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Lift Framework example source code file (LoggingStatementWrappers.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (LoggingStatementWrappers.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

array, array, exec, get, get, int, invalid, jdbc, object, object, reflection, set, sql, stream, string, string, t

The Lift Framework LoggingStatementWrappers.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb 
package db

import java.lang.reflect.{InvocationHandler,Method,Proxy}
import java.sql.{Array => SqlArray, _}

import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.common.{Box,Loggable}

trait DBLogEntry {
  def statement : String
  def duration : Long
object DBLogEntry {
  def unapply(obj : Any) = obj match {
    case entry : DBLogEntry => Some(entry.statement,entry.duration)
    case _ => None
case class DBStatementEntry(statement : String, duration : Long) extends DBLogEntry
case class DBMetaEntry(statement : String, duration : Long) extends DBLogEntry

 * This trait is applied to JDBC statements and similar constructs that can log operations.
 * To enable logging of DB operations, use DB.addLogFunc
trait DBLog {
  protected var executedStatements = List[DBLogEntry]()

  Some convenience methods to simplify the statements. We defined methods that can either take a raw description,
  or a function that can use the result of the operation to construct a description.
  protected def logStatement[T](description : String)(f : => T) : T = logStatement({ignore : T => description})(f)

  protected def logStatement[T](description : T => String)(f : => T) : T = Helpers.calcTime(f) match {
      case (duration, result) => executedStatements ::= DBStatementEntry(description(result), duration); result

  protected def logMeta[T](description : String)(f : => T) : T = logMeta({ignore : T => description})(f)

  protected def logMeta[T](description : T => String)(f : => T) : T = Helpers.calcTime(f) match {
      case (duration, result) => executedStatements ::= DBMetaEntry(description(result), duration); result

  /** Return a list of all of the DBStatementEntry instances in the log buffer */
  def statementEntries : List[DBStatementEntry] = executedStatements.filter(_.isInstanceOf[DBStatementEntry]).reverse.asInstanceOf[List[DBStatementEntry]]

  /** Return a list of all of the DBMetaEntry instances in the log buffer */
  def metaEntries : List[DBMetaEntry] = executedStatements.filter(_.isInstanceOf[DBMetaEntry]).reverse.asInstanceOf[List[DBMetaEntry]]

  /** Return all log buffer entries */
  def allEntries : List[DBLogEntry] = executedStatements.reverse

object DBLog {
  def createStatement (conn : Connection) = {
    val stmt = conn.createStatement
                           Array(classOf[java.sql.Statement], classOf[DBLog]),
                           new LoggedStatementHandler(stmt)).asInstanceOf[Statement]

  def prepareStatement (conn : Connection, query : String) =
    proxyPreparedStatement(conn.prepareStatement(query), query)

  def prepareStatement (conn : Connection, query : String, autoKeys : Int) =
    proxyPreparedStatement(conn.prepareStatement(query, autoKeys), query)

  def prepareStatement (conn : Connection, query : String, autoKeys : Array[Int]) =
    proxyPreparedStatement(conn.prepareStatement(query, autoKeys), query)

  def prepareStatement (conn : Connection, query : String, autoKeys : Array[String]) =
    proxyPreparedStatement(conn.prepareStatement(query, autoKeys), query)

  private def proxyPreparedStatement(stmt : => PreparedStatement, query : String) = {
    try {
                             Array(classOf[java.sql.PreparedStatement], classOf[DBLog]),
                             new LoggedPreparedStatementHandler(query, stmt)).asInstanceOf[PreparedStatement]
    } catch {
      case sqle : SQLException => throw new SQLException("Error preparing statement: \"%s\"".format(query), sqle)

