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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.modules.form; import java.awt.*; import org.openide.nodes.*; /** * RADVisualFormContainer represents the top-level container of the form and * the form itself during design time. * * @author Ian Formanek */ public class RADVisualFormContainer extends RADVisualContainer implements FormContainer { public static final String PROP_FORM_SIZE_POLICY = "formSizePolicy"; // NOI18N public static final String PROP_FORM_SIZE = "formSize"; // NOI18N public static final String PROP_FORM_POSITION = "formPosition"; // NOI18N public static final String PROP_GENERATE_POSITION = "generatePosition"; // NOI18N public static final String PROP_GENERATE_SIZE = "generateSize"; // NOI18N public static final String PROP_GENERATE_CENTER = "generateCenter"; // NOI18N public static final String PROP_GENERATE_MNEMONICS = "generateMnemonicsCode"; // Mnemonics support NOI18N public static final int GEN_BOUNDS = 0; public static final int GEN_PACK = 1; public static final int GEN_NOTHING = 2; // Synthetic properties of form private Dimension formSize;// = new Dimension(FormEditor.DEFAULT_FORM_WIDTH, FormEditor.DEFAULT_FORM_HEIGHT); private Point formPosition; private boolean generatePosition = true; private boolean generateSize = true; private boolean generateCenter = true; private int formSizePolicy = GEN_NOTHING; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Form synthetic properties /** * Getter for the Name property of the component - overriden to provide * non-null value, as the top-level component does not have a variable * @return current value of the Name property */ public String getName() { return FormUtils.getBundleString("CTL_FormTopContainerName"); // NOI18N } /** * Setter for the Name property of the component - usually maps to * variable declaration for holding the instance of the component * @param value new value of the Name property */ public void setName(String value) { // noop in forms } public Point getFormPosition() { if (formPosition == null) { formPosition = new Point(0,0);//topContainer.getLocation(); } return formPosition; } public void setFormPosition(Point value) { Object old = formPosition; formPosition = value; getFormModel().fireSyntheticPropertyChanged(this, PROP_FORM_POSITION, old, value); } public Dimension getFormSize() { if (formSize == null) { formSize = new Dimension(400, 300); //topContainer.getSize(); } return formSize; } public void setFormSize(Dimension value) { setFormSizeImpl(value); if (getFormSizePolicy() == GEN_BOUNDS) { if (getBeanInstance() instanceof Dialog || getBeanInstance() instanceof Frame) { Dimension diffDim = getWindowContentDimensionDiff(); value = new Dimension(value.width - diffDim.width, value.height - diffDim.height); } setDesignerSizeImpl(value); } } private void setFormSizeImpl(Dimension value) { Object old = formSize; formSize = value; getFormModel().fireSyntheticPropertyChanged(this, PROP_FORM_SIZE, old, value); if (getNodeReference() != null) // propagate the change to node getNodeReference().firePropertyChangeHelper(PROP_FORM_SIZE, old, value); } public Dimension getDesignerSize() { Dimension size = (Dimension) getAuxValue(FormDesigner.PROP_DESIGNER_SIZE); if (size == null) size = new Dimension(400, 300); return size; } public void setDesignerSize(Dimension value) { setDesignerSizeImpl(value); if (getFormSizePolicy() == GEN_BOUNDS) { if (getBeanInstance() instanceof Dialog || getBeanInstance() instanceof Frame) { Dimension diffDim = getWindowContentDimensionDiff(); value = new Dimension(value.width + diffDim.width, value.height + diffDim.height); } setFormSizeImpl(value); } } private void setDesignerSizeImpl(Dimension value) { Object old = getDesignerSize(); setAuxValue(FormDesigner.PROP_DESIGNER_SIZE, value); getFormModel().fireSyntheticPropertyChanged( this, FormDesigner.PROP_DESIGNER_SIZE, old, value); if (getNodeReference() != null) // propagate the change to node getNodeReference().firePropertyChangeHelper(FormDesigner.PROP_DESIGNER_SIZE, old, value); } public boolean getGeneratePosition() { return generatePosition; } public void setGeneratePosition(boolean value) { boolean old = generatePosition; generatePosition = value; getFormModel().fireSyntheticPropertyChanged(this, PROP_GENERATE_POSITION, old ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } public boolean getGenerateSize() { return generateSize; } public void setGenerateSize(boolean value) { boolean old = generateSize; generateSize = value; getFormModel().fireSyntheticPropertyChanged(this, PROP_GENERATE_SIZE, old ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } public boolean getGenerateCenter() { return generateCenter; } public void setGenerateCenter(boolean value) { boolean old = generateCenter; generateCenter = value; getFormModel().fireSyntheticPropertyChanged(this, PROP_GENERATE_CENTER, old ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } public int getFormSizePolicy() { return java.awt.Window.class.isAssignableFrom(getBeanClass()) || javax.swing.JInternalFrame.class.isAssignableFrom(getBeanClass()) ? formSizePolicy : GEN_NOTHING; } public void setFormSizePolicy(int value) { int old = formSizePolicy; formSizePolicy = value; if (value == GEN_BOUNDS && formSize == null) setFormSize(getDesignerSize()); getFormModel().fireSyntheticPropertyChanged(this, PROP_FORM_SIZE_POLICY, new Integer(old), new Integer(value)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // End of form synthetic properties protected Node.Property[] createSyntheticProperties() { java.util.ResourceBundle bundle = FormUtils.getBundle(); Node.Property policyProperty = new PropertySupport.ReadWrite( PROP_FORM_SIZE_POLICY, Integer.TYPE, bundle.getString("MSG_FormSizePolicy"), // NOI18N bundle.getString("HINT_FormSizePolicy")) // NOI18N { public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { return new Integer(getFormSizePolicy()); } public void setValue(Object val) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { if (!(val instanceof Integer)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); setFormSizePolicy(((Integer)val).intValue()); if (getNodeReference() != null) getNodeReference().fireComponentPropertySetsChange(); } public boolean canWrite() { return !isReadOnly(); } /** Editor for alignment */ public java.beans.PropertyEditor getPropertyEditor() { return new SizePolicyEditor(); } }; Node.Property sizeProperty = new PropertySupport.ReadWrite( PROP_FORM_SIZE, Dimension.class, bundle.getString("MSG_FormSize"), // NOI18N bundle.getString("HINT_FormSize")) // NOI18N { public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { return getFormSize(); } public void setValue(Object val) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { if (!(val instanceof Dimension)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); setFormSize((Dimension)val); } public boolean canWrite() { return !isReadOnly() && getFormSizePolicy() == GEN_BOUNDS && getGenerateSize(); } }; Node.Property positionProperty = new PropertySupport.ReadWrite( PROP_FORM_POSITION, Point.class, bundle.getString("MSG_FormPosition"), // NOI18N bundle.getString("HINT_FormPosition")) // NOI18N { public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { return getFormPosition(); } public void setValue(Object val) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { if (!(val instanceof Point)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); setFormPosition((Point)val); } public boolean canWrite() { return !isReadOnly() && getFormSizePolicy() == GEN_BOUNDS && getGeneratePosition() && !getGenerateCenter(); } }; Node.Property genPositionProperty = new PropertySupport.ReadWrite( PROP_GENERATE_POSITION, Boolean.TYPE, bundle.getString("MSG_GeneratePosition"), // NOI18N bundle.getString("HINT_GeneratePosition")) // NOI18N { public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { return getGeneratePosition() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public void setValue(Object val) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { if (!(val instanceof Boolean)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); setGeneratePosition(((Boolean)val).booleanValue()); if (getNodeReference() != null) getNodeReference().fireComponentPropertySetsChange(); } public boolean canWrite() { return !isReadOnly() && getFormSizePolicy() == GEN_BOUNDS && !getGenerateCenter(); } }; Node.Property genSizeProperty = new PropertySupport.ReadWrite( PROP_GENERATE_SIZE, Boolean.TYPE, bundle.getString("MSG_GenerateSize"), // NOI18N bundle.getString("HINT_GenerateSize")) // NOI18N { public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { return getGenerateSize() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public void setValue(Object val) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { if (!