Lift Framework example source code file (SquerylRecordSpec.scala)
The Lift Framework SquerylRecordSpec.scala source code/* * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package squerylrecord import org.squeryl.Session import org.squeryl.dsl.ast.FunctionNode import org.squeryl.internals.OutMapper import org.squeryl.dsl.StringExpression import org.squeryl.dsl.DateExpression import org.specs.Specification import record.{BaseField, Record} import record.field._ import RecordTypeMode._ import MySchema.{TestData => td, _} import java.util.Calendar import java.sql.Timestamp import java.text.SimpleDateFormat /** * Systems under specification for SquerylRecord. */ object SquerylRecordSpec extends Specification("SquerylRecord Specification") { doBeforeSpec { DBHelper.initSquerylRecordWithInMemoryDB() DBHelper.createSchema() } // NOTE: Use explicit forExample() in the examples to avoid // implicit ambiguity with Specs 1.6.6 in Scala 2.8.0 "SquerylRecord" should { forExample("load record by ID") in { transaction { val company = companies.lookup(td.c2.id) checkCompaniesEqual(company.get, td.c2) val employee = employees.lookup(td.e1.id) checkEmployeesEqual(employee.get, td.e1) } } forExample("load record by string field value") in { transaction { val company = from(companies)(c => where(c.name === td.c1.name.is) select (c)) checkCompaniesEqual(company.single, td.c1) } } forExample("support order by") in { transaction { val orderedCompanies = from(companies)(c => select(c) orderBy (c.name)) val ids = orderedCompanies.map(_.id) // NOTE: This circumvents implicit conversion for the contents on List // ids must containInOrder( // td.allCompanies.sortBy(_.name.is).map(_.id)) ids.mkString("(", ",", ")") must_== td.allCompanies.sortBy(_.name.is).map(_.id).mkString("(", ",", ")") } } forExample("support normal joins") in { transaction { val companiesWithEmployees = from(companies, employees)((c, e) => where(c.id === e.id) select ((c, e))) val ids = companiesWithEmployees.map(entry => (entry._1.id, entry._2.id)) ids must haveSize(2) ids must containAll(List((td.c1.id, td.e1.id), (td.c2.id, td.e2.id))) } } forExample("support left outer joins") in { transaction { val companiesWithEmployees = join(companies, employees.leftOuter)((c, e) => select(c, e) on(c.id === e.map(_.companyId)) ) companiesWithEmployees must haveSize(3) // One company doesn't have an employee, two have companiesWithEmployees.filter(ce => ce._2.isEmpty) must haveSize(1) val companiesAndEmployeesWithSameName = join(companies, employees.leftOuter)((c, e) => groupBy(c.id) compute(countDistinct(e.map(_.id))) on(c.name === e.map(_.name)) ) // There are three companies companiesAndEmployeesWithSameName must haveSize(3) // One company has the same name as an employee, two don't companiesAndEmployeesWithSameName.filter(ce => ce.measures == 0) must haveSize(2) val employeesWithSameAdminSetting = join(employees, employees.leftOuter)((e1, e2) => select(e1, e2) on(e1.admin === e2.map(_.admin)) ) // two employees, both have distinct admin settings employeesWithSameAdminSetting must haveSize(2) employeesWithSameAdminSetting.foreach { ee => ee._2 must not (beEmpty) ee._1.id must_== ee._2.get.id } val companiesWithSameCreationDate = join(companies, companies.leftOuter)((c1, c2) => select(c1, c2) on(c1.created === c2.map(_.created)) ) companiesWithSameCreationDate must not (beEmpty) val employeesWithSameDepartmentNumber = join(employees, employees.leftOuter)((e1, e2) => select(e1, e2) on(e1.departmentNumber === e2.map(_.departmentNumber)) ) employeesWithSameDepartmentNumber must not (beEmpty) val employeesWithSameRoles = join(employees, employees.leftOuter)((e1, e2) => select(e1, e2) on(e1.role === e2.map(_.role)) ) employeesWithSameRoles must not (beEmpty) } } forExample("support one to many relations") in { transaction { val company = companies.lookup(td.c1.id) company