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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.updater;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.*;

//import org.openide.util.NbBundle;

/** Class used by autoupdate module for the work with module files and
 * for installing / uninstalling modules
 * @author  Petr Hrebejk, Ales Kemr
 * @version 
public final class ModuleUpdater extends Thread {

    /** Platform dependent file name separator */
    private static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty ("file.separator");
    private static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty ("path.separator");    

    /** Relative name of update directory */
    private static final String UPDATE_DIR = "update"; // NOI18N

    /** Relative name of directory where the .NBM files are downloaded */
    static final String DOWNLOAD_DIR =UPDATE_DIR + FILE_SEPARATOR + "download"; // NOI18N

    /** Relative name of backup directory */
    private static final String BACKUP_DIR = UPDATE_DIR + FILE_SEPARATOR + "backup"; // NOI18N

    /** Relative name of netbeans/lib directory */
    private static final String NB_LIB_DIR = "lib"; // NOI18N

    /** Name of extension directory */
    private static final String EXT_DIR = "ext"; // NOI18N

    /** Relative name of java/lib/ext directory */
    private static final String JAVA_LIB_EXT_DIR = "lib" +  FILE_SEPARATOR + EXT_DIR; // NOI18N

    /** The name of zip entry containing netbeans files */
    public static final String UPDATE_NETBEANS_DIR = "netbeans"; // NOI18N

    /** The name of zip entry containing java_extension files */
    public static final String UPDATE_JAVA_EXT_DIR = "java_ext"; // NOI18N

    /** The name of zip entry containing files for external installer */
    public static final String UPDATE_MAIN_DIR = "main"; // NOI18N
    /** Name of external installer parameters file*/
    private static final String JVM_PARAMS_FILE = ""; // NOI18N

    /** Extension of the distribution files */
    public static final String NBM_EXTENSION = "nbm"; // NOI18N

    /** The name of the log file */
    public static final String LOG_FILE_NAME = "update.log"; // NOI18N

    /** The name of the install_later file */
    public static final String LATER_FILE_NAME = "install_later.xml"; // NOI18N
    public static final char SPACE = ' ';
    public static final char QUOTE = '\"';
    private File downloadDirectory = null;
    private File backupDirectory = null;
    private File netbeansDirectory = null;
    private File nbLibDirectory = null;
    private File javaLibExtDirectory = null;
    private File updateDirectory = null;
    private File mainDirectory = null;

    /** files that are supposed to be installed (when running inside the ide) */
    private Set installOnly;
    /** found files in various cluster/update/download folders */
    private Set installFiles;
    private static Boolean singleMode = null;

    /** Should the thread stop */
    private volatile boolean stop = false;

    private volatile boolean suspend = false;

    /** Total length of unpacked files */
    private long totalLength;

    private static int instCount = 0;
    private static boolean fromInstall = false;
    /** Creates new ModuleUpdater */
    public void run() {
        instCount = 0;


        if ( downloadDirectory == null ) {

        installFiles = new HashSet ();
        Iterator it = UpdateTracking.clusters (true).iterator ();
        while (it.hasNext ()) {
            File cluster = (File) ();
            UpdateTracking ut = UpdateTracking.getTracking (cluster);
            if (ut != null) {
                installFiles.addAll (ut.getModulesToInstall ());
        if (installOnly != null) {
            // keep only those that we really wish to install
            installFiles.retainAll (installOnly);
        if (installFiles.isEmpty ()) {




        if ( !UpdaterFrame.isFromIDE() )
    private void deleteInstall_Later() {
        File later = null;
        if ( isMultiuser() ) {
            later = new File(System.getProperty ("netbeans.user") + FILE_SEPARATOR + DOWNLOAD_DIR + FILE_SEPARATOR + LATER_FILE_NAME); 
            if ( later.exists() )
        later = new File(org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir (), DOWNLOAD_DIR + FILE_SEPARATOR + LATER_FILE_NAME);

        if ( later.exists() )

    /** ends the run of update */
    void endRun() {
        stop = true;

