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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.commands; /** * * @author Milos Kleint */ import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.VcsUtilities; import org.openide.ErrorManager; import org.openide.nodes.Sheet; import org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport; import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction; import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor; import org.openide.actions.PropertiesAction; import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.caching.RefreshCommand; import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands.FileSystemCommand; import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands.FsGlobalOptionsImpl; import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.runtime.*; import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.events.*; import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.FsCommandFactory; import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.IndependantClient; import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.NbJavaCvsFileSystem; import org.netbeans.modules.cvsclient.JavaCvsRuntimeCommandsProvider; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.*; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.beans.*; import org.openide.nodes.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; public class JavaCvsRuntimeCommand extends RuntimeCommand implements CommandDisplayerListener, CommandErrorListener { private FileSystemCommand command; private JavaCvsRuntimeCommandsProvider provider; private boolean isError; private File outputTempFile; private PrintWriter writer; private boolean isRefresh; private LinkedList commandList; private int state; private boolean started; public JavaCvsRuntimeCommand(FileSystemCommand comm, JavaCvsRuntimeCommandsProvider provider) { command = comm; state = RuntimeCommand.STATE_DONE; this.provider = provider; isError = false; started = false; isRefresh = comm.getClass().equals(RefreshCommand.class); } public String getName() { return command.getName(); } public String getDisplayName() { return createDisplayName(command.getCVSCommand()); } public int getExitStatus() { if (command.isStopped()) { return RuntimeCommand.INTERRUPTED; } if (isError) { return RuntimeCommand.FAILED; } else { return RuntimeCommand.SUCCEEDED; } } public void openCommandOutputDisplay(boolean gui) { if (outputTempFile != null && !command.isRunning()) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { showOutputPanel(); } }); } // pool.openCommandOutput(executor); } private void showOutputPanel() { final BufferedReader reader; try { // System.out.println("reading=" + outputTempFile.getAbsolutePath()); reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(outputTempFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfex) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(fnfex); return ; } final CommandLineInfoPanel panel = new CommandLineInfoPanel(command); panel.showStartCommand(); RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() { public void run() { boolean finishedOK = true; try { String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { if (line.startsWith("W")) { finishedOK = false; break; } boolean isKError = false; if (line.length() < 2 || line.startsWith("C") // NOI18N || line.startsWith("X")) { // NOI18N line = reader.readLine(); continue; } if (line.startsWith("E")) { // NOI18N isKError = true; } MessageEvent event = new MessageEvent(this, line.substring(2), isKError); if (line.startsWith("T")) { // NOI18N event.setTagged(true); } panel.messageGenerated(event); line = reader.readLine(); } } catch (IOException exc) { //TODO.. notify ?? } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } if (panel != null) { if (finishedOK) { panel.showFinishedCommand(); } else { panel.showExecutionFailed(new org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.events.ServerErrorException()); } } } } }); } public Sheet createSheet() { Sheet sheet = Sheet.createDefault(); Sheet.Set set = Sheet.createPropertiesSet(); sheet.put (set); set.setValue("helpID", JavaCvsRuntimeCommand.class.getName()+"_properties"); Sheet.Set switchesSet = Sheet.createPropertiesSet(); switchesSet.setName(g("CTL_SwitchesSheet")); // NOI18N switchesSet.setDisplayName(g("CTL_SwitchesSheet")); // NOI18N switchesSet.setValue("helpID", JavaCvsRuntimeCommand.class.getName()+"_switches"); Sheet.Set globalSet = Sheet.createPropertiesSet(); globalSet.setName(g("CTL_GlobalSwitchesSheet")); // NOI18N globalSet.setDisplayName(g("CTL_GlobalSwitchesSheet")); // NOI18N globalSet.setValue("helpID", JavaCvsRuntimeCommand.class.getName()+"_global"); createSwitchProperties(command.getImpl(), switchesSet); createSwitchProperties(new FsGlobalOptionsImpl(command.getGlobalOptions()), globalSet); sheet.put(switchesSet); sheet.put(globalSet); createProperties(set); return sheet; } private void createProperties(final Sheet.Set set) { set.put(new PropertySupport.ReadOnly("name", String.class, g("CTL_Name"), "") { // NOI18N public Object getValue() { //System.out.println("getName: cmd = "+cmd); return command.getName(); } }); set.put(new