Lift Framework example source code file (ExtCoreArtifacts.scala)
The Lift Framework ExtCoreArtifacts.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package http package js package extcore import scala.xml.{Elem, NodeSeq} import net.liftweb.http.S import net.liftweb.http.js.JE import net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmds import JE._ import JsCmds._ import util.Helpers._ object ExtCoreArtifacts extends JSArtifacts { def toggle(id: String) = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "Ext.fly(" + id.encJs + ").toggle()" } def hide(id: String) = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "Ext.fly(" + id.encJs + ").hide()" } def show(id: String) = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "Ext.fly(" + id.encJs + ").show()" } def showAndFocus(id: String) = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "Ext.fly(" + id.encJs + ").show().focus(200)" } def serialize(id: String) = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "Ext.Ajax.serializeForm(" + id.encJs + ")" } def setHtml(id: String, xml: NodeSeq): JsCmd = new JsCmd { def toJsCmd = fixHtmlCmdFunc(id, xml){s => "try { Ext.fly(" + id.encJs + ").dom.innerHTML = " + s + "; } catch (e) {}"} } def onLoad(cmd: JsCmd): JsCmd = new JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "Ext.onReady(function() {" + cmd.toJsCmd + "})" } def fadeOut(id: String, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) = Noop def ajax(data: AjaxInfo): String = { "Ext.Ajax.request(" + toJson(data, S.contextPath, prefix => JsRaw(S.encodeURL(prefix + "/" +LiftRules.ajaxPath + "/").encJs))+");" } def comet(data: AjaxInfo): String = { "Ext.Ajax.request(" + toJson(data, LiftRules.cometServer(), LiftRules.calcCometPath) + ");" } def jsonStringify(in: JsExp) : JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "Ext.encode(" + in.toJsCmd + ")" } def formToJSON(formId: String):JsExp = new JsExp() { def toJsCmd = "Ext.urlDecode(Ext.Ajax.serializeForm(" + formId.encJs + "));" } private def toJson(info: AjaxInfo, server: String, path: String => JsExp): String = (("url : liftAjax.addPageName(" + path(server).toJsCmd + ")" ) :: "params : " + info.data.toJsCmd :: ("method : " + info.action.encJs) :: ("dataType : " + info.dataType.encJs) :: "timeout : " + info.timeout :: "disableCaching : " + !info.cache :: "success: function(response, options) { res = Ext.lift.eval(response.responseText);" + info.successFunc.map(_ + "(res);").openOr("") + "}" :: "failure: " + info.failFunc.openOr ("function(arg) {alert('Ajax request failed');}") :: Nil) mkString("{ ", ", ", " }") } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework ExtCoreArtifacts.scala source code file: |
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