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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.editor;

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import org.netbeans.editor.Annotations;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Composite;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import javax.swing.text.View;

/** Draw graphics functions as abstraction over various kinds of drawing. It's used
* for drawing into classic graphics, printing and measuring.
* Generally there are only the setters for some properties because 
* the draw-engine doesn't retrieve the values that it previously
* set.
* @author Miloslav Metelka
* @version 1.00
interface DrawGraphics {
    /** Set foreground color */
    public void setForeColor(Color foreColor);

    /** Set background color */
    public void setBackColor(Color backColor);

    /** Inform the draw-graphics about the current
    * background color of the component.
    public void setDefaultBackColor(Color defaultBackColor);
    public void setStrikeThroughColor(Color strikeThroughColor);
    public void setUnderlineColor(Color underlineColor);
    public void setWaveUnderlineColor(Color waveUnderlineColor);

    /** Set current font */
    public void setFont(Font font);

    /** Set the current x-coordinate */
    public void setX(int x);

    /** Set the current y-coordinate */
    public void setY(int y);

    /** Set the height of the line. */
    public void setLineHeight(int lineHeight);

    /** Set the ascent of the line. */
    public void setLineAscent(int lineAscent);

    /** Get the AWT-graphics to determine whether this draws to a graphics.
    * This is useful for fast line numbering and others.
    public Graphics getGraphics();

    /** Whether draw graphics supports displaying of line numbers.
    * If not line number displaying is not done.
    public boolean supportsLineNumbers();

    /** Initialize this draw graphics before drawing */
    public void init(DrawContext ctx);

    /** Called when whole drawing ends. Can be used to deallocate
    * some resources etc.
    public void finish();

    /** Fill rectangle at the current [x, y] with the current
    * background color.
    * @param width width of the rectangle to fill in points. The current x-coordinate
    *  must be increased by width automatically.
    public void fillRect(int width);

    /** Draw characters from the specified offset in the buffer
    * @param offset offset in the buffer for drawn text; if the text contains
    *   tabs, then offset is set to -1 and length contains the count
    *   of the space characters that correspond to the expanded tabs
    * @param length length of the text being drawn
    * @param width width of the text being drawn in points. The current
    *   x-coordinate must be increased by width automatically.
    public void drawChars(int offset, int length, int width);

    /** Draw the expanded tab characters.
    * @param offset offset in the buffer where the tab characters start.
    * @param length number of the tab characters
    * @param spaceCount number of spaces that replace the tabs
    * @param width width of the spaces in points. The current x-coordinate
    *   must be increased by width automatically.
    public void drawTabs(int offset, int length, int spaceCount, int width);

    /** Set character buffer from which the characters are drawn. */
    public void setBuffer(char[] buffer);

