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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.lib.jmi.xmi;

import java.util.*;

import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;

import org.netbeans.api.xmi.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.jmi.util.DebugException;

import javax.jmi.reflect.*;
import javax.jmi.model.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.jmi.util.Logger;

public abstract class XmiElement {
    // context in which current elements are being processed
    protected XmiContext context;
    // parent element of this element
    protected XmiElement parent;

    public XmiElement (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.context = context;        

    public XmiElement (XmiContext context) {
        this.context = context;

     * Handles startElement event generated by SAX parser. Usually creates sub-element and 
     * returns it or returns itself.
    public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
        return this;

     * Handles endElement event generated by SAX parser.
    public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
        return parent;

     * Handles characters event generated by SAX parser.
    public void characters (char buf[], int offset, int len) {
        // default behaviour - ignore characters

     * Method called by sub-elements to pass values resolved by them.
    public void receiveValue (Object value) {
        // should be called on instances that override it only
        throw new DebugException ("Unexpected call of receiveValue () method.");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// inner classes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // **************************************************************************
    // Document
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class Document extends XmiElement {

        private String rootElementName;
        private Content content = null;
        private XmiElement xmiElement = null;
        public Document (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, String rootName, Attributes attrs) {
            super (parent, context);
            rootElementName = rootName;            
            context.setVersion (attrs);
            if (context.isXmi20) {
                content = new Content (this, context);
                if (!rootElementName.equals (context.xmiNsPrefix + XmiConstants.XMI_ROOT)) {
                    AttributesImpl attrs2 = new AttributesImpl ();
                    for (int x = 0; x < attrs.getLength (); x++) {
                        String name = attrs.getQName (x);
                        if (!(name.equals ("xmlns") || name.startsWith ("xmlns:") || 
                            name.equals (context.xmiNsPrefix + XmiConstants.XMI20_VERSION))) {
                            attrs2.addAttribute (null, null, name, null, attrs.getValue (x));
                        } // if
                    } // for
                    xmiElement = content.startSubElement (rootElementName, attrs2);
                } // if
            } // if

        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            if (context.isXmi20) {
                // delegate startElement to content or xmiElement
                if (xmiElement != null)
                    return xmiElement.startSubElement (qName, attrs);
                    return content.startSubElement (qName, attrs);
            } else {
                if (qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_CONTENT)) {
                    return new XmiElement.Content (this, context);
                } else if (qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_DIFFERENCE)) {
                    return new XmiElement.Difference (this, context, attrs);
                } else if (qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_HEADER)) {
                    return new XmiElement.Header (this, context);
                } else {
                    if (context.ignoreUnknownElements()) {
                        return new XmiElement.Dummy(this, context, qName);
                    } else {
                        throw new DebugException("Invalid element name: " + qName);

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {            
            if (qName.equals (rootElementName)) {
                if (context.isXmi20) {
                    if (xmiElement != null)
                        xmiElement.endElement (qName);
                    content.endElement (qName);
                context.finish ();
                return parent;
            return this;

    } // Document

    // **************************************************************************
    // Header
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class Header extends XmiElement {
        private int level = 0;
        private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer ();
        public Header (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context) {
            super (parent, context);
        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            buffer.append ('<' + qName);
            int attrsLength = attrs.getLength ();
            for (int index = 0; index < attrsLength; index++) {
                String attrName = attrs.getQName (index);
                String attrValue = attrs.getValue (index);
                buffer.append (" " + attrName + " = '" + attrValue + "'");
            } // for
            buffer.append ('>');
            return this;

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {            
            if (level == 0) {
                context.receiveHeader (buffer.toString ());
                return parent;
            buffer.append ("');
            return this;
        public void characters (char buf[], int offset, int len) {
            buffer.append (buf, offset, len);
    } // Header
    // **************************************************************************
    // Difference
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class Difference extends XmiElement {

        //[PENDING] resolving of differences is not implemented yet
        // link defining a targed the differences apply on
        private String href;
        // true if one of Add, Delete or Replace sub-elements is being currently read
        private boolean diffReading;
        // read sub-element
        private Diff currentDiff;
        // storage of all Add, Delete, Replace sub-elements
        private HashMap diffs = new HashMap ();
        private int timeStamp = 1;
        public Difference (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, Attributes attrs) {
            super (parent, context);
            href = attrs.getValue (context.XMI_HREF);
            if (href == null)
                throw new DebugException (
                    "Differences referring to the document they are placed in are not supported."
            diffReading = false;

        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            if (!diffReading) {
                if (qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_DIFFERENCE))
                    throw new DebugException ("Nested differences are not supported.");
                int kind = Diff.ADD;
                if (qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_DELETE))
                    kind = Diff.DELETE;
                else if (qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_REPLACE))
                    kind = Diff.REPLACE;
                String localHref = attrs.getValue (context.XMI_HREF);
                int index = localHref.lastIndexOf ("|");
                if (index == -1)
                    index = localHref.lastIndexOf ("#");
                String id = localHref.substring (index + 1, localHref.length ());
                String posString = attrs.getValue (XmiConstants.XMI_POSITION);
                int position = 1; // default value
                if (posString != null) {
                    try {
                        position = Integer.parseInt (posString);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        throw new DebugException ("Differences - bad number format: " + posString);
                } // if
                if (position < 0)
                    throw new DebugException ("Negative values of xmi.position parameters are not supported: " + posString);
                currentDiff = new Diff (kind, id, position, timeStamp);
                diffReading = true;
            } else { // diffReading == true
                currentDiff.items.add (new Item (qName, attrs));
            return this;
        public void characters (char buf[], int offset, int len) {
            if (diffReading) {
                currentDiff.items.add (new String (buf, offset, len));

