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# $Header: /cvsroot/mvnforum/mvnforum/i18n/,v 1.43 2005/02/24 07:03:42 minhnn Exp $
# $Author: minhnn $
# $Revision: 1.43 $
# $Date: 2005/02/24 07:03:42 $
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2002-2005 by
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or any later version.
# All copyright notices regarding mvnForum
# MUST remain intact in the scripts and in the outputted HTML
# The "powered by" text/logo with a link back to
# and in the footer of the pages MUST
# remain visible when the pages are viewed on the internet or intranet.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# Support can be obtained from support forums at:
# Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to:
# mvnForum string resource
# Encoding   : Cp1250
# Locale     : sh
# Language   : Serbian (Latin)
# Maintainer : Dejan Krsmanovic (

# Set the local name below

mvnforum.common.i18n.locale = sh
mvnforum.common.i18n.html_dir =

# Customize the forum

mvnforum.common.nav.index = mvnForum = mvnForum = mvnForum glavna strana

# all common string in mvnForum = Forum
mvnforum.common.forums = Foruma
mvnforum.common.category = Kategorija
mvnforum.common.categories = Kategorija(e)
mvnforum.common.attachment = Fajl
mvnforum.common.attachments = Fajlovi
mvnforum.common.thread = Tema
mvnforum.common.threads = Tema(e) = Poruka
mvnforum.common.posts = Poruka(e)
mvnforum.common.folder = Fascikla
mvnforum.common.folders = Fascikle
mvnforum.common.private_message = Privatna poruka
mvnforum.common.private_messages = Privatne poruke
mvnforum.common.public_message = Javna poruka
mvnforum.common.public_messages = Javne poruke
mvnforum.common.yes = Da = Ne = u = od
mvnforum.common.of = od =
mvnforum.common.retype = ponovi
mvnforum.common.quick_go = Idi na
mvnforum.common.sort_by = Sortiraj po
mvnforum.common.order = Redosled
mvnforum.common.go = Go
mvnforum.common.ascending = Rastući
mvnforum.common.descending = Opadajući
mvnforum.common.previous = Prethodna strana = Sledeća strana
mvnforum.common.first = Prva strana
mvnforum.common.last = Poslednja strana = Strana
mvnforum.common.pages = Strana
mvnforum.common.option = Opcija = Ukupno
mvnforum.common.from_ip = Od
mvnforum.common.global_feed = Globalni RSS
mvnforum.common.forum_specific_feed = RSS za određeni forum
mvnforum.common.attachment_size = Maksimalna veličina dodatka

mvnforum.common.numberof.pages = strana
mvnforum.common.numberof.threads = tema
mvnforum.common.numberof.posts = poruka
mvnforum.common.numberof.replies = odgovora
mvnforum.common.numberof.members = korisnika
mvnforum.common.numberof.favorite_threads = Omiljene teme
mvnforum.common.numberof.attachments = Fajlova
mvnforum.common.numberof.pending_posts = Neodobrene poruke
mvnforum.common.numberof.pending_threads = Neodobrene teme
mvnforum.common.numberof.threads_with_pending_posts = Teme sa neodobrenim porukama
mvnforum.common.numberof.normal_threads = Normalne teme
mvnforum.common.numberof.private_messages = Privatne poruke

mvnforum.common.member.last_login = Poslednja prijava
mvnforum.common.member.last_profile_update = Poslednja promena profila
mvnforum.common.member.join_date = Datum registrovanja = ID Korisnika
mvnforum.common.member.login_name = Korisničko ime
mvnforum.common.member.password = Lozinka
mvnforum.common.member.full_name = Ime i prezime
mvnforum.common.member.first_name = Ime
mvnforum.common.member.last_name = Prezime = E-mail
mvnforum.common.member.first_email = Osnovni e-mail = Ne želim da mi se prikazuje e-mail = Skriven za goste
mvnforum.common.member.birthday = Datum rođenja
mvnforum.common.member.gender = Pol
mvnforum.common.member.male = Muški
mvnforum.common.member.female = Ženski
mvnforum.common.member.show_email = E-mail vidljiv
mvnforum.common.member.name_visible = Ime vidljivo
mvnforum.common.member.signature = Potpis
mvnforum.common.member.avatar.has_avatar = Avatar korisnika
mvnforum.common.member.avatar.no_avatar = Ovaj korisnk nije postavio avatar

mvnforum.common.member.language = Jezik
mvnforum.common.member.default_language = Default jezik = Skin
mvnforum.common.member.member_option = Korisničke opcije
mvnforum.common.member.private_option = Privatne opcije
mvnforum.common.member.posts_per_page = Poruka po strani

mvnforum.common.member.time_zone = Vremenska zona = Telefon = Mobilni
mvnforum.common.member.fax = Faks
mvnforum.common.member.address = Adresa = Grad
mvnforum.common.member.state = Država = Zemlja = Posao
mvnforum.common.member.homepage = Web strana = Yahoo ID = AOL ID
mvnforum.common.member.icq = ICQ ID
mvnforum.common.member.msn = MSN ID
mvnforum.common.member.cool_link = Cool Link
mvnforum.common.member.last_ip = Last IP
mvnforum.common.member.first_ip = First IP

mvnforum.common.member.online_status = Status = Online
mvnforum.common.member.offline = Offline = Nevidljiv = Nevidljiv član = Nevidljivi članovi = Sesija = Sesije = Nepoznata akcija

mvnforum.common.button.reset = Resetuj
mvnforum.common.button.preview = Pregled
mvnforum.common.button.go_back = Ne, hoću nazad = dan = nedelja = mesec = godina = 1 dan = 1 nedelju = 1 mesec = 3 meseca = 6 meseci = 1 godinu = hour = hours = and = minute = minutes

mvnforum.common.message.sender = Pošiljalac
mvnforum.common.message.status = Status
mvnforum.common.message.subject = Naslov
mvnforum.common.message.sendall = Pošalji sve
mvnforum.common.message.body = Telo poruke = To = Cc
mvnforum.common.message.bcc = Bcc
mvnforum.common.message.message_icon = Ikona poruke
mvnforum.common.message.sent_date = Datum slanja
mvnforum.common.message.jump_to_folder = Idi na folder
mvnforum.common.message.addattachment.prompt = Molimo izaberite fajl koji treba dodati ovoj poruci
mvnforum.common.message.button.send = Pošalji
mvnforum.common.message.button.attach = Dodaj
mvnforum.common.message.button.add_new_message = Nova
mvnforum.common.message.button.reply_message = Odgovori
mvnforum.common.message.button.reply_all_message = Odgovori svima
mvnforum.common.message.button.forward_message = Prosledi
mvnforum.common.message.button.delete = Briši
mvnforum.common.message.header.new_private_message = Nova PP

mvnforum.common.messagefolder.title = Upravljanje Fascklama
mvnforum.common.messagefolder.title.createnewfolder = Kreiraj novu fasciklu
mvnforum.common.messagefolder.title.foldername = Naziv fascikle
mvnforum.common.messagefolder.title.folderstatus = Status fascikle
mvnforum.common.messagefolder.title.total_messages = Ukupno poruka
mvnforum.common.messagefolder.title.unread_messages = Nepročitane poruke
mvnforum.common.messagefolder.title.foldercreationdate = Datum kreiranje fascikle
mvnforum.common.messagefolder.title.foldermodifieddate = Datum promene fascikle = Datum poruke = Datum poslednje poruke = Datum prve poruke = Autor = Naslov poruke = Poruka = Poslao korisnik = Ikone poruke

