starts with +" in {
      parseNumber("+1234") must_== 1234L
    "return a positive Long value if the string starts with -" in {
      parseNumber("-1234") must_== -1234L
    "return 0 if the string is null" in {
      parseNumber(null) must_== 0L
    "return 0 if the string is empty" in {
      parseNumber("") must_== 0L
    "return 0 if the string can't be parsed" in {
      parseNumber("string") must_== 0L
  "The SuperString class roboSplit method" should {
    "split a string according to a separator" in {
      "hello".roboSplit("ll") must_== List("he", "o")
    "split a string according to a separator - 2" in {
      "hAeAlAlAo".roboSplit("A") must_== List("h", "e", "l", "l", "o")
    "split a string into trimmed parts" in {
      "hello . world ".roboSplit("\\.") must_== List("hello", "world")
    "split a string into trimmed parts whose length is > 0" in {
      "hello . . world ".roboSplit("\\.") must_== List("hello", "world")
    "split a string according to a separator. The separator is always interpreted as a regular expression" in {
      "hello".roboSplit("(l)+") must_== List("he", "o")
    "return a list containing the string if the separator is not found" in {
      "hello".roboSplit("tt") must_== List("hello")
    "return an empty list if the string is null" in {
      (null: String).roboSplit("a") must_== List()
    "return a list containing the string if the string is empty" in {
      "".roboSplit("a") must_== List()

  "The SuperString class charSplit method" should {
    "split a string according to a separator" in {
      "hello".charSplit('l') must_== List("he", "o")
    "split a string according to a separator - 2" in {
      "hAeAlAlAo".charSplit('A') must_== List("h", "e", "l", "l", "o")
    "split a string" in {
      "hello . world ".charSplit('.') must_== List("hello ", " world ")
    "split a string into parts" in {
      "hello .. world ".charSplit('.') must_== List("hello ", " world ")
    "return an empty list if the string is null" in {
      (null: String).charSplit('a') must_== List()
    "return a list containing the string if the string is empty" in {
      "".charSplit('a') must_== List()

  "The SuperString class splitAt method" should {
    "split a string according to a separator and return a List containing a pair with the 2 parts" in {
      stringToSuper("hello").splitAt("ll") must_== List(("he", "o"))
    "split a string according to a separator and return an empty List if no separator is found" in {
      stringToSuper("hello").splitAt("tt") must_== Nil
    "split a string according to a separator and return an empty List if the string is null" in {
      stringToSuper(null: String).splitAt("tt") must_== Nil
  "The SuperString class encJs method" should {
    "encode a string replacing backslash with its unicode value" in {
      "\\hello".encJs must_== "\"\\u005chello\""
    "encode a string replacing the quote character with its unicode value" in {
      "h'ello".encJs must_== "\"h\\u0027ello\""
    "encode a string adding a quote before and a quote after the string" in {
      "hello".encJs must_== "\"hello\""
    "encode a string replacing non-ASCII characters by their unicode value" in {
      "ni\u00f1a".encJs must_== "\"ni\\u00f1a\""
    "return the string \"null\" if the input string is null" in {
      (null: String).encJs must_== "null"
  "The SuperString class commafy method" should {
    "add a comma before the last 3 characters of the input string" in {
      "hello".commafy must_== "he,llo"
    "add nothing if the input string is less than 4 characters" in {
      "hel".commafy must_== "hel"
    "return null if the input string is null" in {
      (null: String).commafy must beNull
  "The emptyForNull method" should {
    "return the empty String for a given null String" in {
      StringHelpers.emptyForNull(null) must_== ""
    "return the given String for a given not-null String" in {
      StringHelpers.emptyForNull("x") must_== "x"

trait StringGen {
  val underscoredStrings =
    for {
      length <- choose(0, 4)
      s <- listOfN(length, frequency((3, alphaChar), (1, oneOf(List('_')))))
    } yield s.mkString

  val camelCasedStrings =
    for {
      length <- choose(0, 4)
      firstLetter <-
      string <- listOfN(length, frequency((3,,
  } yield (firstLetter :: string).mkString

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework StringHelpersSpec.scala source code file:

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