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            if (diffReading) {
                if ((qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_ADD)) ||
                    (qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_DELETE)) ||
                    (qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_REPLACE))) {
                    diffReading = false;
                    LinkedList list = (LinkedList) diffs.get (currentDiff.xmiId);
                    if (list == null)
                        diffs.put (currentDiff.xmiId, list = new LinkedList ());
                    if (currentDiff.kind == Diff.DELETE)
                        list.addFirst (currentDiff);
                        list.addLast (currentDiff);
                } else
                    currentDiff.items.add (new Item (qName));
                return this;
            //[TODO] take diffs and read referenced document
            context.resolveDifferences (href, diffs);            
            return parent;
        // stores data related to one difference (add, delete or replace)
        public static class Diff {
            // constants for kind of difference
            public static final int ADD = 0;
            public static final int DELETE = 1;
            public static final int REPLACE = 2;
            // kind of this difference
            public int kind;
            // optional position parameter, not relevant in case of Delete difference
            public int position;
            // xmi id of an elemenet the difference applays on
            public String xmiId;
            // content stored as a sequence of events represented by items or a String in case
            // of a characters event
            public LinkedList items = new LinkedList ();
            public int timeStamp;
            public Diff (int kind, String xmiId, int position, int timeStamp) {
                this.kind = kind;
                this.xmiId = xmiId;
                this.position = position;
                this.timeStamp = timeStamp;

        // stores one start element or end element event
        public static class Item {
            // if true, represents start of an element
            public boolean isStart;
            // element name
            public String qName;
            // related attributes (in case of start of element)
            public Attributes attrs;
            // end element event
            public Item (String qName) {
                this.qName = qName;
                isStart = false;
            // start element event
            public Item (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
                this.qName = qName;
                // attributes cannot be stored directly, they have to be copied
                this.attrs = new AttributesImpl (attrs);
                isStart = true;
    } // Difference
    // **************************************************************************
    // Content
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class Content extends XmiElement {
        // Since Content element encloses class-scoped attribute value elements,
        // it handles collecting and setting them
        // a class-scoped attribute whose (multi-)value is being currently read
        private Attribute attr = null;
        // class proxy related to the currently read class-scoped attribute
        private RefClass refClass = null;
        // stores currently read (multi-)value(s) of a class-scoped attribute
        private List values;
        public Content (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context) {
            super (parent, context);

        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            Object ref = context.resolveElementName (qName);
            if ((ref == null) && context.ignoreUnknownElements()) {
                return new XmiElement.Dummy(this, context, qName);
            // [TODO] resolved 'ref' value can be passed to constructors of sub-elements
            if (ref instanceof RefClass)
                return context.resolveInstanceOrReference (this, qName, attrs);
            // class-scoped attribute ...........................................
            if (ref instanceof Attribute) {
                RefClass readRefClass = (RefClass) context.resolveElementName (
                    qName.substring (0, qName.lastIndexOf (XmiConstants.DOT_SEPARATOR))
                if ((ref != attr) || (refClass != readRefClass)) {
                    // the first value element related to the first or the next class-scoped attribute
                    if (attr != null) {
                        // so, it is the next attribute, not the first one; set the previously obtained value ...
                        setAttributeValue ();
                    attr = (Attribute) ref;
                    refClass = readRefClass;
                    values = new LinkedList ();
                // [PENDING] ClassLevelAttribute instance can be shared, similarly as, e.g., context.PRIMITIVE_VALUE
                return new XmiElement.ClassLevelAttribute (this, context, attr, attrs);
            // ..................................................................
            if (ref instanceof Association)
                return new XmiElement.AssociationElement (this, context, (Association) ref);
            // an unexpected element
            throw new DebugException ("Unexpected element: " + qName);

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            if (attr != null) {
                // end of Content has been encountered and there is still previously 
                // collected (multi-)value of a class-scoped attribute that should be set
                setAttributeValue ();
            // register all requests for objects in external documents
            context.resolveExternalReferences ();
            if (context.isMain && !context.allReferencesResolved ()) {
                // (verification performed in case of main document only)
                // some unresolved reference (i.e. related instance does not exist) or
                // violation of Mof constraints, there is a cycle in the relation 
                // "an instance is a value of an attribute of another instance"
                String badRef = context.getUnresolvedRefId ();
                Logger.getDefault ().log ("Unknown reference or circularity in instance dependences detected, bad reference: " + badRef);
                // throw new DebugException ("Unknown reference or circularity in instance dependences detected, bad reference: " + badRef);
            return parent;
        public void receiveValue (Object value) {
            // collects parts of (multi-)value of a class-scoped attribute
            if (attr == null)
                throw new DebugException ("Unexpected call of Content.receiveValue ()");
            if (value instanceof List)
                values.addAll ((List) value);
                values.add (value);

        private void setAttributeValue () {
            LinkedList list = new LinkedList ();
            Iterator iter = values.iterator ();
            Object value;
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                value = ();
                if (value instanceof UnresolvedReference) {
                    value = ((UnresolvedReference) value).getValue ();
                    if (value == null) {
                        throw new DebugException ("Class-scoped attribute value not resolved: " + attr.getName ());
                list.add (value);
            if (XmiContext.isMultivalued (attr))
                value = list;
            else {
                if (!(list.size () == 1))
                    throw new DebugException ("Cannot set a multi-value to a non-multivalued attribute:" + attr.getName ());
                value = list.get (0);
            refClass.refSetValue (attr, value);
            attr = null;
            refClass = null;
            values = null;
    } // Content                 
    // **************************************************************************
    // Instance
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class Instance extends XmiElement implements ReferencesCounter {
        // fully qualified name (possibly composed using a namespace prefix)
        private String name;
        // value
        private String xmiId = null;
        // id of related document
        private String docId;
        // number of currently unresolved references preventing creation of this instance
        private int unresolvedRefsCounter = 0;
        // flag indicating if all sub-elements are already read, i.e. endElement () method has been called
        private boolean endReached = false;
        // holds an unresolved reference to this instance that should be set after the instance creation
        private UnresolvedReference unresRef = null;
        // currently processed attribute or reference
        private StructuralFeature currentFeature;
        // type of currently processed attribute
        private Classifier currentType;

