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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.lib.jmi.mapping;

import org.netbeans.api.mdr.JMIStreamFactory;
import org.netbeans.lib.jmi.util.ContainsIterator;
import org.netbeans.lib.jmi.util.Logger;
import javax.jmi.model.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * Generates java interfaces for specified meta objects or whole meta model.
 * @author  Martin Matula, Dusan Balek
 * @version 0.1
public class JavaMapper extends GenericMapper {

    // Java doc constants .......................................................
    // attribute template
        // getter (single-value)
    private static final String DOC_ATTR_GETTER = "Returns the value of attribute {0}."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ATTR_GETTER_RETURN = "Value of attribute {0}."; //NOI18N
        // setter
    private static final String DOC_ATTR_SETTER = "Sets the value of {0} attribute. See '{'@link #{1}'}' for description on the attribute."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ATTR_SETTER_PARAM = "New value to be set."; //NOI18N
        // getter (multi-value)    
    private static final String DOC_ATTR_GETTER_RETURN_ORDERED = "Value of {0} attribute."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ATTR_GETTER_RETURN_MULTI = "Value of {0} attribute."; //NOI18N
    // association template
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_PROXY = "{0} association proxy interface."; //NOI18N
        // exists method
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS = "Queries whether a link currently exists between a given pair of instance objects in the association's link set."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS_PARAM1 = "Value of the first association end."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS_PARAM2 = "Value of the second association end."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS_RETURN = "Returns true if the queried link exists."; //NOI18N
        // add method
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_ADD = "Creates a link between the pair of instance objects in the association's link set."; //NOI18N
        // remove method
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_REMOVE = "Removes a link between a pair of instance objects in the current association's link set."; //NOI18N
        // get end_1 method
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_SINGLE = "Queries the instance object that is related to a particular instance object by a link in the current association's link set."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_MULTI = "Queries the instance objects that are related to a particular instance object by a link in the current association's link set."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_ORDERED = "Queries the instance objects that are related to a particular instance object by a link in the current association's link set."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_PARAM = "Required value of the first association end."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_RETURN_SINGLE = "Related object or null if none exists."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_RETURN_MULTI = "Collection of related objects."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_RETURN_ORDERED = "List of related objects."; //NOI18N
        // get end_2 method
    private static final String DOC_ASSOC_GET_END2_PARAM = "Required value of the second association end."; //NOI18N

    // class instance template
    private static final String DOC_INSTANCE = "{0} object instance interface."; //NOI18N
    // reference template
        // getter (single-value)
    private static final String DOC_REFERENCE_GETTER = "Returns the value of reference {0}."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_REFERENCE_GETTER_RETURN = "Value of reference {0}."; //NOI18N
        // setter
    private static final String DOC_REFERENCE_SETTER = "Sets the value of reference {0}. See '{'@link #{1}'}' for description on the reference."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_REFERENCE_SETTER_PARAM = "New value to be set."; //NOI18N
        // getter (multi-value)    
    private static final String DOC_REFERENCE_GETTER_RETURN_ORDERED = "Value of reference {0}."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_REFERENCE_GETTER_RETURN_MULTI = "Value of reference {0}."; //NOI18N
    // class proxy template
    private static final String DOC_CLASS_PROXY = "{0} class proxy interface."; //NOI18N
        // create method (with no args)    
    private static final String DOC_CLASS_PROXY_CREATE = "The default factory operation used to create an instance object."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_CLASS_PROXY_CREATE_RETURN = "The created instance object."; //NOI18N
        // create method (with args)
    private static final String DOC_CLASS_PROXY_CREATE2 = "Creates an instance object having attributes initialized by the passed values."; //NOI18N
    // package template
    private static final String DOC_PACKAGE = "{0} package interface."; //NOI18N
        // get
    private static final String DOC_PACKAGE_GET_IMPORT = "Returns clustered package {1}."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_PACKAGE_GET_IMPORT_RETURN = "Proxy object related to clustered package {1}."; //NOI18N
        // get
    private static final String DOC_PACKAGE_GET_NESTED = "Returns nested package {1}."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_PACKAGE_GET_NESTED_RETURN = "Proxy object related to nested package {1}."; //NOI18N
        // get
    private static final String DOC_PACKAGE_GET_CLASS = "Returns {1} class proxy object."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_PACKAGE_GET_CLASS_RETURN = "{1} class proxy object."; //NOI18N
        // get
    private static final String DOC_PACKAGE_GET_ASSOC = "Returns {1} association proxy object."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_PACKAGE_GET_ASSOC_RETURN = "{1} association proxy object."; //NOI18N