mvnforum.common.thread.topic = Naziv teme
mvnforum.common.thread.body = Tema
mvnforum.common.thread.status = Status teme
mvnforum.common.thread.status.normal = Normalan
mvnforum.common.thread.status.disabled = Onemogućen
mvnforum.common.thread.status.locked = Zaključan
mvnforum.common.thread.status.closed = Zatvoren
mvnforum.common.thread.type = Tip teme
mvnforum.common.thread.type.normal_thread = Normalna tema
mvnforum.common.thread.type.normal_threads = Normalne teme
mvnforum.common.thread.type.sticky_thread = Top tema
mvnforum.common.thread.type.sticky_threads = Top teme
mvnforum.common.thread.type.announcement_thread = Najava
mvnforum.common.thread.type.announcement_threads = Najave
mvnforum.common.thread.type.global_announcement_thread = Globalna najava
mvnforum.common.thread.type.global_announcement_threads = Globalne najave = Status foruma = Normalan = Onemogućen = Zaključan = Zatvoren

mvnforum.common.success.prompt = Molimo, izaberite jedan od sledećih linkova:
mvnforum.common.success.automatic = Automatski, za 3 sekunde
mvnforum.common.success.go_index = Povratak na listu foruma
mvnforum.common.success.go_login = Idi na stranu za prijavu
mvnforum.common.success.go_myprofile = Povratak na Moj profil
mvnforum.common.success.go_mywatch = Povratak na Moj monitor
mvnforum.common.success.go_myfavoritethread = Povratak na omiljene teme
mvnforum.common.success.go_mymessage = Povratak na Moje privatne poruke
mvnforum.common.success.go_mymessagefolder = Povratak na moju fasciklu sa porukama
mvnforum.common.success.go_current_forum = Povratak na listu tema
mvnforum.common.success.go_current_thread = Povratak na tekuću temu
mvnforum.common.success.go_current_posts_moderation = Povratak na moderaciju neodobrenih poruka
mvnforum.common.success.go_current_threads_moderation = Povratak na moderaciju neodobrenih tema
mvnforum.common.success.go_current_threads_with_pending_posts = Povratak na teme sa neodobrenim porukama
mvnforum.common.success.go_current_post = Povratak na tekuću poruku
mvnforum.common.success.go_new_post = Povratak na novu poruku
mvnforum.common.success.go_attach_file = Povratak na dodavanje fajlova
mvnforum.common.success.go_activatemember = Povratak na stanu za aktivaciju korisnika
mvnforum.common.success.go_sendactivationcode = Povratak na stranu za slanje e-maila za aktivaciju

mvnforum.common.prompt.choose_tasks = Izaberite:
mvnforum.common.prompt.choose_category = Izaberi kategoriju
mvnforum.common.prompt.choose_forum = Izaberi forum
mvnforum.common.prompt.choose_folder = Izaberi fasciklu
mvnforum.common.prompt.current_password = Molimo unesite Vašu lozinku:

mvnforum.common.action = Akcija
mvnforum.common.action.add = Dodaj
mvnforum.common.action.edit = Ažuriraj
mvnforum.common.action.delete = Briši
mvnforum.common.action.approve = Odobri
mvnforum.common.action.ignore = Ignoriši

mvnforum.common.captcha.challenge = CAPTCHA Challenge
mvnforum.common.captcha.response = CAPTCHA Response
mvnforum.common.captcha.desc = Ova CAPTCHA slika je korišćena da bi Vas spečila da koristite web robote (case sensitive)

mvnforum.common.there_are = Trenutno je
mvnforum.common.there_is = Trenutno je
mvnforum.common.user = korisnik
mvnforum.common.users = korisnika
mvnforum.common.online_user = Online korisnik
mvnforum.common.online_users = Online korisnika
mvnforum.common.guest = gost
mvnforum.common.guests = gosta
mvnforum.common.member = član
mvnforum.common.members = člana

mvnforum.common.statistic = Statistika

mvnforum.common.most_active_members_since_last_week = Najaktivniji članovi od prošle nedelje
mvnforum.common.most_active_threads_since_last_week = Najaktivnije teme od prošle nedelje
mvnforum.common.no_active_members = Nema aktivnih članova
mvnforum.common.no_active_threads = Nema aktivnih tema
mvnforum.common.new_post = nova poruka
mvnforum.common.new_posts = nove poruke

mvnforum.common.last_post = Poslednja poruka
mvnforum.common.thread_count = Tema
mvnforum.common.post_count = Ukupno poruka
mvnforum.common.reply_count = Ukupno odgovora
mvnforum.common.view_count = Ukupno pregleda

mvnforum.common.order = Redosled
mvnforum.common.order.move_up = Gore
mvnforum.common.order.move_down = Dole

mvnforum.common.js.prompt.fieldrequired = je obavezno polje.
mvnforum.common.js.prompt.invalidemail = nije validan e-mail.
mvnforum.common.js.prompt.not_goodname = nije dobro ime
mvnforum.common.js.prompt.invalid_char_is = Nevalidan karakter je
mvnforum.common.js.prompt.notmatch = ne odgovara.
mvnforum.common.js.prompt.invalidlongpassword= Lozinka ne sme biti kraća od 3 karaktera.

# all common string in mvnForum in user module

mvnforum.common.general_information = Opšte informacije
mvnforum.common.forum_statistics = Statistika foruma
mvnforum.common.totalpost = Ukupno poruka
mvnforum.common.totaltopic = Ukupno tema
mvnforum.common.totalforum = Ukupno foruma
mvnforum.common.totalcategories = Ukupno kategorija
mvnforum.common.totalmember = Ukupno članova
mvnforum.common.latestmember = Poslednji član

mvnforum.common.legend.male = Muški
mvnforum.common.legend.female = Ženski = Nema novih poruka od Vaše poslednje prijave = Ima novih poruka od Vaše poslednje prijave
mvnforum.common.legend.thread.normal_no_new = Nema novih poruka od Vaše poslednje prijave
mvnforum.common.legend.thread.normal_new = Ima novih poruka od Vaše poslednje prijave
mvnforum.common.legend.thread.hot_no_new = Ovo je vruća tema i nema novih poruka od Vaše poslednje prijave
mvnforum.common.legend.thread.hot_new = Ovo je vruća tema i ima novih poruka od Vaše poslednje prijave
mvnforum.common.legend.thread.has_attachment = Tema ima dodatke
mvnforum.common.legend.thread.sticky = Ovo je top tema
mvnforum.common.legend.thread.announcement = Ovo je najava
mvnforum.common.legend.thread.global_announcement = Ovo je globalna najava
mvnforum.common.legend.message.public_message = Ovo je javna poruka
mvnforum.common.legend.message.read_already = Ovo je već pročitana poruka
mvnforum.common.legend.message.unread = Ovo je nova poruka ili poruka označena kao nepročitana
mvnforum.common.legend.message.has_attachment = Poruka ima dodatke

mvnforum.user.header.welcome = Dobro došli
mvnforum.user.header.login = Prijava
mvnforum.user.header.logout = Odjava
mvnforum.user.header.we_remember_you = Pamtimo Vas
mvnforum.user.header.privatemessage = Privatna poruka
mvnforum.user.header.guest = Gost
mvnforum.user.header.index = Indeks
mvnforum.user.header.all_forums = Svi forumi
mvnforum.user.header.recent_threads = Nove teme
mvnforum.user.header.moderation = Moderacija
mvnforum.user.header.who_online = Ko je online
mvnforum.user.header.user_list = Lista korisnika
mvnforum.user.header.new_user = Registrovanje
mvnforum.user.header.my_profile = Moj profil = Pretraživanje = Pomoć
mvnforum.user.header.admin = Administracija
mvnforum.user.header.turn_off = Ovaj deo je trenutno isključen. Samo administrator može da ga uključi

mvnforum.user.rss.title = RSS feeds

mvnforum.user.activatemember.title = Forma za aktiviranje naloga
mvnforum.user.activatemember.prompt = Molimo otkucajte Vaš ID i aktivacioni kod
mvnforum.user.activatemember.member_id = Vaš ID
mvnforum.user.activatemember.activation_code = Vaš aktivacioni kod
mvnforum.user.activatemember.button.account_activation = Aktiviraj moj nalog

