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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.lib.jmi.mapping;

import org.netbeans.lib.jmi.util.TagProvider;
import javax.jmi.model.*;
import javax.jmi.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;

 * Generates java interfaces for specified meta objects or whole meta model.
 * @author  Dusan Balek, Martin Matula
 * @version 0.1
public abstract class GenericMapper {
    protected static String PACKAGE_POSTFIX = "Package"; //NOI18N
    protected static String CLASS_POSTFIX = "Class"; //NOI18N
    protected static String ENUM_POSTFIX = "Enum"; //NOI18N
    // name of exception used as an ancestor for all the mapped exceptions
    protected static final String DT_EXCEPTION = "javax.jmi.reflect.RefException"; //NOI18N
    // name of package used as an ancestor for all the mapped packages
    protected static final String DT_PACKAGE = "javax.jmi.reflect.RefPackage"; //NOI18N
    // name of association used as an ancestor for all the mapped associations
    protected static final String DT_ASSOCIATION = "javax.jmi.reflect.RefAssociation"; //NOI18N
    // name of class proxy used as an ancestor for all the mapped calss proxies
    protected static final String DT_CLASS = "javax.jmi.reflect.RefClass"; //NOI18N
    // name of class instance used as an ancestor for all the mapped class instances
    protected static final String DT_INSTANCE = "javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject"; //NOI18N
    // name of structure used as an ancestor for all the mapped strucutres
    protected static final String DT_STRUCTURE = "javax.jmi.reflect.RefStruct"; //NOI18N
    // name of enumeration used as an ancestor for all the mapped enumerations
    protected static final String DT_ENUMERATION = "javax.jmi.reflect.RefEnum"; //NOI18N
    // name of java type used to represent multivalued unordered values
    protected static final String DT_MULTIVALUED = "java.util.Collection"; //NOI18N
    // name of java type used to represent multivalued ordered values
    protected static final String DT_ORDERED = "java.util.List"; //NOI18N
    // name of java type uset to represent values of type ANY
    protected static final String DT_ANY = "java.lang.Object"; //NOI18N
    protected final TagProvider tagProvider = new TagProvider();
    // used for storing already visited object so that the interfaces
    // are not generated twice for them
    protected final Set visited = new HashSet();

    // conversion table between object type names and primitive type names
    protected static final HashMap objectToPrimitive = new HashMap(7);
    static {
        objectToPrimitive.put("java.lang.Short", "short"); //NOI18N
        objectToPrimitive.put("java.lang.Integer", "int"); //NOI18N
        objectToPrimitive.put("java.lang.Float", "float"); //NOI18N
        objectToPrimitive.put("java.lang.Double", "double"); //NOI18N
        objectToPrimitive.put("java.lang.Boolean", "boolean"); //NOI18N
        objectToPrimitive.put("java.lang.Character", "char"); //NOI18N
        objectToPrimitive.put("java.lang.Long", "long"); //NOI18N
    // helper function for converting first character of the string to upper case
    protected static String firstUpper(String text) {
        if (text == null) return null;
        if (text.length() < 2) return text.toUpperCase();
        return text.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + text.substring(1);

    // helper function for converting first character of the string to lower case
    protected static String firstLower(String text) {
        if (text == null) return null;
        if (text.length() < 2) return text.toLowerCase();
        return text.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + text.substring(1);

    // helper function for removing underscore characters from a structure member name
    protected static String removeUnderscores(String text) {
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(text.length());
        int pos = 0; 
        int oldPos = 0;
        String firstChar;

        while (oldPos <= text.length()) {
            if ((pos = text.indexOf('_', oldPos)) == -1) {
                pos = text.length() + 1;
            if (pos - oldPos > 1) {
                firstChar = text.substring(oldPos, oldPos + 1);
                // convert the letter following the "_" to uppercase it
                // in case it is not the first character
                if (oldPos > 0) {
                    firstChar = firstChar.toUpperCase();
                // and append it
                // append the rest of the string to the next "_"
                if (pos > text.length()) {
                    result.append(text.substring(oldPos + 1));
                } else {
                    result.append(text.substring(oldPos + 1, pos));
            oldPos = pos + 1;

        return result.toString();
    // method for parsing the package name
    private static List parseDots(String packageName) {
        int position;
        String name = packageName;
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

        while ((position = name.indexOf('.')) > 0) {
            result.add(name.substring(0, position));
            name = name.substring(position + 1);

        if (position != 0) {

        return result;