    /** This method is called to notify this draw graphics in response
    * from targetPos parameter passed to draw().
    * @param offset position that was reached during the drawing.
    * @param ch character at offset
    * @param charWidth visual width of the character ch
    * @param ctx current draw context containing 
    * @return whether the drawing should continue or not. If it returns
    *   false it's guaranteed that this method will not be called again
    *   and the whole draw() method will be stopped. 
The only * exception is when the -1 is used as the target offset * when draw() is called which means that every offset * is a potential target offset and must be checked. * In this case the binary search is used when finding * the target offset inside painted fragment. That greatly * improves performance for long fragments because * the font metrics measurements are relatively expensive. */ public boolean targetOffsetReached(int offset, char ch, int x, int charWidth, DrawContext ctx); /** EOL encountered and should be handled. */ public void eol(); /** Setter for painted view */ public void setView(javax.swing.text.View view); /** Abstract draw-graphics that maintains a fg and bg color, font, * current x and y coordinates. */ static abstract class AbstractDG implements DrawGraphics { /** Current foreground color */ Color foreColor; /** Current background color */ Color backColor; /** Default background color */ Color defaultBackColor; /** Current font */ Font font; /** Character buffer from which the data are drawn */ char[] buffer; /** Current x-coordinate */ int x; /** Current y-coordinate */ int y; /** Height of the line being drawn */ int lineHeight; /** Ascent of the line being drawn */ int lineAscent; public Color getForeColor() { return foreColor; } public void setForeColor(Color foreColor) { this.foreColor = foreColor; } public Color getBackColor() { return backColor; } public void setBackColor(Color backColor) { this.backColor = backColor; } public Color getDefaultBackColor() { return defaultBackColor; } public void setDefaultBackColor(Color defaultBackColor) { this.defaultBackColor = defaultBackColor; } public Font getFont() { return font; } public void setFont(Font font) { this.font = font; } public int getX() { return x; } public void setX(int x) { this.x = x; } public int getY() { return y; } public void setY(int y) { this.y = y; } public int getLineHeight() { return lineHeight; } public void setLineHeight(int lineHeight) { this.lineHeight = lineHeight; } public int getLineAscent() { return lineAscent; } public void setLineAscent(int lineAscent) { this.lineAscent = lineAscent; } public char[] getBuffer() { return buffer; } public void setBuffer(char[] buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; } public void drawChars(int offset, int length, int width) { x += width; } public void drawTabs(int offset, int length, int spaceCount, int width) { x += width; } public void setStrikeThroughColor(Color strikeThroughColor) { } public void setUnderlineColor(Color underlineColor) { } public void setWaveUnderlineColor(Color waveUnderlineColor) { } public void setView(javax.swing.text.View view) { } } static class SimpleDG extends AbstractDG { public Graphics getGraphics() { return null; } public boolean supportsLineNumbers() { return false; } public void init(DrawContext ctx) { } public void finish() { } public void fillRect(int width) { } public boolean targetOffsetReached(int offset, char ch, int x, int charWidth, DrawContext ctx) { return true; // shouldn't reach this place } public void eol() { } } /** Implementation of DrawGraphics to delegate to some Graphics. * It optimizes the drawing by joining together the pieces of * the text drawn with the same font and fg/bg color. */ static final class GraphicsDG extends SimpleDG { /** Whether debug messages should be displayed */ private static final boolean debug = Boolean.getBoolean(""); // NOI18N private Graphics graphics; /** Start of the chars that were not drawn yet. It can be -1 * to indicate the buffered characters were just flushed. */ private int startOffset = -1; /** End of the chars that were not drawn yet */ private int endOffset; /** X coordinate where the drawing of chars should occur */ private int startX; /** Y coordinate where the drawing of chars should occur */ private int startY; private int width; private Color strikeThroughColor; private Color underlineColor; private Color waveUnderlineColor; /** Whether annotations were drawn on the current line already */ private int lastDrawnAnnosY; private int lastDrawnAnnosX; /** Annotation description cached for the lastDrawnAnnosY */ private AnnotationDesc[] passiveAnnosAtY; /** Alpha used for drawing the glyphs on the background */ private AlphaComposite alpha = null; /** Access to annotations for this document which will be * drawn on the background */ private Annotations annos = null; private boolean drawTextLimitLine; private int textLimitWidth; private int defaultSpaceWidth; private Color textLimitLineColor; private int absoluteX; private int maxWidth; private View view; GraphicsDG(Graphics graphics) { = graphics; // #33165 - set invalid y initially this.y = -1; } public void setForeColor(Color foreColor) { if (!foreColor.equals(this.foreColor)) { flush(); this.foreColor = foreColor; } } public void setBackColor(Color backColor) { if (!backColor.equals(this.backColor)) { flush(); this.backColor = backColor; } } public void setStrikeThroughColor(Color strikeThroughColor) { if ((strikeThroughColor != this.strikeThroughColor) && (strikeThroughColor == null || !strikeThroughColor.equals(this.strikeThroughColor)) ) { flush(); this.strikeThroughColor = strikeThroughColor; } } public void setUnderlineColor(Color underlineColor) { if ((underlineColor != this.underlineColor) && (underlineColor == null || !underlineColor.equals(this.underlineColor)) ) { flush(); this.underlineColor = underlineColor; } } public void setWaveUnderlineColor(Color waveUnderlineColor) { if ((waveUnderlineColor != this.waveUnderlineColor) && (waveUnderlineColor == null || !waveUnderlineColor.equals(this.waveUnderlineColor)) ) { flush(); this.waveUnderlineColor = waveUnderlineColor; } } public void setFont(Font font) { if (!font.equals(this.font)) { flush(); this.font = font; } } public void setX(int x) { if (x != this.x) { flush(); this.x = x; } } public void setY(int y) { if (y != this.y) { flush(); this.y = y; } } public void init(DrawContext ctx) { JTextComponent c = ctx.getEditorUI().getComponent(); // initialize reference to annotations annos = ctx.getEditorUI().getDocument().getAnnotations(); drawTextLimitLine = ctx.getEditorUI().textLimitLineVisible; textLimitWidth = ctx.getEditorUI().textLimitWidth; defaultSpaceWidth = ctx.getEditorUI().defaultSpaceWidth; textLimitLineColor = ctx.getEditorUI().textLimitLineColor; absoluteX = ctx.getEditorUI().getTextMargin().left; maxWidth = ctx.getEditorUI().getExtentBounds().width; } public void finish() { flush(); } public void setView(View view){ this.view = view; } private void flush() { flush(false); } private void flush(boolean atEOL) { if (y < 0) { // not yet initialized return ; } if (startOffset >= 0 && startOffset != endOffset) { // some text on the line // First possibly fill the rectangle fillRectImpl(startX, startY, x - startX); } // #33165 - for each fragment getPasiveAnnotations() was called // but it can done just once per line. if (lastDrawnAnnosY != y) { lastDrawnAnnosY = y; lastDrawnAnnosX = 0; if (AnnotationTypes.getTypes().isBackgroundDrawing().booleanValue()) { if (alpha == null) alpha = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, AnnotationTypes.getTypes().getBackgroundGlyphAlpha().intValue() / 100f); if (view!=null){ passiveAnnosAtY = annos.getPassiveAnnotations(view.getStartOffset()); } } else { passiveAnnosAtY = null; } } int glyphX=2; if (passiveAnnosAtY != null) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics; Shape shape = graphics.getClip(); // set alpha composite Composite origin = g2d.getComposite(); g2d.setComposite(alpha); // clip the drawing area int endX = atEOL ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : x; int startX = Math.min(lastDrawnAnnosX, this.startX); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(startX, y, endX - startX, lineHeight); lastDrawnAnnosX = endX; r = r.intersection(shape.getBounds()); graphics.setClip(r); for (int i=0; i < passiveAnnosAtY.length; i++) { g2d.drawImage(passiveAnnosAtY[i].getGlyph(), glyphX, y, null); glyphX += passiveAnnosAtY[i].getGlyph().getWidth(null)+1; } // restore original clip region graphics.setClip(shape); // restore original ocmposite g2d.setComposite(origin); } // If no text on the line then return if (startOffset < 0 || startOffset == endOffset) { startOffset = -1; return; } if (drawTextLimitLine) { // draw limit line Rectangle clip = graphics.getClipBounds(); int lineX = absoluteX + textLimitWidth * defaultSpaceWidth; if (lineX >= startX && lineX <= x){ Color bakColor = graphics.getColor(); graphics.setColor(textLimitLineColor); graphics.drawLine(lineX, startY, lineX, startY + lineHeight); graphics.setColor(bakColor); } } // Check whether the graphics uses right color graphics.setColor(foreColor); // Check whether the graphics uses right font