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 * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

 * Expert: The default cache implementation, storing all values in memory.
 * A WeakHashMap is used for storage.

Created: May 19, 2004 4:40:36 PM * * @author Tim Jones (Nacimiento Software) * @since lucene 1.4 * @version $Id:,v 1.2 2004/05/24 22:51:42 tjones Exp $ */ class FieldCacheImpl implements FieldCache { /** Expert: Every key in the internal cache is of this type. */ static class Entry { final IndexReader reader; // which Reader final String field; // which Field final int type; // which SortField type final Object custom; // which custom comparator final int hashcode; // unique for this object /** Creates one of these objects. */ Entry (IndexReader reader, String field, int type) { this.reader = reader; this.field = field.intern(); this.type = type; this.custom = null; this.hashcode = reader.hashCode() ^ field.hashCode() ^ type; } /** Creates one of these objects for a custom comparator. */ Entry (IndexReader reader, String field, Object custom) { this.reader = reader; this.field = field.intern(); this.type = SortField.CUSTOM; this.custom = custom; this.hashcode = reader.hashCode() ^ field.hashCode() ^ type ^ custom.hashCode(); } /** Two of these are equal iff they reference the same reader, field and type. */ public boolean equals (Object o) { if (o instanceof Entry) { Entry other = (Entry) o; if (other.reader == reader && other.field == field && other.type == type) { if (other.custom == null) { if (custom == null) return true; } else if (other.custom.equals (custom)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** Composes a hashcode based on the referenced reader, field and type. */ public int hashCode() { return hashcode; } } /** The internal cache. Maps Entry to array of interpreted term values. **/ final Map cache = new WeakHashMap(); /** See if an object is in the cache. */ Object lookup (IndexReader reader, String field, int type) { Entry entry = new Entry (reader, field, type); synchronized (this) { return cache.get (entry); } } /** See if a custom object is in the cache. */ Object lookup (IndexReader reader, String field, Object comparer) { Entry entry = new Entry (reader, field, comparer); synchronized (this) { return cache.get (entry); } } /** Put an object into the cache. */ Object store (IndexReader reader, String field, int type, Object value) { Entry entry = new Entry (reader, field, type); synchronized (this) { return cache.put (entry, value); } } /** Put a custom object into the cache. */ Object store (IndexReader reader, String field, Object comparer, Object value) { Entry entry = new Entry (reader, field, comparer); synchronized (this) { return cache.put (entry, value); } } // inherit javadocs public int[] getInts (IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException { field = field.intern(); Object ret = lookup (reader, field, SortField.INT); if (ret == null) { final int[] retArray = new int[reader.maxDoc()]; if (retArray.length > 0) { TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs(); TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms (new Term (field, "")); try { if (termEnum.term() == null) { throw new RuntimeException ("no terms in field " + field); } do { Term term = termEnum.term(); if (term.field() != field) break; int termval = Integer.parseInt (term.text()); (termEnum); while ( { retArray[termDocs.doc()] = termval; } } while (; } finally { termDocs.close(); termEnum.close(); } } store (reader, field, SortField.INT, retArray); return retArray; } return (int[]) ret; } // inherit javadocs public float[] getFloats (IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException { field = field.intern(); Object ret = lookup (reader, field, SortField.FLOAT); if (ret == null) { final float[] retArray = new float[reader.maxDoc()]; if (retArray.length > 0) { TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs(); TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms (new Term (field, "")); try { if (termEnum.term() == null) { throw new RuntimeException ("no terms in field " + field); } do { Term term = termEnum.term(); if (term.field() != field) break; float termval = Float.parseFloat (term.text()); (termEnum); while ( { retArray[termDocs.doc()] = termval; } } while (; } finally { termDocs.close(); termEnum.close(); } } store (reader, field, SortField.FLOAT, retArray); return retArray; } return (float[]) ret; } // inherit javadocs public String[] getStrings (IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException { field = field.intern(); Object ret = lookup (reader, field, SortField.STRING); if (ret == null) { final String[] retArray = new String[reader.maxDoc()]; if (retArray.length > 0) { TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs(); TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms (new Term (field, "")); try { if (termEnum.term() == null) { throw new RuntimeException ("no terms in field " + field); } do { Term term = termEnum.term(); if (term.field() != field) break; String termval = term.text(); (termEnum); while ( { retArray[termDocs.doc()] = termval; } } while (; } finally { termDocs.close(); termEnum.close(); } } store (reader, field, SortField.STRING, retArray); return retArray; } return (String[]) ret; } // inherit javadocs public StringIndex getStringIndex (IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException { field = field.intern(); Object ret = lookup (reader, field, STRING_INDEX); if (ret == null) { final int[] retArray = new int[reader.maxDoc()]; String[] mterms = new String[reader.maxDoc()+1]; if (retArray.length > 0) { TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs(); TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms (new Term (field, "")); int t = 0; // current term number // an entry for documents that have no terms in this field // should a document with no terms be at top or bottom? // this puts them at the top - if it is changed, FieldDocSortedHitQueue // needs to change as well. mterms[t++] = null; try { if (termEnum.term() == null) { throw new RuntimeException ("no terms in field " + field); } do { Term term = termEnum.term(); if (term.field() != field) break; // store term text // we expect that there is at most one term per document if (t >= mterms.length) throw new RuntimeException ("there are more terms than documents in field \"" + field + "\""); mterms[t] = term.text(); (termEnum); while ( { retArray[termDocs.doc()] = t; } t++; } while (; } finally { termDocs.close(); termEnum.close(); } if (t == 0) { // if there are no terms, make the term array // have a single null entry mterms = new String[1]; } else if (t < mterms.length) { // if there are less terms than documents, // trim off the dead array space String[] terms = new String[t]; System.arraycopy (mterms, 0, terms, 0, t); mterms = terms; } } StringIndex value = new StringIndex (retArray, mterms); store (reader, field, STRING_INDEX, value); return value; } return (StringIndex) ret; } /** The pattern used to detect integer values in a field */ /** removed for java 1.3 compatibility protected static final Pattern pIntegers = Pattern.compile ("[0-9\\-]+"); **/ /** The pattern used to detect float values in a field */ /** * removed for java 1.3 compatibility * protected static final Object pFloats = Pattern.compile ("[0-9+\\-\\.eEfFdD]+"); */ // inherit javadocs public Object getAuto (IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException { field = field.intern(); Object ret = lookup (reader, field, SortField.AUTO); if (ret == null) { TermEnum enumerator = reader.terms (new Term (field, "")); try { Term term = enumerator.term(); if (term == null) { throw new RuntimeException ("no terms in field " + field + " - cannot determine sort type"); } if (term.field() == field) { String termtext = term.text().trim(); /** * Java 1.4 level code: if (pIntegers.matcher(termtext).matches()) return IntegerSortedHitQueue.comparator (reader, enumerator, field); else if (pFloats.matcher(termtext).matches()) return FloatSortedHitQueue.comparator (reader, enumerator, field); */ // Java 1.3 level code: try { Integer.parseInt (termtext); ret = getInts (reader, field); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe1) { try { Float.parseFloat (termtext); ret = getFloats (reader, field); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe2) { ret = getStringIndex (reader, field); } } if (ret != null) { store (reader, field, SortField.AUTO, ret); } } else { throw new RuntimeException ("field \"" + field + "\" does not appear to be indexed"); } } finally { enumerator.close(); } } return ret; } // inherit javadocs public Comparable[] getCustom (IndexReader reader, String field, SortComparator comparator) throws IOException { field = field.intern(); Object ret = lookup (reader, field, comparator); if (ret == null) { final Comparable[] retArray = new Comparable[reader.maxDoc()]; if (retArray.length > 0) { TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs(); TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms (new Term (field, "")); try { if (termEnum.term() == null) { throw new RuntimeException ("no terms in field " + field); } do { Term term = termEnum.term(); if (term.field() != field) break; Comparable termval = comparator.getComparable (term.text()); (termEnum); while ( { retArray[termDocs.doc()] = termval; } } while (; } finally { termDocs.close(); termEnum.close(); } } store (reader, field, SortField.CUSTOM, retArray); return retArray; } return (String[]) ret; } }

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