        // RefClass resolved according to the name
        private RefClass refClass;
        // meta class corresponding to refClass
        private MofClass metaClass;
        // temporal storage for values of instance level attributes
        private HashMap attributesValues = new HashMap ();
        // temporal storage for values of instance level references
        private HashMap referencesValues = new HashMap ();

        public Instance (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, String qName, 
            RefClass refClass, Attributes attrs) {
            super (parent, context);
   = qName;
            this.docId = context.getCurrentDocId ();
            this.refClass = refClass;
            metaClass = (MofClass) refClass.refMetaObject ();

            int index; // index of currently processed attribute
            String attrName, attrValue;
            int attrsLength = attrs.getLength ();
            // process all passed instance attributes and xmi id's
            for (index = 0; index < attrsLength; index++) {
                attrName = attrs.getQName (index);
                attrValue = attrs.getValue (index);
                if (attrName.equals (context.XMI_ID)) {
                    xmiId = attrValue;
                } else {
                    resolveAttributeValue (attrName, attrValue);
            } // for            

        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            Object ref = context.resolveElementName (qName);
            if (ref == null && context.ignoreUnknownElements()) {
                return new XmiElement.Dummy(this, context, qName);
            if (!(ref instanceof StructuralFeature)) {
                throw new DebugException ("Invalid sub-element: " + qName);
            currentFeature = (StructuralFeature) ref;
            if (currentFeature.getScope ().equals (ScopeKindEnum.CLASSIFIER_LEVEL) && !context.isXmi20) {
                throw new DebugException ("An instance serialization contains value of static attribute: " + currentFeature.getName ());
            if (currentFeature instanceof Attribute) {                
                Classifier type = currentFeature.getType ();
                return context.resolveValue (this, type, attrs);
            } else if (currentFeature instanceof Reference) {
                return new XmiElement.ObjectValues (this, context, null, false);
            throw new DebugException ("Invalid sub-element: " + qName);

         * Creates an instance in repository. Called when all needed references 
         * related to attribute values have been resolved.
        private RefObject createInstance () {
            List attributes = context.instanceAttributes (refClass);
            List references = context.instanceReferences (refClass);

            // obtain list of attributes values
            List args = new LinkedList ();
            Iterator iter = attributes.iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Attribute attr = (Attribute) ();
                Object param = attributesValues.get (attr);
                if (param instanceof UnresolvedReference) {
                    param = ((UnresolvedReference) param).getValue ();
                } else if (param instanceof List) {
                    Iterator iter2 = ((List) param).iterator ();
                    List temp = new LinkedList ();
                    while (iter2.hasNext ()) {
                        Object value = ();
                        if (value instanceof UnresolvedReference) {
                            value = ((UnresolvedReference) value).getValue ();
                            if (value instanceof CollectionWrapper)
                                value = ((CollectionWrapper) value).getCollection ();
                        temp.add (value);
                    param = temp;
                if (param instanceof CollectionWrapper)
                    param = ((CollectionWrapper) param).getCollection ();
                if (param == null)
                    param = XmiContext.defaultValue (attr);
                args.add (param);
            } // while
            RefObject instance;
            try {
                instance = refClass.refCreateInstance (args);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                StringBuffer params = new StringBuffer(50);
                for (Iterator it = args.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Object arg =;
                    params.append("    ");
                    if (arg == null) {
                    } else {
                        params.append("(" + arg.getClass() + ") " + arg.toString());
                DebugException ne = new DebugException("Instance of " + name + " cannot be created, bad parameters:\n" + params.toString() + "\n    reason: " + e.toString());
                Logger.getDefault().annotate(ne, e);
                throw (DebugException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(ne, "Instance or " + name + " cannot be created, bad parameters:\n" + params.toString());
                String msg = "Instance of " + name + " cannot be created, parameters:\n" + params.toString() + "\n    reason: " + e.toString();                
                Logger.getDefault ().log (msg);
                return null;
            if (parent instanceof XmiElement.Content) {
                context.addOutermostObject (instance);

            // if xmiId != null, store resolved reference
            if (xmiId != null)
                context.putReference (docId, xmiId, instance);

            // set resolved references, register unresolved
            iter = references.iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Reference ref = (Reference) ();
                List values = (List) referencesValues.get (ref);
                if (values != null)
                    new ReferenceHandler (ref, instance, values, context);
            } // while
            context.countInstance ();
            if (context.isXmi20) {
                // check if there were some static attributes serialized, if so set these values
                iter = context.staticAttributes (refClass).iterator ();
                while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                    Attribute attr = (Attribute) ();
                    Object value = attributesValues.get (attr);
                    if (value != null) {
                        refClass.refSetValue (attr, value);
                    } // if
                } // while
            } // if
            return instance;

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            // reading of instance object has been finished
            // corresponding instance (initialized with read attributes values)
            // can be created in repository if all needed references have been
            // already resolved
            endReached = true;
            if (unresolvedRefsCounter == 0) {
                RefObject instance = createInstance ();
                if (!(parent instanceof XmiElement.Content)) {
                    parent.receiveValue (instance);
            } else {
                if (!(parent instanceof XmiElement.Content)) {
                    unresRef = new UnresolvedReference ();
                    parent.receiveValue (unresRef);
            return parent;