   * This class corresponds to a logged version of java.sql.Statement. All operations
   * are supported via dynamic dispatch. This is done so that we can support both
   * JDBC3 and JDBC4 without having two code trees.
   * To enable logging of DB operations, use DB.addLogFunc
  sealed private[DBLog] class LoggedStatementHandler(underlying : Statement) extends InvocationHandler with DBLog with Loggable {
    def underlyingClassname = "java.sql.Statement"
    lazy val representative : Class[_] = Class.forName(underlyingClassname)

    def invoke (proxy : Object, method : Method, args : Array[Object]) : Object = method.getName match {
      // Handle DBLog methods first. We have to do this since the end user expects a DBLog interface
      // via the proxy.
      case "statementEntries" => this.statementEntries
      case "metaEntries" => this.metaEntries
      case "allEntries" => this.allEntries

      // The rest are from Statement
      case "addBatch" => {
        logStatement("Batched: \"%s\"".format(args(0))) {
          chain(method,  args)
      case "cancel" => {
        logMeta("Cancelled Statement") {
          chain(method,  Array())
      case "clearBatch" => {
        logMeta("Cleared Batch") {
          chain(method,  Array())
      case "clearWarnings" => {
        logMeta("Cleared Warnings") {
          chain(method,  Array())
      case "close" => {
        logMeta("Closed Statement") {
          chain(method,  Array())
      case "execute" if args.length == 1 => {
        logStatement({ret : Object => "\"%s\" : result = %s".format(args(0), ret)}) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "execute" if args(1).getClass == classOf[Int]  => {
        logStatement({ret : Object => "Exec \"%s\", Auto-gen keys = %s : result = %s".format(args(0), StatementConstantDescriptions.genKeyDescriptions(args(1).asInstanceOf[Int]), ret)}) {
          chain(method,  args)
      case "execute" => {
        logStatement({ret : Object => "Exec \"%s\", Auto-gen keys for columns %s".format(args(0), args(1).asInstanceOf[Array[_]].mkString(", "), ret)}) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "executeBatch" => {
        logStatement({result : Object => "Exec batch, counts = " + result.asInstanceOf[Array[Int]].mkString("(", ", ", ")")}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "executeQuery" => {
        logStatement({rs : Object => "Exec query \"%s\" : rs = %s".format(args(0),rs)}) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "executeUpdate" if args.length == 1 => {
        logStatement({count : Object => "Exec update \"%s\" : count = %d".format(args(0),count)}) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "executeUpdate" if args(1).getClass == classOf[Int] => {
        logStatement({count : Object => "Exec update \"%s\", Auto-gen keys = %s".format(args(0), StatementConstantDescriptions.genKeyDescriptions(args(1).asInstanceOf[Int]), count)}) {
          chain(method,  args)
      case "executeUpdate" => {
        logStatement({count : Object => "Exec update \"%s\", Auto-gen keys for columns %s".format(args(0), args(1).asInstanceOf[Array[_]].mkString(", "), count)}) {
          chain(method,  args)
      case "getConnection" => {
        logMeta("Get underlying Connection") {
          chain(method,  Array())
      case "getFetchDirection" => {
        logMeta({ret : Object => "Get fetch direction : " + StatementConstantDescriptions.fetchDirDescriptions(ret.asInstanceOf[Int])}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getFetchSize" => {
        logMeta({size : Object => "Get fetch size : " + size}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getGeneratedKeys" => {
        logMeta({rs : Object => "Get generated keys : rs = " + rs}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getMaxFieldSize" => {
        logMeta({size : Object => "Get max field size : " + size}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getMaxRows" => {
        logMeta({maxRows : Object => "Get max rows : " + maxRows}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getMoreResults" if args.length == 0 => {
        logMeta({hasMore : Object => "Get more results : " + hasMore}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getMoreResults" => {
        logMeta({ret : Object => "Get more results (%s) : %s".format(StatementConstantDescriptions.getMoreResultsDescriptions(args(0).asInstanceOf[Int]), ret)}) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "getQueryTimeout" => {
        logMeta({timeout : Object => "Get query timeout : %d seconds ".format(timeout)}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getResultSet" => {
        logMeta({rs : Object => "Get result set : " + rs}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getResultSetConcurrency" => {
        logMeta({ret : Object => "Get result set concurrency : " + StatementConstantDescriptions.resultSetConcurrencyDescs(ret.asInstanceOf[Int])}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getResultSetHoldability" => {
        logMeta({ret : Object => "Get ResultSet holdability : " + StatementConstantDescriptions.resultSetHoldabilityDescs(ret.asInstanceOf[Int])}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getResultSetType" => {
        logMeta({ret : Object => "Get ResultSet type : " + StatementConstantDescriptions.resultSetTypeDescs(ret.asInstanceOf[Int])}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getUpdateCount" => {
        logMeta({count : Object => "Get update count : " + count}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "getWarnings" => {
        logMeta({ret : Object => "Get SQL Warnings: " + Box.!!(ret).map(_.toString).openOr("None")}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "isClosed" => {
        logMeta({ret : Object => "Check isClosed : " + ret}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "isPoolable" => {
        logMeta({ret : Object => "Check isPoolable : " + ret}) {
            chain(method,  Array())
      case "setCursorName" => {
        logMeta("Set cursor name = %s" + args(0)) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "setEscapeProcessing" => {
        logMeta("Set escape processing = " + args(0)) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "setFetchDirection" => {
        logMeta("Set fetch direction = " + StatementConstantDescriptions.fetchDirDescriptions(args(0).asInstanceOf[Int])) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "setFetchSize" => {
        logMeta("Set fetch size = " + args(0)) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "setMaxFieldSize" => {
        logMeta("Set max field size = " + args(0)) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "setMaxRows" => {
        logMeta("Set max rows = " + args(0)) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "setPoolable" => {
        logMeta("Set poolable = " + args(0)) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "setQueryTimeout" => {
        logMeta("Set query timeout = " + args(0)) {
            chain(method,  args)
      case "toString" => {
        // We'll call into our own representation here
      // These are from wrapper and are required
      case "isWrapperFor" => args(0).getClass match {
        case `representative` =>
        case _ => chain(method,  args)
      case "unwrap" => args(0).getClass match {
        case `representative` => underlying
        case _ => chain(method,  args)

