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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.modules.merge.builtin.visualizer; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.Writer; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import org.openide.util.NbBundle; import org.netbeans.api.diff.Difference; import org.netbeans.api.diff.StreamSource; /** * This class controls the merge process. * * @author Martin Entlicher */ public class MergeControl extends Object implements ActionListener, VetoableChangeListener { private Color colorUnresolvedConflict; private Color colorResolvedConflict; private Color colorOtherConflict; private MergePanel panel; private Difference[] diffs; /** The shift of differences */ private int[][] diffShifts; /** The current diff */ private int currentDiffLine = 0; private int[] resultDiffLocations; private Set resolvedConflicts = new HashSet(); private StreamSource resultSource; /** Creates a new instance of MergeControl */ public MergeControl(MergePanel panel) { this.panel = panel; } public void initialize(Difference[] diffs, StreamSource source1, StreamSource source2, StreamSource result, Color colorUnresolvedConflict, Color colorResolvedConflict, Color colorOtherConflict) { this.diffs = diffs; this.diffShifts = new int[diffs.length][2]; this.resultDiffLocations = new int[diffs.length]; panel.setMimeType1(source1.getMIMEType()); panel.setMimeType2(source2.getMIMEType()); panel.setMimeType3(result.getMIMEType()); panel.setSource1Title(source1.getTitle()); panel.setSource2Title(source2.getTitle()); panel.setResultSourceTitle(result.getTitle()); panel.setName(source1.getName()); try { panel.setSource1(source1.createReader()); panel.setSource2(source2.createReader()); panel.setResultSource(new java.io.StringReader("")); } catch (IOException ioex) { org.openide.ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ioex); } this.colorUnresolvedConflict = colorUnresolvedConflict; this.colorResolvedConflict = colorResolvedConflict; this.colorOtherConflict = colorOtherConflict; insertEmptyLines(true); setDiffHighlight(true); copyToResult(); panel.setNumConflicts(diffs.length); panel.addControlActionListener(this); showCurrentLine(); this.resultSource = result; } private void insertEmptyLines(boolean updateActionLines) { int n = diffs.length; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Difference action = diffs[i]; int n1 = action.getFirstStart() + diffShifts[i][0]; int n2 = action.getFirstEnd() + diffShifts[i][0]; int n3 = action.getSecondStart() + diffShifts[i][1]; int n4 = action.getSecondEnd() + diffShifts[i][1]; if (updateActionLines && i < n - 1) { diffShifts[i + 1][0] = diffShifts[i][0]; diffShifts[i + 1][1] = diffShifts[i][1]; } switch (action.getType()) { case Difference.DELETE: panel.addEmptyLines2(n3, n2 - n1 + 1); if (updateActionLines && i < n - 1) { diffShifts[i+1][1] += n2 - n1 + 1; } break; case Difference.ADD: panel.addEmptyLines1(n1, n4 - n3 + 1); if (updateActionLines && i < n - 1) { diffShifts[i+1][0] += n4 - n3 + 1; } break; case Difference.CHANGE: int r1 = n2 - n1; int r2 = n4 - n3; if (r1 < r2) { panel.addEmptyLines1(n2, r2 - r1); if (updateActionLines && i < n - 1) { diffShifts[i+1][0] += r2 - r1; } } else if (r1 > r2) { panel.addEmptyLines2(n4, r1 - r2); if (updateActionLines && i < n - 1) { diffShifts[i+1][1] += r1 - r2; } } break; } } } private void setDiffHighlight(boolean set) { int n = diffs.length; //D.deb("Num Actions = "+n); // NOI18N for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Difference action = diffs[i]; int n1 = action.getFirstStart() + diffShifts[i][0]; int n2 = action.getFirstEnd() + diffShifts[i][0]; int n3 = action.getSecondStart() + diffShifts[i][1]; int