         * Stores attribute value. It can be a single-value or a part of multi-value
         * as well. Thus, in case of multi-values, the method can be called several
         * times with the same attribute parameter.
        // [PENDING] review setAttributeValue methods and storing of values
        // (single-values vs. multi-values)
        private void setAttributeValue (StructuralFeature attr, Object value) {
            boolean isMultivalued = XmiContext.isMultivalued (attr);
            Object tempValue = attributesValues.get (attr);
            if (!isMultivalued) {
                if (tempValue != null)
                    throw new DebugException ("Cannot set a multi-value to a non-multivalued attribute:" + attr.getName ());
                attributesValues.put (attr, value);

                if (value instanceof CollectionWrapper) {
                    System.out.println("#: " + ((CollectionWrapper) value).getCollection ().size ());
            } else {
                if (tempValue == null)
                    attributesValues.put (attr, tempValue = new LinkedList ());
                ((List) tempValue).add (value);
            } // else

         * Similar as @link #setAttributeValue, except that a list of values is passed
         * rather than one value.
        private void setAttributeValues (StructuralFeature attr, List values) {
            boolean isMultivalued = XmiContext.isMultivalued (attr);
            if (!isMultivalued && (values.size () == 1)) {
                setAttributeValue (attr, values.get (0));

            if (!isMultivalued) {
                throw new DebugException ("Cannot set a multi-value to a non-multivalued attribute:" + attr.getName ());
            Object tempValue = attributesValues.get (attr);
            if (tempValue == null)
                attributesValues.put (attr, tempValue = new LinkedList ());
            ((List) tempValue).addAll (values);

         * Stores values of a reference.
        private void setReferenceValues (Reference ref, List values) {
            boolean isMultivalued = XmiContext.isMultivalued (ref);
            Object tempValue = referencesValues.get (ref);
            if (!isMultivalued) {
                if ((tempValue != null) || (values.size () > 1)) {
                    throw new DebugException
                        ("Cannot set a multi-value to a non-multivalued reference:" + ref.getName());
                referencesValues.put (ref, values);
            if (tempValue == null)
                referencesValues.put (ref, tempValue = new LinkedList ());
            ((List) tempValue).addAll (values);

        public void receiveValue (Object value) {
            if (currentFeature instanceof Attribute) {
                if (value instanceof List)
                    setAttributeValues (currentFeature, (List) value);
                    setAttributeValue (currentFeature, value);
            } else { // Reference
                // [PENDING] performance - change the following code !!
                if (!(value instanceof List)) {
                    List temp = new LinkedList ();
                    temp.add (value);
                    value = temp;
                setReferenceValues ((Reference) currentFeature, (List) value);

         * Resolves attribute value stored as XMI element attribute
         * (example:  ).
        private void resolveAttributeValue (String attrName, String attrValue) {
            StructuralFeature attr;
            attr = context.instanceElementByName (refClass, attrName);
            if ((attr == null) && context.isXmi20) {
                attr = context.staticAttributeByName (refClass, attrName);
            if (attr == null)

            Classifier type = attr.getType ();
            while (type instanceof AliasType)
                type = ((AliasType) type).getType ();
            Object value = null;

            if (type instanceof PrimitiveType) {
                value = XmiContext.resolvePrimitiveValue ((PrimitiveType) type, attrValue);
                setAttributeValue (attr, value);
            } else if (type instanceof EnumerationType) {
                value = context.resolveEnumerationValue ((EnumerationType) type, attrValue);
                setAttributeValue (attr, value);
            } else if (type instanceof MofClass) {
                boolean isReference = attr instanceof Reference;
                StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (attrValue, " ");
                List list = new LinkedList ();
                while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens ()) {
                    // [PENDING] what about additional spaces in a string ???
                    // Is an empty token generated for them or not ?
                    String xmiId = tokenizer.nextToken ();
                    Object obj = context.getReference (xmiId);
                    if (obj == null) {
                        // reference not known yet
                        if (isReference)
                            obj = new UnresolvedReference ();
                            obj = new UnresolvedReference (this);
                        context.registerUnresolvedRef (xmiId, (UnresolvedReference) obj);
                    list.add (obj);
                } // while
                if (isReference)
                    setReferenceValues ((Reference) attr, list);
                    setAttributeValues (attr, list);
            } else {
                throw new DebugException ("type cannot be resolved: " + attr.getType ().getName ());

        // ReferencesCounter interface .........................................

        public void increaseUnresolvedRefs () {

        public void decreaseUnresolvedRefs () {
            if (endReached && (unresolvedRefsCounter == 0)) {
                RefObject instance = createInstance ();
                if (unresRef != null)
                    unresRef.referenceResolved (instance);

    } // Instance

    // **************************************************************************
    // DataTypeElement
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class DataTypeElement extends XmiElement {

        // ==========================================
        // MOF 1.3 compatibility
        // ==========================================        
         * Since DataType is an abstract class in MOF 1.4, its instances cannot be created,
         * thus reading of DataType instances is handled using this special class that
         * substitutes DataType by an equivalent legal type.
         * How does it work: A complete tree composed of @link #DataTypeElement.Node
         * instances having  element as its root is created and
         * @link #XmiContext.resolveCorbaType is called on the tree.
        // idicates if typeCode attribute is currently processed
        private boolean typeCodeReading = false;
        // stores current node when tree structure of XMI elements is being created
        private Node node = null;
        // possibly stores of this DataType value
        private String xmiId;
        // id of related document
        private String docId;
        public DataTypeElement (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, 
            String name, Attributes attrs) {
            super (parent, context);
            xmiId = attrs.getValue (context.XMI_ID);
            docId = context.getCurrentDocId ();
        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            if (!typeCodeReading) {
                if (qName.endsWith ("typeCode"))
                    typeCodeReading = true;
                return this;
            if ((node == null) && (!qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_CORBA_TYPE_CODE)))
                throw new DebugException ("XMI.CorbaTypeCode element expected");
            node = new Node (qName, attrs, node);
            return this;