    /** checks wheter ends the run of update */
    private void checkStop() {

        if ( suspend )
            while ( suspend );

        if ( stop ) {
            if (UpdaterFrame.getUpdaterFrame().isFromIDE ()) {
            } else {
                System.exit( 0 );

    /** Can be used to restrict the set of NBM files that should be installed.
    public void setInstallOnly (File[] files) {
        installOnly = new HashSet ();
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            File f = files[i];
            try {
                f = f.getCanonicalFile ();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // ok, just use regular file
            installOnly.add (f);

    /** Determines size of unpacked modules */
    private void totalLength() {
        totalLength = 0L;

        UpdaterFrame.setLabel( Localization.getBrandedString( "CTL_PreparingUnpack" ) );
        UpdaterFrame.setProgressRange( 0, installFiles.size ());

        Iterator it = installFiles.iterator ();
        for( int i = 0; i < installFiles.size (); i++ ) {

            JarFile jarFile = null;

            try {
                UpdaterFrame.setProgressValue( i + 1 );

                jarFile = new JarFile( (File) () );
                Enumeration entries = jarFile.entries();
                while( entries.hasMoreElements() ) {
                    JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) entries.nextElement();


                    if ( ( entry.getName().startsWith( UPDATE_NETBEANS_DIR ) ||
                            entry.getName().startsWith( ModuleUpdater.UPDATE_JAVA_EXT_DIR ) ||
                            entry.getName().startsWith( UPDATE_MAIN_DIR) ) &&
                            !entry.isDirectory() ) {
                        totalLength += entry.getSize();
            catch ( e ) {
                // Ignore non readable files
            finally {
                try {
                    if ( jarFile != null )
                catch ( e ) {
                    // We can't close the file do nothing
                    // System.out.println( "Cant close : " + e ); // NOI18N

    /** Unpack the distribution files into update directory */

    void unpack ()  {

        long bytesRead = 0L;
        boolean hasMainClass;

        // System.out.println("Total lengtg " + totalLength ); // NOI18N

        UpdaterFrame.setLabel( "" ); // NOI18N
        UpdaterFrame.setProgressRange( 0, totalLength );
        fromInstall = true;
        ArrayList allTrackings = new ArrayList ();
        HashMap l10ns = new HashMap();
        List clusters = UpdateTracking.clusters (true);
        Iterator clustersIterator = clusters.iterator ();
        while (clustersIterator.hasNext ()) {
            File cluster = (File) ();
            UpdateTracking tracking = UpdateTracking.getTracking (cluster, false);
            if (tracking == null) {
            allTrackings.add (tracking);

            HashSet nbms = new HashSet (tracking.getModulesToInstall ());
            nbms.retainAll (installFiles);
            File[] nbmFiles = (File[])nbms.toArray (new File[0]);
            for( int i = 0; i < nbmFiles.length; i++ ) {                        
                UpdateTracking.Version version;
                UpdateTracking.Module modtrack;
                ModuleUpdate mu = new ModuleUpdate( nbmFiles[i], fromInstall );
                if ( mu.isL10n() ) {
                    modtrack = null;
                    version = tracking.createVersion( "0" ); // NOI18N
                    l10ns.put( mu, version );
                } else {
                    modtrack = tracking.readModuleTracking( ! fromInstall, mu.getCodenamebase(), true );
                    version = modtrack.addNewVersion( mu.getSpecification_version() );
                // input streams should be released, but following is needed

                hasMainClass = false;
                UpdaterFrame.setLabel( Localization.getBrandedString("CTL_UnpackingFile") + "  " + nbmFiles[i].getName() ); //NOI18N
                UpdaterFrame.setProgressValue( bytesRead );
                JarFile jarFile = null;

                try {
                    jarFile = new JarFile( nbmFiles[i] );
                    Enumeration entries = jarFile.entries();
                    while( entries.hasMoreElements() ) {
                        JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) entries.nextElement();