n4 = action.getSecondEnd() + diffShifts[i][1]; //D.deb("Action: "+action.getAction()+": ("+n1+","+n2+","+n3+","+n4+")"); // NOI18N switch (action.getType()) { case Difference.DELETE: if (set) panel.highlightRegion1(n1, n2, colorUnresolvedConflict); else panel.highlightRegion1(n1, n2, java.awt.Color.white); break; case Difference.ADD: if (set) panel.highlightRegion2(n3, n4, colorUnresolvedConflict); else panel.highlightRegion2(n3, n4, java.awt.Color.white); break; case Difference.CHANGE: if (set) { panel.highlightRegion1(n1, n2, colorUnresolvedConflict); panel.highlightRegion2(n3, n4, colorUnresolvedConflict); } else { panel.highlightRegion1(n1, n2, java.awt.Color.white); panel.highlightRegion2(n3, n4, java.awt.Color.white); } break; } } } private void copyToResult() { int n = diffs.length; int line1 = 1; int line3 = 1; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Difference action = diffs[i]; int n1 = action.getFirstStart() + diffShifts[i][0]; int n2 = action.getFirstEnd() + diffShifts[i][0]; int n3 = action.getSecondStart() + diffShifts[i][1]; int n4 = action.getSecondEnd() + diffShifts[i][1]; int endcopy = (action.getType() != Difference.ADD) ? (n1 - 1) : n1; //System.out.println("diff = "+n1+", "+n2+", "+n3+", "+n4+", endcopy = "+endcopy+((endcopy >= line1) ? "; copy("+line1+", "+endcopy+", "+line3+")" : "")); if (endcopy >= line1) { panel.copySource1ToResult(line1, endcopy, line3); line3 += endcopy + 1 - line1; } int length = Math.max(n2 - n1, n4 - n3); //System.out.println(" length = "+length+", addEmptyLines3("+line3+", "+(length + 1)+")"); panel.addEmptyLines3(line3, length + 1); panel.highlightRegion3(line3, line3 + length, colorUnresolvedConflict); resultDiffLocations[i] = line3; line3 += length + 1; line1 = Math.max(n2, n4) + 1; } //System.out.println("copy("+line1+", -1, "+line3+")"); panel.copySource1ToResult(line1, -1, line3); } private void showCurrentLine() { Difference diff = diffs[currentDiffLine]; int line = diff.getFirstStart() + diffShifts[currentDiffLine][0]; if (diff.getType() == Difference.ADD) line++; int lf1 = diff.getFirstEnd() - diff.getFirstStart() + 1; int lf2 = diff.getSecondEnd() - diff.getSecondStart() + 1; int length = Math.max(lf1, lf2); panel.setCurrentLine(line, length, currentDiffLine, resultDiffLocations[currentDiffLine]); } /** * Resolve the merge conflict with left or right part. * This will reduce the number of conflicts by one. * @param right If true, use the right part, left otherwise * @param conflNum The number of conflict. */ private void doResolveConflict(boolean right, int conflNum) { Difference diff = diffs[conflNum]; int[] shifts = diffShifts[conflNum]; int line1, line2, line3, line4; if (diff.getType() == Difference.ADD) { line1 = diff.getFirstStart() + shifts[0] + 1; line2 = line1 - 1; } else { line1 = diff.getFirstStart() + shifts[0]; line2 = diff.getFirstEnd() + shifts[0]; } if (diff.getType() == Difference.DELETE) { line3 = diff.getSecondStart() + shifts[1] + 1; line4 = line3 - 1; } else { line3 = diff.getSecondStart() + shifts[1]; line4 = diff.getSecondEnd() + shifts[1]; } //System.out.println(" diff lines = "+line1+", "+line2+", "+line3+", "+line4); int rlength; // The length of the area before the conflict is resolved if (resolvedConflicts.contains(diff)) { rlength = (right) ? (line2 - line1) : (line4 - line3); } else { rlength = Math.max(line2 - line1, line4 - line3); } int shift; if (right) { panel.replaceSource2InResult(line3, Math.max(line4, 0), // Correction for possibly negative value resultDiffLocations[conflNum], resultDiffLocations[conflNum] + rlength); shift = rlength - (line4 - line3); panel.highlightRegion1(line1, Math.max(line2, 