Lift Framework example source code file (MVCHelper.scala)
The Lift Framework MVCHelper.scala source code/* * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package http import net.liftweb.common._ import net.liftweb.util._ import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Node} /** * Mix this trait into a class to provide support for * MVC style coding. Each controller line is defined as: * <pre name="code" class="scala"> * serve { * case "user" :: User(user) :: _ => "#name" #> user.firstName * } * </pre> * * The above code matches /user/4, loads the user with primary * key 4 from the database, then applies the transform to the /user.html * template replacing the node with the id "name" with the firstName of * the user */ trait MVCHelper extends LiftRules.DispatchPF { /** * The partial function to match a request to a response */ protected type MVCMatch = PartialFunction[List[String], MVCResponse] /** * Serve an MVC page based on matching the path */ protected def serve(pf: MVCMatch) {_dispatch ::= pf} @volatile private var _dispatch: List[MVCMatch] = Nil private lazy val nonDevDispatch = _dispatch.reverse private object curRequest extends RequestVar[Req](null) { override def __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } private object curSession extends RequestVar[LiftSession](S.session openOr LiftRules.statelessSession. vend.apply(curRequest.is)) { override def __nameSalt = Helpers.nextFuncName } private def dispatch: List[MVCMatch] = if (Props.devMode) _dispatch.reverse else nonDevDispatch /** * Is the Rest helper defined for a given request */ def isDefinedAt(in: Req) = { S.session match { case Full(_) => dispatch.find(_.isDefinedAt(in.path.partPath)).isDefined case _ => curRequest.set(in) S.init(in, curSession.is) { dispatch.find(_.isDefinedAt(in.path.partPath)).isDefined } } } /** * Apply the Rest helper */ def apply(in: Req): () => Box[LiftResponse] = { val path = in.path.partPath S.session match { case Full(_) => { val resp = dispatch.find(_.isDefinedAt(path)).get. apply(path).toResponse () => resp } case _ => S.init(in, curSession.is) { val resp = dispatch.find(_.isDefinedAt(path)).get. apply(path).toResponse () => resp } } } /** * A trait that holds a response for the MVCHelper. Conversions * exist from Unit (just serve the template), * CssBindFunc (do the substitution on the template), * NodeSeq (run the template), * LiftResponse (send the response back), * or Box or Option of any of the above. * */ protected sealed trait MVCResponse { def toResponse: Box[LiftResponse] } private def templateForPath(req: Req): Box[NodeSeq] = { def tryIt(path: List[String]): Box[NodeSeq] = path match { case Nil => Empty case xs => Templates(path) match { case ret@ Full(_) => ret case _ => tryIt(path.dropRight(1)) } } tryIt(req.path.partPath) } object MVCResponse { implicit def unitToResponse(unit: Unit): MVCResponse = new MVCResponse { val toResponse: Box[LiftResponse] = for { session <- S.session req <- S.request template <- templateForPath(req) resp <- session.processTemplate(Full(template), req, req.path, 200) } yield resp } implicit def bindToResponse(bind: CssBindFunc): MVCResponse = new MVCResponse { val toResponse: Box[LiftResponse] = for { session <- S.session req <- S.request template <- templateForPath(req) resp <- session.processTemplate(Full(bind(template)), req, req.path, 200) } yield resp } implicit def nsToResponse(nodes: Seq[Node]): MVCResponse = { new MVCResponse { val toResponse: Box[LiftResponse] = for { session <- S.session req <- S.request resp <- session.processTemplate(Full(nodes), req, req.path, 200) } yield resp } } implicit def respToResponse(resp: LiftResponse): MVCResponse = new MVCResponse { val toResponse: Box[LiftResponse] = Full(resp) } implicit def boxThinginy[T](box: Box[T])(implicit f: T => MVCResponse): MVCResponse = new MVCResponse { val toResponse: Box[LiftResponse] = boxToResp(box)(f) } implicit def optionThinginy[T](box: Option[T])(implicit f: T => MVCResponse): MVCResponse = new MVCResponse { val toResponse: Box[LiftResponse] = boxToResp(box)(f) } } /** * Turn a Box[T] into the return type expected by * DispatchPF. Note that this method will return * messages from Failure() and return codes and messages * from ParamFailure[Int[(msg, _, _, code) */ protected implicit def boxToResp[T](in: Box[T]) (implicit c: T => MVCResponse): Box[LiftResponse] = in match { case Full(v) => c(v).toResponse case e: EmptyBox => emptyToResp(e) } /** * Convert an Empty into an appropriate LiftResponse. In the * case of Failure, you may want to display a particular error * message to the user. */ protected def emptyToResp(eb: EmptyBox): Box[LiftResponse] = eb match { case ParamFailure(msg, _, _, code: Int) => Full(InMemoryResponse(msg.getBytes("UTF-8"), ("Content-Type" -> "text/plain; charset=utf-8") :: Nil, Nil, code)) case Failure(msg, _, _) => Full(NotFoundResponse(msg)) case _ => Empty } /** * Validate what, if it passes validation, then * redirect to the new URL, else display the messages * using S.error and redisplay the current page. */ protected def saveRedir(what: {def validate: List[FieldError]; def save(): Boolean}, where: String) = () => { what.validate match { case Nil => what.save(); S.redirectTo(where) case xs => S.error(xs) } } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MVCHelper.scala source code file: |
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