    // exception template
    private static final String DOC_EXCEPTION = "{0} exception implementation class."; //NOI18N
        // constructor
    private static final String DOC_EXCEPTION_CONSTRUCTOR = "The public constructor."; //NOI18N
        // getter
    private static final String DOC_EXCEPTION_GETTER = "Returns value of parameter {1}."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_EXCEPTION_GETTER_RETURN = "Value of parameter {1}."; //NOI18N

    // enumeration interface
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_INTERFACE = "{0} enumeration interface."; //NOI18N
    // enumeration class
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_CLASS = "{0} enumeration class implementation."; //NOI18N
        // literal field
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_LITERAL = "Enumeration constant corresponding to literal {1}."; //NOI18N
        // refTypeName
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_REFTYPENAME = "Returns fully qualified name of the enumeration type."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_REFTYPENAME_RETURN = "List containing all parts of the fully qualified name."; //NOI18N
        // toString
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_TOSTRING = "Returns a string representation of the enumeration value."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_TOSTRING_RETURN = "A string representation of the enumeration value."; //NOI18N
        // hashCode
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_HASHCODE = "Returns a hash code for this the enumeration value."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_HASHCODE_RETURN = "A hash code for this enumeration value."; //NOI18N
        // equals
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_EQUALS = "Indicates whether some other object is equal to this enumeration value."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_EQUALS_RETURN = "true if the other object is the enumeration of the same type and of the same value."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_EQUALS_PARAM = "The reference object with which to compare."; //NOI18N
        // forName
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_FORNAME = "Translates literal name to correspondent enumeration value."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_FORNAME_RETURN = "Enumeration value corresponding to the passed literal."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_FORNAME_PARAM = "Enumeration literal."; //NOI18N
        // readResolve
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_READRESOLVE = "Resolves serialized instance of enumeration value."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_ENUM_READRESOLVE_RETURN = "Resolved enumeration value."; //NOI18N
    // structure template
    private static final String DOC_STRUCT = "{0} structure interface."; //NOI18N
        // create
    private static final String DOC_STRUCT_CREATE = "Creates an instance of {0} structure type."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_STRUCT_CREATE_RETURN = "Value of {0}."; //NOI18N
        // getter
    private static final String DOC_STRUCT_GETTER = "Returns value of {1} field."; //NOI18N
    private static final String DOC_STRUCT_GETTER_RETURN = "Value of {1} field."; //NOI18N
    // warning - for every file
    private static final String DOC_WARNING = "

Note: This type should not be subclassed or implemented by clients. It is generated from a MOF metamodel and automatically implemented by MDR (see"; // NOI18N // .......................................................................... // indentation level of generated text private int indentation = 0; // generator class used to generate source code private final JMIStreamFactory generator; // tab private static final String TAB = " "; //NOI18N // stream private PrintStream stream = null; // header private String header = null; // method used to write a line of text private void generate(String text) throws IOException { // indent the line generateTabs(); // write the text stream.println(text); checkStreamForErrors(stream); } private void generateTabs() throws IOException { // indent the line for (int i = 0; i < indentation; i++) { stream.print(TAB); } checkStreamForErrors(stream); } // method used to write a new line private void newLine() throws IOException { stream.println(); checkStreamForErrors(stream); } // method for indenting generated text private void indent() { indentation++; } // method for indenting generated text the specified number of tabs (absolutely) private void indent(int count) { indentation = count; } // method for unindenting generated text private void unindent() { indentation--; } protected boolean createStream(List pkg, String name) throws IOException { if (stream != null) { closeStream(); throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to create stream before previous stream was closed."); } os = generator.createStream(pkg, name); if (os != null) { stream = new PrintStream(os); } return stream != null; } protected void closeStream() throws IOException { if (stream == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to close the stream without opening it first."); PrintStream ps = stream; stream = null; ps.close(); checkStreamForErrors(ps); } private static void checkStreamForErrors(PrintStream ps) throws IOException { if (ps.checkError()) throw new IOException("Error writing to print stream during JMI Source generator."); } /** * Method used to generate interface header. * @param pkg Name of package for the interface. * @param name Name for the interface. * @param ancestors Array of interface ancestors' names. */ private void interfaceHeader(String pkg, String name, Object[] ancestors, ModelElement elem, String comment) throws IOException { classHeader(pkg, name, ancestors, null, true, elem, comment); } /** * Method used to generate class