                        if ( entry.getName().startsWith( UPDATE_NETBEANS_DIR ) ) {
                            // Copy files into netbeans directory
                            if ( entry.isDirectory() ) {
                                File newDir = new File( getNetbeansDirectory(), entry.getName().substring( UPDATE_NETBEANS_DIR.length() ) );
                                if ( !newDir.isDirectory() )
                                File newBckDir = new File( getBackupDirectory(), entry.getName() );
                                if ( !newBckDir.isDirectory() )
                            else {
                                String pathTo = entry.getName().substring( 9 );
                                // path without netbeans prefix
                                if ( mu.isL10n() )
                                    version.addL10NFileWithCrc( pathTo, Long.toString( entry.getCrc() ), mu.getSpecification_version());
                                    version.addFileWithCrc( pathTo, Long.toString( entry.getCrc() ) );

                                File destFile = new File (cluster, entry.getName ().substring (UPDATE_NETBEANS_DIR.length()));
                                if ( destFile.exists() ) {
                                    File bckFile = new File( getBackupDirectory(), entry.getName() );
                                    bckFile.getParentFile ().mkdirs ();
                                    // System.out.println("Backing up" ); // NOI18N
                                    copyStreams( new FileInputStream( destFile ), new FileOutputStream( bckFile ), -1 );
                                } else {
                                    destFile.getParentFile ().mkdirs ();
                                bytesRead = copyStreams( jarFile.getInputStream( entry ), new FileOutputStream( destFile ), bytesRead );
                                UpdaterFrame.setProgressValue( bytesRead );

                        else if ( entry.getName().startsWith( ModuleUpdater.UPDATE_JAVA_EXT_DIR ) &&
                                  !entry.isDirectory() ) {
                            // Copy files into java/lib/ext directory
                            File destFile = new File( getJavaLibExtDirectory(), entry.getName().substring( UPDATE_JAVA_EXT_DIR.length() ) );
                            if ( destFile.exists() ) {
                                File bckFile = new File( getBackupDirectory(), ModuleUpdater.UPDATE_JAVA_EXT_DIR + FILE_SEPARATOR + entry.getName().substring( UPDATE_NETBEANS_DIR.length() ) );
                                bckFile.getParentFile ().mkdirs ();
                                copyStreams( new FileInputStream( destFile ), new FileOutputStream( bckFile ), -1 );
                } else {
                    destFile.getParentFile ().mkdirs ();
                            bytesRead = copyStreams( jarFile.getInputStream( entry ), new FileOutputStream( destFile ), bytesRead );
                            UpdaterFrame.setProgressValue( bytesRead );
                        else if ( entry.getName().startsWith( UPDATE_MAIN_DIR )&&
                                  !entry.isDirectory() ) {
                            // run main                  
                            File destFile = new File( getMainDirectory(), 
                                entry.getName().substring(UPDATE_MAIN_DIR.length() + 1) );
                            destFile.getParentFile ().mkdirs ();
                            hasMainClass = true;
                            bytesRead = copyStreams( jarFile.getInputStream( entry ), new FileOutputStream( destFile ), bytesRead );
                            UpdaterFrame.setProgressValue( bytesRead );
                    if ( hasMainClass ) {                    
                        MainConfig mconfig = new MainConfig(getMainDirString() + FILE_SEPARATOR + JVM_PARAMS_FILE);
                        if (mconfig.isValid()) {
                            String java_path = System.getProperty ("java.home") + FILE_SEPARATOR
                                + "bin"  + FILE_SEPARATOR + "java";                              // NOI18N
                            java_path = quoteString( java_path );
                            String torun = java_path + " -cp " + quoteString( getMainDirString() + mconfig.getClasspath() ) + mconfig.getCommand();  // NOI18N