graphics.setFont(font); if (debug) { String text = new String(buffer, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset); System.out.println("DrawGraphics: text='" + text // NOI18N + "', text.length=" + text.length() // NOI18N + ", x=" + startX + ", y=" + startY // NOI18N + ", ascent=" + lineAscent // NOI18N + ", clip=" + graphics.getClipBounds() // NOI18N + ", color=" + graphics.getColor() // NOI18N ); } graphics.drawChars(buffer, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset, startX, startY + lineAscent); if (strikeThroughColor != null) { // draw strike-through FontMetricsCache.Info fmcInfo = FontMetricsCache.getInfo(font); graphics.setColor(strikeThroughColor); graphics.fillRect(startX, startY + (int)(fmcInfo.getStrikethroughOffset(graphics) + lineAscent + 0.5), x - startX, (int)(fmcInfo.getStrikethroughThickness(graphics) + 0.5) ); } if (waveUnderlineColor != null) { // draw wave underline FontMetricsCache.Info fmcInfo = FontMetricsCache.getInfo(font); graphics.setColor(waveUnderlineColor); int waveLength = x - startX; if (waveLength > 0) { int[] wf = {0, +1, 0, -1}; int[] xArray = new int[waveLength + 1]; int[] yArray = new int[waveLength + 1]; int yBase = (int)(startY + fmcInfo.getUnderlineOffset(graphics) + lineAscent + 1 + 0.5); for (int i=0;i<=waveLength;i++) { xArray[i]=startX + i; yArray[i]=yBase + wf[xArray[i] % 4]; } graphics.drawPolyline(xArray, yArray, waveLength); } } if (underlineColor != null) { // draw underline FontMetricsCache.Info fmcInfo = FontMetricsCache.getInfo(font); graphics.setColor(underlineColor); // Add one pixel to the underline offset graphics.fillRect(startX, startY + (int)(fmcInfo.getUnderlineOffset(graphics) + lineAscent + 1.5), x - startX, (int)(fmcInfo.getUnderlineThickness(graphics) + 0.5) ); } startOffset = -1; // signal no characters to draw } public Graphics getGraphics() { return graphics; } public boolean supportsLineNumbers() { return true; } public void fillRect(int width) { fillRectImpl(x, y, width); x += width; } private void fillRectImpl(int rx, int ry, int width) { if (width > 0) { // only for non-zero width // only fill for different color than current background if (!backColor.equals(defaultBackColor)) { graphics.setColor(backColor); graphics.fillRect(rx, ry, width, lineHeight); } } } public void drawChars(int offset, int length, int width) { if (length >= 0) { if (startOffset < 0) { // no token yet startOffset = offset; endOffset = offset + length; this.startX = x; this.startY = y; this.width = width; } else { // already token before endOffset += length; } } x += width; } public void drawTabs(int offset, int length, int spaceCount, int width) { if (width > 0) { flush(); fillRectImpl(x, y, width); x += width; } } public void setBuffer(char[] buffer) { flush(); this.buffer = buffer; startOffset = -1; } public void eol() { if (drawTextLimitLine) { // draw limit line int lineX = absoluteX + textLimitWidth * defaultSpaceWidth; if (lineX >= x-defaultSpaceWidth){ Color bakColor = graphics.getColor(); graphics.setColor(textLimitLineColor); Rectangle clipB = graphics.getClipBounds(); if (clipB.width + clipB.x <= lineX){ graphics.setClip(clipB.x, clipB.y, maxWidth, clipB.height); graphics.drawLine(lineX, y, lineX, y + lineHeight); graphics.setClip(clipB.x, clipB.y, clipB.width, clipB.height); }else{ graphics.drawLine(lineX, y, lineX, y + lineHeight); } graphics.setColor(bakColor); } } flush(true); } } static final class PrintDG extends SimpleDG { PrintContainer container; /** Whether there were some paints already on the line */ boolean lineInited; /** Construct the new print graphics * @param container print container to which the tokens * are added. */ public PrintDG(PrintContainer container) { this.container = container; } public boolean supportsLineNumbers() { return true; } public void drawChars(int offset, int length, int width) { if (length > 0) { lineInited = true; // Fixed 42536 char[] chars = new char[length]; System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, chars, 0, length); container.add(chars, font, foreColor, backColor); } } private void printSpaces(int spaceCount) { char[] chars = new char[spaceCount]; System.arraycopy(Analyzer.getSpacesBuffer(spaceCount), 0, chars, 0, spaceCount); container.add(chars, font, foreColor, backColor); } public void drawTabs(int offset, int length, int spaceCount, int width) { lineInited = true; // Fixed 42536 printSpaces(spaceCount); } public void eol() { if (!lineInited && container.initEmptyLines()) { printSpaces(1); } container.eol(); lineInited = false; // signal that the next line is not inited yet } } }
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