mvnforum.user.activatemembersuccess.title = Vaš nalog je uspešno aktiviran

mvnforum.user.index.last_post_in_each_forum = Poslednja poruka u svakom forumu
mvnforum.user.index.no_post = Nema poruka
mvnforum.user.index.current_time = Tekuće vreme

mvnforum.user.listforums.title = Lista svih foruma
mvnforum.user.listforums.table.desc = Svi forumi u mvnForum-u
mvnforum.user.listforums.table.forum_name_desc = Naziv i opis foruma
mvnforum.user.listforums.table.no_post = Nema poruka
mvnforum.user.listforums.table.no_forum = Nema foruma u ovoj kategoriji
mvnforum.user.listforums.table.no_category = Nema ni jedne kategorije

mvnforum.user.listrecentthreads.title = Nove teme u svim forumima
mvnforum.user.listrecentthreads.table.no_threads = Nema ni jedne nove teme

mvnforum.user.listrecentpendingthreads.title = Lista neodobrenih tema u svim forumima
mvnforum.user.listrecentpendingthreads.table.no_threads = Nema neodobrenih tema u forumima

mvnforum.user.listthreadswithpendingposts.title = Lista tema sa neodobrenim porukama
mvnforum.user.listthreadswithpendingposts.table.no_threads = Nema tema sa neodobrenim porukama za moderaciju

mvnforum.user.listrecentthreadswithpendingposts.title = Lista tema sa neodobrenim porukama u svim forumima
mvnforum.user.listrecentthreadswithpendingposts.table.no_threads = Nema tema sa neodobrenim porukama za moderaciju

mvnforum.user.listthreads.title = Lista svih tema
mvnforum.user.listthreads.table.desc = Sve teme u ovom forumu:
mvnforum.user.listthreads.table.no_thread = Nema ni jedne teme
mvnforum.user.listthreads.new_thread = Pokreni novu temu

mvnforum.user.listonlineusers.title = Lista online korisnika
mvnforum.user.listonlineusers.table.what_are_doing = Šta radi
mvnforum.user.listonlineusers.table.duration_since_last_activity = Vreme od poslednje aktivnosti
mvnforum.user.listonlineusers.table.online_time = Ukupno online vreme

mvnforum.user.listmembers.title = Lista registrovanih korisnika
mvnforum.user.listmembers.table.no_member = Nema ni jednog registrovanog korisnika

mvnforum.user.addmember.title = Forma za registraciju korisnika
mvnforum.user.addmember.prompt = Molimo unesite sledeće podatke za registraciju
mvnforum.user.addmember.button.register = Registruj me
mvnforum.user.addmember.javascript_prompt = Molimo, pogledajte u e-mailu instrukcije kako da aktivirate svoj nalog.
mvnforum.user.addmember.correct_email_remind = Vaš e-mail mora biti validan i aktivan. \
    Posle registracije na Vašu e-mail adresu biće poslat e-mail sa instrukcijama kako da aktivirate nalog. \
    Tek posle aktivacije naloga bićete u mogućnosti da ga koristite.

mvnforum.user.addmembersuccess.title = Registracija uspešna
mvnforum.user.addmembersuccess.login_this_email = Uspešno ste se registrovali. Molimo, proverite Vaš e-mail nalog zbog instrukcija za aktiviranje naloga.
mvnforum.user.addmembersuccess.mail_error_desc = Vaš nalog je kreiran uspešno. \
    Međutim, postoji problem sa slanjem e-maila za aktivaciju na Vašu adresu. Molimo, zatražite novi aktivacioni e-mail ili prijavite grešku administratoru.

mvnforum.user.addattachment.title = Dodaj fajl
mvnforum.user.addattachment.prompt = Molimo izaberite fajl koji želite da pridodate poruci:
mvnforum.user.addattachment.file_to_attach = Izaberi fajl
mvnforum.user.addattachment.attach_desc = Opis fajla
mvnforum.user.addattachment.attach_more = Želim da dodam još fajlova
mvnforum.user.addattachment.button.attach_file = Dodaj fajl

mvnforum.user.addattachmentsuccess.title = Fajl je uspešno dodat poruci

mvnforum.user.addpost.mode.addnew = Pokretanje nove teme
mvnforum.user.addpost.mode.reply = Odgovor na temu
mvnforum.user.addpost.mode.update = Ažuriraj prouku
mvnforum.user.addpost.required = Obavezno
mvnforum.user.addpost.optional = Opciono
mvnforum.user.addpost.format = Format:
mvnforum.user.addpost.normal_mode = Normalan način rada
mvnforum.user.addpost.enhanced_mode = Poboljšan način rada
mvnforum.user.addpost.smilies = Smajli
mvnforum.user.addpost.standard_smilies = Standardni smajliju
mvnforum.user.addpost.hidden_smilies = Skriveni smajliji
mvnforum.user.addpost.smilies_showing = Prikaz: 12 od 60
mvnforum.user.addpost.show_more = Prikaži još
mvnforum.user.addpost.hide_more = Sakrij još
mvnforum.user.addpost.use_none = Nijedna
mvnforum.user.addpost.last_posts_desc = Poslednja poruka u ovoj temi (novije poruke su na vrhu):
mvnforum.user.addpost.post_on = Poruka poslata:

mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.boldtext = Ubaci BOLD teks
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.italictext = Ubaci ITALIC tekst
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.ulinetext = Ubaci UNDERLINED tekst
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.stricetext = Ubaci STRIKING tekst
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.sizetext = Promeni SIZE teksta
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.fonttext = Promeni FONT teksta
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.colortext = Promeni COLOR teksta
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.urltext = Ubaci hiperlink u poruku
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.emailtext = Ubaci e-mail adresu u poruku
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.imgtext = Ubaci sliku u poruku
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.codetext = Ubaci tekst fiksne dužine u poruku
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.phptext = Ubaci tekst sa označenom PHP sintaksom
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.listtext = Ubaci listu u poruku
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.quotetext = Ubaci navod u poruku
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.normaltext = Prebaci na normalan način rada
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.enhancedtext = Napredan naďż˝in rada: moguće ugnježdavanje tagova
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.tagclose = Zatvori tekući mvn tag
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.tagcloseall = Zatvori sve otvorene mvn tagove
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.enhanconlytext = << Raspoloživo samo u naprednom načinu rada >>
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.notagstext = << Nije detektovan ni jedan otvoren mvn tag >>
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.alreadyopentext = << Već imate otvoren mvn tag ovog tipa >>
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.message.start = Koristi ove kontrole za ubacivanje mvn tagova
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.prompt.taginput = Unesite tekst koji treba formatirati:
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.prompt.fontformat = Unesite tekst koji treba formatirati sledćim fontom
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.prompt.linktext = Unesite tekst koji treba da bude prikazan kao opis linka (opciono)
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.prompt.linkurl = Unesite puni URL za link = Unesite e-mail adresu
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.prompt.listtype = Koji tip liste želite? Unesite '1' za numeričku listu, unesite 'a' za abecednu listu ili ostavite prazno za tačke.
mvnforum.user.addpost.js.prompt.listitem = Unesite novi red liste\\nOstavite prazno ili pritisnite 'Cancel' za kraj liste

mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.normalmode = Normalan način rada: (ALT+n)
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.enhmode = Napredan način rada: (ALT+e)
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.boldbtn = Bold tekst (ALT+b)
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.italicbtn = Italic teks (ALT+i)
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.underlbtn = Podvučen tekst (ALT+u)
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.strikebtn = Precrtan tekst (ALT+s)
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.hyperlinkbtn = Ubaci Web hiperlink
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.emailbtn = Ubaci E-mail adresu
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.imagebtn = Ubaci hiperlink slike
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.codebtn = Ubaci hiperlink slike
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.orderlistbtn = Ubaci listu
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.quotebtn = Ubaci navod
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.tagclosebtn = Zatvori tekući tag (ALT+c)
mvnforum.user.addpost.bubblehelp.tagcloseallbtn = Zatvori sve otvorene tagove (ALT+x)
mvnforum.user.addpost.tagclosebtn.text = Zatvori tekući tag
mvnforum.user.addpost.tagcloseallbtn.text = Zatvori sve otvorene tagove

mvnforum.user.addpost.button.accesskey.typeface.bold = b
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.accesskey.typeface.italic = i
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.accesskey.typeface.underline = u
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.accesskey.typeface.strike = s
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.accesskey.tagclose = c
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.accesskey.tagcloseall = x

mvnforum.user.addpost.button.keycaps.typeface.bold = B
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.keycaps.typeface.italic = I
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.keycaps.typeface.underline = U
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.keycaps.typeface.strike = S
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.keycaps.hyperlink = http:// = Email
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.keycaps.image = Image
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.keycaps.code = Code
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.keycaps.orderlist = List
mvnforum.user.addpost.button.keycaps.quote = Quote

mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.fontsize.title = Size
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.fontsize.small = Small
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.fontsize.large = Large
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.fontsize.huge = Huge
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.fonttype.title = Font
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.title = Color
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.skyblue = Sky Blue
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.royalblue = Royal Blue = Blue
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.darkblue = Dark Blue = Orange
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.orangered = Orange Red
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.crimson = Crimson = Red
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.firebrick = Firebrick
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.darkred = Dark Red = Green
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.limegreen = Lime Green
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.seagreen = Sea Green
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.deeppink = Deep Pink
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.tomato = Tomato
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.coral = Coral
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.purple = Purple
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.indigo = Indigo
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.burlywood = Burlywood
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.sandybrown = Sandy Brown
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.sienna = Sienna
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.chocolate = Chocolate
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.teal = Teal
mvnforum.user.addpost.dropdown.textcolor.silver = Silver

mvnforum.user.addpostsuccess.title = Nova poruka uspešno kreirana
mvnforum.user.addpostsuccess.moderation_waiting = Vaša poruka je uspešno kreirana i ne treba više da je šaljete. \
    Tekući forum je u režimu za moderaciju pa Vas molimo da sačekate dok moderator ne odobri Vašu poruku.

mvnforum.user.addwatch.title = Dodaj monitor
mvnforum.user.addwatch.warning = <b>VAŽNO: Molimo proverite da li je Vaš e-mail validan. \
    Ako Vaš e-mail nije validan, Vaš nalog će biti blokiran.
mvnforum.user.addwatch.prompt = Izaberite Vaš monitor:
mvnforum.user.addwatch.watch_type = Tip monitora
mvnforum.user.addwatch.global_watch = Globalni monitor
mvnforum.user.addwatch.category_watch = Monitor kategorije
mvnforum.user.addwatch.forum_watch = Monitor foruma
mvnforum.user.addwatch.thread_watch = Monitor teme
mvnforum.user.addwatch.global_watch_desc = Vi želite monitoring celog sistema = Nadgledaj

mvnforum.user.addwatchsuccess.title = Novi monitor uspešno kreiran

mvnforum.user.addfavoritethreadsuccess.title = Tema je usešno dodata u Vaše omiljene teme

mvnforum.user.deletefavoritethreadsuccess.title = Tema je uspešno izbačena iz Vaših omiljenih tema

mvnforum.user.changeavatar.title = Promeni avatar = Ova strana vam omogućava promenu avatara. Izaberite jednu od ponuđenih opcija. <br>Napomena: upload avatara može potrajati. Zato, molimo, budite strpljivi! = 1. Izaberite jednu od postojećih slika: = 2. Upload Vašeg avatara (samo Jpg/Gif/Png formati su dozvoljeni, maksimalna veličina slike = 60,000 bajtova, visina i širina do 150 piksela):
mvnforum.user.changeavatar.no_picture = nema avatar
mvnforum.user.changeavatar.avatar_preview = Pregled avatara
mvnforum.user.changeavatar.button.change_avatar = Promena avatara
mvnforum.user.changeavatar.button.upload = Upload avatara
mvnforum.user.changeavatar.button.browse = Pretraži...

mvnforum.user.changeemail.title = Promena e-maila
mvnforum.user.changeemail.prompt = Molimo unesite Vaš novi e-mail
mvnforum.user.changeemail.current_email = Vaš tekući e-mail
mvnforum.user.changeemail.new_email = Molimo unesite Vaš novi e-mail:
mvnforum.user.changeemail.new_email_comfirm = Molimo unesite Vaš novi e-mail (potvrda):
mvnforum.user.changeemail.button.change_email = Promeni e-mail

mvnforum.user.changeemailsuccess.title = e-mail je promenjen uspešno

mvnforum.user.changepassword.title = Promena lozinke
mvnforum.user.changepassword.prompt = Molimo unesite Vašu staru i novu lozinku:
mvnforum.user.changepassword.new_password = Vaša nova lozinka:
mvnforum.user.changepassword.new_password_comfirm = Vaša nova lozinka (potvrda):
mvnforum.user.changepassword.button.change_password = Promena lozinke

mvnforum.user.changepasswordsuccess.title = Lozinka je uspešno promenjena

mvnforum.user.changesignature.title = Promena potpisa
mvnforum.user.changesignature.prompt = Molimo unesite Vaš novi potpis:
mvnforum.user.changesignature.signature = Potpis:
mvnforum.user.changesignature.button.change_signature = Promeni potpis

mvnforum.user.changesignaturesuccess.title = Potpis je uspešno promenjen

mvnforum.user.deletecookiesuccess.title = Vaš cookie je uspešno obrisan

mvnforum.user.attachment.attach_filename = Fajl dodatka
mvnforum.user.attachment.attach_desc = Opis dodatke
mvnforum.user.attachment.attach_mimetype = MIME tip dodatka

mvnforum.user.deleteattachment.title = Potvrda brisanja fajla = Vi ste zatražili brisanje fajla. Da li ste sigurni \
    da želite da ga obrišete? Molimo pregledajte podatke o fajlu pre brisanja. \
    Ako stvarno želite da obrišete fajl, molimo da unesete Vašu tekuću lozinku za potvrdu.
mvnforum.user.deleteattachment.prompt = Molimo pregledajte ovaj fajl pre brisanja:
mvnforum.user.deleteattachment.button.delete_attachment = Da, želim da obrišem fajl

mvnforum.user.deleteattachmentsuccess.title = Fajl je uspešno obrisan

mvnforum.user.editattachment.title = Potvrdite izmenu opisa dodatka = Vi želite da izmenite ovaj dodatak. Da li ste sigurni \
    da želite da ga ažurirate? Ako želite da ga ažurirate, unesite novi opis i Vašu tekuću lozinku za potvrdu.
mvnforum.user.editattachment.prompt = Molimo, pogledajte ovaj dodatak pre nego što ga izmenite:
mvnforum.user.editattachment.button.edit_attachment = Da, ja želim da izmenim ovaj dodatak

mvnforum.user.editattachmentsuccess.title = Dodatak je uspešno promenjen

mvnforum.user.deletepost.title = Potvrda brisanja poruke = Vi ste zatražili brisanje poruke. Da li ste sigurni \
    da želite da je izbrišete? Molimo pregledajte informacije o poruci koje su prikazane ispod pre nego je izbrišete  \
    Ako i dalje želite brisanje poruke unesite Vašu lozinku:
mvnforum.user.deletepost.prompt = Molimo pregledajte poruku pre brisanje:
mvnforum.user.deletepost.button.delete_post = Da, ja želim da obrišem poruku