(val instanceof Boolean)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); setGenerateSize(((Boolean)val).booleanValue()); if (getNodeReference() != null) getNodeReference().fireComponentPropertySetsChange(); } public boolean canWrite() { return !isReadOnly() && getFormSizePolicy() == GEN_BOUNDS; } }; Node.Property genCenterProperty = new PropertySupport.ReadWrite( PROP_GENERATE_CENTER, Boolean.TYPE, bundle.getString("MSG_GenerateCenter"), // NOI18N bundle.getString("HINT_GenerateCenter")) // NOI18N { public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { return getGenerateCenter() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public void setValue(Object val) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { if (!(val instanceof Boolean)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); setGenerateCenter(((Boolean)val).booleanValue()); if (getNodeReference() != null) getNodeReference().fireComponentPropertySetsChange(); } public boolean canWrite() { return !isReadOnly() && getFormSizePolicy() == GEN_BOUNDS; } }; Node.Property designerSizeProperty = new PropertySupport.ReadOnly( FormDesigner.PROP_DESIGNER_SIZE, Dimension.class, bundle.getString("MSG_DesignerSize"), // NOI18N bundle.getString("HINT_DesignerSize")) // NOI18N { public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { return getDesignerSize(); } public void setValue(Object val) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { if (!(val instanceof Dimension)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); setDesignerSize((Dimension)val); } }; // Mnemonics support - start - Node.Property mnemonicsProperty = new PropertySupport.ReadWrite( PROP_GENERATE_MNEMONICS, Boolean.TYPE, bundle.getString("PROP_GENERATE_MNEMONICS"), // NOI18N bundle.getString("HINT_GENERATE_MNEMONICS2")) // NOI18N { public void setValue(Object value) { Object oldValue = getValue(); setAuxValue(PROP_GENERATE_MNEMONICS, value); getFormModel().fireSyntheticPropertyChanged( RADVisualFormContainer.this, PROP_GENERATE_MNEMONICS, oldValue, value); if (getNodeReference() != null) getNodeReference().firePropertyChangeHelper( PROP_GENERATE_MNEMONICS, null, null); } public Object getValue() { Object value = getAuxValue(PROP_GENERATE_MNEMONICS); return value != null ? value : Boolean.FALSE; } public boolean canWrite() { return !isReadOnly(); } public boolean supportsDefaultValue() { return true; } public void restoreDefaultValue() { setValue(null); } }; // avoid saving as synthetic property - will be saved as aux mnemonicsProperty.setValue("defaultValue", Boolean.TRUE); // NOI18N // Mnemonics support - end - java.util.List propList = new java.util.ArrayList(); if (java.awt.Window.class.isAssignableFrom(getBeanClass()) || javax.swing.JInternalFrame.class.isAssignableFrom(getBeanClass())) { propList.add(sizeProperty); propList.add(positionProperty); propList.add(policyProperty); propList.add(genPositionProperty); propList.add(genSizeProperty); propList.add(genCenterProperty); } propList.add(designerSizeProperty); if (java.awt.Container.class.isAssignableFrom(getBeanClass())) propList.add(mnemonicsProperty); Node.Property[] props = new Node.Property[propList.size()]; propList.toArray(props); return props; } // --------- // providing the difference of the whole frame/dialog size and the size // of the content pane private static Dimension windowContentDimensionDiff; private static Dimension getWindowContentDimensionDiff() { if (windowContentDimensionDiff == null) { javax.swing.JFrame frame = new javax.swing.JFrame(); frame.pack(); Dimension d1 = frame.getSize(); Dimension d2 = frame.getRootPane().getSize(); windowContentDimensionDiff = new Dimension(d1.width - d2.width, d1.height - d2.height); } return windowContentDimensionDiff; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Innerclasses final public static class SizePolicyEditor extends java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport { /** Display Names for alignment. */ private static final String[] names = { FormUtils.getBundleString("VALUE_sizepolicy_full"), // NOI18N FormUtils.getBundleString("VALUE_sizepolicy_pack"), // NOI18N FormUtils.getBundleString("VALUE_sizepolicy_none"), // NOI18N }; /** @return names of the possible directions */ public String[] getTags() { return names; } /** @return text for the current value */ public String getAsText() { int value =((Integer)getValue()).intValue(); return names[value]; } /** Setter. * @param str string equal to one value from directions array */ public void setAsText(String str) { if (names[0].equals(str)) setValue(new Integer(0)); else if (names[1].equals(str)) setValue(new Integer(1)); else if (names[2].equals(str)) setValue(new Integer(2)); } } } |
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