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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileLock;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.modules.SpecificationVersion;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.xml.XMLUtil;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;


 * Handle loading/saving of TopComponent reference in Mode configuration data.
 * @author Marek Slama

class TCRefParser {
    public static final String INSTANCE_DTD_ID_1_0
    = "-//NetBeans//DTD Top Component in Mode Properties 1.0//EN"; // NOI18N
    public static final String INSTANCE_DTD_ID_2_0
    = "-//NetBeans//DTD Top Component in Mode Properties 2.0//EN"; // NOI18N
    public static final String INSTANCE_DTD_ID_2_1
    = "-//NetBeans//DTD Top Component in Mode Properties 2.1//EN"; // NOI18N
    private static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.isLoggable(TCRefParser.class);
    /** Unique id from file name */
    private String tc_id;
    /** Module parent folder */
    private FileObject moduleParentFolder;
    /** Local parent folder */
    private FileObject localParentFolder;
    private InternalConfig internalConfig;
    /** true if wstcref file is present in module folder */
    private boolean inModuleFolder;
    /** true if wstcref file is present in local folder */
    private boolean inLocalFolder;
    public TCRefParser (String tc_id) {
        this.tc_id = tc_id;
    /** Load tcref configuration. */
    TCRefConfig load () throws IOException {
        if (DEBUG) Debug.log(TCRefParser.class, "load ENTER" + " tcRef:" + tc_id);
        TCRefConfig tcRefCfg = new TCRefConfig();
        PropertyHandler propertyHandler = new PropertyHandler();
        InternalConfig internalCfg = getInternalConfig();
        propertyHandler.readData(tcRefCfg, internalCfg);
        if (DEBUG) Debug.log(TCRefParser.class, "load LEAVE" + " tcRef:" + tc_id);
        return tcRefCfg;
    /** Save tcref configuration. */
    void save (TCRefConfig tcRefCfg) throws IOException {
        if (DEBUG) Debug.log(TCRefParser.class, "save ENTER" + " tcRef:" + tc_id);
        PropertyHandler propertyHandler = new PropertyHandler();
        InternalConfig internalCfg = getInternalConfig();
        propertyHandler.writeData(tcRefCfg, internalCfg);
        if (DEBUG) Debug.log(TCRefParser.class, "save LEAVE" + " tcRef:" + tc_id);
    String getName () {
        return tc_id;
    /** Getter for internal configuration data.
     * @return instance of internal configuration data
    InternalConfig getInternalConfig () {
        if (internalConfig == null) {
            internalConfig = new InternalConfig();
        return internalConfig;
    /** Setter for internal configuration data. Used only to pass module info
     * from import.
     * @param internalCfg instance of internal configuration data
    void setInternalConfig (InternalConfig internalCfg) {
        internalConfig = internalCfg;
    boolean isInModuleFolder () {
        return inModuleFolder;
    void setInModuleFolder (boolean inModuleFolder) {
        this.inModuleFolder = inModuleFolder;
    boolean isInLocalFolder () {
        return inLocalFolder;
    void setInLocalFolder (boolean inLocalFolder) {
        this.inLocalFolder = inLocalFolder;
    void setModuleParentFolder (FileObject moduleParentFolder) {
        this.moduleParentFolder = moduleParentFolder;
    void setLocalParentFolder (FileObject localParentFolder) {
        this.localParentFolder = localParentFolder;
    void log (String s) {
        Debug.log(TCRefParser.class, s);
    private final class PropertyHandler extends DefaultHandler {
        /** tcRef manager configuration data */
        private TCRefConfig tcRefConfig = null;
        /** internal configuration data */
        private InternalConfig internalConfig = null;
        /** xml parser */
        private XMLReader parser;
        /** Lock to prevent mixing readData and writeData */
        private final Object RW_LOCK = new Object();
        public PropertyHandler () {
        private FileObject getConfigFOInput () {
            FileObject tcRefConfigFO;
            if (isInLocalFolder()) {
                //log("getConfigFOInput" + " looking for LOCAL");
                tcRefConfigFO = localParentFolder.getFileObject
                (TCRefParser.this.getName(), PersistenceManager.TCREF_EXT);
            } else if (isInModuleFolder()) {
                //log("getConfigFOInput" + " looking for MODULE");
                tcRefConfigFO = moduleParentFolder.getFileObject
                (TCRefParser.this.getName(), PersistenceManager.TCREF_EXT);
            } else {
                //XXX should not happen
                tcRefConfigFO = null;
            //log("getConfigFOInput" + " tcRefConfigFO:" + tcRefConfigFO);
            return tcRefConfigFO;