mvnforum.user.deletepostsuccess.title = Poruka je uspešno obrisana

mvnforum.user.deletethread.title = Potvrda brisanja teme = Vi ste zatražili brisanje teme. Da li ste  \
    sigurni da želite brisanje? Molimo pregledajte temu pre brisanja. \
    Ako i dalje želite brisanje teme, unesite lozinku za potvrdu.<p>\
    UPOZORENJE: Brisanjem teme brišu se sve poruke koje joj pripadaju.
mvnforum.user.deletethread.prompt = Molimo pregledajte podatke o temi pre brisanja.
mvnforum.user.deletethread.button.delete_thread = Da, želim da brišem temu

mvnforum.user.deletethreadsuccess.title = Tema je uspešno obrisana

mvnforum.user.deletewatchsuccess.title = Monitor je uspešno obrisan

mvnforum.user.movethread.title = Potvrda premeštanja teme = Zatražili ste premeštanje teme. Da li ste sigurni \
    da želite da je premestite? Molimo pregledajte sledeće podatke pre premeštanja. 
mvnforum.user.movethread.prompt = Molimo pregledajte temu pre premeštanja:
mvnforum.user.movethread.button.move_thread = Da, želim da premestim temu
mvnforum.user.movethread.destinationforum = Ciljni forum

mvnforum.user.movethreadsuccess.title = Poruka je uspešno premeštena

mvnforum.user.modcp.title = Kontrolna tabla za moderaciju = Ovo je kontrolna tabla za sve poslove vezane za moderaciju. U mvnForumu, za moderaciju \
    imate opciju da pogledate trenutne neodobrene teme i da pogledate teme sa neodobrenim porukama. \
    Za moderaciju tema i poruka u određenom forumu pogledajte u tabelu ispod. \
    Za moderaciju tema i poruka u svim forumima koristite sledeća dva linka. 
mvnforum.user.modcp.pending_threads = Neodobrene teme
mvnforum.user.modcp.pending_posts = Neodobrene poruke
mvnforum.user.modcp.threads_has_pending_posts = Teme sa neodobrenim porukama

mvnforum.user.editthreadstatus.title = Potvrda promene statusa teme = Vi želite da promenite status teme. Da li ste sigurni \
    da želite promenu statusa? Molimo pogledajte podatke o temi pre promene statusa. \
    Ako ste zaista sigurni, unesite Vašu lozinku.
mvnforum.user.editthreadstatus.prompt = Molimo pogledajte ovu temu pre promene statusa:
mvnforum.user.editthreadstatus.current_thread_status = Tekući status teme
mvnforum.user.editthreadstatus.button.edit_thread_status = Da, ja želim promenu statusa

mvnforum.user.editthreadstatussuccess.title = Status teme je uspešno promenjen

mvnforum.user.editthreadtype.title = Potvrda promene tipa teme = Vi želite da promenite tip teme. Da li ste sigurni? \
    Molimo, pregledajte sledeće informacije o temi pre promene tipa teme \
    Ako želite da promenite tip teme unesite svoju lozinku radi potvrde.
mvnforum.user.editthreadtype.prompt = Molimo pregledajte sledeće informacije o temi pre promene tipa:
mvnforum.user.editthreadtype.current_thread_type = Tekući tip teme
mvnforum.user.editthreadtype.button.edit_thread_type = Da, želim da promenim tip teme

mvnforum.user.editthreadtypesuccess.title = Tip teme je uspešno promenjena.

mvnforum.user.editmember.title = Ažuriraj moje podatke
mvnforum.user.editmember.prompt = Molimo unesite sledeće podatke:
mvnforum.user.editmember.login_as = Prijavljeni ste kao:
mvnforum.user.editmember.if_not = Ako niste
mvnforum.user.editmember.click_here = kliknite ovde
mvnforum.user.editmember.button.edit_info = Ažuriraj moje podatke

mvnforum.user.error.title = Greška!!!
mvnforum.user.error.prompt = Greška:
mvnforum.user.error.go_back = Možete se vratiti nazad i pokušati ponovo
mvnforum.user.error.report_bug = prijavi ovu grešku administratoru
mvnforum.user.error.it_is_an_error = Ako smatrate da je ovo greška, kliknite ovde

mvnforum.user.fatalerror.title = Kritična greška!!!
mvnforum.user.fatalerror.prompt = Ovo je kritična greška i ne bi trebalo da vidite ovu stranu. \
    Ako pratite ovaj link ili bilo koju akciju koja je uzrok ove greške, molimo napišite kako ste došli dotle i prijavite je administratoru
mvnforum.user.fatalerror.report_bug = Prijavi ovu grešku administratoru

mvnforum.user.forgotpassword.title = Forma za zaboravljenu lozinku
mvnforum.user.forgotpassword.prompt = Molimo unesite Vaše korisničko ime ili e-mail za instrukcije za poništavanje lozinke = Unesite korisničko ime = Unesite e-mail
mvnforum.user.forgotpassword.button.send_password = Pošaljite mi instrukcije za poništavanje lozinke

mvnforum.user.forgotpasswordsuccess.title = Instrukcije za poništavanje lozinke su poslate na Vaš e-mail = Pomoć = Forma za pretraživanje = Molimo unesite tekst koji želite da nađete = Pretraživanje = Tekst koji treba naći = Pretraži = Samo naslov poruke = Samo telo poruke = Naslov i telo poruke = Od korisnika = U kategoriji/forumu = Po dodacima = I ima najmanje = Po datumu = Bilo koji datum = od juče = od prošle nedelje = pre 2 nedelje = pre mesec dana = pre 3 meseca = pre 6 meseci = pre godinu dana = i novije = i starije = Rezultata po strani = Svi forumi = Molimo, unesite barem jedan od kriterijuma 

mvnforum.user.searchresult.title = Rezultati pretraživanja
mvnforum.user.searchresult.no_post = Nema poruka koje odgovaraju postavljenim kriterijumima. Pokušajte ponovo

mvnforum.user.login.title = Prijava
mvnforum.user.login.prompt = Molimo unesite korisničko ime i lozinku za prijavu
mvnforum.user.login.auto_login = Automatska prijava
mvnforum.user.login.yes_auto_login_for = Da, zapamti me u narednih
mvnforum.user.login.message = Poruka
mvnforum.user.login.button.login = Prijava = Morate biti registrovani da bi ste se prijavili
mvnforum.user.login.no_account = Ako već nemate nalog kliknite ovde = za registraciju
mvnforum.user.login.not_activated = Ako već niste aktivirali svoj nalog kliknite ovde = za aktivaciju Vašeg naloga
mvnforum.user.login.delete_cookie = Ako želite da izbrišete cookie (ne želite automatsku prijavu) kliknite ovde = da biste izbrisali Vaš cookie
mvnforum.user.login.forgot_password = Zaboravio sam lozinku = Klikni ovde!
mvnforum.user.login.login_disabled = Funkcija prijave trenutno onemogućena

mvnforum.user.myprofile.title = Moj profil
mvnforum.user.myprofile.prompt = Moji trenutni podaci: = Promeni moje podatke = Promeni moj E-mail = Promeni moju lozinku = Promeni moj avatar = Promeni moj potpis = Aktiviraj moj nalog = Moj monitor = Moje omiljene teme = Izbriši kolačić = Nađi sve moje poruke
mvnforum.user.myprofile.has_avatar = Moj trenutni avatar
mvnforum.user.myprofile.no_avatar = Vi niste izabrali avatar. Molimo kliknite ovde za izbor.
mvnforum.user.myprofile.current_activation_status = Tekući status aktivacije