                            deleteDir( getMainDirectory() );
                catch ( e ) {
                    // Ignore non readable files
                    e.printStackTrace ();
                finally {
                    try {
                        if ( jarFile != null )
                    catch ( e ) {
                        // We can't close the file do nothing
                        // System.out.println("Can't close : " + e ); // NOI18N
                    //System.out.println("Dleting :" + nbmFiles[i].getName() + ":" + nbmFiles[i].delete() ); // NOI18N

                if ( ! mu.isL10n() )
                modtrack.writeConfigModuleXMLIfMissing ();
        Iterator trakingsIter = allTrackings.iterator ();
        while (trakingsIter.hasNext ()) {
            UpdateTracking t = (UpdateTracking) ();
            // update_tracking of l10n's
            Iterator it = l10ns.entrySet().iterator();
            while ( it.hasNext() ) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                ModuleUpdate mod = (ModuleUpdate) entry.getKey();
                UpdateTracking.Version version = (UpdateTracking.Version) entry.getValue();
                UpdateTracking.Module modtrack = t.readModuleTracking( 
                    ! mod.isFromInstall(), 
                modtrack.addL10NVersion( version );
            t.deleteUnusedFiles ();            

    /** The directory where to download the distribution files of modules */
    public File getUpdateDirectory() {
        if ( updateDirectory == null ) {

            if ( isMultiuser() )
                updateDirectory = new File (System.getProperty ("netbeans.user") + FILE_SEPARATOR + UPDATE_DIR );
                updateDirectory = new File (org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir (), UPDATE_DIR );

            if ( !updateDirectory.isDirectory() )

        return updateDirectory;

    /** The directory where to download the distribution files of modules */
    private File getInstallDownloadDirectory() {
        File idir = new File (org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir(), DOWNLOAD_DIR );
        if ( !idir.isDirectory() )
        return idir;

    /** The directory where to download the distribution files of modules */
    private File getDownloadDirectory() {
        if ( downloadDirectory == null ) {
            downloadDirectory = new File (System.getProperty ("netbeans.user") + FILE_SEPARATOR + DOWNLOAD_DIR );
            if ( !downloadDirectory.isDirectory() )
        return downloadDirectory;

    private void startCommand(String torun) {
        Runtime runtime=Runtime.getRuntime();
        Process proces;            
        try {
            proces=runtime.exec(parseParameters( torun ));
            final Process proc2 = proces;
            new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        InputStreamReader stream= new InputStreamReader (proc2.getErrorStream());
                        BufferedReader reader= new BufferedReader(stream);
                        String vystup;
                        do {
                            vystup = reader.readLine();
                            if (vystup!=null)
                        } while (vystup != null);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
            int x=proces.waitFor();
        catch (Exception e){
    /** The directory where to backup old versions of modules */
    public File getBackupDirectory() {
        if ( backupDirectory == null ) {

            if ( isMultiuser() )
                backupDirectory = new File (System.getProperty ("netbeans.user") + FILE_SEPARATOR + BACKUP_DIR );
                backupDirectory = new File (org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir (), BACKUP_DIR );

            if ( !backupDirectory.isDirectory() )

        return backupDirectory;

    /** Gets the netbeans directory */
    public File getNetbeansDirectory() {
        if ( netbeansDirectory == null ) {
            if ( isMultiuser() )
                netbeansDirectory = new File (System.getProperty ("netbeans.user") );
                netbeansDirectory = org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir ();
        return netbeansDirectory;

    /** Gets the netbeans directory */
    private File getMainDirectory() {
        if ( mainDirectory == null ) {
            if ( isMultiuser() )
                mainDirectory = new File (System.getProperty ("netbeans.user") 
                                          + FILE_SEPARATOR + UPDATE_DIR 
                                          + FILE_SEPARATOR + UPDATE_MAIN_DIR );
                mainDirectory = new File (org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir (),
        return mainDirectory;
    private String getMainDirString() {
        return getMainDirectory().getPath();
     /** Quotes string correctly, eg. removes all quotes from the string and adds 
      * just one at the start and
      * second one at the end.
      * @param s string to be quoted
      * @return correctly quoted string
     public static final String quoteString(String s) {
         if ( s.indexOf( SPACE ) > -1 ) {
             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s);
             int i = 0;
             while ( i < sb.length() ) {
                 if ( sb.charAt(i) == QUOTE )
                     sb.deleteCharAt( i );
             sb.insert( 0, QUOTE );
             sb.append( QUOTE );
             return sb.toString();
         return s;