or interface header. * @param pkg Name of package for the class. * @param name Name for the class. * @param ancestors Array of classes ancestors' names. * @param interfaces Array of implemented interfaces. * @param isInterface If true, method will generate an interface header. In this case the implements argument is ignored. */ private void classHeader(String pkg, String name, Object[] ancestors, Object[] interfaces, boolean isInterface, ModelElement elem, String comment) throws IOException { classHeader(pkg, name, ancestors, interfaces, isInterface, false, elem, comment); } /** * Method used to generate class or interface header. * @param pkg Name of package for the class. * @param name Name for the class. * @param ancestors Array of classes ancestors' names. * @param interfaces Array of implemented interfaces. * @param isInterface If true, method will generate an interface header. In this case the implements argument is ignored. */ private void classHeader(String pkg, String name, Object[] ancestors, Object[] interfaces, boolean isInterface, boolean isFinal, ModelElement elem, String comment) throws IOException { // reset the indentation indent(0); StringBuffer sbAnc = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sbIfc = new StringBuffer(); String type; // --- here starts the generation of header // generate header comment if (header != null) { generate(header); newLine(); } // generate package information generate("package " + pkg + ";"); //NOI18N newLine(); // generate class Java doc classJavaDoc (elem, comment); // generate class definition header if (ancestors != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ancestors.length; sbAnc.append((String) ancestors[i++])) { if (sbAnc.length() > 0) sbAnc.append(", "); //NOI18N else sbAnc.append(" extends "); //NOI18N } } if (isInterface) { type = "interface"; //NOI18N } else { if (isFinal) type = "final class"; //NOI18N else type = "class"; //NOI18N if (interfaces != null) { for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; sbIfc.append((String) interfaces[i++])) { if (sbIfc.length() > 0) sbIfc.append(", "); //NOI18N else sbIfc.append(" implements "); //NOI18N } } } generate("public " + type + " " + name + sbAnc.toString() + sbIfc.toString() + " {"); //NOI18N // indent the following text indent(); } // method used to generate interface footer private void interfaceFooter(String name) throws IOException { classFooter(name, true); } private void classFooter(String name, boolean isInterface) throws IOException { // unindent the following text unindent(); // generate class ending generate("}"); //NOI18N } // generates a method of a given interface private void interfaceMethod(String returnType, String name, Object[] parameters, Object[] exceptions) throws IOException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer(); if (parameters != null) for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; sb.append((String) parameters[i++] + " " + (String) parameters[i++])) { //NOI18N if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(", "); //NOI18N } if (exceptions != null) for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; sb2.append((String) exceptions[i++])) { if (sb2.length() > 0) sb2.append(", "); //NOI18N else sb2.append(" throws "); //NOI18N } generate("public " + returnType + " " + name + "(" + sb + ")" + sb2 + ";"); //NOI18N } // generates an interface field private void interfaceField(String fieldType, String name, String value) throws IOException { generate("public final " + fieldType + " " + name + " = " + value + ";"); //NOI18N } // generates an interface constant // generates interface methods for a given attribute private void attributeTemplate(Object objAttribute) throws IOException { Attribute attr = (Attribute) objAttribute; String attrName = firstUpper(tagProvider.getSubstName(attr)); Classifier attrType = getAttrType(attr); String attrTypeName = getTypeName(attrType); if (attr.getMultiplicity().getUpper() == 1) { // getter String name; String setterName; if (attrType instanceof PrimitiveType && attrType.getName().equals("Boolean")) { //NOI18N if (attrName.substring(0, 2).equals("Is")) name = firstLower(attrName); //NOI18N else name = "is" + attrName; //NOI18N setterName = "set" + name.substring(2); //NOI18N } else { name = "get" + attrName; //NOI18N setterName = "set" + attrName; //NOI18N } // if multiplicity = [1..1] map to primitive type String getterType = attrTypeName; if (attr.getMultiplicity().getLower() == 1) { getterType = getPrimitiveName(getterType); } methodJavaDoc(attr, true, DOC_ATTR_GETTER, DOC_ATTR_GETTER_RETURN, null, null, null); interfaceMethod(getterType, name, null, null); // setter if (attr.isChangeable()) { methodJavaDoc( attr, false, DOC_ATTR_SETTER, null, new String [] {"newValue"}, //NOI18N new Object [] {DOC_ATTR_SETTER_PARAM}, new String [] {name} ); interfaceMethod("void", setterName, new String[] {getterType, "newValue"}, null); //NOI18N } } else if (attr.getMultiplicity().getUpper() != 0) { // getter boolean ordered = attr.getMultiplicity().isOrdered(); methodJavaDoc(attr, true, DOC_ATTR_GETTER, (ordered ? DOC_ATTR_GETTER_RETURN_ORDERED : DOC_ATTR_GETTER_RETURN_MULTI), null, null, null ); interfaceMethod((ordered ? DT_ORDERED : DT_MULTIVALUED), "get" + attrName, null, null); //NOI18N } } // generates interface methods for a given operation private void operationTemplate(Object objOperation) throws IOException { Operation oper = (Operation) objOperation; Collection exceptions = new ArrayList(); Collection parameters = new ArrayList(); ArrayList parametersList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList parametersNames = new ArrayList(); String operType = "void"; //NOI18N Parameter param, returnParam = null; ModelElement element; for (Iterator it = oper.getContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { element = (ModelElement); if (element instanceof Parameter) { param = (Parameter) element; if (param.getDirection().equals(DirectionKindEnum.RETURN_DIR)) { operType = getTypeName(param); returnParam = param; } else { parameters.add(getTypeName(param)); String name = tagProvider.getSubstName(param) + (param.getDirection().equals(DirectionKindEnum.IN_DIR) ? "" : "[]"); //NOI18N parameters.add(name); parametersList.add (param); parametersNames.add (name); } } } for (Iterator it = oper.getExceptions().