mvnforum.user.mywatch.title = Moj monitor = Ovde možete podešavati sve aspekte Vašeg monitora
mvnforum.user.mywatch.start_on = Prva poruka
mvnforum.user.mywatch.last_sent = Poslednja poruka
mvnforum.user.mywatch.my_global_watch = Moj globalni monitor
mvnforum.user.mywatch.my_category_watch = Moj monitor kategorije
mvnforum.user.mywatch.my_forum_watch = Moj monitor foruma
mvnforum.user.mywatch.my_thread_watch = Moj monitor teme
mvnforum.user.mywatch.add_watch = Dodaj monitor
mvnforum.user.mywatch.no_global_watch = Nema globalnog monitora
mvnforum.user.mywatch.no_category_watch = Nema monitora kategorije
mvnforum.user.mywatch.no_forum_watch = Nema monitora foruma
mvnforum.user.mywatch.no_thread_watch = Nema monitora teme

mvnforum.user.myfavoritethread.title = Moje omiljene teme
mvnforum.user.myfavoritethread.table.desc = Ukupan broj Mojih omiljenih tema
mvnforum.user.myfavoritethread.table.no_favorite_threads = Nema omiljenih tema

mvnforum.user.addmessage.title = Pošalji privatnu poruku
mvnforum.user.addmessage.button.add_message = Pošalji privatnu poruku
mvnforum.user.addmessage.button.add_to_draft_folder = Pošalji u Draft fasciklu
mvnforum.user.addmessage.button.move_to_another_folder = Premesti u odredišnu fasiklu
mvnforum.user.addmessage.add_to_sent_folder = Želim da dodam kopiju poruke u Sent fasciklu
mvnforum.user.addmessage.delete_message = Briši izabranu poruku
mvnforum.user.addmessage.mark_unread_message = Označi kao nepročitanu
mvnforum.user.addmessage.track_message = Želim da pratim moju poruku
mvnforum.user.addmessage.no_member = Slanje poruke neuspešno. Poruka vraćena pošiljaocu

mvnforum.user.viewmessage.title = Pregled privatnie poruke
mvnforum.user.viewmessage.reply_with_quote = Odgovori sa citatom
mvnforum.user.viewmessage.reply_post = Odgovori na ovu poruku
mvnforum.user.viewmessage.deletemessagesuccess = Poruka obrisana uspešno
mvnforum.user.viewmessage.unreadmessagesuccess = Poruka uspešno označena kao nepročitana
mvnforum.user.viewmessage.movingmessagesuccess = Poruka uspešno premeštena

mvnforum.user.mymessage.title = Moja privatne poruke = Moje privatne poruke je mesto za upravljanje svim Vašim privatnim porukama
mvnforum.user.mymessage.table.desc = Ukupan broj privatnih poruka
mvnforum.user.mymessage.table.no_messages = Nema privatnih poruka
mvnforum.user.mymessage.table.no_public_messages = Nema javnih poruka
mvnforum.user.mymessage.destination_folder = Ciljna fascikla
mvnforum.user.mymessage.error.same_folder = Fascikle ne mogu da budu iste
mvnforum.user.mymessage.error.receiver_not_found = Nije moguće naći primaoca "{0}". Isporuka private poruke nije uspela: vraćam poruku pošiljaocu. = Moja fascikla sa porukama je mesto za upravljanje Vašim porukama
mvnforum.user.mymessagefolder.table.no_folders = Nema fascikli

mvnforum.user.addmessagefolder.button.add_new_folder = Kreiraj novu fasciklu
mvnforum.user.addmessagefolder.addmessagefoldersuccess = Uspešno kreiranje fascikle = Želite da obrišete fasciklu. Da li ste sigurni? \
    Molimo pregledajte informacije o ovoj fascikli pre nego što je obrišete. \
    Ako želide brisanje, unesite Vašu lozinku radi potvrde.<p>\
    UPOZORENJE: Brisanjem fascikle brišu se sve poruke u fascikli.
mvnforum.user.deletemessagefolder.prompt = Molimo pregledajte ovu fasciklu pre brisanja:
mvnforum.user.deletemessagefolder.button.delete_messagefolder = Da, želim da brišem ovu fasciklu
mvnforum.user.deletemessagefolder.title = Potvrda brisanja fascikle

mvnforum.user.addmessagesuccess.title = Vaša privatna poruka je uspešno poslata.
mvnforum.user.addmessagesuccess.success_message_with_warning = Your message has been sent successfully. However, there are warnings that you should notice:
mvnforum.user.addmessagesuccess.over_quota_list = These members cannot receive your message because their quota is over:
mvnforum.user.addmessagesuccess.over_quota_cannot_add_to_sent = You have used all of your quota. Cannot add message to your Sent folder.

mvnforum.user.deletemessagesuccess.title = Vaša privatna poruka je uspešno obrisana

mvnforum.user.deletemessagefoldersuccess.title = Vaša fascikla je uspešno obrisana

mvnforum.user.viewmember.title = Pregled profila korisnika
mvnforum.user.viewmember.dont_want_to_show = Ne želim prikaz e-maila
mvnforum.user.viewmember.hidden_to_guest = Skriven za goste
mvnforum.user.viewmember.has_been_viewed = Profil ovog korisnika pregledan je
mvnforum.user.viewmember.times = put(a).
mvnforum.user.viewmember.has_posted = Korisnik je ukupno poslao
mvnforum.user.viewmember.messages = poruku(a) = Nađi sve poruke ovog korisnika

mvnforum.user.resetpassword.title = Poništavanje lozinke
mvnforum.user.resetpassword.prompt = Molimo otkucajte novu lozinku:
mvnforum.user.resetpassword.member_id = Vaš identifikator
mvnforum.user.resetpassword.temp_password = Vaša privremena lozinka
mvnforum.user.resetpassword.new_password = Nova lozinka
mvnforum.user.resetpassword.new_password_retype = Potvrda nove lozinke
mvnforum.user.resetpassword.button.reset_password = Poništi lozinku

mvnforum.user.resetpasswordsuccess.title = Vaša lozinka je uspešno poništena

mvnforum.user.sendactivationcode.title = Forma za slanje aktivacionog koda
mvnforum.user.sendactivationcode.prompt = Unesite Vaše korisničko ime e-mail da biste dobili instrukcije za aktivaciju naloga = Molimo unesite Vaše korisničko ime = Molimo unesite Vaš e-mail
mvnforum.user.sendactivationcode.button.send_activation_code = Pošaljite mi instrukcije za aktiviranje naloga na e-mail

mvnforum.user.sendactivationcodesuccess.title = Instukcije za aktivaciju Vašeg naloga su uspešno poslate na Vaš e-mail

mvnforum.user.updatemembersuccess.title = Informacije su uspešno promenjene

mvnforum.user.updatepostsuccess.title = Poruka je uspešno ažurirana

mvnforum.user.viewthread.title = Pregled teme
mvnforum.user.viewthread.total_posts = Ukupno poruka u ovoj temi = Briši temu = Briši ovu poruku = Pokreni novu temu = Premesti ovu temu = Promena statusa teme = Promena tipa teme = Moderacija neodobrenih poruka = Prikaži verziju za štampu = Pošali verziju poruke za štampanje = Odgovori na temu = Odgovori sa citatom = Ažuriraj ovu poruku = Dodaj fajl = Sledeća tema = Prethodna tema = Dodaj u Moje omiljene teme = Nadgledaj ovu temu
mvnforum.user.viewthread.has_been_viewed = Ova tema je pregledana
mvnforum.user.viewthread.has = i ima 
mvnforum.user.viewthread.reply = odgovor
mvnforum.user.viewthread.replies = odgovora
mvnforum.user.viewthread.joined = član od
mvnforum.user.viewthread.edit = Ažurirano
mvnforum.user.viewthread.times = put(a)
mvnforum.user.viewthread.last_edit_by = poslednji ažurirao
mvnforum.user.viewthread.report_need_login = Prijava uvredljive poruke: prvo se prijavite =Prijavi uvredljivu poruku
mvnforum.user.viewthread.go_top = Povratak na vrh
mvnforum.user.viewthread.download_count = Broj preuzimanja
mvnforum.user.viewthread.current_link = Link

