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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The source code

 * $Header: /cvsroot/mvnforum/mvnforum/srcweb/mvnplugin/mvnforum/js/mvncode.js,v 1.10 2005/01/18 11:01:39 minhnn Exp $
 * $Author: minhnn $
 * $Revision: 1.10 $
 * $Date: 2005/01/18 11:01:39 $
 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 by
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or any later version.
 * All copyright notices regarding mvnForum MUST remain intact
 * in the scripts and in the outputted HTML.
 * The "powered by" text/logo with a link back to
 * and in the
 * footer of the pages MUST remain visible when the pages
 * are viewed on the internet or intranet.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * Support can be obtained from support forums at:
 * Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to:
 * @author: Minh Nguyen
 * @author: Mai  Nguyen

// *******************************************************

tags = new Array();

// *******************************************************
// replacements for unsupported array functions (because arrayname.push(var)
// and arrayname.pop() are not implemented in IE until version 5.5)

// Note: Reference Mozilla from

function getarraysize(thearray) {
// replacement for arrayname.length property
    for (i = 0; i < thearray.length; i++) {
        if ((thearray[i] == "undefined") || (thearray[i] == "") || (thearray[i] == null)) {
            return i;
    return thearray.length;

function arraypush(thearray, value) {
// replacement for arrayname.push(value)
    thearraysize = getarraysize(thearray);
    thearray[thearraysize] = value;

function arraypop(thearray) {
// replacement for arrayname.pop()
    thearraysize = getarraysize(thearray);
    retval = thearray[thearraysize - 1];
    delete thearray[thearraysize - 1];
    return retval;

// *******************************************************

function setmode(modevalue) {
// sets cookie for normal (0) and enhanced (1) modes
    document.cookie = "mvncodemode="+modevalue+"; path=/; expires=Wed, 1 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT;";

function normalmode(theform) {
// checks value of mode radio buttons. returns true if normal mode
    if (theform.mode[0].checked) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

function stat(thevalue) {
// places mini-help text into help/error textbox
// strings are stored in mvncode_language.js
    document.mvnform.status.value = eval(thevalue+"_text");

// *******************************************************

function closetag(theform) {
// closes last opened tag
    if (normalmode(theform)) {
    } else {
        if (tags[0]) {
            theform.message.value += "[/"+ arraypop(tags) +"]";
        } else {

function closeall(theform) {
// closes all open tags
    if (normalmode(theform)) {
    } else {
        if (tags[0]) {
            while (tags[0]) {
                theform.message.value += "[/"+ arraypop(tags) +"]";
            theform.message.value += " ";
        } else {

// *******************************************************

function mvncode(theform, mvncode, prompttext) {
// insert [x]yyy[/x] style markup
    var txtarea = theform.message;
    if ((normalmode(theform)) || (mvncode=="img")) {
        var selection = getSelection(txtarea);
        var inserttext = "";
        if (selection.length > 0) {
            inserttext = "["+mvncode+"]"+selection+"[/"+mvncode+"]";
        } else {
            inserttext = prompt(tag_prompt+"\n["+mvncode+"]xxx[/"+mvncode+"]",prompttext);
            if ((inserttext != null) && (inserttext != "")) {
                inserttext = "["+mvncode+"]"+inserttext+"[/"+mvncode+"] ";
        if ((inserttext != null) && (inserttext != "")) {
            insertString(txtarea, inserttext);
    } else {
        donotinsert = false;
        for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
            if (tags[i] == mvncode) {
                donotinsert = true;
        if (donotinsert) {
        } else {
            txtarea.value += "["+mvncode+"]";
            arraypush(tags, mvncode);

// *******************************************************

function fontformat(theform,thevalue,thetext,thetype) {
// insert two-parameter markup - [x=y]zzz[/x]
    var txtarea = theform.message;
    if (normalmode(theform)) {
        if (thevalue != 0) {
            var selection = getSelection(txtarea);
            var inserttext = selection;
            if (selection.length == 0) {
                inserttext = prompt(font_formatter_prompt+" '"+thetext+"'","");
            if ((inserttext != null) && (inserttext != "")) {
                inserttext = "["+thetype+"="+thevalue+"]"+inserttext+"[/"+thetype+"] ";
                insertString(txtarea, inserttext);
    } else {
        theform.message.value += "["+thetype+"="+thevalue+"]";
    theform.sizeselect.selectedIndex = 0;
    theform.fontselect.selectedIndex = 0;
    theform.colorselect.selectedIndex = 0;