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { element = (ModelElement); exceptions.add(tagProvider.getTypeFullName(element)); } int size = parametersList.size (); Object [] paramsArray = new Object [size]; paramsArray = parametersList.toArray (paramsArray); String [] namesArray = new String [size]; namesArray = (String[]) parametersNames.toArray (namesArray); methodJavaDoc(oper, true, null, returnParam, namesArray, paramsArray, null); interfaceMethod(operType, tagProvider.getSubstName(oper), parameters.toArray(), exceptions.toArray()); } // generates interface methods for a given constant private void constantTemplate(Object objConstant) throws IOException { Constant constant = (Constant) objConstant; DataType type = (DataType) getAttrType(constant); String value = constant.getValue(); if (type.getName ().equals ("String")) { //NOI18N value = "\"" + value.replace('\n', ' ') + "\""; //NOI18N } fieldJavaDoc (constant); interfaceField(getTypeName2(constant), tagProvider.getSubstName(constant), value); } // generates interface methods for a given reference private void referenceTemplate(Object objReference) throws IOException { Reference ref = (Reference) objReference; String refName = firstUpper(tagProvider.getSubstName(ref)); String refType = getTypeName(getAttrType(ref)); if (ref.getMultiplicity().getUpper() == 1) { // getter methodJavaDoc ( ref, true, DOC_REFERENCE_GETTER, DOC_REFERENCE_GETTER_RETURN, null, null, null ); interfaceMethod(refType, "get" + refName, null, null); //NOI18N // setter if (ref.isChangeable()) { methodJavaDoc ( ref, false, DOC_REFERENCE_SETTER, null, new String [] {"newValue"}, //NOI18N new Object [] {DOC_REFERENCE_SETTER_PARAM}, new String [] {"get" + refName} //NOI18N ); interfaceMethod("void", "set" + refName, new String[] {refType, "newValue"}, null); //NOI18N } } else if (ref.getMultiplicity().getUpper() != 0) { // getter boolean isOrdered = ref.getMultiplicity().isOrdered(); methodJavaDoc ( ref, true, DOC_REFERENCE_GETTER, isOrdered ? DOC_REFERENCE_GETTER_RETURN_ORDERED : DOC_REFERENCE_GETTER_RETURN_MULTI, null, null, null ); interfaceMethod((isOrdered ? DT_ORDERED : DT_MULTIVALUED), "get" + refName, null, null); //NOI18N } } // generates interfaces for a given class (class interface and class proxy interface) protected void classProxyTemplate(javax.jmi.model.MofClass objClass) throws IOException { final ClassContents contents = getClassContents(objClass); interfaceHeader(tagProvider.getTypePrefix(objClass), tagProvider.getSubstName(objClass) + CLASS_POSTFIX, new String[] {"javax.jmi.reflect.RefClass"}, objClass, DOC_CLASS_PROXY); //NOI18N if (!objClass.isAbstract()) { // create (default) methodJavaDoc ( objClass, false, DOC_CLASS_PROXY_CREATE, DOC_CLASS_PROXY_CREATE_RETURN, null, null, null ); interfaceMethod(tagProvider.getSubstName(objClass), "create" + tagProvider.getSubstName(objClass), null, null); //NOI18N // create if (contents.allAttributes.size() > 0) { Object [] params = contents.allAttributes.toArray(); Object [] paramsObjects = contents.allAttributesObjects.toArray(); String [] paramsNames = new String [paramsObjects.length]; for (int x = 0; x < paramsNames.length; x++) { paramsNames [x] = ((ModelElement) paramsObjects [x]).getName (); } String name = tagProvider.getSubstName(objClass); methodJavaDoc ( objClass, false, DOC_CLASS_PROXY_CREATE2, DOC_CLASS_PROXY_CREATE_RETURN, paramsNames, paramsObjects, null ); interfaceMethod(tagProvider.getSubstName(objClass), "create" + name, params, null); //NOI18N } } // generate operations for (Iterator it = contents.clsOperations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) operationTemplate(; // generate attributes for (Iterator it = contents.clsAttributes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) attributeTemplate(; // generate structure factory methods for (Iterator it = contents.structures.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { structTemplate(; } interfaceFooter(tagProvider.getSubstName(objClass) + CLASS_POSTFIX); } protected void classInstanceTemplate(MofClass objClass) throws IOException { final ClassContents contents = getClassContents(objClass); // *** Instance interface generation *************************************************************************************** final Collection ancestors = new ArrayList(); final Collection supertypes = objClass.getSupertypes(); for (Iterator it = supertypes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ancestors.add(tagProvider.getTypeFullName((ModelElement); } if (ancestors.size() == 0) ancestors.add("javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject"); //NOI18N interfaceHeader(tagProvider.getTypePrefix(objClass), tagProvider.getSubstName(objClass), ancestors.toArray(), objClass, DOC_INSTANCE); // generate constants for (Iterator it = contents.constants.iterator(); it.hasNext();) constantTemplate(; // generate operations for (Iterator it = contents.instOperations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) operationTemplate(; // generate attributes for (Iterator it = contents.instAttributes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) attributeTemplate(; // generate references for (Iterator it = contents.instReferences.iterator(); it.hasNext();) referenceTemplate(; interfaceFooter(tagProvider.getSubstName(objClass)); } // GenericMapper will nicely generate the class proxy interface right // before/after the class instance interface, so we "remember" the last // class accessed as an optimization. But, even if GenericMapper didn't // do call classInstanceTemplate() and classProxyTemplate() successively, // this will still do the right