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            if (typeCodeReading) {
                if (node.parent != null)
                    node = node.parent;
                    typeCodeReading = false;
                return this;
            if (!qName.endsWith ("DataType"))
                return this;
            // the end of DataTypeElement has been reached
            RefObject typeEquivalent = context.resolveCorbaType (node, false);
            if (xmiId != null)                
                context.putReference (docId, xmiId, typeEquivalent);
            if (!(parent instanceof XmiElement.Content))
                parent.receiveValue (typeEquivalent);
            return parent;

        // stores one XMI element
        public static class Node {
            // parent node of this node, null in case of a root
            public Node parent;
            // list of all direct sub-nodes
            public List subnodes = new LinkedList ();
            // name of this XMI element
            public String name;
            // value of xmi.tcName attribute (if present, otherwise null)
            public String tcName;
            public Node (String name, Attributes attrs, Node parent) {
                this.parent = parent;
       = name;
                tcName = attrs.getValue (XmiConstants.XMI_TCNAME);
                if (parent != null)
                    parent.addSubNode (this);                                
            public void addSubNode (Node subNode) {
                subnodes.add (subNode);
            public Node firstSubNode () {
                return (Node) subnodes.get (0);
        } // Node
    } // DataTypeElement
    // **************************************************************************
    // ClassLevelAttribute
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class ClassLevelAttribute extends XmiElement {
        private Classifier type;
        public ClassLevelAttribute (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, Attribute attr, 
            Attributes attrs) {
            super (parent, context);
            type = attr.getType ();

        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            return context.resolveValue (this, type, attrs);
        public void receiveValue (Object value) {
            // post value to Content element
            parent.receiveValue (value);

    } // ClassLevelAttribute

    // **************************************************************************
    // AssociationElement
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class AssociationElement extends XmiElement implements ReferencesCounter {
        // related association
        private Association assoc;
        // flag indicating if the first object of a link has been read
        private boolean oddNumberOfElementsRead = false;        
        // unresolved references counter
        private int counter = 0;
        // flag indicating if the whole association element (including sub-elements) has been read
        private boolean endReached = false;
        // list of read elements forming ends of links
        private List elements = new LinkedList ();
        public AssociationElement (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, Association assoc) {
            super (parent, context);
            this.assoc = assoc;

	public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {            
            return context.resolveInstanceOrReference (this, qName, attrs);            

        public void receiveValue (Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof UnresolvedReference) {
                ((UnresolvedReference) obj).setOwner (this);
            elements.add (obj);
            oddNumberOfElementsRead = !oddNumberOfElementsRead;
	public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            if (oddNumberOfElementsRead) {
                throw new DebugException ("Odd number of association ends serialized: " + assoc.getName ());
            endReached = true;
            if (counter == 0)
                createLinks ();
            return parent;

        private void createLinks () {
            RefAssociation refAssoc = ((RefPackage) context.findProxy (assoc)).refAssociation (assoc);
            Iterator iter = elements.iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Object firstObject = ();
                Object secondObject = ();
                if (firstObject instanceof UnresolvedReference)
                    firstObject = ((UnresolvedReference) firstObject).getValue ();
                if (secondObject instanceof UnresolvedReference)
                    secondObject = ((UnresolvedReference) secondObject).getValue ();
                if (!refAssoc.refLinkExists ((RefObject) firstObject, (RefObject) secondObject)) {
                    refAssoc.refAddLink ((RefObject) firstObject, (RefObject) secondObject);
            } // while
        // ReferencesCounter implementation .....................................
        public void increaseUnresolvedRefs() {
        public void decreaseUnresolvedRefs() {
            if (endReached && (counter == 0))
                createLinks ();
    } // AssociationElement

    // **************************************************************************
    // PrimitiveValue
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class PrimitiveValue extends XmiElement {

        // value of xmi.value attribute (if present - XMI 1.1 compatibility)
        private String xmiValue;
        // buffer for value of characters event
        private String valueAsText = "";
        // type of this primitive value
        private PrimitiveType type;
        // flag indicating if  value is read
        private boolean xmiAnyValueEndExpected = false;
        // flag that is set as true when  is encountered
        private boolean stopCharsReading = false;

        public PrimitiveValue (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context,
            PrimitiveType type, Attributes attrs) {
            super (parent, context);
            this.type = type;
            xmiValue = attrs.getValue (XmiConstants.XMI_VALUE);

         * Constructor used to create shared instance of PrimitiveValue.
         * (shared instance is stored in context, see @link #XmiContext.PRIMITIVE_VALUE,
         * every time a new instance of PrimitiveValue is needed shared instance is taken
         * and inited by @link #init )
        public PrimitiveValue (XmiContext context) {
            super (context);

        public void init (XmiElement parent, PrimitiveType type, Attributes attrs) {
            this.parent = parent;
            this.type = type;
            xmiValue = attrs.getValue (XmiConstants.XMI_VALUE);
            valueAsText = "";
            xmiAnyValueEndExpected = false;
            stopCharsReading = false;

        public void characters (char buf[], int offset, int len) {
            if (!stopCharsReading)
                valueAsText = valueAsText + new String (buf, offset, len);

	public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            // =======================================
            // XMI 1.1 compatibility
            // =======================================
            if (!qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_ANY_TYPE))
                throw new DebugException ("Unexpected element: " + qName);
            xmiAnyValueEndExpected = true;
            valueAsText = "";
            return this;
        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            if (xmiAnyValueEndExpected) {
                stopCharsReading = true;
                xmiAnyValueEndExpected = false;
                return this;
            // =======================================
            // XMI 1.1 compatibility
            // =======================================
            if (xmiValue != null)
                valueAsText = xmiValue;
            // =======================================
                (XmiContext.resolvePrimitiveValue ((PrimitiveType) type, valueAsText));
            return parent;