        private FileObject getConfigFOOutput () throws IOException {
            FileObject tcRefConfigFO;
            tcRefConfigFO = localParentFolder.getFileObject
            (TCRefParser.this.getName(), PersistenceManager.TCREF_EXT);
            if (tcRefConfigFO != null) {
                //log("-- TCRefParser.getConfigFOOutput" + " tcRefConfigFO LOCAL:" + tcRefConfigFO);
                return tcRefConfigFO;
            } else {
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                //XXX should be improved localParentFolder can be null
                tcRefConfigFO = FileUtil.createData(localParentFolder, buffer.toString());
                //log("-- TCRefParser.getConfigFOOutput" + " LOCAL not found CREATE");
                return tcRefConfigFO;
         Reads tcRef configuration data from XML file. 
         Data are returned in output params.
        void readData (TCRefConfig tcRefCfg, InternalConfig internalCfg)
        throws IOException {
            tcRefConfig = tcRefCfg;
            internalConfig = internalCfg;
            FileObject cfgFOInput = getConfigFOInput();
            if (cfgFOInput == null) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException("[WinSys] Missing TCRef configuration file:" // NOI18N
                + TCRefParser.this.getName());
            try {
                synchronized (RW_LOCK) {
                    //DUMP BEGIN
                    /*InputStream is = cfgFOInput.getInputStream();
                    byte [] arr = new byte [is.available()];
                    log("DUMP TCRef: " + TCRefParser.this.getName());
                    String s = new String(arr);
                    //DUMP END
                    getXMLParser().parse(new InputSource(cfgFOInput.getInputStream()));
            } catch (SAXException exc) {
                //Turn into annotated IOException
                String msg = NbBundle.getMessage(TCRefParser.class,
                    "EXC_TCRefParse", cfgFOInput);
                IOException ioe = new IOException(msg);
                ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(ioe, exc);
                throw ioe;
            tcRefCfg = tcRefConfig;
            internalCfg = internalConfig;
            tcRefConfig = null;
            internalConfig = null;
        public void startElement (String nameSpace, String name, String qname, Attributes attrs) 
        throws SAXException {
            if ("tc-ref".equals(qname)) { // NOI18N
            } else if (internalConfig.specVersion.compareTo(new SpecificationVersion("2.0")) >= 0) { // NOI18N
                //Parse version 2.0
                if ("module".equals(qname)) { // NOI18N
                } else if ("tc-id".equals(qname)) { // NOI18N
                } else if ("state".equals(qname)) { // NOI18N
                } else if ("previousMode".equals(qname)) {
            } else {
                log("-- TCRefParser.startElement PARSING OLD");
                //Parse version < 2.0

        public void error(SAXParseException ex) throws SAXException  {
            throw ex;

        public void fatalError(SAXParseException ex) throws SAXException {
            throw ex;

        public void warning(SAXParseException ex) throws SAXException {
            // ignore
        /** Reads element "tc-ref" */
        private void handleTCRef (Attributes attrs) {
            String version = attrs.getValue("version"); // NOI18N
            if (version != null) {
                internalConfig.specVersion = new SpecificationVersion(version);
            } else {
                "[WinSys.TCRefParser.handleTCRef]" // NOI18N
                + " Warning: Missing attribute \"version\" of element \"tc-ref\"."); // NOI18N
                internalConfig.specVersion = new SpecificationVersion("2.0"); // NOI18N
            //Before version 2.0 tc_id was attribute of tc-ref element
            //so we must read it directly here.
            if (internalConfig.specVersion.compareTo(new SpecificationVersion("2.0")) < 0) { // NOI18N
                String tc_id = attrs.getValue("id"); // NOI18N
                if (tc_id != null) {
                    //XXX handle old format
                } else {
                    "[WinSys.TCRefParser.handleTCRef]" // NOI18N
                    + " Warning: Missing attribute \"id\" of element \"tc-ref\"."); // NOI18N
        /** Reads element "module" and updates mode config content */
        private void handleModule (Attributes attrs) {
            String moduleCodeName = attrs.getValue("name"); // NOI18N
            //Parse code name
            internalConfig.moduleCodeNameBase = null;
            internalConfig.moduleCodeNameRelease = null;
            internalConfig.moduleSpecificationVersion = null;
            if (moduleCodeName != null) {
                int i = moduleCodeName.indexOf('/');
                if (i != -1) {
                    internalConfig.moduleCodeNameBase = moduleCodeName.substring(0, i);
                    internalConfig.moduleCodeNameRelease = moduleCodeName.substring(i + 1);
                } else {
                    internalConfig.moduleCodeNameBase = moduleCodeName;
                internalConfig.moduleSpecificationVersion = attrs.getValue("spec"); // NOI18N