thing. private ClassContents getClassContents(MofClass cls) { if (cachedClassContents == null || cachedClassContents.objClass != cls) cachedClassContents = new ClassContents(cls); return cachedClassContents; } private ClassContents cachedClassContents; private final class ClassContents { final Collection instAttributes = new ArrayList(); final Collection instOperations = new ArrayList(); final Collection instReferences = new ArrayList(); final Collection clsAttributes = new ArrayList(); final Collection clsOperations = new ArrayList(); final Collection allAttributes = new ArrayList(); final Collection allAttributesObjects = new ArrayList (); final Collection constants = new ArrayList(); final Collection enumerations = new ArrayList(); final Collection structures = new ArrayList(); final MofClass objClass; private ClassContents(MofClass objClass) { this.objClass = objClass; final Collection elements = objClass.getContents(); ModelElement element; Feature feature; for (Iterator it = elements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { element = (ModelElement); if (element instanceof Constant) { constants.add(element); } else if (element instanceof Feature) { feature = (Feature) element; if (feature.getVisibility().equals(VisibilityKindEnum.PUBLIC_VIS)) { if (feature instanceof Attribute) { if (feature.getScope().equals(ScopeKindEnum.INSTANCE_LEVEL)) instAttributes.add(feature); } else if (feature instanceof Operation) { if (feature.getScope().equals(ScopeKindEnum.INSTANCE_LEVEL)) instOperations.add(feature); } else if (feature instanceof Reference) { instReferences.add(feature); } } } else if (element instanceof EnumerationType) { enumerations.add(element); } else if (element instanceof StructureType) { structures.add(element); } } for (Iterator it = new ContainsIterator(objClass); it.hasNext();) { if ((element = (ModelElement) instanceof Attribute) { feature = (Attribute) element; if (feature.getScope().equals(ScopeKindEnum.CLASSIFIER_LEVEL)) { clsAttributes.add(feature); } else { if (!((Attribute) feature).isDerived()) { allAttributes.add(getTypeName((Attribute) feature)); allAttributes.add(tagProvider.getSubstName(feature)); allAttributesObjects.add(feature); } } } else if (element instanceof Operation) { feature = (Operation) element; if (feature.getScope().equals(ScopeKindEnum.CLASSIFIER_LEVEL)) { clsOperations.add(feature); } } } } } // generates interface for a given association protected void associationTemplate(Association objAssociation) throws IOException { Collection contents = objAssociation.getContents(); AssociationEnd[] ends = new AssociationEnd[2]; Object element; int i = 0; boolean single, ordered; for (Iterator it = contents.iterator(); it.hasNext() && i < 2;) { element =; if (element instanceof AssociationEnd) ends[i++] = (AssociationEnd) element; } String end1Name = tagProvider.getSubstName(ends[0]); String end1Class = getTypeName(getAttrType(ends[0])); String end2Name = tagProvider.getSubstName(ends[1]); String end2Class = getTypeName(getAttrType(ends[1])); interfaceHeader(tagProvider.getTypePrefix(objAssociation), tagProvider.getSubstName(objAssociation), new String[] {"javax.jmi.reflect.RefAssociation"}, objAssociation, DOC_ASSOC_PROXY); //NOI18N // exists(, ) methodJavaDoc ( objAssociation, false, DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS, DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS_RETURN, new String [] {end1Name, end2Name}, new Object [] {DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS_PARAM1, DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS_PARAM2}, null ); interfaceMethod("boolean", "exists", new String[] {end1Class, end1Name, end2Class, end2Name}, null); //NOI18N // () if (ends[0].isNavigable()) { single = ends[0].getMultiplicity().getUpper() == 1; ordered = ends[0].getMultiplicity().isOrdered(); methodJavaDoc ( objAssociation, false, single ? DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_SINGLE : (ordered ? DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_ORDERED : DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_MULTI), single ? DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_RETURN_SINGLE : (ordered ? DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_RETURN_ORDERED : DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_RETURN_MULTI), new String [] {end2Name}, new Object [] {DOC_ASSOC_GET_END2_PARAM}, null ); interfaceMethod(single ? end1Class : (ordered ? DT_ORDERED : DT_MULTIVALUED), "get" + firstUpper(end1Name), new String[] {end2Class, end2Name}, null); //NOI18N } // () if (ends[1].isNavigable()) { single = ends[1].getMultiplicity().getUpper() == 1; ordered = ends[1].getMultiplicity().isOrdered(); methodJavaDoc ( objAssociation, false, single ? DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_SINGLE : (ordered ? DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_ORDERED : DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_MULTI), single ? DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_RETURN_SINGLE : (ordered ? DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_RETURN_ORDERED : DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_RETURN_MULTI), new String [] {end1Name}, new Object [] {DOC_ASSOC_GET_END1_PARAM}, null ); interfaceMethod(single ? end2Class : (ordered ? DT_ORDERED : DT_MULTIVALUED), "get" + firstUpper(end2Name), new String[] {end1Class, end1Name}, null); //NOI18N } if (ends[0].isChangeable() && ends[1].isChangeable()) { String [] names = new String [] {end1Name, end2Name}; Object [] params = new Object [] {DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS_PARAM1, DOC_ASSOC_EXISTS_PARAM2}; // add(, ) methodJavaDoc ( objAssociation, false, DOC_ASSOC_ADD, null, names, params, null ); interfaceMethod("boolean", "add", new String[] {end1Class, end1Name, end2Class, end2Name}, null); //NOI18N // remove(, ) methodJavaDoc ( objAssociation, false, DOC_ASSOC_REMOVE, null, names, params, null ); interfaceMethod("boolean", "remove", new