Lift Framework example source code file (StringHelpersSpec.scala)
The Lift Framework StringHelpersSpec.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package util import org.specs.{ScalaCheck, Specification} import org.scalacheck.Gen._ import StringHelpers._ /** * Systems under specification for StringHelpers. */ object StringHelpersSpec extends Specification("StringHelpers Specification") with ScalaCheck with StringGen { "The snakify function" should { "replace upper case with underscore" in { snakify("MyCamelCase") must_== "my_camel_case" snakify("CamelCase") must_== "camel_case" snakify("Camel") must_== "camel" snakify("MyCamel12Case") must_== "my_camel12_case" snakify("CamelCase12") must_== "camel_case12" snakify("Camel12") must_== "camel12" } "not modify existing snake case strings" in { snakify("my_snake_case") must_== "my_snake_case" snakify("snake") must_== "snake" } "handle abbeviations" in { snakify("HTML") must_== "html" snakify("HTMLEditor") must_== "html_editor" snakify("EditorTOC") must_== "editor_toc" snakify("HTMLEditorTOC") must_== "html_editor_toc" snakify("HTML5") must_== "html5" snakify("HTML5Editor") must_== "html5_editor" snakify("Editor2TOC") must_== "editor2_toc" snakify("HTML5Editor2TOC") must_== "html5_editor2_toc" } } "The camelify function" should { "CamelCase a name which is underscored, removing each underscore and capitalizing the next letter" in { def previousCharacterIsUnderscore(name: String, i: Int) = i > 1 && name.charAt(i - 1) == '_' def underscoresNumber(name: String, i: Int) = if (i == 0) 0 else name.substring(0, i).toList.count(_ == '_') def correspondingIndexInCamelCase(name: String, i: Int) = i - underscoresNumber(name, i) def correspondingCharInCamelCase(name: String, i: Int): Char = camelify(name).charAt(correspondingIndexInCamelCase(name, i)) val doesntContainUnderscores = forAllProp(underscoredStrings)((name: String) => !camelify(name).contains("_")) val isCamelCased = forAllProp(underscoredStrings) ((name: String) => { name.forall(_ == '_') && camelify(name).isEmpty || name.toList.zipWithIndex.forall { case (c, i) => c == '_' || correspondingIndexInCamelCase(name, i) == 0 && correspondingCharInCamelCase(name, i) == c.toUpper || !previousCharacterIsUnderscore(name, i) && correspondingCharInCamelCase(name, i) == c || previousCharacterIsUnderscore(name, i) && correspondingCharInCamelCase(name, i) == c.toUpper } }) doesntContainUnderscores && isCamelCased must pass } "return an empty string if given null" in { camelify(null) must_== "" } "leave a CamelCased name untouched" in { val camelCasedNameDoesntChange = forAllProp(camelCasedStrings){ (name: String) => camelify(name) == name } camelCasedNameDoesntChange must pass } } "The camelifyMethod function" should { "camelCase a name with the first letter being lower cased" in { val camelCasedMethodIsCamelCaseWithLowerCase = forAllProp(underscoredStrings){ (name: String) => camelify(name).isEmpty && camelifyMethod(name).isEmpty || camelifyMethod(name).toList.head.isLower && camelify(name) == camelifyMethod(name).capitalize } camelCasedMethodIsCamelCaseWithLowerCase must pass } } "SuperListString" should { """allow "foo" / "bar" """ in { ("foo" / "bar") must_== List("foo", "bar") } """allow "foo" / "bar" / "baz" """ in { ("foo" / "bar" / "baz") must_== List("foo", "bar", "baz") } } "The StringHelpers processString function" should { "replace groups found in a string surrounded by <%= ... %> by their corresponding value in a map" in { processString("<%=hello%>", Map("hello" -> "bonjour")) must_== "bonjour" } "replace groups found in several strings surrounded by <%= ... %> by their corresponding value in a map" in { processString("<%=hello%> <%=world%>", Map("hello" -> "bonjour", "world" -> "monde")) must_== "bonjour monde" } "not replace the group if it starts with %" in { processString("<%=%hello%>", Map("hello" -> "bonjour")) must_== "<%=%hello%>" } "throw an exception if no correspondance is found" in { processString("<%=hello%>", Map("hallo" -> "bonjour")) must throwA[Exception] } } "The StringHelpers capify function" should { "capitalize a word" in { capify("hello") must_== "Hello" } "capitalize the first letters of 2 words" in { capify("hello world") must_== "Hello World" } "capitalize the first letters of 2 words separated by an underscore" in { capify("hello_world") must_== "Hello_World" } "capitalize the second character in a word if the first is a digit" in { capify("hello 1world") must_== "Hello 1World" } "capitalize the third character in a word if the first 2 are digits" in { capify("hello 12world") must_== "Hello 12World" } "suppress symbols placed in front of words and capitalize the words" in { capify("@hello $world") must_== "Hello World" } "remove letters in the word if there are more than 250 digits in front of it" in { capify("1" * 250 + "hello") must_== "1" * 250 } } "The StringHelpers clean function" should { "return an empty string if the input is null" in { clean(null) must_== "" } "remove every character which is not a-zA-Z0-9_" in { clean(" He@llo Wor+ld_!") must_== "HelloWorld_" } } "The StringHelpers randomString" should { "return an empty string if size is 0" in { randomString(0) must_== "" } /* "return a string of size n" in { randomString(10).toSeq must haveSize(10) } */ "return only capital letters and digits" in { randomString(10) must beMatching("[A-Z0-9]*") } } "The StringHelpers escChar" should { "return the unicode value of a character as a string starting with \\u" in { escChar('{') must_== "\\u007b" escChar('A') must_== "\\u0041" } } "The StringHelpers splitColonPair" should { "split a string separated