    // resolves datatype of typed element with aliases support
    protected Classifier getAttrType(TypedElement attr) {
        Classifier curType = attr.getType();
        Classifier attrType = (Classifier) aliasesCache.get(curType);

        if (attrType == null) {
            attrType = curType;
            if (curType instanceof AliasType) {
                attrType = getAttrType((TypedElement) curType);
            // put type mapping into cache
            aliasesCache.put(curType, attrType);

        return attrType;

    // returns correct type name for attribute (depending on the multiplicity type)
    protected String getTypeName(Attribute attr) {
        MultiplicityType mp = attr.getMultiplicity();
        if (mp.getUpper() > 1 || mp.getUpper() == -1) {
            return (mp.isOrdered() ? DT_ORDERED : DT_MULTIVALUED);
        } else if (mp.getLower() < 1) {
            return getTypeName(getAttrType(attr));
        } else {
            return getTypeName2(attr);
    protected String getTypeName2(TypedElement te) {
        return getPrimitiveName(getTypeName(getAttrType(te)));
    // returns correct type name for parameter (depending on the multiplicity type)
    protected String getTypeName(Parameter prm) {
        MultiplicityType mp = prm.getMultiplicity();
        if (mp.getUpper() > 1 || mp.getUpper() == -1) {
            return (mp.isOrdered() ? DT_ORDERED : DT_MULTIVALUED);
        } else if (mp.getLower() < 1) {
            return getTypeName(getAttrType(prm));
        } else {
            return getTypeName2(prm);
    // resolves datatype name
    protected String getTypeName(Classifier type) {
        String result = (String) typeNameCache.get(type);

        if (result == null) {
            result = tagProvider.getDataTypeName(type);
            typeNameCache.put(type, result);

        return result;

    // converts object type name to primitive type name
    protected String getPrimitiveName(String typeName) {
        String name = (String) objectToPrimitive.get(typeName);
        return name == null ? typeName : name;
    // returns true if the attribute can be mapped to primitive type
    protected static boolean canBePrimitive(String typeName) {
        return (objectToPrimitive.get(typeName) != null);

    // cache for datatype aliases
    protected final Hashtable aliasesCache = new Hashtable(100);
    // cache for type names
    protected final Hashtable typeNameCache = new Hashtable(100);
    // template methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // generates instance interface for a given class
    protected abstract void classInstanceTemplate(javax.jmi.model.MofClass objClass) throws IOException;
    // generates proxy interface for a given class
    protected abstract void classProxyTemplate(javax.jmi.model.MofClass objClass) throws IOException;

    // generates interface for a given association
    protected abstract void associationTemplate(Association objAssociation) throws IOException;
    protected abstract void packageTemplate(MofPackage objPackage) throws IOException;
    // generates class for an exception
    protected abstract void exceptionTemplate(MofException objException) throws IOException;
    // generates interface for an enumeration
    protected abstract void enumerationInterfaceTemplate(EnumerationType objEnumeration) throws IOException;
    // generates class for an enumeration
    protected abstract void enumerationClassTemplate(EnumerationType objEnumeration) throws IOException;

    // generates interface for a structure
    protected abstract void structureTemplate(StructureType objStructure) throws IOException;

    // public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public GenericMapper() { }
    // stream handling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** Called when the mapper is about to start writing a new interface or class.
     *  The subclass should open the output stream or whatever it is going to write to.
     *  @return true if the stream was created;
     *          false if this interface/class should be skipped.
    protected abstract boolean createStream(List pkg, String filename) throws IOException;
    /** Called to close the output stream opened by {@link #closeStream}.
     *  closeStream is called once for every time that createStream returns
     *  true.
    protected abstract void closeStream() throws IOException;
    private boolean streamOpen = false;
    private boolean switchStream(ModelElement me, String suffix) throws IOException {
        if (streamOpen) {
            streamOpen = false;
        streamOpen = createStream(parseDots(tagProvider.getTypePrefix(me)),
            tagProvider.getSubstName(me) + suffix);
        return streamOpen;

    // implementation of Visotor interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* The implementation does nothing because there is nothing to map on RefAssociation. *

* @param refAssociation Reference to a RefAssociation object. */ public void visitRefAssociation(RefAssociation refAssociation) throws IOException { // Logger.getDefault().log("generating association proxy..."); visitRefObject(refAssociation.refMetaObject()); } /**

