Lift Framework example source code file (Mapper.scala)
The Lift Framework Mapper.scala source code/* * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mapper import scala.collection.mutable._ import scala.xml.{Elem, NodeSeq} import net.liftweb.http.S import S._ import net.liftweb.http.js._ import net.liftweb.util.{FieldError, FieldContainer, BaseField} import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Empty, Full, ParamFailure} trait BaseMapper extends FieldContainer { type MapperType <: Mapper[MapperType] def dbName: String def save: Boolean } @serializable trait Mapper[A<:Mapper[A]] extends BaseMapper { self: A => type MapperType = A private val secure_# = Safe.next private var was_deleted_? = false private var dbConnectionIdentifier: Box[ConnectionIdentifier] = Empty private[mapper] var addedPostCommit = false @volatile private[mapper] var persisted_? = false def getSingleton : MetaMapper[A]; final def safe_? : Boolean = { Safe.safe_?(secure_#) } def dbName:String = getSingleton.dbName implicit def thisToMappee(in: Mapper[A]): A = this.asInstanceOf[A] def runSafe[T](f : => T) : T = { Safe.runSafe(secure_#)(f) } def connectionIdentifier(id: ConnectionIdentifier): A = { if (id != getSingleton.dbDefaultConnectionIdentifier || dbConnectionIdentifier.isDefined) dbConnectionIdentifier = Full(id) thisToMappee(this) } def connectionIdentifier = dbConnectionIdentifier openOr calcDbId def dbCalculateConnectionIdentifier: PartialFunction[A, ConnectionIdentifier] = Map.empty private def calcDbId = if (dbCalculateConnectionIdentifier.isDefinedAt(this)) dbCalculateConnectionIdentifier(this) else getSingleton.dbDefaultConnectionIdentifier /** * Append a function to perform after the commit happens * @param func - the function to perform after the commit happens */ def doPostCommit(func: () => Unit): A = { DB.appendPostFunc(connectionIdentifier, func) this } /** * Save the instance and return the instance */ def saveMe(): A = { this.save this } def save(): Boolean = { runSafe { getSingleton.save(this) } } def htmlLine : NodeSeq = { getSingleton.doHtmlLine(this) } def asHtml : NodeSeq = { getSingleton.asHtml(this) } /** * If the instance calculates any additional * fields for JSON object, put the calculated fields * here */ def suplementalJs(ob: Box[KeyObfuscator]): List[(String, JsExp)] = Nil def validate : List[FieldError] = { runSafe { getSingleton.validate(this) } } /** * Returns the instance in a Full Box if the instance is valid, otherwise * returns a Failure with the validation errors */ def asValid: Box[A] = validate match { case Nil => Full(this) case xs => ParamFailure(xs.map(_.msg.text).mkString(", "), Empty, Empty, xs) } /** * Convert the model to a JavaScript object */ def asJs: JsExp = getSingleton.asJs(this) /** * Delete the model from the RDBMS */ def delete_! : Boolean = { if (!db_can_delete_?) false else runSafe { was_deleted_? = getSingleton.delete_!(this) was_deleted_? } } /** * Get the fields (in order) for displaying a form */ def formFields: List[MappedField[_, A]] = getSingleton.formFields(this) def allFields: scala.collection.Seq[BaseField] = formFields /** * map the fields titles and forms to generate a list * @param func called with displayHtml, fieldId, form */ def mapFieldTitleForm[T](func: (NodeSeq, Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq) => T): List[T] = getSingleton.mapFieldTitleForm(this, func) /** * flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list * @param func called with displayHtml, fieldId, form */ def flatMapFieldTitleForm[T] (func: (NodeSeq, Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq) => scala.collection.Seq[T]): List[T] = getSingleton.flatMapFieldTitleForm(this, func) /** * flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list * @param func called with displayHtml, fieldId, form */ def flatMapFieldTitleForm2[T] (func: (NodeSeq, MappedField[_, A], NodeSeq) => scala.collection.Seq[T]): List[T] = getSingleton.flatMapFieldTitleForm2(this, func) /** * Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form * * @param button - If it's Full, put a submit button on the form with the value of the parameter * @param onSuccess - redirect to the URL if the model validates, otherwise display the errors * * @return the form */ def toForm(button: Box[String], onSuccess: String): NodeSeq = toForm(button, (what: A) => {what.validate match { case Nil => what.save ; S.redirectTo(onSuccess) case xs => S.error(xs) }}) /** * Present the model as a HTML using the same formatting as toForm * * @return the html view of the model */ def toHtml: NodeSeq = getSingleton.toHtml(this) /** * Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form * * @param button - If it's Full, put a submit button on the form with the value of the parameter * @param f - the function to execute on form submission * * @return the form */ def toForm(button: Box[String], f: A => Any): NodeSeq = getSingleton.toForm(this) ++ S.fmapFunc((ignore: List[String]) => f(this)){ (name: String) => (<input type='hidden' name={name} value="n/a" />)} ++ (button.map(b => getSingleton.formatFormElement( <xml:group> , )) openOr scala.xml.Text("")) def toForm(button: Box[String], redoSnippet: NodeSeq => NodeSeq, onSuccess: A => Unit): NodeSeq = { val snipName = S.currentSnippet def doSubmit() { this.validate match { case Nil => onSuccess(this) case xs => S.error(xs) snipName.foreach(n => S.mapSnippet(n, redoSnippet)) } } getSingleton.toForm(this) ++ S.fmapFunc((ignore: List[String]) => doSubmit())(name => <input type='hidden' name={name} value="n/a" />) ++ (button.map(b => getSingleton.formatFormElement( <xml:group> , )) openOr scala.xml.Text("")) } def saved_? : Boolean = getSingleton.saved_?(this) /** * Can this model object be deleted? */ def db_can_delete_? : Boolean = getSingleton.saved_?(this) && !was_deleted_? def dirty_? : Boolean = getSingleton.dirty_?(this) override def toString = { val ret = new StringBuilder ret.append(this.getClass.getName) ret.append("={") ret.append(getSingleton.appendFieldToStrings(this)) ret.append("}") ret.toString } def toXml: Elem = { getSingleton.toXml(this) } def checkNames { runSafe { getSingleton match { case null => case s => s.checkFieldNames(this) } } } def comparePrimaryKeys(other: A) = false /** * Find the field by name * @param fieldName -- the name of the field to find * * @return Box[MappedField] */ def fieldByName[T](fieldName: String): Box[MappedField[T, A]] = getSingleton.fieldByName[T](fieldName, this) type FieldPF = PartialFunction[String, NodeSeq => NodeSeq] def fieldMapperPF(transform: (BaseOwnedMappedField[A] => NodeSeq)): FieldPF = { getSingleton.fieldMapperPF(transform, this) } private var fieldPF_i: FieldPF = Map.empty def fieldPF = fieldPF_i def appendField(pf: FieldPF) { fieldPF_i = fieldPF_i orElse pf fieldPF_i } def prependField(pf: FieldPF) { fieldPF_i = pf orElse fieldPF_i fieldPF_i } /** * If there's a field in this record that defines the locale, return it */ def localeField: Box[MappedLocale[A]] = Empty def timeZoneField: Box[MappedTimeZone[A]] = Empty def countryField: Box[MappedCountry[A]] = Empty } trait LongKeyedMapper[OwnerType <: LongKeyedMapper[OwnerType]] extends KeyedMapper[Long, OwnerType] with BaseLongKeyedMapper { self: OwnerType => } trait BaseKeyedMapper extends BaseMapper { type TheKeyType type KeyedMapperType <: KeyedMapper[TheKeyType, KeyedMapperType] def primaryKeyField: MappedField[TheKeyType, MapperType] with IndexedField[TheKeyType] /** * Delete the model from the RDBMS */ def delete_! : Boolean } trait