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Lift Framework example source code file (Mapper.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Mapper.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

a, a, basemapper, boolean, box, box, empty, list, list, nodeseq, nodeseq, ownertype, stopvalidationonerror, t

The Lift Framework Mapper.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package mapper

import scala.collection.mutable._
import scala.xml.{Elem, NodeSeq}
import net.liftweb.http.S
import S._
import net.liftweb.http.js._
import net.liftweb.util.{FieldError, FieldContainer, BaseField}
import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Empty, Full, ParamFailure}

trait BaseMapper extends FieldContainer {
  type MapperType <: Mapper[MapperType]

  def dbName: String
  def save: Boolean

trait Mapper[A<:Mapper[A]] extends BaseMapper {
  self: A =>
  type MapperType = A

  private val secure_# =
  private var was_deleted_? = false
  private var dbConnectionIdentifier: Box[ConnectionIdentifier] = Empty
  private[mapper] var addedPostCommit = false
  @volatile private[mapper] var persisted_? = false

  def getSingleton : MetaMapper[A];
  final def safe_? : Boolean = {

  def dbName:String = getSingleton.dbName

  implicit def thisToMappee(in: Mapper[A]): A = this.asInstanceOf[A]

  def runSafe[T](f : => T) : T = {

  def connectionIdentifier(id: ConnectionIdentifier): A = {
    if (id != getSingleton.dbDefaultConnectionIdentifier || dbConnectionIdentifier.isDefined) dbConnectionIdentifier = Full(id)

  def connectionIdentifier = dbConnectionIdentifier openOr calcDbId

  def dbCalculateConnectionIdentifier: PartialFunction[A, ConnectionIdentifier] = Map.empty

  private def calcDbId = if (dbCalculateConnectionIdentifier.isDefinedAt(this)) dbCalculateConnectionIdentifier(this)
  else getSingleton.dbDefaultConnectionIdentifier

   * Append a function to perform after the commit happens
   * @param func - the function to perform after the commit happens
  def doPostCommit(func: () => Unit): A = {
    DB.appendPostFunc(connectionIdentifier, func)

   * Save the instance and return the instance
  def saveMe(): A = {

  def save(): Boolean = {
    runSafe {

  def htmlLine : NodeSeq = {

  def asHtml : NodeSeq = {

   * If the instance calculates any additional
   * fields for JSON object, put the calculated fields
   * here
  def suplementalJs(ob: Box[KeyObfuscator]): List[(String, JsExp)] = Nil

  def validate : List[FieldError] = {
    runSafe {

   * Returns the instance in a Full Box if the instance is valid, otherwise
   * returns a Failure with the validation errors
  def asValid: Box[A] = validate match {
    case Nil => Full(this)
    case xs => ParamFailure(", "), Empty, Empty, xs)

   * Convert the model to a JavaScript object
  def asJs: JsExp = getSingleton.asJs(this)

   * Delete the model from the RDBMS
  def delete_! : Boolean = {
    if (!db_can_delete_?) false else
    runSafe {
      was_deleted_? = getSingleton.delete_!(this)

   * Get the fields (in order) for displaying a form
  def formFields: List[MappedField[_, A]] =

   def allFields: scala.collection.Seq[BaseField] = formFields

   * map the fields titles and forms to generate a list
   * @param func called with displayHtml, fieldId, form
  def mapFieldTitleForm[T](func: (NodeSeq, Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq) => T): List[T] =
  getSingleton.mapFieldTitleForm(this, func)

   * flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list
   * @param func called with displayHtml, fieldId, form
  def flatMapFieldTitleForm[T]
  (func: (NodeSeq, Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq) => scala.collection.Seq[T]): List[T] =
  getSingleton.flatMapFieldTitleForm(this, func)

   * flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list
   * @param func called with displayHtml, fieldId, form
  def flatMapFieldTitleForm2[T]
  (func: (NodeSeq, MappedField[_, A], NodeSeq) => scala.collection.Seq[T]): List[T] =
  getSingleton.flatMapFieldTitleForm2(this, func)

   * Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form
   * @param button - If it's Full, put a submit button on the form with the value of the parameter
   * @param onSuccess - redirect to the URL if the model validates, otherwise display the errors
   * @return the form
  def toForm(button: Box[String], onSuccess: String): NodeSeq =
  toForm(button, (what: A) => {what.validate match {
        case Nil => ; S.redirectTo(onSuccess)
        case xs => S.error(xs)

   * Present the model as a HTML using the same formatting as toForm
   * @return the html view of the model
  def toHtml: NodeSeq = getSingleton.toHtml(this)

   * Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form
   * @param button - If it's Full, put a submit button on the form with the value of the parameter
   * @param f - the function to execute on form submission
   * @return the form
  def toForm(button: Box[String], f: A => Any): NodeSeq =
  getSingleton.toForm(this) ++
  S.fmapFunc((ignore: List[String]) => f(this)){
    (name: String) =>
    (<input type='hidden' name={name} value="n/a" />)} ++
  ( => getSingleton.formatFormElement( <xml:group>  ,  )) openOr scala.xml.Text(""))

  def toForm(button: Box[String], redoSnippet: NodeSeq => NodeSeq, onSuccess: A => Unit): NodeSeq = {
    val snipName = S.currentSnippet
    def doSubmit() {
      this.validate match {
        case Nil => onSuccess(this)
        case xs => S.error(xs)
          snipName.foreach(n => S.mapSnippet(n, redoSnippet))

    getSingleton.toForm(this) ++
    S.fmapFunc((ignore: List[String]) => doSubmit())(name => <input type='hidden' name={name} value="n/a" />) ++
    ( => getSingleton.formatFormElement( <xml:group>  ,  )) openOr scala.xml.Text(""))

  def saved_? : Boolean = getSingleton.saved_?(this)

   * Can this model object be deleted?
  def db_can_delete_? : Boolean =  getSingleton.saved_?(this) && !was_deleted_?

  def dirty_? : Boolean = getSingleton.dirty_?(this)

  override def toString = {
    val ret = new StringBuilder






  def toXml: Elem = {

  def checkNames {
    runSafe {
      getSingleton match {
        case null =>
        case s => s.checkFieldNames(this)

  def comparePrimaryKeys(other: A) = false

   * Find the field by name
   * @param fieldName -- the name of the field to find
   * @return Box[MappedField]
  def fieldByName[T](fieldName: String): Box[MappedField[T, A]] = getSingleton.fieldByName[T](fieldName, this)

  type FieldPF = PartialFunction[String, NodeSeq => NodeSeq]

  def fieldMapperPF(transform: (BaseOwnedMappedField[A] => NodeSeq)): FieldPF = {
    getSingleton.fieldMapperPF(transform, this)

  private var fieldPF_i: FieldPF = Map.empty

  def fieldPF = fieldPF_i

  def appendField(pf: FieldPF) {
    fieldPF_i = fieldPF_i orElse pf

  def prependField(pf: FieldPF) {
    fieldPF_i = pf orElse fieldPF_i

   * If there's a field in this record that defines the locale, return it
  def localeField: Box[MappedLocale[A]] = Empty

  def timeZoneField: Box[MappedTimeZone[A]] = Empty

  def countryField: Box[MappedCountry[A]] = Empty

trait LongKeyedMapper[OwnerType <: LongKeyedMapper[OwnerType]] extends KeyedMapper[Long, OwnerType] with BaseLongKeyedMapper {
  self: OwnerType =>

trait BaseKeyedMapper extends BaseMapper {
  type TheKeyType
  type KeyedMapperType <: KeyedMapper[TheKeyType, KeyedMapperType]

  def primaryKeyField: MappedField[TheKeyType, MapperType] with IndexedField[TheKeyType]
   * Delete the model from the RDBMS
  def delete_! : Boolean

trait BaseLongKeyedMapper extends BaseKeyedMapper {
  override type TheKeyType = Long

trait IdPK /* extends BaseLongKeyedMapper */ {
  self: BaseLongKeyedMapper =>
  def primaryKeyField = id
  object id extends MappedLongIndex[MapperType](this.asInstanceOf[MapperType])