        /** Checks validity of moduleCodeNameRelease field. 
         * Helper method. */
        private void checkReleaseCode (InternalConfig internalConfig) {
            // #24844. Repair the wrongly saved "null" string
            // as release number.
            if("null".equals(internalConfig.moduleCodeNameRelease)) { // NOI18N
                    new IllegalStateException(
                        "Module release code was saved as null string" // NOI18N
                        + " for module "  + internalConfig.moduleCodeNameBase // NOI18N
                        + "! Repairing.") // NOI18N
                internalConfig.moduleCodeNameRelease = null;
        /** Reads element "tc-id" */
        private void handleTcId (Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
            String tc_id = attrs.getValue("id"); // NOI18N
            if (tc_id != null) {
                tcRefConfig.tc_id = tc_id;
                if (!tc_id.equals(TCRefParser.this.getName())) {
                    "[WinSys.TCRefParser.handleTcId]" // NOI18N
                    + " Error: Value of attribute \"id\" of element \"tc-id\"" // NOI18N
                    + " and configuration file name must be the same."); // NOI18N
                    throw new SAXException("Invalid attribute value"); // NOI18N
            } else {
                "[WinSys.TCRefParser.handleTcId]" // NOI18N
                + " Error: Missing required attribute \"id\" of element \"tc-id\"."); // NOI18N
                throw new SAXException("Missing required attribute"); // NOI18N
        private void handleState (Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
            String opened = attrs.getValue("opened"); // NOI18N;
            if (opened != null) {
                if ("true".equals(opened)) { // NOI18N
                    tcRefConfig.opened = true;
                } else if ("false".equals(opened)) { // NOI18N
                    tcRefConfig.opened = false;
                } else {
                    "[WinSys.TCRefParser.handleState]" // NOI18N
                    + " Warning: Invalid value of attribute \"opened\"" // NOI18N
                    + " of element \"state\"."); // NOI18N
                    tcRefConfig.opened = false;
            } else {
                "[WinSys.TCRefParser.handleState]" // NOI18N
                + " Warning: Missing required attribute \"opened\"" // NOI18N
                + " of element \"state\"."); // NOI18N
                tcRefConfig.opened = false;

        private void handlePreviousMode (Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
            String name = attrs.getValue("name"); // NOI18N;
            if (name != null) {
                tcRefConfig.previousMode = name;
            } else {
                "[WinSys.TCRefParser.handlePreviousMode]" // NOI18N
                + " Warning: Missing required attribute \"name\"" // NOI18N
                + " of element \"previousMode\"."); // NOI18N
                tcRefConfig.previousMode = null;
        public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
        public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] values, int param, int param2) 
        throws SAXException {
        public void endElement(String str, String str1, String str2) 
        throws SAXException {
        public void skippedEntity(String str) throws SAXException {
        public void processingInstruction(String str, String str1)
        throws SAXException {
        public void endPrefixMapping(String str) throws SAXException {
        public void startPrefixMapping(String str, String str1) throws SAXException {
        public void characters(char[] values, int param, int param2) 
        throws SAXException {
        public void setDocumentLocator(org.xml.sax.Locator locator) {
        public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
        /** Writes data from asociated tcRef to the xml representation */
        void writeData (TCRefConfig tcRefCfg, InternalConfig ic) throws IOException {
            final StringBuffer buff = fillBuffer(tcRefCfg, ic);
            synchronized (RW_LOCK) {
                FileObject cfgFOOutput = getConfigFOOutput();
                FileLock lock = cfgFOOutput.lock();
                OutputStreamWriter osw = null;
                try {
                    OutputStream os = cfgFOOutput.getOutputStream(lock);
                    osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8"); // NOI18N
                    //log("DUMP TCRef: " + TCRefParser.this.getName());
                } finally {
                    if (osw != null) {
        /** Returns xml content in StringBuffer
        private StringBuffer fillBuffer (TCRefConfig tcRefCfg, InternalConfig ic) throws IOException {
            StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(800);
            String curValue = null;
            // header
            buff.append("\n\n"); // NOI18N
            /*buff.append("\n\n"); // NOI18N*/
            buff.append("\n"); // NOI18N
            appendModule(ic, buff);
            appendTcId(tcRefCfg, buff);
            appendState(tcRefCfg, buff);
            if (tcRefCfg.previousMode != null) {
                appendPreviousMode(tcRefCfg, buff);
            buff.append("\n"); // NOI18N
            return buff;
        private void appendModule (InternalConfig ic, StringBuffer buff) {
            if (ic == null) {
            if (ic.moduleCodeNameBase != null) {
                buff.append("    \n"); // NOI18N

        private void appendTcId (TCRefConfig tcRefCfg, StringBuffer buff) {
            buff.append("    \n"); // NOI18N
        private void appendState (TCRefConfig tcRefCfg, StringBuffer buff) {
            buff.append("    \n"); // NOI18N
        private void appendPreviousMode(TCRefConfig tcRefCfg, StringBuffer buff) {
            buff.append("    \n"); // NOI18N

        /** @return Newly created parser with set content handler, errror handler
         * and entity resolver
        private XMLReader getXMLParser () throws SAXException {
            if (parser == null) {
                // get non validating, not namespace aware parser
                parser = XMLUtil.createXMLReader();
            return parser;

        /** Implementation of entity resolver. Points to the local DTD
         * for our public ID */
        public InputSource resolveEntity (String publicId, String systemId)
        throws SAXException {
            if (INSTANCE_DTD_ID_1_0.equals(publicId)
             || INSTANCE_DTD_ID_2_0.equals(publicId)
             || INSTANCE_DTD_ID_2_1.equals(publicId)) {
                InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
//                if (is == null) {
//                    throw new IllegalStateException ("Entity cannot be resolved."); // NOI18N
//                }
                return new InputSource(is);
            return null; // i.e. follow advice of systemID
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