    } // PrimitiveValue

    // **************************************************************************
    // EnumerationValue
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class EnumerationValue extends XmiElement {

        public EnumerationValue (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context,
            EnumerationType type, Attributes attributes) {
            super (parent, context);
            init (parent, type, attributes);

         * Constructor used to create shared instance of EnumerationValue.
         * (shared instance is stored in context, see @link #XmiContext.ENUMERATION_VALUE,
         * every time a new instance of EnumerationValue is needed shared instance is taken
         * and inited by @link #init )
        public EnumerationValue (XmiContext context) {
            super (context);

        public void init (XmiElement parent, EnumerationType type,
            Attributes attrs) {
            this.parent = parent;
            String enumValue = attrs.getValue (XmiConstants.XMI_VALUE);
            if (enumValue == null)
                throw new DebugException ("xmi.value attribute expected in Enum element");
                (context.resolveEnumerationValue (type, enumValue));

    } // EnumerationValue

    // **************************************************************************
    // StructureValue
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class StructureValue extends XmiElement
        implements ReferencesCounter {

        // type of this structure value
        private StructureType type;
        // structure's fields, i.e. a list of StructureFields
        private List fields;
        /* this iterator is used if oldFormat == true, it iterates trough all elements in
         * @link #fields
         * current field in iterator corresponds to currently read field value */
        private Iterator fieldsIterator;
        // field related to the currently read value
        private StructureField currentField;
        // storage for already read fields' values
        private HashMap fieldsValues = new HashMap ();
        // if true, the structure is serialized using  elements
        private boolean oldFormat;

        // number of currently unresolved references preventing creation of this structure
        private int counter = 0;
        // flag indicating if all sub-elements are already read, i.e. endElement () method has been called
        private boolean endReached = false;
        // holds an unresolved reference to this structure that should be set after the instance creation
        private UnresolvedReference unresRef = null;

        public StructureValue (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context,
            StructureType type, Attributes attrs, boolean oldFormat) {
            super (parent, context);
            this.type = type;
            this.oldFormat = oldFormat;

            int attrsLength = attrs.getLength ();
            fields = context.structureFields (type);
            if (oldFormat)
                fieldsIterator = fields.iterator ();
            else {
                boolean isMultiplicityType = 
                    XmiContext.getQualifiedName (type).equals ("Model.MultiplicityType");
                String fieldName, fieldValue;
                for (int index = 0; index < attrsLength; index++) {
                    fieldName = attrs.getQName (index);
                    // MOF 1.3 COMPATIBILITY PATCH ===========
                    if (isMultiplicityType) {
                        if (fieldName.equals ("is_ordered"))
                            fieldName = "isOrdered";
                        else if (fieldName.equals ("is_unique"))
                            fieldName = "isUnique";
                    // =======================================
                    fieldValue = attrs.getValue (index);
                    resolveFieldValue (fieldName, fieldValue);
                } // for
            } // else

        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            if (oldFormat) { 
                // the structure value is serialized using  elements
                if (!fieldsIterator.hasNext ()) {                    
                    finishElement ();
                    return parent.startSubElement (qName, attrs);
                currentField = (StructureField) ();
            } else {
                currentField = (StructureField) context.resolveElementName (qName);

            Classifier type = currentField.getType ();
            return context.resolveValue (this, type, attrs);

        public void receiveValue (Object value) { 
            if (value instanceof List) {
                if (((List) value).size () != 1)
                    throw new DebugException ("Multi-valued structure field: " + currentField.getName ());
                value = ((List) value).get (0);
            if (value instanceof UnresolvedReference)
                ((UnresolvedReference) value).setOwner (this);
            setFieldValue (currentField, value);

        private void setFieldValue (TypedElement field, Object value) {
            if (fieldsValues.get (field) != null)
                throw new DebugException ("Multi-valued structure field: " + field.getName ());
            fieldsValues.put (field, value);

        private void resolveFieldValue (String fieldName, String fieldValue) {
            StructureField field;
            try {
                field = (StructureField) type.lookupElement (fieldName);
            } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
                throw new DebugException ("Field name cannot be resolved: " + type.getName () + "." + fieldName);

            Classifier type = field.getType ();
            while (type instanceof AliasType)
                type = ((AliasType) type).getType ();
            Object value = null;

            if (type instanceof PrimitiveType) {
                value = XmiContext.resolvePrimitiveValue ((PrimitiveType) type, fieldValue);
            } else if (type instanceof EnumerationType) {
                value = context.resolveEnumerationValue ((EnumerationType) type, fieldValue);
            } else if (type instanceof MofClass) {
                String xmiId = fieldValue.trim ();
                Object obj = context.getReference (xmiId);
                if (obj == null) {
                    // reference not known yet
                    obj = new UnresolvedReference (this);
                    context.registerUnresolvedRef (xmiId, (UnresolvedReference) obj);
                    value = obj;
            } else {
                throw new DebugException ("Field cannot be resolved, invalid type: " + type.getName ());
            setFieldValue (field, value);

        private RefStruct createInstance () {
            // obtain list of fields values
            List args = new LinkedList ();
            Iterator iter = fields.iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                StructureField field = (StructureField) ();
                Object param = fieldsValues.get (field);
                if (param instanceof UnresolvedReference) {
                    param = ((UnresolvedReference) param).getValue ();
                if (param instanceof CollectionWrapper) {
                    param = ((CollectionWrapper) param).getCollection ();
                if (param == null)
                    param = XmiContext.defaultValue (field.getType ());
                args.add (param);
            } // while
            RefStruct struct = null;
            RefBaseObject proxy = context.findProxy (type);
            if (proxy == null)
                throw new DebugException ("Proxy not found: " + type.getName ());
            if (proxy instanceof RefClass)
                struct = ((RefClass) proxy).refCreateStruct (type, args);
                struct = ((RefPackage) proxy).refCreateStruct (type, args);
            return struct;

        private void finishElement () {
            endReached = true;
            if (counter == 0) {
                RefStruct instance = createInstance ();
                if (!(parent instanceof XmiElement.Content)) {
                    parent.receiveValue (instance);
            } else {
                if (!(parent instanceof XmiElement.Content)) {
                    unresRef = new UnresolvedReference ();
                    parent.receiveValue (unresRef);
        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            if (oldFormat) {
                if (fieldsIterator.hasNext ())
                    throw new DebugException ("Structure value serialization not complete: " + type.getName ());
                finishElement ();
                // A PATCH - see comment in StructureValues.startSubElement () method.
                return parent.endElement (qName);
            } else {
                finishElement ();            
                return parent;