      case methodName => throw new NoSuchMethodException(methodName + " is not implemented here")

    protected def chain(method : Method, args : Array[Object]) : Object =
    try {
      val m = representative.getMethod(method.getName, method.getParameterTypes : _*)

      m.invoke(underlying, args : _*)
    } catch {
      case ite: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException => throw ite.getCause
      case nsme : NoSuchMethodException => logger.warn("Could not locate method %s for %s : %s".format(method.getName, underlyingClassname, nsme.getMessage))
      throw nsme

    /* This toString only gets invoked if we target this instance as a
     * LoggedStatementHandler directly, or via the proxied "toString" above.
    override def toString = "Logged Statements =\n" +"  " + _).mkString("\n")

   * This class corresponds to a logged version of java.sql.PreparedStatement. All operations
   * should be supported.
   * To enable logging of DB operations, use DB.addLogFunc
  sealed private[DBLog] class LoggedPreparedStatementHandler (stmt : String, underlying : PreparedStatement) extends LoggedStatementHandler(underlying) {
    override def underlyingClassname = "java.sql.PreparedStatement"

    private var paramMap = Map.empty[Int,Any]

    // utility method to fill in params
    private def paramified : String = {
      val sb = new StringBuilder(500)
      def substitute (in : String, index : Int): Unit = in.indexOf('?') match {
        case -1 => 

        case j => 
	  substitute(in.substring(j + 1), index + 1)
      substitute(stmt, 1)

    override def invoke (proxy : Object, method : Method, args : Array[Object]) : Object = {
      method.getName match {
        // All of the simple cases can be handled in one spot
        case "setArray" | "setBigDecimal" | "setBoolean" | "setByte" |
             "setBytes" | "setDouble" | "setFloat" | "setInt" | "setLong" |
             "setNString" | "setRef" | "setRowId" | "setShort" | "setSQLXML"
             => {
          paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> args(1)
          chain(method,  args)