// *******************************************************

function namedlink(theform, thetype) {
    // inserts named url or email link - [url=mylink]text[/url]
    var txtarea = theform.message;
    var selection = getSelection(txtarea);
    var linktext = selection;
    if (linktext.length == 0) {
        linktext = prompt(link_text_prompt, "");
    var prompttext;
    if (thetype == "url") {
        prompt_text = link_url_prompt;
        prompt_contents = "http://";
    } else {
        prompt_text = link_email_prompt;
        prompt_contents = "";
    linkurl = prompt(prompt_text, prompt_contents);
    if ((linkurl != null) && (linkurl != "")) {
        if ((linktext == null) || (linktext == "")) {
            linktext = linkurl;
        var inserttext;
        if (thetype == "url") {
            inserttext = "["+thetype+"="+linkurl+"]"+linktext+"[/"+thetype+"] ";
        } else {//email
            inserttext = "[url=mailto:"+linkurl+"]"+linktext+"[/url] ";
        insertString(txtarea, inserttext);

// *******************************************************

function dolist(theform) {
// inserts list with option to have numbered or alphabetical type
    listtype = prompt(list_type_prompt, "");
    if ((listtype == "a") || (listtype == "1")) {
        thelist = "[list="+listtype+"]\n";
        listend = "[/list="+listtype+"] ";
    } else {
        thelist = "[list]\n";
        listend = "[/list] ";
    listentry = "initial";
    while ((listentry != "") && (listentry != null)) {
        listentry = prompt(list_item_prompt, "");
        if ((listentry != "") && (listentry != null)) {
            thelist = thelist+"[*]"+listentry+"\n";
    var inserttext = thelist+listend;
    var txtarea = theform.message;
    insertString(txtarea, inserttext);

// *******************************************************

function smilie(thesmilie) {
// inserts smilie text
    var txtarea = document.mvnform.message;
    var newSmilie = ' ' + thesmilie + ' ';
    insertString(txtarea, newSmilie);

// *******************************************************

function insertString(txtarea, thetext) {
    if (txtarea.createTextRange && txtarea.caretPos) {
        var caretPos = txtarea.caretPos;
        var newText = thetext;
        if (caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ') newText = newText + ' ';
        if (caretPos.text.charAt(0) == ' ') newText = ' ' + newText;
        caretPos.text = newText;
    } else if (document.getElementById) {
        var selLength = txtarea.textLength;
        var selStart = txtarea.selectionStart;
        var selEnd = txtarea.selectionEnd;
        if (selEnd==1 || selEnd==2) selEnd = selLength;
        var s1 = (txtarea.value).substring(0, selStart);
        var s2 = (txtarea.value).substring(selStart, selEnd)
        var s3 = (txtarea.value).substring(selEnd, selLength);
        var newText = thetext;
        if (s2.charAt(s2.length - 1) == ' ') newText = newText + ' ';
        if (s2.charAt(0) == ' ') newText = ' ' + newText;
        txtarea.value = s1 + thetext + s3;
    } else {
        txtarea.value += thetext;

// *******************************************************

function getSelection(txtarea) {
    var retValue = "";
    if (txtarea.createTextRange && txtarea.caretPos) {
        if(txtarea.caretPos.text.length > 0) {
            retValue = txtarea.caretPos.text;        
    } else if (document.getElementById) {
        var selLength = txtarea.textLength;
        var selStart = txtarea.selectionStart;
        var selEnd = txtarea.selectionEnd;
        if (selEnd==1 || selEnd==2) selEnd = selLength;
        var s2 = (txtarea.value).substring(selStart, selEnd)
        if (s2.length > 0) {
            retValue = s2;
    return retValue;

// *******************************************************

function storeCaret(textEl) {
    if (textEl.createTextRange) {
        textEl.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
// *******************************************************
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