0), colorOtherConflict); panel.highlightRegion2(line3, Math.max(line4, 0), colorResolvedConflict); } else { panel.replaceSource1InResult(line1, Math.max(line2, 0), // Correction for possibly negative value resultDiffLocations[conflNum], resultDiffLocations[conflNum] + rlength); shift = rlength - (line2 - line1); panel.highlightRegion1(line1, Math.max(line2, 0), colorResolvedConflict); panel.highlightRegion2(line3, Math.max(line4, 0), colorOtherConflict); } if (right && (line4 >= line3) || !right && (line2 >= line1)) { panel.highlightRegion3(resultDiffLocations[conflNum], resultDiffLocations[conflNum] + rlength - shift, colorResolvedConflict); } else { panel.unhighlightRegion3(resultDiffLocations[conflNum], resultDiffLocations[conflNum]); } for (int i = conflNum + 1; i < diffs.length; i++) { resultDiffLocations[i] -= shift; } resolvedConflicts.add(diff); panel.setNeedsSaveState(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { final String actionCommand = actionEvent.getActionCommand(); org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (MergePanel.ACTION_FIRST_CONFLICT.equals(actionCommand)) { currentDiffLine = 0; showCurrentLine(); } else if (MergePanel.ACTION_LAST_CONFLICT.equals(actionCommand)) { currentDiffLine = diffs.length - 1; showCurrentLine(); } else if (MergePanel.ACTION_PREVIOUS_CONFLICT.equals(actionCommand)) { currentDiffLine--; if (currentDiffLine < 0) currentDiffLine = diffs.length - 1; showCurrentLine(); } else if (MergePanel.ACTION_NEXT_CONFLICT.equals(actionCommand)) { currentDiffLine++; if (currentDiffLine >= diffs.length) currentDiffLine = 0; showCurrentLine(); } else if (MergePanel.ACTION_ACCEPT_RIGHT.equals(actionCommand)) { doResolveConflict(true, currentDiffLine); } else if (MergePanel.ACTION_ACCEPT_LEFT.equals(actionCommand)) { doResolveConflict(false, currentDiffLine); } } }); } public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent propertyChangeEvent) throws PropertyVetoException { if (MergeDialogComponent.PROP_PANEL_SAVE.equals(propertyChangeEvent.getPropertyName())) { MergePanel panel = (MergePanel) propertyChangeEvent.getNewValue(); if (this.panel == panel) { ArrayList unresolvedConflicts = new ArrayList();//java.util.Arrays.asList(diffs)); int diffLocationShift = 0; for (int i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) { if (!resolvedConflicts.contains(diffs[i])) { int diffLocation = resultDiffLocations[i] - diffLocationShift; Difference conflict = new Difference(diffs[i].getType(), diffLocation, diffLocation + diffs[i].getFirstEnd() - diffs[i].getFirstStart(), diffLocation, diffLocation + diffs[i].getSecondEnd() - diffs[i].getSecondStart(), diffs[i].getFirstText(), diffs[i].getSecondText()); unresolvedConflicts.add(conflict); diffLocationShift += Math.max(diffs[i].getFirstEnd() - diffs[i].getFirstStart() + 1, diffs[i].getSecondEnd() - diffs[i].getSecondStart() + 1); } } try { panel.writeResult(resultSource.createWriter((Difference[]) unresolvedConflicts.toArray( new Difference[unresolvedConflicts.size()]))); panel.setNeedsSaveState(false); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new PropertyVetoException(NbBundle.getMessage(MergeControl.class, "MergeControl.failedToSave", ioex.getLocalizedMessage()), propertyChangeEvent); } } } if (MergeDialogComponent.PROP_PANEL_CLOSING.equals(propertyChangeEvent.getPropertyName())) { MergePanel panel = (MergePanel) propertyChangeEvent.getNewValue(); if (this.panel == panel) { resultSource.close(); } } if (MergeDialogComponent.PROP_ALL_CLOSED.equals(propertyChangeEvent.getPropertyName()) || MergeDialogComponent.PROP_ALL_CANCELLED.equals(propertyChangeEvent.getPropertyName())) { resultSource.close(); } } } |
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