    /** The directory of libraries that are added to CLASSPATH on startup */

    public File getNbLibDirectory() {
        if ( nbLibDirectory == null ) {

            if ( isMultiuser() )
                nbLibDirectory = new File (System.getProperty ("netbeans.user") + FILE_SEPARATOR + NB_LIB_DIR );
                nbLibDirectory = new File (org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir (), NB_LIB_DIR );

        File nbLibExt = new File( nbLibDirectory, EXT_DIR );
        if ( !nbLibExt.isDirectory() )

        return nbLibDirectory;

    /** The directory lib/ext directory of JDK */
    public File getJavaLibExtDirectory() {
        if ( javaLibExtDirectory == null ) {
            javaLibExtDirectory = new File (System.getProperty ("java.home") + FILE_SEPARATOR + JAVA_LIB_EXT_DIR );

        if ( canWrite( javaLibExtDirectory, true ) )
            return javaLibExtDirectory;
            return getNbLibDirectory();

    private static boolean isMultiuser() {
        if ( fromInstall )
            return false;

        return ! singleMode();
    private static boolean singleMode() {
        if ( singleMode == null ) {
            singleMode = Boolean.FALSE;
            if ( System.getProperty ("netbeans.user") == null )
                singleMode = Boolean.TRUE;
            else {
                File userDir = new File (System.getProperty ("netbeans.user"));
                File instDir = org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir ();
                if ( userDir.equals( instDir ) )
                    singleMode = Boolean.TRUE;
                else {
                        if ( userDir.getCanonicalPath().equals( instDir.getCanonicalPath()) )
                            singleMode = Boolean.TRUE;
                    } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
        return singleMode.booleanValue();

     * It takes the current progress value so it can update progress
     * properly, and also return the new progress value after the
     * copy is done.
     * @param progressVal The current progress bar value.  If this is
     *          negative, we don't want to update the progress bar.
    private long copyStreams( InputStream src, OutputStream dest,
                               long progressVal ) throws {

        BufferedInputStream bsrc = new BufferedInputStream( src );
        BufferedOutputStream bdest = new BufferedOutputStream( dest );

        int count = 0;

        int c;

        try {
            while( ( c = ) != -1 ) {
                bdest.write( c );
                if ( count > 8500 ) {
                    if (progressVal >= 0) {
                        progressVal += count;
                        UpdaterFrame.setProgressValue( progressVal );

                    count = 0;
            // Just update the value, no need to update the
            // GUI yet.   Caller can do that.
            if (progressVal >= 0) {
                progressVal += count;
        finally {
        return progressVal;


    /** Test whether the user has rights to write into directory */

    private static boolean canWrite( File dir, boolean create ) {
        if ( !dir.exists() && create )


        if ( !dir.isDirectory() || !dir.canWrite() )
            return false;

        File tmp = null;

        try {
            tmp = File.createTempFile( "test", "access", dir ); // NOI18N
        catch ( e ) {
            return false;

        if ( tmp == null )
            return false;

        boolean cw = tmp.canWrite();
        if (cw)

        return cw;

    private void deleteDir(File dir) {
        File[] files=dir.listFiles();
        for( int j = 0; j < files.length; j++ ) {
            if ( files[j].isDirectory() )
                deleteDir( files[j] );
    private String getLogPath() {
        return getUpdateDirectory().getPath() + FILE_SEPARATOR + LOG_FILE_NAME;
    /** [Copied from org.openide.util.Utilities]
     * Parses parameters from a given string in shell-like manner.
     * Users of the Bourne shell (e.g. on Unix) will already be familiar
     * with the behavior.
     * For example, when using {@link org.openide.execution.NbProcessDescriptor}
     * you should be able to:
  • Include command names with embedded spaces, such as * c:\Program Files\jdk\bin\javac. *
  • Include extra command arguments, such as -Dname=value. *
  • Do anything else which might require unusual characters or * processing. For example: *