BaseLongKeyedMapper extends BaseKeyedMapper { override type TheKeyType = Long } trait IdPK /* extends BaseLongKeyedMapper */ { self: BaseLongKeyedMapper => def primaryKeyField = id object id extends MappedLongIndex[MapperType](this.asInstanceOf[MapperType]) } /** * A trait you can mix into a Mapper class that gives you * a createdat column */ trait CreatedTrait { self: BaseMapper => import net.liftweb.util._ /** * Override this method to index the createdAt field */ protected def createdAtIndexed_? = false /** * The createdAt field. You can change the behavior of this * field: * <pre name="code" class="scala"> * override lazy val createdAt = new MyCreatedAt(this) { * override def dbColumnName = "i_eat_time" * } * </pre> */ lazy val createdAt: MappedDateTime[MapperType] = new MyCreatedAt(this) protected class MyCreatedAt(obj: self.type) extends MappedDateTime[MapperType](obj.asInstanceOf[MapperType]) { override def defaultValue = Helpers.now override def dbIndexed_? = createdAtIndexed_? } } /** * A trait you can mix into a Mapper class that gives you * an updatedat column */ trait UpdatedTrait { self: BaseMapper => import net.liftweb.util._ /** * Override this method to index the updatedAt field */ protected def updatedAtIndexed_? = false /** * The updatedAt field. You can change the behavior of this * field: * <pre name="code" class="scala"> * override lazy val updatedAt = new MyUpdatedAt(this) { * override def dbColumnName = "i_eat_time_for_breakfast" * } * </pre> */ lazy val updatedAt: MyUpdatedAt = new MyUpdatedAt(this) protected class MyUpdatedAt(obj: self.type) extends MappedDateTime(obj.asInstanceOf[MapperType]) with LifecycleCallbacks { override def beforeSave() {super.beforeSave; this.set(Helpers.now)} override def defaultValue = Helpers.now override def dbIndexed_? = updatedAtIndexed_? } } /** * Mix this trait into your Mapper instance to get createdAt and updatedAt fields. */ trait CreatedUpdated extends CreatedTrait with UpdatedTrait { self: BaseMapper => } trait KeyedMapper[KeyType, OwnerType<:KeyedMapper[KeyType, OwnerType]] extends Mapper[OwnerType] with BaseKeyedMapper { self: OwnerType => type TheKeyType = KeyType type KeyedMapperType = OwnerType def primaryKeyField: MappedField[KeyType, OwnerType] with IndexedField[KeyType] def getSingleton: KeyedMetaMapper[KeyType, OwnerType]; override def comparePrimaryKeys(other: OwnerType) = primaryKeyField.is == other.primaryKeyField.is def reload: OwnerType = getSingleton.find(By(primaryKeyField, primaryKeyField)) openOr this def asSafeJs(f: KeyObfuscator): JsExp = getSingleton.asSafeJs(this, f) override def hashCode(): Int = primaryKeyField.is.hashCode override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = { other match { case null => false case km: KeyedMapper[Nothing, Nothing] if this.getClass.isAssignableFrom(km.getClass) || km.getClass.isAssignableFrom(this.getClass) => this.primaryKeyField == km.primaryKeyField case k => super.equals(k) } } } /** * If this trait is mixed into a validation function, the validation for a field * will stop if this validation function returns an error */ trait StopValidationOnError[T] extends Function1[T, List[FieldError]] object StopValidationOnError { def apply[T](f: T => List[FieldError]): StopValidationOnError[T] = new StopValidationOnError[T] { def apply(in: T): List[FieldError] = f(in) } def apply[T](f: PartialFunction[T, List[FieldError]]): PartialFunction[T, List[FieldError]] with StopValidationOnError[T] = new PartialFunction[T, List[FieldError]] with StopValidationOnError[T] { def apply(in: T): List[FieldError] = f(in) def isDefinedAt(in: T): Boolean = f.isDefinedAt(in) } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Mapper.scala source code file: |
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