 * A trait you can mix into a Mapper class that gives you
 * a createdat column
trait CreatedTrait {
  self: BaseMapper =>

  import net.liftweb.util._

   * Override this method to index the createdAt field
  protected def createdAtIndexed_? = false

   * The createdAt field.  You can change the behavior of this
   * field:
   * <pre name="code" class="scala">
   * override lazy val createdAt = new MyCreatedAt(this) {
   *   override def dbColumnName = "i_eat_time"
   * }
   * </pre>
  lazy val createdAt: MappedDateTime[MapperType] = new MyCreatedAt(this)

  protected class MyCreatedAt(obj: self.type) extends MappedDateTime[MapperType](obj.asInstanceOf[MapperType]) {
    override def defaultValue =
    override def dbIndexed_? = createdAtIndexed_?


 * A trait you can mix into a Mapper class that gives you
 * an updatedat column
trait UpdatedTrait {
  self: BaseMapper =>

  import net.liftweb.util._

   * Override this method to index the updatedAt field
  protected def updatedAtIndexed_? = false

   * The updatedAt field.  You can change the behavior of this
   * field:
   * <pre name="code" class="scala">
   * override lazy val updatedAt = new MyUpdatedAt(this) {
   *   override def dbColumnName = "i_eat_time_for_breakfast"
   * }
   * </pre>
  lazy val updatedAt: MyUpdatedAt = new MyUpdatedAt(this)

  protected class MyUpdatedAt(obj: self.type) extends MappedDateTime(obj.asInstanceOf[MapperType]) with LifecycleCallbacks {
    override def beforeSave() {super.beforeSave; this.set(}
    override def defaultValue =
       override def dbIndexed_? = updatedAtIndexed_?


* Mix this trait into your Mapper instance to get createdAt and updatedAt fields.
trait CreatedUpdated extends CreatedTrait with UpdatedTrait {
  self: BaseMapper =>


trait KeyedMapper[KeyType, OwnerType<:KeyedMapper[KeyType, OwnerType]] extends Mapper[OwnerType] with BaseKeyedMapper {
  self: OwnerType =>

  type TheKeyType = KeyType
  type KeyedMapperType = OwnerType

  def primaryKeyField: MappedField[KeyType, OwnerType] with IndexedField[KeyType]
  def getSingleton: KeyedMetaMapper[KeyType, OwnerType];

  override def comparePrimaryKeys(other: OwnerType) = ==

  def reload: OwnerType = getSingleton.find(By(primaryKeyField, primaryKeyField)) openOr this

  def asSafeJs(f: KeyObfuscator): JsExp = getSingleton.asSafeJs(this, f)

  override def hashCode(): Int =

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = {
    other match {
      case null => false
      case km: KeyedMapper[Nothing, Nothing] if this.getClass.isAssignableFrom(km.getClass) ||
        km.getClass.isAssignableFrom(this.getClass) => this.primaryKeyField == km.primaryKeyField
      case k => super.equals(k)

* If this trait is mixed into a validation function, the validation for a field
* will stop if this validation function returns an error
trait StopValidationOnError[T] extends Function1[T, List[FieldError]]

object StopValidationOnError {
  def apply[T](f: T => List[FieldError]): StopValidationOnError[T] =
  new StopValidationOnError[T] {
    def apply(in: T): List[FieldError] = f(in)

  def apply[T](f: PartialFunction[T, List[FieldError]]): PartialFunction[T, List[FieldError]] with StopValidationOnError[T] =
  new PartialFunction[T, List[FieldError]] with StopValidationOnError[T] {
    def apply(in: T): List[FieldError] = f(in)
    def isDefinedAt(in: T): Boolean = f.isDefinedAt(in)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Mapper.scala source code file:

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