by a dot in 2 parts" in { splitColonPair("a.b", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b") } "split a string separated by a dot in 2 trimmed parts" in { splitColonPair(" a . b ", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b") } "split a string separated by a column in 2 parts" in { splitColonPair("a:b", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b") } "split a string according to the dot prioritarily" in { splitColonPair("a.b:c", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b:c") } "split a string according to first the dot if there are several ones and removing everything after the next dot" in { splitColonPair("a.b.c", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b") splitColonPair("a.b.c.d", "1", "2") must_== ("a", "b") } "use a default value for the second part if there is nothing to split" in { splitColonPair("abc", "1", "2") must_== ("abc", "2") } "use null for the first part if the input string is null" in { splitColonPair(null, "1", "2") must_== ("", "2") } "use a default value for the first part if the input string is empty" in { splitColonPair("", "1", "2") must_== ("1", "2") } } "The StringHelpers parseNumber function" should { "return a Long corresponding to the value of a string with digits" in { parseNumber("1234") must_== 1234L } "return a positive Long value if the string starts with +" in { parseNumber("+1234") must_== 1234L } "return a positive Long value if the string starts with -" in { parseNumber("-1234") must_== -1234L } "return 0 if the string is null" in { parseNumber(null) must_== 0L } "return 0 if the string is empty" in { parseNumber("") must_== 0L } "return 0 if the string can't be parsed" in { parseNumber("string") must_== 0L } } "The SuperString class roboSplit method" should { "split a string according to a separator" in { "hello".roboSplit("ll") must_== List("he", "o") } "split a string according to a separator - 2" in { "hAeAlAlAo".roboSplit("A") must_== List("h", "e", "l", "l", "o") } "split a string into trimmed parts" in { "hello . world ".roboSplit("\\.") must_== List("hello", "world") } "split a string into trimmed parts whose length is > 0" in { "hello . . world ".roboSplit("\\.") must_== List("hello", "world") } "split a string according to a separator. The separator is always interpreted as a regular expression" in { "hello".roboSplit("(l)+") must_== List("he", "o") } "return a list containing the string if the separator is not found" in { "hello".roboSplit("tt") must_== List("hello") } "return an empty list if the string is null" in { (null: String).roboSplit("a") must_== List() } "return a list containing the string if the string is empty" in { "".roboSplit("a") must_== List() } } "The SuperString class charSplit method" should { "split a string according to a separator" in { "hello".charSplit('l') must_== List("he", "o") } "split a string according to a separator - 2" in { "hAeAlAlAo".charSplit('A') must_== List("h", "e", "l", "l", "o") } "split a string" in { "hello . world ".charSplit('.') must_== List("hello ", " world ") } "split a string into parts" in { "hello .. world ".charSplit('.') must_== List("hello ", " world ") } "return an empty list if the string is null" in { (null: String).charSplit('a') must_== List() } "return a list containing the string if the string is empty" in { "".charSplit('a') must_== List() } } "The SuperString class splitAt method" should { "split a string according to a separator and return a List containing a pair with the 2 parts" in { stringToSuper("hello").splitAt("ll") must_== List(("he", "o")) } "split a string according to a separator and return an empty List if no separator is found" in { stringToSuper("hello").splitAt("tt") must_== Nil } "split a string according to a separator and return an empty List if the string is null" in { stringToSuper(null: String).splitAt("tt") must_== Nil } } "The SuperString class encJs method" should { "encode a string replacing backslash with its unicode value" in { "\\hello".encJs must_== "\"\\u005chello\"" } "encode a string replacing the quote character with its unicode value" in { "h'ello".encJs must_== "\"h\\u0027ello\"" } "encode a string adding a quote before and a quote after the string" in { "hello".encJs must_== "\"hello\"" } "encode a string replacing non-ASCII characters by their unicode value" in { "ni\u00f1a".encJs must_== "\"ni\\u00f1a\"" } "return the string \"null\" if the input string is null" in { (null: String).encJs must_== "null" } } "The SuperString class commafy method" should { "add a comma before the last 3 characters of the input string" in { "hello".commafy must_== "he,llo" } "add nothing if the input string is less than 4 characters" in { "hel".commafy must_== "hel" } "return null if the input string is null" in { (null: String).commafy must beNull } } "The emptyForNull method" should { "return the empty String for a given null String" in { StringHelpers.emptyForNull(null) must_== "" } "return the given String for a given not-null String" in { StringHelpers.emptyForNull("x") must_== "x" } } } trait StringGen { val underscoredStrings = for { length <- choose(0, 4) s <- listOfN(length, frequency((3, alphaChar), (1, oneOf(List('_'))))) } yield s.mkString val camelCasedStrings = for { length <- choose(0, 4) firstLetter <- alphaNumChar.map(_.toUpper) string <- listOfN(length, frequency((3, alphaNumChar.map(_.toLower)), (1, alphaNumChar.map(_.toUpper)))) } yield (firstLetter :: string).mkString } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework StringHelpersSpec.scala source code file: |
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