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Lift Framework example source code file (RecordMetaDataFactory.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (RecordMetaDataFactory.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

annotation, anyref, anyref, basefield, full, full, jdbc, metarecord, metarecord, none, option, option, record, reflection, sql, squerylrecordfield, string, stringtypedfield, util

The Lift Framework RecordMetaDataFactory.scala source code

 * Copyright 2010 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package squerylrecord

import common.{Box, Full}
import record.{BaseField, MetaRecord, Record, TypedField, OwnedField}
import record.field._

import org.squeryl.internals.{FieldMetaData, PosoMetaData, FieldMetaDataFactory}
import org.squeryl.annotations.Column

import java.lang.reflect.{Method, Field}
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation
import java.sql.{ResultSet, Timestamp}
import java.util.{Calendar, Date}

import scala.collection.immutable.Map

/** FieldMetaDataFactory that allows Squeryl to use Records as model objects. */
class RecordMetaDataFactory extends FieldMetaDataFactory {
  /** Cache MetaRecords by the model object class (Record class) */
  private var metaRecordsByClass: Map[Class[_], MetaRecord[_]] = Map.empty

  /** Given a model object class (Record class) and field name, return the BaseField from the meta record */
  private def findMetaField(clasz: Class[_], name: String): BaseField = {
    def fieldFrom(mr: MetaRecord[_]): BaseField =
      mr.asInstanceOf[Record[_]].fieldByName(name) match {
        case Full(f: BaseField) => f
        case Full(_) => error("field " + name + " in Record metadata for " + clasz + " is not a TypedField")
        case _ => error("failed to find field " + name + " in Record metadata for " + clasz)

    metaRecordsByClass get clasz match {
      case Some(mr) => fieldFrom(mr)
      case None =>
        try {
          val rec = clasz.newInstance.asInstanceOf[Record[_]]
          val mr = rec.meta
          metaRecordsByClass = metaRecordsByClass updated (clasz, mr)
        } catch {
          case ex => error("failed to find MetaRecord for " + clasz + " due to exception " + ex.toString)

  /** Build a Squeryl FieldMetaData for a particular field in a Record */
  def build(parentMetaData: PosoMetaData[_], name: String,
            property: (Option[Field], Option[Method], Option[Method], Set[Annotation]),
            sampleInstance4OptionTypeDeduction: AnyRef, isOptimisticCounter: Boolean): FieldMetaData = {
  	if (!isRecord(parentMetaData.clasz) || isOptimisticCounter) {
  		// Either this is not a Record class, in which case we'll 
  		//treat it as a normal class in primitive type mode, or the field
  	    //was mixed in by the Optimisitic trait and is not a Record field.
  		return, name, property, 
  				sampleInstance4OptionTypeDeduction, isOptimisticCounter)

    val metaField = findMetaField(parentMetaData.clasz, name)

    val (field, getter, setter, annotations) = property
    val colAnnotation = annotations.find(a => a.isInstanceOf[Column]).map(a => a.asInstanceOf[Column])

    val fieldsValueType = metaField match {
      case (f: SquerylRecordField) => f.classOfPersistentField 
      case (_: BooleanTypedField)  => classOf[Boolean]
      case (_: DateTimeTypedField) => classOf[Timestamp]
      case (_: DoubleTypedField)   => classOf[Double]
      case (_: IntTypedField)      => classOf[java.lang.Integer]
      case (_: LongTypedField)     => classOf[java.lang.Long]
      case (_: DecimalTypedField)     => classOf[BigDecimal]
      case (_: TimeZoneTypedField)   => classOf[String]
      case (_: StringTypedField)   => classOf[String]
      case (_: PasswordTypedField)   => classOf[String]
      case (_: BinaryTypedField)   => classOf[Array[Byte]]
      case (_: LocaleTypedField)   => classOf[String]
      case (_: EnumTypedField[_])   => classOf[Enumeration#Value]
      case (_: EnumNameTypedField[_])   => classOf[Enumeration#Value]
      case _ => error("Unsupported field type. Consider implementing " +
		      "SquerylRecordField for defining the persistent class." +
		      "Field: " + metaField)

    val overrideColLength = metaField match {
      case (stringTypedField: StringTypedField) => Some(stringTypedField.maxLength)
      case _ => None

    new FieldMetaData(
      fieldsValueType, // if isOption, this fieldType is the type param of Option, i.e. the T in Option[T]
      fieldsValueType, //in primitive type mode fieldType == wrappedFieldType, in custom type mode wrappedFieldType is the 'real' type, i.e. the (primitive) type that jdbc understands
      None, //val customTypeFactory: Option[AnyRef=>Product1[Any]],
      metaField) {

      override def length = overrideColLength getOrElse super.length

      private def fieldFor(o: AnyRef) = getter.get.invoke(o).asInstanceOf[TypedField[AnyRef]]

      override def setFromResultSet(target: AnyRef, rs: ResultSet, index: Int) =
        fieldFor(target).setFromAny(Box!!resultSetHandler(rs, index))

      override def get(o: AnyRef) = fieldFor(o).valueBox match {
        case Full(c: Calendar) => new Timestamp(c.getTime.getTime)
        case Full(other) => other
        case _ => null
   * Checks if the given class is a subclass of Record. A special handling is only
   * needed for such subtypes. For other classes, use the standard squeryl methods.
  private def isRecord(clasz: Class[_]) = {

   * For records, the constructor must not be used directly when
   * constructing Objects. Instead, the createRecord method must be called.
  def createPosoFactory(posoMetaData: PosoMetaData[_]): () => AnyRef = {
  	if (!isRecord(posoMetaData.clasz)) {
  	  // No record class - use standard poso meta data factory
  	  return SquerylRecord.posoMetaDataFactory.createPosoFactory(posoMetaData);

    // Extract the MetaRecord for the companion object. This
    // is done only once for each class.
    val metaRecord = Class.forName(posoMetaData.clasz.getName +

    () => metaRecord.createRecord.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
   * There needs to be a special handling for squeryl-record when single fields are selected.
   * The problem was that record fields reference the record itself and thus Squeryl was of the
   * opinion that the whole record should be returned, as well as the selected field.
   * It is described in detail in this bug report:
   * By overriding this function, the reference to the record is excluded from
   * the reference finding algorithm in Squeryl.
  override def hideFromYieldInspection(o: AnyRef, f: Field): Boolean = {
    o.isInstanceOf[OwnedField[_]] && isRecord(f.getType)


Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework RecordMetaDataFactory.scala source code file:

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