         * "c:\program files\jdk\bin\java" -Dmessage="Hello /\\/\\ there!" -Xmx128m

    This example would create the following executable name and arguments: *

    1. c:\program files\jdk\bin\java *
    2. -Dmessage=Hello /\/\ there! *
    3. -Xmx128m *
    * Note that the command string does not escape its backslashes--under the assumption * that Windows users will not think to do this, meaningless escapes are just left * as backslashes plus following character. *
* Caveat: even after parsing, Windows programs (such as * the Java launcher) * may not fully honor certain * characters, such as quotes, in command names or arguments. This is because programs * under Windows frequently perform their own parsing and unescaping (since the shell * cannot be relied on to do this). On Unix, this problem should not occur. * @param s a string to parse * @return an array of parameters */ private static String[] parseParameters(String s) { int NULL = 0x0; // STICK + whitespace or NULL + non_" int INPARAM = 0x1; // NULL + " or STICK + " or INPARAMPENDING + "\ // NOI18N int INPARAMPENDING = 0x2; // INPARAM + \ int STICK = 0x4; // INPARAM + " or STICK + non_" // NOI18N int STICKPENDING = 0x8; // STICK + \ Vector params = new Vector(5,5); char c; int state = NULL; StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(20); int slength = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < slength; i++) { c = s.charAt(i); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { if (state == NULL) { if (buff.length () > 0) { params.addElement(buff.toString()); buff.setLength(0); } } else if (state == STICK) { params.addElement(buff.toString()); buff.setLength(0); state = NULL; } else if (state == STICKPENDING) { buff.append('\\'); params.addElement(buff.toString()); buff.setLength(0); state = NULL; } else if (state == INPARAMPENDING) { state = INPARAM; buff.append('\\'); buff.append(c); } else { // INPARAM buff.append(c); } continue; } if (c == '\\') { if (state == NULL) { ++i; if (i < slength) { char cc = s.charAt(i); if (cc == '"' || cc == '\\') { buff.append(cc); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(cc)) { buff.append(c); --i; } else { buff.append(c); buff.append(cc); } } else { buff.append('\\'); break; } continue; } else if (state == INPARAM) { state = INPARAMPENDING; } else if (state == INPARAMPENDING) { buff.append('\\'); state = INPARAM; } else if (state == STICK) { state = STICKPENDING; } else if (state == STICKPENDING) { buff.append('\\'); state = STICK; } continue; } if (c == '"') { if (state == NULL) { state = INPARAM; } else if (state == INPARAM) { state = STICK; } else if (state == STICK) { state = INPARAM; } else if (state == STICKPENDING) { buff.append('"'); state = STICK; } else { // INPARAMPENDING buff.append('"'); state = INPARAM; } continue; } if (state == INPARAMPENDING) { buff.append('\\'); state = INPARAM; } else if (state == STICKPENDING) { buff.append('\\'); state = STICK; } buff.append(c); } // collect if (state == INPARAM) { params.addElement(buff.toString()); } else if ((state & (INPARAMPENDING | STICKPENDING)) != 0) { buff.append('\\'); params.addElement(buff.toString()); } else { // NULL or STICK if (buff.length() != 0) { params.addElement(buff.toString()); } } String[] ret = new String[params.size()]; params.copyInto(ret); return ret; } /** read jvm parameters from jvm parameters file */ class MainConfig extends Object { /** The names of properties from jvm parameters file */ private final String PAR_MAIN = "mainClass"; // NOI18N private final String PAR_RELCP = "relativeClassPath"; // NOI18N private final String PAR_JVMPAR = "jvm.parameters"; // NOI18N private final String PAR_MAINARGS = "mainClass.arguments"; // NOI18N /** The names of variables allow to use in jvm parameters file */ private final String VAR_IDE_HOME = "%IDE_HOME%"; // NOI18N private final String VAR_IDE_USER = "%IDE_USER%"; // NOI18N private final String VAR_FILE_SEPARATOR = "%FS%"; // NOI18N private final String VAR_JAVA_HOME = "%JAVA_HOME%"; // NOI18N