        // ReferencesCounter interface ..........................................

        public void increaseUnresolvedRefs () {

        public void decreaseUnresolvedRefs () {
            if (endReached && (counter == 0)) {
                RefStruct instance = createInstance ();
                if (unresRef != null)
                    unresRef.referenceResolved (instance);

    } // StructureValue

    // **************************************************************************
    // CollectionValues
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class CollectionValues extends XmiElement {

        // storage of (multi-)value(s)
        private List values = new LinkedList ();
        // type of serialized structure value(s)
        private CollectionType type;        

        public CollectionValues (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, CollectionType type) {
            super (parent, context);
            this.type = type;

        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            return new CollectionValue (this, context, type);

        public void receiveValue (Object value) {
            values.add (value);

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            parent.receiveValue (values);
            return parent;

    } // CollectionValues
    // **************************************************************************
    // CollectionValue
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class CollectionValue extends XmiElement implements ReferencesCounter {

        private Classifier type;        
        private List values = new LinkedList ();
        private String collName;
        private int counter = 0;
        private boolean endReached = false;
        private UnresolvedReference unresRef = null;
        public CollectionValue (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, CollectionType collType) {
            super (parent, context);            
            type = collType.getType ();
            collName = collType.getName ();
        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            if (type instanceof MofClass) {
                return context.resolveInstanceOrReference (this, qName, attrs);
            if (type instanceof CollectionType) {
                return new XmiElement.CollectionValue (this, context, (CollectionType) type);
            return context.resolveValue (this, type, attrs);

        public void receiveValue (Object value) {
            if (value instanceof List) {
                Iterator iter = ((List) value).iterator ();
                while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                    Object obj = ();
                    if (obj instanceof UnresolvedReference)
                        ((UnresolvedReference) obj).setOwner (this);
                    values.add (obj);
            } else {
                if (value instanceof UnresolvedReference)
                    ((UnresolvedReference) value).setOwner (this);
                values.add (value);

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            finishElement ();
            return parent;

        private void finishElement () {
            endReached = true;
            if (counter == 0) {
                CollectionWrapper val = createValue ();
                if (!(parent instanceof XmiElement.Content)) {
                    parent.receiveValue (val);
            } else {
                if (!(parent instanceof XmiElement.Content)) {
                    unresRef = new UnresolvedReference ();
                    parent.receiveValue (unresRef);
        public CollectionWrapper createValue () {
            List list = new LinkedList ();
            Iterator iter = values.iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Object obj = ();
                if (obj instanceof UnresolvedReference) {
                    obj = ((UnresolvedReference) obj).getValue ();
                if (obj instanceof CollectionWrapper) {
                    obj = ((CollectionWrapper) obj).getCollection ();
                list.add (obj);
            return new CollectionWrapper (list);
        // ReferencesCounter interface ..........................................

        public void increaseUnresolvedRefs () {

        public void decreaseUnresolvedRefs () {
            if (endReached && (counter == 0)) {
                CollectionWrapper value = createValue ();
                if (unresRef != null)
                    unresRef.referenceResolved (value);
    } // CollectionValue

    // **************************************************************************
    // ObjectValues
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class ObjectValues extends XmiElement {
        /* ObjectValues represents an element that consists of a sequence of 
         * ObjectValue elements.
         * If an attribute of Class type or a reference is encountered, 
         * this element is created to handle resolving its (multi-)value. 

        // storage of (multi-)value(s)
        private List values = new LinkedList ();
        // stores correspondent value passed in the constructor, see the comment there
        private ReferencesCounter target;
        // XMI 2.0, if true then "nil=true" attribute is present
        private boolean isNull;

         * @param target an auxiliar parameter;
         * If target is not of null value and some of sub-values is
         * resolved as UnresolvedReference, target is set as an owner of this
         * @link #UnresolvedReference, 
         * see @link #UnresolvedReference.setOwner
         * (target is null iff value of reference is read - in this
         * case an owner cannot be set till it is created, see creation of 
         * @link #ReferenceHandler in #Instance.createInstance )
        public ObjectValues (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, ReferencesCounter target, boolean isNull) {
            super (parent, context);
   = target;
            this.isNull = isNull;

        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            return context.resolveInstanceOrReference (this, qName, attrs);

        public void receiveValue (Object value) {
            values.add (value);
            if ((value instanceof UnresolvedReference) && (target != null))
                ((UnresolvedReference) value).setOwner (target);

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            parent.receiveValue (isNull ? null : values);
            return parent;

    } // ObjectValues

    // **************************************************************************
    // StructureValues
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class StructureValues extends XmiElement {
        /* The purpose of this element is similar to the purpose of 
         * @link #ObjectValues
         * A sequence of structures is expected. */

        // storage of (multi-)value(s)
        private List values = new LinkedList ();
        // type of serialized structure value(s)
        private StructureType type;
        // if true, structure values are serialized using  elements
        private boolean oldFormat = false;

        public StructureValues (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, StructureType type) {
            super (parent, context);
            this.type = type;