mvnforum.user.moderatependingposts.title = Moderacija neodobrenih poruka
mvnforum.user.moderatependingposts.total_posts = Ukupno neodobrenih poruka u ovoj temi
mvnforum.user.moderatependingposts.no_pending_posts = Nema neodobrenih poruka u ovoj temi
mvnforum.user.moderatependingposts.button.moderate_pending_posts = Moderacija neodobrenih poruka

mvnforum.user.moderatependingpostssuccess.title = Neodobrene poruke su uspešno moderisane

mvnforum.user.moderatependingthreads.title = Moderacija neodobrenih tema
mvnforum.user.moderatependingthreads.total_threads = Ukupno neodobrenih tema u ovom forumu
mvnforum.user.moderatependingthreads.no_pending_threads = Nema neodobrenih poruka u ovom forumu
mvnforum.user.moderatependingthreads.button.moderate_pending_threads = Moderacija neodobrenih tema

mvnforum.user.moderatependingthreadssuccess.title = Neodobrene teme su uspešno moderisane

mvnforum.user.printpost.title = Štampaj poruku
mvnforum.user.printthread.title = Štampaj temu
mvnforum.user.printthread.print_at = Štampaj na
mvnforum.user.printthread.print_all_posts = Prikaži sve poruke iz ove teme na jednoj strani

# resource keys for Company feature
# = Pošalji poruku tutoru = Diskutuj o ovoj temi sa tutorom = Diskutuj o ovoj poruci sa tutorom = Company List = Company Code = This is a quote of the requested service. If you are interested please follow the steps you find in the attachment. = I would like to mark this message as Quote = Quotation
mvnforum.user.addmessage.no_tutor = This user doesn't have any tutor

# resource keys in Java files

# localize exceptions in

mvnforum.user.action.desc.Error = Greška [N/A].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.Index = View forum index.
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ListOnlineUsers = View all online users.
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ListForums = View list of all forums.
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ListThreads.without_forum = View list of threads in forum [forum={0}].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ListThreads.with_forum = View list of threads in forum.
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ListRecentThreads = View list of recent threads in all forums
mvnforum.user.action.desc.AddPost = Add new thread or reply to a post [N/A].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.AddPostProcess = Have just created a new post successfully [N/A].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.EditPost = Edit a post [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.UpdatePost = Have just updated a post successfully [N/A].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.AddAttachment = Attach file to a post [N/A].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.AddAttachmentProcess = Have just attached a file successfully [N/A].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.MyFavoriteThread = Manage Favorite Threads.
mvnforum.user.action.desc.AddFavoriteThreadProcess = Have just added new Favorite Thread successfully.
mvnforum.user.action.desc.DeleteFavoriteThreadProcess = Have just deleted a thread from Favorite successfully [N/A].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ViewThread.without_thread = View thread [thread={0}]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ViewThread.with_thread = View thread.
mvnforum.user.action.desc.PrintThread.without_input_error = Print thread [thread={0}]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.PrintThread.with_input_error = Print thread.
mvnforum.user.action.desc.PrintPost.without_input_error = Print post [post={0}]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.PrintPost.with_input_error = Print post.
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ViewMember = View information of member [{0}].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ListMembers = View list of members
mvnforum.user.action.desc.EditMember = Edit his/her own information [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.UpdateMember = Have just updated his/her information successfully [N/A].
mvnforum.user.action.desc.Login = About to login
mvnforum.user.action.desc.LoginProcess = Have just logged in successfully [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.Logout = Have just logged out [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.DeleteCookiesProcess = Have just deleted cookie successfully [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.RSS = Get RSS Feed
mvnforum.user.action.desc.Help = View forum help
mvnforum.user.action.desc.HelpIntro = View document: Introduction to mvnForum
mvnforum.user.action.desc.HelpInstall = View document: Installation Help
mvnforum.user.action.desc.HelpUser = View document: User's Guide
mvnforum.user.action.desc.HelpAdmin = View document: Admin's Guide
mvnforum.user.action.desc.HelpDeveloper = View document: Developer's Guide
mvnforum.user.action.desc.FAQ = View document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
mvnforum.user.action.desc.Search = Search the forum
mvnforum.user.action.desc.SearchProcess = Searching the forum
mvnforum.user.action.desc.SearchMember = Search Member
mvnforum.user.action.desc.RegisterMember = Sign up to be a member
mvnforum.user.action.desc.RegisterMemberProcess = Have just signed up successfully [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.MyProfile = Edit his/her profile [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ChangePassword = About to change password [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ChangePasswordProcess = Have just changed password successfully [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ChangeEmail = About to change email [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ChangeEmailProcess = Have just changed email successfully [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ChangeSignature = About to change signature [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ChangeSignatureProcess = Have just changed signature successfully [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ChangeAvatar = About to change/upload avatar [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.UploadAvatar = Have just uploaded new avatar [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.UpdateAvatar = Have just changed avatar from predefined avatars [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.MyWatch = Manage Watch [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.AddWatch = Add new Watch [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.AddWatchProcess = Have just added new Watch [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.DeleteWatchProcess = Have just deleted a Watch [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.UsingMessage = Using Message [N/A]

mvnforum.user.action.desc.ListCompanies = View list of companies
mvnforum.user.action.desc.CompanyHomePage = View home page of companies

mvnforum.user.action.desc.ModerateForum = Moderate the forum [N/A]

mvnforum.user.action.desc.IForgotPasswords = Use forgotten password functionality
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ForgotPasswordProcess = Have just received password reset via email [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ResetPassword = Use reset password functionality
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ResetPasswordProcess = Have just resetted password [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.SendActivationCode = Use account activation functionality
mvnforum.user.action.desc.SendActivationCodeProcess = Have just received account activation via email [N/A]
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ActivateMember = Use account activation functionality
mvnforum.user.action.desc.ActivateMemberProcess = Have just activated account [N/A]

mvnforum.admin.action.desc.admin_control = Access Admin Control Panel [N/A]

# localized exceptions = Cannot save the attachment file to the file system. = Cannot open attached file on file system with attach id = {0}. Please report this error to the Web Site Administrator. = Cannot upload. Detailed reason: {0} = Can't find a file to be deleted (or maybe it's a directory). = Can't find a file to be downloaded (or maybe it's a directory). = Error while trying to send backup file from server. = Can't find a backup file on server.

mvncore.exception.AssertionException.wrong_size = Assertion: {0} size {1} 1 (but the value = {2}).
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.serious_bug = Assertion when process forgot password. This is a serious bug. Please contact the Web Site administrator to report the bug.

mvncore.exception.AssertionException.attachment_is_disabled = Cannot add Attachment because Attachment feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.avatar_is_disabled = Cannot use avatar because AVATAR feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_register.new_member_is_disabled = Cannot register new member because NEW_MEMBER feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_create_new_post.new_post_is_disabled = Cannot create new post because NEW_POST feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_add_watch.watch_is_disabled = Cannot add Watch because Watch feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.message_attachment_is_disabled = Cannot add Message Attachment because Message Attachment feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.private_message_disabled = Cannot operate with private messages because the private message feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.search_disabled = Cannot search because search feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.list_members_is_disabled = Cannot list members because LIST_MEMBERS feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.admin_can_change_password_is_disabled = Admin Cannot change the user password. This feature is disabled by administrator.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_process_uploaded_attach_file_with_form_field = Can not process uploaded attach file with form field.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_process_field_name = Cannot process field name = {0}.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_process_uploaded_file_with_a_form_field = Cannot process uploaded company {0} file with a form field.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_process_upload_avatar_with_form_field = Cannot process uploaded avatar with a form field.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_upload_more_than_one = Assertion: Cannot upload more than 1 file while processing upload {0} file for company.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.serious_error.cannot_process_attachment_count = AssertionException: Serious error: cannot process Attachment Count in table Attachment.

mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_list_member_in_reserved_group = Cannot list member in a reserved (virtual) group.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_list_member_in_virtual_group_registered_members = Cannot list member in virtual group Registered Members.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_add_member_to_virtual_group_registered_members = Cannot add member to virtual group Registered Members.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_add_member_to_virtual_reserved_group = Cannot add member to a reserved (virtual) group.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_change_root_password = Cannot change the root admin password.

mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_move_thread_to_the_same_forum = Cannot move thread to the same forum.
mvncore.exception.AssertionException.cannot_send_message.no_receivers = Cannot send message because there is no receiver.

mvncore.exception.BadInputException.wrong_captcha = You have entered the wrong CAPTCHA response. Cannot proceed.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.please_enter_to_or_cc_or_bcc = Please enter at least To, CC or BCC.

mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_update_order.unknown_action = Cannot update Order (unknown action: {0})
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_process_mailto_selector = Cannot process MailToSelector = {0}.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_process.no_add_or_remove_is_specified = No Add or Remove has been specified. Cannot process!
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_group.id_less_than = Cannot delete group with id <= {0}
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_group_owner_for_reserved_groups = Cannot update group owner for reserved (virtual) groups.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_member_has_a_post = Cannot delete member that has posted at least one post.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_admin_or_guest = Cannot delete default Admin and Guest users.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_add_attachment.pm_does_not_in_folder_draft = Cannot add attachment because this Private Message does not exist in the folder Draft
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete.thread_has_reply = Cannot delete a thread that has reply!
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_your_own_disabled_thread = Cannot delete your own disabled thread.

mvncore.exception.BadInputException.no_belong_to_this_member = The folder doesn't belong to this member
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.pm_not_belongs_to_you = This Private Message does not belong to you
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.receivers_are_not_members = The following receivers are not the members : "{0}". Please remove them and try again!

mvncore.exception.BadInputException.your_member_name_or_email_is_not_entered = You must enter at least your MemberName or email.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_register_with_reserved_name = Cannot register member with a reserved name : {0}
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.member_name_too_long = MemberName cannot be longer than 30 characters.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.confirmed_password_is_not_match = Password and confirmed password are not the same, please try again.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.confirmed_email_is_not_match = Email and confirmed email are not the same, please try again.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.member_email_too_long = MemberEmail cannot be longer than 60 characters.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.wrong_password = You have typed the wrong current password, please try again.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.old_password_and_new_password_cannot_equal = Old password and new password cannot be equal, please try again.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.wrong_temporary_password = Your temporary password is not correct, please try the forgotten password feature.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.provided_email_not_equals_member_email = Your provided email is not equal to the member's email in our database. Please try again.

mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_specify_action = Cannot specify the action
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_update_member_status.unknown_status = Cannot update member's status to an unknown status = {0}

mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_get_member_info = Cannot get the information to view member.

mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_edit.post_is_too_old = You cannot edit a post which is older than {0} days.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_root_post = Cannot delete a root post. Use delete thread instead.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete.post_is_too_old = You cannot delete a post which is older than {0} days.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_post.post_has_reply = Cannot delete a post that has reply!
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_your_own_post.post_is_in_pending_status = Cannot delete your own post in pending status.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.offset_greater_than_total_rows = The offset is not allowed to be greater than total rows.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete.watch_is_not_owned_by_current_member = Cannot delete watch: this watch is not owned by the current member.

mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_default_folder = Cannot delete default folder.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_delete_not_empty_category = Cannot delete a not-empty category. Please delete all forums in this category first.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_update_category.unknown_action = Cannot update CategoryOrder: unknown action: {0}
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_search.key_is_null = Cannot search with null key.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.over_favorite_quota = You have already used all your favorite quota ({0}).
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.over_private_message_quota = You cannot save the message into the draft folder. You have already used all your private message quota ({0} message(s)).
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.attach_into_old_post = You cannot attach a file to a post which is older than {0} days.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_process_upload_with_file_size_is_zero = Cannot process an attached file with size = 0. Please check the file size or check if your file is missing.

mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_get_info_to_view_company = Cannot get the information to view company.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_activate.invalid_activation_code = Cannot activate member because activation code is invalid.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_activate.is_activated_member = Cannot activate an activated member.
mvncore.exception.BadInputException.cannot_activate.wrong_activation_code = Your activation code is not correct, please try the Member Account Activation feature.

mvncore.exception.ExportException.io_error.create_mail_xml_file = I/O error while creating main XML file.
mvncore.exception.ExportException.io_error.make_zip_file = I/O error while making ZIP file.
mvncore.exception.ExportException.invalid_export_type_specified = Invalid export type specified.
mvncore.exception.ExportException.cannot_file_created = Can't find a file that has been created.

mvncore.exception.ImportException.invalid_import_type_specified = Invalid import type specified.
mvncore.exception.ImportException.dont_have_read_permission = Don't have a permission to read an import file from server.

mvncore.exception.ImportException.import_file_is_not_a_file = Import file is actually not a file (probably a directory).
mvncore.exception.ImportException.cannot_find_import_file = Can't find import file.
mvncore.exception.ImportException.cannot_import.cannot_save_import_file = Cannot save the import file to the file system.
mvncore.exception.ImportException.cannot_import.choose_a_file_on_server_or_upload_a_file = Cannot import. Please choose either a file on server, or upload a file.
mvncore.exception.ImportException.cannot_process_import.file_size_is_zero = Cannot process an import file with size = 0. Please check the file size or check if your file is missing.
mvncore.exception.ImportException.cannot_process_uploaded_import_file_with_a_form_field = Cannot process uploaded import file with a form field.
mvncore.exception.ImportException.member_belong_to_other_company = Member \"{0}\" already belong to other company.

mvncore.exception.MissingURLMapEntryException.cannot_find_matching_entry = Cannot find matching entry in ActionInUserModule for \"{0}\". Please contact the administrator.

mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.postid_not_exists = The post (id={0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.threadid_not_exists = The thread (id={0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.memberid_not_exists = The member (id={0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.membername_not_exists = The member login id ({0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.memberemail_not_exists = The member with this email ({0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.forumid_not_exists = The forum (id={0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.attachmentid_not_exists = The attachment (id={0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.messageid_not_exists = The message (id={0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.companyid_not_exists = The company (id={0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.messagefolder_not_exists = The message folder ({0}) does not exist or has been removed.

mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.company_not_exists.with_name = The company with name ({0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.company_not_exists.with_email = The company with email ({0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.company_not_exists.with_creationdate = The company with signup date ({0}) does not exist or has been removed.
mvncore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException.company_not_exists.with_groupid = The company lead group (id={0}) does not exist or has been removed.

mvncore.exception.FloodException.login_too_many_times = You have reached the maximum number of wrong login actions ({0} times) for this page.<br/>Please try this page later. This is to prevent forum from being flooded.
mvncore.exception.FloodException.add_post_too_many_times = You have reached the maximum number of the post adding actions ({0} times) for this page.<br/>Please try this page later. This is to prevent forum from being flooded.
mvncore.exception.FloodException.register_too_many_times = You have reached the maximum number of the registration actions ({0} times) for this page.<br/>Please try this page later. This is to prevent forum from being flooded.
mvncore.exception.FloodException.send_message_too_many_times = You have reached the maximum number of the message sending actions ({0} times) for this page.<br/>Please try this page later. This is to prevent forum from being flooded.

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