String[] {end1Class, end1Name, end2Class, end2Name}, null); //NOI18N } interfaceFooter(tagProvider.getSubstName(objAssociation)); } // generates interface for a given package protected void packageTemplate(MofPackage objPackage) throws IOException { Collection elements; ModelElement element; Collection ancestors = new ArrayList(); Collection supertypes = objPackage.getSupertypes(); for (Iterator it = supertypes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ancestors.add(tagProvider.getTypeFullName((ModelElement) + PACKAGE_POSTFIX); } if (ancestors.size() == 0) ancestors.add("javax.jmi.reflect.RefPackage"); //NOI18N interfaceHeader(tagProvider.getTypePrefix(objPackage), tagProvider.getSubstName(objPackage) + PACKAGE_POSTFIX, ancestors.toArray(), objPackage, DOC_PACKAGE); ArrayList nestedPackages = new ArrayList(); ArrayList classes = new ArrayList(); ArrayList associations = new ArrayList(); ArrayList structureTypes = new ArrayList(); elements = objPackage.getContents(); for (Iterator it = elements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { element = (ModelElement); if (element instanceof Association) { associations.add(element); } else if (element instanceof javax.jmi.model.MofClass) { classes.add(element); } else if (element instanceof MofPackage) { nestedPackages.add(element); } else if (element instanceof StructureType) { structureTypes.add(element); } else if (element instanceof Import) { // addProxyGetter cannot handle Imports, and Imports come first // in the mapping, so go ahead and just generate the necessary // method now. Import imp = (Import) element; if (imp.isClustered() && VisibilityKindEnum.PUBLIC_VIS.equals(imp.getVisibility())) { Namespace ns = imp.getImportedNamespace(); if (ns instanceof MofPackage && VisibilityKindEnum.PUBLIC_VIS.equals(((MofPackage) ns).getVisibility())) { String typeName = tagProvider.getTypeFullName(ns) + PACKAGE_POSTFIX; String elementName = tagProvider.getSubstName(element); interfaceMethod(typeName, "get" + elementName, null, null); //NOI18N } } else { Logger.getDefault().log("import: " + imp.getName() + " mofid: " + imp.refMofId() + " clustered: " + imp.isClustered() + " visibility: " + imp.getVisibility()); //NOI18N } } } addProxyGetter(objPackage, nestedPackages, PACKAGE_POSTFIX); addProxyGetter(objPackage, classes, CLASS_POSTFIX); addProxyGetter(objPackage, associations, ""); //NOI18N for (Iterator i = structureTypes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { structTemplate(; } interfaceFooter(tagProvider.getSubstName(objPackage) + PACKAGE_POSTFIX); } void addProxyGetter(MofPackage objPackage, ArrayList list, String suffix) throws IOException { for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { GeneralizableElement element = (GeneralizableElement); if (VisibilityKindEnum.PUBLIC_VIS.equals(element.getVisibility())) { String methodComment = null, returnComment = null; if (element instanceof Import) { methodComment = DOC_PACKAGE_GET_IMPORT; returnComment = DOC_PACKAGE_GET_IMPORT_RETURN; } else if (element instanceof MofPackage) { methodComment = DOC_PACKAGE_GET_NESTED; returnComment = DOC_PACKAGE_GET_NESTED_RETURN; } else if (element instanceof MofClass) { methodComment = DOC_PACKAGE_GET_CLASS; returnComment = DOC_PACKAGE_GET_CLASS_RETURN; } else if (element instanceof Association) { methodComment = DOC_PACKAGE_GET_ASSOC; returnComment = DOC_PACKAGE_GET_ASSOC_RETURN; } String typeName = tagProvider.getTypeFullName(element); String elementName = tagProvider.getSubstName(element); if (methodComment != null) methodJavaDoc(objPackage, false, methodComment, returnComment, null, null, new String [] {elementName}); interfaceMethod(typeName + suffix, "get" + elementName, null, null); //NOI18N } } } // generates class for an exception protected void exceptionTemplate(MofException objException) throws IOException { Collection contents = objException.getContents(); ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); ArrayList paramsObjects = new ArrayList(); ArrayList paramsNames = new ArrayList(); ArrayList codeConstr = new ArrayList(); StringBuffer paramsConstr = new StringBuffer(100); StringBuffer codeMsg = new StringBuffer(100); Object element; Parameter param; String typeName; String paramName; String getterName; for (Iterator it = contents.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { element =; if (element instanceof Parameter) { param = (Parameter) element; paramsObjects.add (param); params.add(getTypeName(param)); paramName = firstLower(tagProvider.getSubstName(param)); paramsNames.add (paramName); params.add(removeUnderscores(paramName)); getterName = paramName; if (param.getType() instanceof PrimitiveType && param.getType().getName().equals("Boolean")) { //NOI18N if (getterName.indexOf("is") != 0) { //NOI18N getterName = "is_" + getterName; //NOI18N } } else { getterName = "get_" + getterName; //NOI18N } params.add(removeUnderscores(getterName)); } } String exceptionName = tagProvider.getSubstName(objException); classHeader(tagProvider.getTypePrefix(objException), exceptionName, new Object[] {DT_EXCEPTION}, null, false, objException, DOC_EXCEPTION); for (Iterator it = params.iterator(); it.hasNext(); { typeName = (String); paramName = (String); generate("private final " + typeName + " " + paramName + ";"); //NOI18N codeConstr.add("this." + paramName + " = " + paramName + ";"); //NOI18N paramsConstr.append(", " + typeName + " " + paramName); //NOI18N getterName = paramName + ": \" + " + paramName; //NOI18N if (codeMsg.length() == 0) { codeMsg.append("\"" + getterName); //NOI18N } else { codeMsg.append(" + \", " + getterName); //NOI18N } } // constructor methodJavaDoc ( objException, false, DOC_EXCEPTION_CONSTRUCTOR, null, (String []) paramsNames.toArray (new String [] {}), paramsObjects.toArray (), null ); generate("public " + exceptionName + "(" + (paramsConstr.length() == 0 ? "" : paramsConstr.toString().substring(2)) + ") {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("super(" + codeMsg.toString() + ");"); //NOI18N for (Iterator it = codeConstr.