* Generates the interfaces for all the instances created by the passed class proxy. *

* @param refClass Reference to a class proxy. */ public void visitRefClass(RefClass refClass) throws IOException { // Logger.getDefault().log("generating class proxy..."); if (refClass.refImmediatePackage() instanceof ModelPackage) { for (Iterator it = refClass.refAllOfClass().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { visitRefObject((RefObject); } } } /**

* Generates interfaces for the passed object instance. *

* @param refObject Reference to a class instance. */ public void visitRefObject(RefObject refObject) throws IOException { if (visited.contains(refObject) || !(refObject instanceof Namespace)) { return; } Namespace outermost = (Namespace) refObject; for (;;) { Namespace container = outermost.getContainer(); if (container == null) break; outermost = container; } if (!(outermost instanceof MofPackage)) { return; } boolean ignoreLifecycle = false; String ignoreLifecycleString = tagProvider.getTagValue(outermost, TagProvider.TAGID_IGNORE_LIFECYCLE); if (ignoreLifecycleString != null) { if (ignoreLifecycleString.equals("true")) //NOI18N ignoreLifecycle = true; // else if (!ignoreLifecycle.equals("false")) ... this is against the JMI spec } try { if (refObject instanceof Association) { // Logger.getDefault().log("generating association... " + ((ModelElement) refObject).getName()); if (!ignoreLifecycle && switchStream((Association)refObject, "")) //NOI18N associationTemplate((Association)refObject); } else if (refObject instanceof MofClass || refObject instanceof MofPackage) { GeneralizableElement elm = (GeneralizableElement) refObject; visited.add(elm); for (Iterator it = elm.getSupertypes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { visitRefObject((RefObject); } Collection contents = elm.getContents(); for (Iterator it = contents.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { visitRefObject((RefObject); } if (elm instanceof MofPackage) { // Logger.getDefault().log("generating package... " + ((ModelElement) refObject).getName()); if (!ignoreLifecycle && switchStream(elm, PACKAGE_POSTFIX)) packageTemplate((MofPackage) elm); } else { // Logger.getDefault().log("generating class... " + ((ModelElement) refObject).getName()); if (switchStream(elm, "")) //NOI18N classInstanceTemplate((MofClass) elm); if (!ignoreLifecycle && switchStream(elm, CLASS_POSTFIX)) classProxyTemplate((MofClass) elm); } } else if (refObject instanceof EnumerationType) { // Logger.getDefault().log("generating enumeration... " + ((ModelElement) refObject).getName()); final EnumerationType et = (EnumerationType) refObject; if (switchStream(et, "")) //NOI18N enumerationInterfaceTemplate(et); if (switchStream(et, ENUM_POSTFIX)) enumerationClassTemplate(et); } else if (refObject instanceof StructureType) { // Logger.getDefault().log("generating structure... " + ((ModelElement) refObject).getName()); if (switchStream((StructureType)refObject, "")) //NOI18N structureTemplate((StructureType)refObject); } else if (refObject instanceof MofException) { // Logger.getDefault().log("generating exception... " + ((ModelElement) refObject).getName()); if (switchStream((MofException)refObject, "")) //NOI18N exceptionTemplate((MofException)refObject); } else { // Logger.getDefault().log("nothing will be generated for type: " + refObject.getClass()); } } finally { if (streamOpen) { streamOpen = false; closeStream(); } } } /**

* Generates interfaces for all objects created within the passed package proxy *

* @param refPackage Reference to a package proxy. */ public void visitRefPackage(RefPackage refPackage) throws IOException { //Logger.getDefault().log("generating package proxy..."); if (refPackage instanceof ModelPackage) { ModelPackage pkg = (ModelPackage) refPackage; ModelElement element; for (Iterator it = pkg.getMofPackage().refAllOfClass().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { element = (ModelElement); if (element.getContainer() == null) { visitRefObject(element); } } } } public void visitRefBaseObject(RefBaseObject object) throws IOException { if (object instanceof RefPackage) { visitRefPackage((RefPackage) object); } else if (object instanceof RefObject) { visitRefObject((RefObject) object); } else if (object instanceof RefAssociation) { visitRefAssociation((RefAssociation) object); } else if (object instanceof RefClass) { visitRefClass((RefClass) object); } } }
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