        // Everything else gets special treatment

        case "addBatch" => {
          logStatement("Batching \"%s\"".format(paramified)) {
              chain(method,  Array())

        case "clearParameters" => {
          paramMap = Map.empty[Int,Any]
          logMeta("Clear parameters") {
              chain(method,  Array())

        case "execute" => {
          logStatement({ret : Object => "Exec \"%s\" : %s".format(paramified, ret)}) {
              chain(method,  Array())

        case "executeQuery" => {
          logStatement({rs : Object => "Exec query \"%s\" : %s".format(paramified, rs)}) {
              chain(method,  Array())

        case "executeUpdate" => {
          logStatement({ret : Object => "Exec update \"%s\" : updated %d rows".format(paramified, ret)}) {
              chain(method,  Array())

        case "getMetaData" => {
          logMeta({ret : Object => "Get metadata : " + ret}) {
              chain(method,  Array())

        case "getParameterMetaData" => {
          logMeta({ret : Object => "Get param metadata : " + ret}) {
              chain(method,  Array())

        case "setAsciiStream" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Ascii Stream: %s)".format(args(1))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setAsciiStream" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Ascii Stream: %s (%d bytes))".format(args(1), args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setBinaryStream" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Binary Stream: %s)".format(args(1))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setBinaryStream" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Binary Stream: %s (%d bytes))".format(args(1), args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setBlob" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Blob : %s)".format(args(1))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setBlob" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Blob : %s (%d bytes))".format(args(1), args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setCharacterStream" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Char stream : %s)".format(args(1))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setCharacterStream" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Char stream : %s (%d bytes))".format(args(1), args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setClob" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Clob : %s)".format(args(1))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setClob" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Clob : %s (%d bytes))".format(args(1), args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setDate" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> args(1)
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setDate" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> (args(1) + ":" + args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setNCharacterStream" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(NChar Stream : %s)".format(args(1))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setNCharacterStream" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(NChar Stream : %s (%d bytes))".format(args(1), args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setNClob" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(NClob : %s)".format(args(1))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setNClob" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(NClob : %s (%d bytes))".format(args(1), args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setNull" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "NULL"
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setObject" if (args.length >= 2 && args.length < 4) => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> args(1)
            chain(method, args)

        case "setObject" if args.length == 4 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "%s (scale %d)".format(args(1), args(3))
            chain(method, args)

        case "setString" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "\"%s\"".format(args(1))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setTime" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> args(1)
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setTime" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> (args(1) + ":" + args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setTimestamp" if args.length == 2 => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> args(1)
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setTimestamp" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> (args(1) + ":" + args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setUnicodeStream" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "(Unicode Stream : %s (%d bytes))".format(args(1), args(2))
            chain(method,  args)

        case "setURL" => {
            paramMap += args(0).asInstanceOf[Int] -> "\"%s\"".format(args(1))
            chain(method,  args)

        // Chain up to LoggedStatement if we don't handle it here
        case _ => super.invoke(proxy, method, args)

 * This object defines some conversions from Int JDBC constants to
 * descriptive strings
object StatementConstantDescriptions {
    def genKeyDescriptions (in : Int) = in match {
        case Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS => "NO_GENERATED_KEYS"
        case x => "Invalid Generated Keys Constant: " + x

    def fetchDirDescriptions (in : Int) = in match {
        case ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD => "FETCH_FORWARD"
        case ResultSet.FETCH_REVERSE => "FETCH_REVERSE"
        case ResultSet.FETCH_UNKNOWN => "FETCH_UNKNOWN"
        case x => "Invalid Fetch Direction Constant: " + x

    def getMoreResultsDescriptions (in : Int) = in match {
        case Statement.CLOSE_ALL_RESULTS => "CLOSE_ALL_RESULTS"
        case x => "Invalid getMoreResults constant: " + x

    def resultSetConcurrencyDescs (in : Int) = in match {
        case ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY => "CONCUR_READ_ONLY"
        case x => "Invalid ResultSet concurrency constant: " + x

    def resultSetHoldabilityDescs (in : Int) = in match {
        case x => "Invalid ResultSet holdability constant: " + x

    def resultSetTypeDescs (in : Int) = in match {
        case x => "Invalid ResultSet type constant: " + x

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LoggingStatementWrappers.scala source code file:

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