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { generate((String); } unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N // getters for exception parameters for (Iterator it = params.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { typeName = (String); paramName = (String); getterName = (String); methodJavaDoc ( objException, false, DOC_EXCEPTION_GETTER, DOC_EXCEPTION_GETTER_RETURN, null, null, new String [] {paramName} ); generate("public " + typeName + " " + getterName + "() {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("return " + paramName + ";"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N } classFooter(exceptionName, false); } protected void enumerationInterfaceTemplate(EnumerationType objEnumeration) throws IOException { // generate interface for EnumerationType String packageName = tagProvider.getTypePrefix(objEnumeration); String ifcName = tagProvider.getSubstName(objEnumeration); interfaceHeader(packageName, ifcName, new Object[] {"javax.jmi.reflect.RefEnum"}, objEnumeration, DOC_ENUM_INTERFACE); //NOI18N interfaceFooter(tagProvider.getSubstName(objEnumeration)); } protected void enumerationClassTemplate(EnumerationType objEnumeration) throws IOException { String packageName = tagProvider.getTypePrefix(objEnumeration); String ifcName = tagProvider.getSubstName(objEnumeration); String clsName = ifcName + ENUM_POSTFIX; List literals = objEnumeration.getLabels(); String literal; classHeader(packageName, clsName, new Object[0], new Object[] {ifcName}, false, true, objEnumeration, DOC_ENUM_CLASS); // public fields (literals) for (Iterator it = literals.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { literal = (String); methodJavaDoc (objEnumeration, false, DOC_ENUM_LITERAL, null, null, null, new String [] {literal}); generate("public static final " + clsName + " " + tagProvider.mapEnumLiteral(literal) + " = new " + clsName + "(\"" + literal + "\");"); //NOI18N } newLine(); // private fields generate("private static final java.util.List typeName;"); //NOI18N generate("private final java.lang.String literalName;"); //NOI18N newLine(); // static initializer generate("static {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("java.util.ArrayList temp = new java.util.ArrayList();"); //NOI18N String enumFQN = ""; //NOI18N for (Iterator it = objEnumeration.getQualifiedName().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String fqnElement = (String); generate("temp.add(\"" + fqnElement + "\");"); //NOI18N enumFQN += fqnElement + (it.hasNext() ? "." : ""); //NOI18N } generate("typeName = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(temp);"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N newLine(); // constructor generate("private " + clsName + "(java.lang.String literalName) {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("this.literalName = literalName;"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N newLine(); // refTypeName methodJavaDoc ( objEnumeration, false, DOC_ENUM_REFTYPENAME, DOC_ENUM_REFTYPENAME_RETURN, null, null, null ); generate("public java.util.List refTypeName() {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("return typeName;"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N newLine(); // toString methodJavaDoc ( objEnumeration, false, DOC_ENUM_TOSTRING, DOC_ENUM_TOSTRING_RETURN, null, null, null ); generate("public java.lang.String toString() {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("return literalName;"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N newLine(); // hashCode methodJavaDoc ( objEnumeration, false, DOC_ENUM_HASHCODE, DOC_ENUM_HASHCODE_RETURN, null, null, null ); generate("public int hashCode() {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("return literalName.hashCode();"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N newLine(); // equals methodJavaDoc ( objEnumeration, false, DOC_ENUM_EQUALS, DOC_ENUM_EQUALS_RETURN, new String [] {"o"}, new Object [] {DOC_ENUM_EQUALS_PARAM}, null //NOI18N ); generate("public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("if (o instanceof " + clsName + ") return (o == this);"); //NOI18N generate("else if (o instanceof " + ifcName + ") return (o.toString().equals(literalName));"); //NOI18N generate("else return ((o instanceof javax.jmi.reflect.RefEnum) && ((javax.jmi.reflect.RefEnum) o).refTypeName().equals(typeName) && o.toString().equals(literalName));"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N newLine(); // forName methodJavaDoc ( objEnumeration, false, DOC_ENUM_FORNAME, DOC_ENUM_FORNAME_RETURN, new String [] {"name"}, new Object [] {DOC_ENUM_FORNAME_PARAM}, null //NOI18N ); generate("public static " + ifcName + " forName(java.lang.String name) {"); //NOI18N indent(); for (Iterator it = literals.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { literal = (String); generate("if (name.equals(\"" + literal + "\")) return " + tagProvider.mapEnumLiteral(literal) + ";"); //NOI18N } generate("throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown literal name '\" + name + \"' for enumeration '" + enumFQN + "'\");"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N // readResolve methodJavaDoc ( objEnumeration, false, DOC_ENUM_READRESOLVE, DOC_ENUM_READRESOLVE_RETURN, null, null, null ); generate("protected java.lang.Object readResolve() throws {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("try {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("return forName(literalName);"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("} catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {"); //NOI18N indent(); generate("throw new;"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N unindent(); generate("}"); //NOI18N classFooter(ifcName, false); } protected void structureTemplate(StructureType objStructure) throws IOException { String memberName, fieldName; // generate interface for StructuredType interfaceHeader(tagProvider.getTypePrefix(objStructure), tagProvider.getSubstName(objStructure), new Object[] {"javax.jmi.reflect.RefStruct"}, objStructure, DOC_STRUCT); //NOI18N List fields = objStructure.getContents(); ModelElement field; Classifier fieldType; // generate getters for structure fields for (Iterator it = fields.