private final String VAR_ICON_ROOT = "%ICON_ROOT%"; // NOI18N private final String ICON_ROOT = "Forte for Java"; // NOI18N private final String VAR_LOGFILE = "%UPDATE_LOGFILE%"; // NOI18N /** joined all parameters of jvm java command */ private String parameters = ""; // NOI18N private String classpath = ""; // NOI18N /** is jvm parameters file in valid stucture */ private boolean valid = false; public MainConfig(String spath) { valid = readParms(spath); } /** returns all parameters needed by jvm java command */ public String getCommand() { return parameters; } /** returns all parameters needed by jvm java command */ public String getClasspath() { return classpath; } /** is jvm parameters file in valid stucture */ public boolean isValid() { return valid; } /** read jvm parameters from jvm parameters file */ private boolean readParms(String spath) { Properties details = new Properties(); FileInputStream fis = null; try { details.load(fis = new FileInputStream(spath)); // NOI18N } catch (IOException e) { return false; } finally { if (fis != null) try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore */ }; } String mainclass; String relpath; String jvmparms; String mainargs; relpath = details.getProperty(PAR_RELCP,null); if (relpath != null) { relpath = replaceVars( relpath ); StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer( relpath, PATH_SEPARATOR, false ); while ( token.hasMoreTokens() ) { classpath = classpath + PATH_SEPARATOR + changeRelative( token.nextToken() ); } } parameters = ""; jvmparms = details.getProperty(PAR_JVMPAR,null); if (jvmparms != null) parameters = parameters + " " + jvmparms; // NOI18N mainclass = details.getProperty(PAR_MAIN,null); if (mainclass == null) return false; else parameters = parameters + " " + mainclass; // NOI18N mainargs = details.getProperty(PAR_MAINARGS,null); if (mainargs != null) parameters = parameters + " " + mainargs; // NOI18N parameters = replaceVars( parameters ); return true; } private String replaceVars(String original) { original = replaceAll(original,VAR_IDE_HOME, org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir ().getPath()); original = replaceAll(original,VAR_IDE_USER, ModuleUpdater.this.getNetbeansDirectory().getPath()); original = replaceAll(original,VAR_FILE_SEPARATOR, ModuleUpdater.this.FILE_SEPARATOR); original = replaceAll(original,VAR_JAVA_HOME, System.getProperty ("java.home")); original = replaceAll(original,VAR_ICON_ROOT, getIconRoot()); original = replaceAll(original,VAR_LOGFILE, getLogPath()); return original; } private String changeRelative(String path) { if ( new File( path ).isAbsolute() ) return path; else return getMainDirString() + FILE_SEPARATOR + path; } private String getIconRoot() { Properties prop = new Properties(); FileInputStream fis = null; String ret; try { File propf = new File (org.netbeans.updater.UpdateTracking.getPlatformDir (), FILE_SEPARATOR + "system" + FILE_SEPARATOR + ""); // NOI18N prop.load(fis = new FileInputStream(propf)); // NOI18N ret = prop.getProperty(""); if ( ret == null ) ret = getDefaultIconRoot(); } catch (IOException e) { ret = getDefaultIconRoot(); } finally { if (fis != null) try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore */ }; } return ('"' + ret + '"'); // NOI18N } private String getDefaultIconRoot() { String s = Localization.getBranding(); String ext = ""; if ( s != null ) { if ( s.indexOf("_ce") > 0 ) // NOI18N ext = " CE"; // NOI18N else if ( s.indexOf("_ie") > 0 ) // NOI18N ext = " IE"; // NOI18N else if ( s.indexOf("_ee") > 0 ) // NOI18N ext = " EE"; // NOI18N } return ICON_ROOT + ext; } /** replace all occurences of String what by String repl in the String sin */ private String replaceAll(String sin, String what, String repl) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(sin); int i = sb.toString().indexOf(what); int len = what.length(); while ( i > -1 ) { sb.replace(i,i + len,repl); i = sb.toString().indexOf(what,i+1); } return sb.toString(); } } }
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