PropertySupport.ReadOnly("files", String.class, g("CTL_Files"), "") { // NOI18N public Object getValue() { String localPath = command.getClientProvider().getLocalPath(); File[] flz = command.getFiles(); if (flz == null) { return ""; } String[] files = new String[flz.length]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (flz[i].length() == localPath.length()) { files[i] = "."; //NOI18N } else { files[i] = flz[i].getName(); } } return VcsUtilities.array2stringNl(files); } }); set.put(new PropertySupport.ReadOnly("status", String.class, g("CTL_Status"), "") { // NOI18N public Object getValue() { if (command.isRunning()) return g("CTL_Status_Running"); // NOI18N if (isError) { return g("CTL_Status_Error"); // NOI18N } else { return g("CTL_Status_Done"); // NOI18N } } }); } private void createSwitchProperties(Object bean, Sheet.Set set) { java.beans.BeanInfo info = null; try { info = java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(bean.getClass()); } catch (IntrospectionException exc) { return; } PropertyDescriptor[] descs = info.getPropertyDescriptors(); Node.Property[] props = new Node.Property[descs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < descs.length; i++) { props[i] = new SwitchReadOnlyProperty(descs[i], bean); } set.put(props); } private String g(String name) { return org.openide.util.NbBundle.getBundle(JavaCvsRuntimeCommand.class).getString(name); } public SystemAction[] getActions() { if (started) { if (!isRefresh && !command.isRunning()) { return new SystemAction[] { CommandOutputViewAction.getInstance() , DisplayerOutputViewAction.getInstance(), SystemAction.get(PropertiesAction.class) }; } if (isRefresh && !command.isRunning()) { return new SystemAction[] { CommandOutputViewAction.getInstance(), SystemAction.get(PropertiesAction.class) }; } if (command.isRunning() && !command.isStopped()) { return new SystemAction[] { KillRunningCommandAction.getInstance(), SystemAction.get(PropertiesAction.class) }; } } return new SystemAction[] {SystemAction.get(PropertiesAction.class) }; } public SystemAction getDefaultAction() { return CommandOutputViewAction.getInstance(); } public void killCommand() { command.hardCommandStop(); } public String getId() { return Integer.toString(hashCode()); } /** * this method is called before any of the library's commands * that is stored in the queue in FileSystemCommand, is run. * @param currentCommand shows the command that will be executed. */ public void showBeforeEachExecute(org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.Command currentCommand) { if (writer != null) { writer.println("C " + currentCommand.getCVSCommand()); // NOI18N commandList.add(currentCommand); } } /** * This is the last method to be called in the displayer. * Is called when the execution finishes. Any filan touchups can be made here. */ public void showFinishedCommand() { finishCommand(); } private void finishCommand() { setState(RuntimeCommand.STATE_DONE); provider.updateCommand(this); if (writer != null) { writer.flush(); writer.close(); } } /** * This method is the first one that is called during execution. * Here any initial setup of the displayer can be made. */ public void showStartCommand() { started = true; setState(RuntimeCommand.STATE_RUNNING); provider.updateCommand(this); // if (!isRefresh) { try { outputTempFile = createTempFile(); commandList = new LinkedList(); writer = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputTempFile)); } catch (IOException exc) { writer = null; outputTempFile = null; } // } } /** * this method is called after library's commands execution */ public void showAfterEachExecute() { } /** * When the server generates a line of output/error, the displayer is notified. * @param message - the string to be displayed, be it error/message (E/M response) */ public void messageGenerated(MessageEvent message) { if (writer != null) { if (message.getClass().equals(EnhancedMessageEvent.class)) { EnhancedMessageEvent enhMessage = (EnhancedMessageEvent)message; if (enhMessage.getKey().equals(EnhancedMessageEvent.MERGED_PATH)) { writer.println("X " + enhMessage.getValue().toString()); // NOI18N } return; } if (message.isTagged()) { writer.println("T " + message.getMessage()); // NOI18N return; } if (message.isError()) { writer.println("E " + message.getMessage()); // NOI18N } else { writer.println("M " + message.getMessage()); // NOI18N } } } /** * this one is called when the command's execution fails for any reason. */ public void showExecutionFailed(Exception exception) { isError = true; if (writer != null) { writer.println("W"); } finishCommand(); } public void errorGenerated(CommandErrorEvent event) { isError = event.endedWithError(); // finishCommand(); } /** * When the library command's builder generates a FileInfoContainer object, the * Displayer is notified. * @param info - the generated information object */ public void showFileInfoGenerated(org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.FileInfoContainer info) { } private String createDisplayName(String newVal) { newVal = newVal.replace('\n', ' '); int firstOcc = newVal.indexOf('"'); // NOI18N int lastOcc = newVal.lastIndexOf('"'); // NOI18N if (lastOcc > firstOcc) { if ((lastOcc - firstOcc) > 10) { String fin = newVal.substring(0,firstOcc + 6); String fin2 = newVal.substring(lastOcc, newVal.length()); newVal = fin + "..." + fin2; //NOI18N } } return newVal; } class SwitchReadOnlyProperty extends PropertySupport.ReadOnly { private Object value; private Class editorClass; public SwitchReadOnlyProperty(PropertyDescriptor desc, Object obj) { super(desc.getName(), desc.getPropertyType(), desc.getDisplayName(), desc.getShortDescription()); editorClass = desc.getPropertyEditorClass(); try { Method meth = desc.getReadMethod(); value = meth.invoke(obj, null); } catch (Exception exc) { value = null; } if (value == null && getValueType().isArray()) { // Create an empty array so that the property editors survive: value = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(getValueType().getComponentType(), 0); } } public PropertyEditor getPropertyEditor() { if (editorClass != null) { try { return (PropertyEditor) editorClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception exc) {} } return super.getPropertyEditor(); } public java.lang.Object getValue() throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException { return value; } } private File createTempFile() { String TMP_ROOT=System.getProperty("netbeans.user")+File.separator+ // NOI18N "system"+File.separator+"javacvs"+File.separator+"tmp"; // NOI18N File tmpDir = new File(TMP_ROOT); if (!tmpDir.exists()) { tmpDir.mkdirs(); } long tmpId; do { tmpId = 10000 * (1 + Math.round (Math.random () * 8)) + Math.round (Math.random () * 1000); } while (new File(TMP_ROOT+File.separator+"tmp"+tmpId).exists()); // NOI18N String tempFileName = TMP_ROOT+File.separator+"tmp"+tmpId; // NOI18N File tempFile; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("tmp" + tmpId, "", tmpDir); // NOI18N } catch (IOException exc) { tempFile = new File(tempFileName); } tempFile.deleteOnExit(); return tempFile; } public void displayInGraphics() { CommandDisplayerListener disp = null; String methodName = command.getClass().getName(); int ind = methodName.lastIndexOf('.'); methodName = "add" + methodName.substring(ind + 1) + "Displayer"; // NOI18N IndependantClient client = (IndependantClient)command.getClientProvider(); int dispType = client.getDisplayType(); try { Method metoda = FsCommandFactory.class.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, new Class[] {command.getClass()}); client.setDisplayType(NbJavaCvsFileSystem.DISP_TYPE_FORMATTED); disp = (CommandDisplayerListener)metoda.invoke(FsCommandFactory.class, new Object[] {command}); } catch (Exception exc) { Thread.dumpStack(); //TODO.. show exception..?? } finally { client.setDisplayType(dispType); } if (disp != null) { if (disp instanceof RuntimeCommandDisplayer) { RuntimeCommandDisplayer rDisp = (RuntimeCommandDisplayer)disp; rDisp.setRunInRuntime(true); } BufferedReader reader = null; Iterator it = commandList.iterator(); StringBuffer taggedBuffer = new StringBuffer(); // System.out.println("start reading file" + outputTempFile.getName()); final CommandDisplayerListener panel = disp; Builder build = null; try { // System.out.println("reading=" + outputTempFile.getAbsolutePath()); reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(outputTempFile)); String line = reader.readLine(); panel.showStartCommand(); EventManager eventManager = new EventManager(); eventManager.addCVSListener(new CVSAdapter() { public void fileInfoGenerated(FileInfoEvent e) { panel.showFileInfoGenerated(e.getInfoContainer()); } }); boolean starting = true; while (line != null) { boolean isKError = false; MessageEvent event; if (line.length() < 2) { line = reader.readLine(); continue; } if (line.startsWith("C")) { // NOI18N if (!starting) { build.outputDone(); disp.showAfterEachExecute(); } if (it.hasNext()) { BuildableCommand cm = (BuildableCommand)it.next(); disp.showBeforeEachExecute(cm); build = cm.createBuilder(eventManager); } starting = false; } else if (line.startsWith("X")) { // NOI18N if (build != null) { build.parseEnhancedMessage(EnhancedMessageEvent.MERGED_PATH, line.substring(2)); } } else { if (line.startsWith("E")) { // NOI18N isKError = true; } event = new MessageEvent(this, line.substring(2), isKError); String buildLine = null; if (line.startsWith("T")) { // NOI18N event.setTagged(true); // System.out.println("tagged=" + event.getMessage()); buildLine = MessageEvent.parseTaggedMessage(taggedBuffer, line.substring(2)); // System.out.println("buildLine=" + buildLine); } else if (line.startsWith("W")) { //do nothing, interesting only for finding the error status for line output } else { buildLine = line.substring(2); } panel.messageGenerated(event); if (buildLine != null) { build.parseLine(buildLine, isKError); taggedBuffer = new StringBuffer(""); // NOI18N } } line = reader.readLine(); } } catch (Exception exc) { //TODO.. notify ?? } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } if (panel != null) { if (build != null) { build.outputDone(); } panel.showAfterEachExecute(); panel.showFinishedCommand(); } } } } public int getState() { return state; } public void setState(int state) { this.state = state; firePropertyChange(PROP_STATE, null, null); } } |
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