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { field = (ModelElement); if (field instanceof StructureField) { fieldType = ((StructureField) field).getType(); memberName = firstUpper (tagProvider.getSubstName(field)); fieldName = memberName; if (fieldType instanceof PrimitiveType && fieldType.getName().equals("Boolean")) { //NOI18N if (memberName.indexOf("Is") != 0) { //NOI18N memberName = "is" + memberName; //NOI18N } else { memberName = firstLower(memberName); } } else { memberName = "get" + memberName; //NOI18N } methodJavaDoc ( objStructure, false, DOC_STRUCT_GETTER, DOC_STRUCT_GETTER_RETURN, null, null, new String [] {fieldName} ); interfaceMethod(getPrimitiveName(getTypeName(fieldType)), memberName, null, null); } } interfaceFooter(tagProvider.getSubstName(objStructure)); } // generates factory methods for structured datatype void structTemplate(Object objStructure) throws IOException { DataType dataType = (DataType) objStructure; ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList(); ArrayList structureFields = new ArrayList (); ArrayList paramNames = new ArrayList (); List fields = dataType.getContents(); ModelElement field; // generate getters for structure fields for (Iterator it = fields.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { field = (ModelElement); if (field instanceof StructureField) { parameters.add(getTypeName2((StructureField) field)); String name = tagProvider.getSubstName(field); parameters.add(name); paramNames.add(name); structureFields.add(field); } } String params[] = new String [parameters.size ()]; params = (String []) parameters.toArray(params); int size = structureFields.size(); Object [] structFields = new Object[size]; String [] parNames = new String[size]; structFields = structureFields.toArray(structFields); parNames = (String []) paramNames.toArray(parNames); // generate factory method methodJavaDoc( dataType, false, DOC_STRUCT_CREATE, DOC_STRUCT_CREATE_RETURN, parNames, structFields, null ); interfaceMethod(tagProvider.getTypeFullName(dataType), "create" + firstUpper(tagProvider.getSubstName(dataType)), params, null); //NOI18N } // Java doc generation ------------------------------------------------------ private void classJavaDoc (ModelElement elem, String genericComment) throws IOException { generate ("/**"); //NOI18N if (genericComment != null) { javaDoc (MessageFormat.format (genericComment, new String [] {elem.getName ()})); } javaDoc (elem.getAnnotation ()); javaDoc (" "); //NOI18N javaDoc (DOC_WARNING); generate (" */"); //NOI18N } private void fieldJavaDoc (ModelElement elem) throws IOException { generate ("/**"); //NOI18N javaDoc (elem.getAnnotation ()); generate (" */"); //NOI18N } private void methodJavaDoc (ModelElement elem, boolean annotate, String genericComment, Object retValDescriptor, String [] args, Object [] argDescriptors, String [] variables) throws IOException { String text; String [] vars = (variables == null) ? new String [1] : new String [variables.length + 1]; vars [0] = elem.getName (); if (variables != null) { for (int x = 0; x < variables.length; x++) vars [x + 1] = variables [x]; } generate ("/**"); //NOI18N // generic comment if (genericComment != null) { javaDoc (MessageFormat.format (genericComment, vars)); } // annotation based comment if (annotate) { javaDoc (elem.getAnnotation ()); } // javadoc for arguments if (args != null) { for (int x = 0; x < args.length; x++) { if (argDescriptors [x] instanceof ModelElement) { text = ((ModelElement) argDescriptors [x]).getAnnotation (); } else { text = (String) argDescriptors [x]; if (text != null) { text = MessageFormat.format (text, vars); } } if (text != null) { javaDoc ("@param " + args [x] + " " + text); //NOI18N } } // for } // if // javadoc for return value if (retValDescriptor instanceof ModelElement) { text = elem.getAnnotation (); } else { text = (String) retValDescriptor; if (text != null) text = MessageFormat.format (text, vars); } if (text != null) { javaDoc ("@return " + text); //NOI18N } // javadoc for exceptions generate (" */"); //NOI18N } private void javaDoc (String text) throws IOException { if (text == null) return; final int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 70; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader (new StringReader (text)); String line = reader.readLine (); while (line != null) { int length = line.length (); int pos = 0, pos2; String s; while (pos < length) { if (length - pos <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH) { s = line.substring (pos); pos = length; } else { pos2 = pos + MAX_LINE_LENGTH; // find end of a word while ((pos2 < length) && (!Character.isWhitespace (text.charAt (pos2)))) { pos2++; } // while // find start of next word while ((pos2 < length) && (Character.isWhitespace (text.charAt (pos2)))) { pos2++; } // while s = line.substring (pos, pos2); pos = pos2; } generate (" * " + s); //NOI18N } // while line = reader.readLine (); } // while } // public --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**

* Creates new JavaMapper. Each created mapping interface will be written into * separate file to the specified Filesystem into the specified path. *

* @param sf StreamFactory used to generate files/streams. */ public JavaMapper(JMIStreamFactory sf, String header) { super(); generator = sf; if ((header != null) && (header.trim().length() > 0)) { this.header = "/*\n"; //NOI18N StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (header, "\n"); //NOI18N while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens ()) this.header += " * " + tokenizer.nextToken () + "\n"; //NOI18N this.header += " */"; //NOI18N } } }
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