must beSome[Company] val employees = company.get.employees employees must haveSize(1) checkEmployeesEqual(td.e1, employees.head) } } forExample("support many to many relations") in { transactionWithRollback { td.e1.rooms must haveSize(2) td.e2.rooms must beEmpty td.r1.employees must haveSize(1) td.r3.employees must beEmpty td.r3.employees.associate(td.e2) td.e2.rooms must haveSize(1) } } forExample("support updates") in { val id = td.c1.id transactionWithRollback { val company = companies.lookup(id).get company.name("New Name") company.postCode("11111") companies.update(company) val loaded = companies.lookup(id).get checkCompaniesEqual(company, loaded) update(companies)(c => where(c.id === id) set (c.name := "Name2")) val afterPartialUpdate = companies.lookup(id).get afterPartialUpdate.name.is must_== "Name2" } // After rollback, the company should still be the same: transaction { val company = companies.lookup(id).get checkCompaniesEqual(td.c1, company) } } forExample("support delete") in { transactionWithRollback { employees.delete(td.e2.id) employees.lookup(td.e2.id) must beNone } } forExample("support select with properties of formerly fetched objects") in { transaction { val company = companies.lookup(td.c2.id).head val employee = from(employees)(e => where (e.companyId === company.idField) select(e)).head employee.id must_== td.e2.id val loadedCompanies = from(companies)(c => where (c.created === company.created) select(c)) loadedCompanies.size must beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(1) } } forExample("support associate with one-to-many relations") >> { transactionWithRollback { //td.c3.employees.associate(td.e2) //td.e2.company.id must_== td.c3.id } } forExample("support many to many relations") >> { transactionWithRollback { td.e1.rooms must haveSize(2) } } forExample("support date/time queries") >> { transaction { val c1 = from(companies)(c => where (c.created <= Calendar.getInstance) select(c)) c1.size must beGreaterThan(1) val c2 = from(companies)(c => where (c.created <= Calendar.getInstance.getTime) select(c)) c2.size must beGreaterThan(1) } } forExample("support inner queries") >> { import record.field._ transaction { // Should work with the ID function (returns a long): val companyId: Long = from(companies)(c => where(c.id in from(companies)(c2 => where(c2.id === td.c1.id) select(c2.id))) select(c.id)).single companyId must_== td.c1.id // It should also be possible to select the ID field directly: val companyIdField: LongField[Company] = from(companies)(c => where(c.idField in from(companies)(c2 => where(c2.id === td.c1.id) select(c2.idField))) select(c.idField)).single companyIdField.is must_== td.c1.id // Strings should also be selectable in inner queries val companyIdByName: Long = from(companies)(c => where(c.name in from(companies)(c2 => where(c2.name === td.c1.name) select(c2.name))) select(c.id)).single companyIdByName must_== td.c1.id // ...And DateTime-Fields: val companyIdByCreated: DateTimeField[Company] = from(companies)(c => where(c.created in from(companies)(c2 => where(c2.id === td.c1.id) select(c2.created))) select(c.created)).single companyIdByCreated.is must_== td.c1.created.is // Decimal Fields: val empSalary: DecimalField[Employee] = from(employees)(e => where (e.salary in from(employees)(e2 => where(e2.id === td.e1.id) select(e2.salary))) select(e.salary)).single empSalary.is must_== td.e1.salary.is // Email fields: val empEmail: EmailField[Employee] = from(employees)(e => where (e.email in from(employees)(e2 => where(e2.id === td.e1.id) select(e2.email))) select(e.email)).single empSalary.is must_== td.e1.salary.is // Boolean fields: val empAdmin: BooleanField[Employee] = from(employees)(e => where (e.admin in from(employees)(e2 => where(e2.id === td.e1.id) select(e2.admin))) select(e.admin)).single empAdmin.is must_== td.e1.admin.is // Enum fields: val empRole: EnumNameField[_, _] = from(employees)(e => where (e.role in from(employees)(e2 => where(e2.id === td.e1.id) select(e2.role))) select(e.role)).single empRole.is must_== td.e1.role.is } } forExample("support the CRUDify trait") >> { transaction{ val company = Company.create.name("CRUDify Company"). created(Calendar.getInstance()). country(Countries.USA).postCode("90210") val bridge = Company.buildBridge(company) bridge.save val id = company.id company.isPersisted must_== true id must be_>(0l) company.postCode("10001") bridge.save val company2 = Company.findForParam(id.toString) company2.isDefined must_== true company2.foreach(c2 => { c2.postCode.get must_== "10001" }) val allCompanies = Company.findForList(0, 1000) allCompanies.size must be_>(0) bridge.delete_! val allCompanies2 = Company.findForList(0, 1000) allCompanies2.size must_== (allCompanies.size - 1) } } forExample("Support Optimistic Locking") >> { val company = Company.create.name("Optimistic Company"). created(Calendar.getInstance()). country(Countries.USA). postCode("90210") //First insert the company in one transaction transaction{ companies.insert(company) } //Retrieve and modify in another transaction val innerUpdate = new Thread(new Runnable{ override def run(){ transaction{ val company2 = companies.lookup(company.id).get company2.created(Calendar.getInstance()) companies.update(company2) } } }) innerUpdate.start innerUpdate.join //Then in a third transaction, try to update the original object transaction{ import org.squeryl.StaleUpdateException company.created(Calendar.getInstance()) companies.update(company) must throwAn[StaleUpdateException] } } forExample("Allow custom functions") in { inTransaction{ val created = from(companies)(c => where(c.name === "First Company USA") select(&(toChar(c.created,"EEE, d MMM yyyy"))) ) created.head must_== new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) } } } class ToChar(d: DateExpression[Timestamp],e: StringExpression[String], m: OutMapper[String]) extends FunctionNode[String]("FORMATDATETIME",Some(m), Seq(d,e)) with StringExpression[String] def toChar(d: DateExpression[Timestamp],e: StringExpression[String])(implicit m: OutMapper[String]) = new ToChar(d,e,m) class TransactionRollbackException extends RuntimeException /** * Runs the given code in a transaction and rolls * back the transaction afterwards. */ private def transactionWithRollback[T](code: => T): T = { var result: T = null.asInstanceOf[T] try { transaction { result = code throw new TransactionRollbackException() } } catch { case e: TransactionRollbackException => // OK, was rolled back } result } private def checkCompaniesEqual(c1: Company, c2: Company) { val cmp = new RecordComparer[Company](c1, c2) cmp.check(_.idField) cmp.check(_.description) cmp.check(_.country) cmp.check(_.postCode) cmp.check(_.created) cmp.checkXHtml() } private def checkEmployeesEqual(e1: Employee, e2: Employee) { val cmp = new RecordComparer[Employee](e1, e2) cmp.check(_.name) cmp.check(_.companyId) cmp.check(_.email) cmp.check(_.salary) cmp.check(_.locale) cmp.check(_.timeZone) //cmp.check(_.password) cmp.check(_.admin) cmp.check(_.departmentNumber) cmp.check(_.role) // Photo must be checked separately e1.photo.is match { case Some(p) => { val p2 = e2.photo.is p2 must beSome[Array[Byte]] p2.get.size must_== p.size (0 until p.size).foreach { i => p2.get(i) must_== p(i) } } case None => e2.photo.is must beNone } } class RecordComparer[T <: Record[T]](val r1: T, val r2: T) { def check(fieldExtractor: (T) => BaseField) { val f1 = fieldExtractor(r1) val f2 = fieldExtractor(r2) f1.get must_== f2.get f1.name must_== f2.name } def checkXHtml() { r1.toXHtml must_== r2.toXHtml } } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework SquerylRecordSpec.scala source code file: |
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