        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            if (qName.equals (XmiConstants.XMI_FIELD))
                oldFormat = true;
            StructureValue struct = new StructureValue (this, context, type, attrs, oldFormat);
            if (oldFormat) {
                /* A PATCH - we need to call startSubElement method, because items of the structure
                 * (that will be read) are encapsulated directly by StructureValues element
                 * (compare to "class style" serialization, where items are encapsulated by
                 * StructureValue element rather than StructureValues.
                 * There is pairwise call of this.endElement () in StructureValue.endElemnet ()
                 * method. */
                return struct.startSubElement (qName, attrs);
            return struct;

        public void receiveValue (Object value) {
            values.add (value);

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {
            parent.receiveValue (values);
            return parent;

    } // StructureValues

    // **************************************************************************
    // ReferenceValue
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class ReferenceValue extends XmiElement {
        /* This element reads an object value stored as reference,
         * example: 

        public ReferenceValue (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, String xmiId) {
            super (parent, context);
            init (parent, xmiId);

         * Constructor used to create shared instance of ReferenceValue.
         * (shared instance is stored in context, see @link #XmiContext.REFERENCE_VALUE,
         * every time a new instance of ReferenceValue is needed shared instance is taken
         * and inited by @link #init )
        public ReferenceValue (XmiContext context) {
            super (context); 

        public void init (XmiElement parent, String xmiId) {
            this.parent = parent;
            Object obj = context.getReference (xmiId);
            if (obj == null) {
                obj = new UnresolvedReference ();
                context.registerUnresolvedRef (xmiId, (UnresolvedReference) obj);
            parent.receiveValue (obj);
        public void initExternal (XmiElement parent, String hRef) {
            this.parent = parent;
            Object obj;                    
            XMIReferenceProvider.XMIReference ref = context.toXMIReference (hRef);
            String docId = ref.getSystemId ();
            String xmiId = ref.getXmiId ();
            obj = context.getReference (docId, xmiId);
            if (obj == null) {
                obj = new UnresolvedReference ();
                context.registerUnresolvedExternalRef (docId, xmiId, (UnresolvedReference) obj);
            parent.receiveValue (obj);

    } // ReferenceValue

    // **************************************************************************
    // Dummy
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class Dummy extends XmiElement {

        private int level = 0;
        public Dummy (XmiElement parent, XmiContext context, String qName) {
            super (parent, null);
        public XmiElement startSubElement (String qName, Attributes attrs) {
            return this;

        public XmiElement endElement (String qName) {            
            if (level == 0) {
                return parent;
            } else {
                return this;
    // **************************************************************************
    // ReferencesCounter
    // **************************************************************************
    public static interface ReferencesCounter {
         * Increments counter counting the number of unresolved references preventing
         * given object to be created.
        public void increaseUnresolvedRefs ();

        /** Decrements counter. */
        public void decreaseUnresolvedRefs ();

    // **************************************************************************
    // UnresolvedReference
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class UnresolvedReference {
         * Unresolved reference represents *link* to a not yet created instance.
         * It can be registered in context, see @link #XmiContext.registerUnresolvedRef,
         * then, if the desired instance is created and put into context by
         * @link #XmiContext.putRefrence, @link #referenceResolved is called -
         * it decreases owner's counter of unresolved references preventing instance
         * creation.
        // when resolved, stores the resolved value
        private Object value = null;
        // owner of this unresolved reference
        private ReferencesCounter owner;

         * Creates UnresolvedReference with no owner (owner can be set later by 
         * @link #setOwner ).
        public UnresolvedReference () {

        public UnresolvedReference (ReferencesCounter owner) {
            this.owner = owner;
            owner.increaseUnresolvedRefs ();

        public void referenceResolved (Object value) {
            this.value = value;
            if (owner != null)
                owner.decreaseUnresolvedRefs ();

        public Object getValue () {
            return value;

        public void setOwner (ReferencesCounter owner) {
            this.owner = owner;
            owner.increaseUnresolvedRefs ();

    } // UnresolvedReference

    // **************************************************************************
    // ReferenceHandler
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class ReferenceHandler implements ReferencesCounter {
         * ReferenceHandler is used to set value of a reference later, when all needed
         * references are resolved (it implements @link #ReferenceCounter, so it is
         * notified when the situation occurs).
        // object that contains this reference
        private RefObject obj;
        // related reference
        private Reference ref;
        // reference values
        private List values = new LinkedList ();
        // counter of unresolved references
        private int unresolvedRefsCounter = 0;
        // context
        private XmiContext context;

        public ReferenceHandler (Reference ref, RefObject obj, List args, XmiContext context) {
            this.obj = obj;
            this.ref = ref;
            this.context = context;
            Iterator iter = args.iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Object value = ();
                if (value instanceof UnresolvedReference) {
                    Object val = ((UnresolvedReference) value).getValue ();
                    if (val != null)
                        value = val;
                        ((UnresolvedReference) value).setOwner (this);
                } // if
                values.add (value);
            } // while
            if (unresolvedRefsCounter == 0) {
                setReference ();

        public void increaseUnresolvedRefs () {

        public void decreaseUnresolvedRefs () {
            if (unresolvedRefsCounter == 0)
                setReference ();

        private void setReference () {
            Iterator iter;
            AssociationEnd end = ref.getReferencedEnd ();
            boolean isOrdered = end.getMultiplicity ().isOrdered ();
            Association association = (Association) end.getContainer ();

            boolean debug = "Assoc".equals (association.getName ());
            if (debug) {
                System.out.println("setReference: " + ref.getName () + " " + end.getName ());
            boolean isFirst = false;
            for (iter = association.getContents ().iterator (); iter.hasNext ();) {
                ModelElement me = (ModelElement) ();
                if (me instanceof AssociationEnd) {
                    isFirst = me.equals (end);
            RefPackage refPackage = (RefPackage) context.findProxy (association);
            if (refPackage == null)
                throw new DebugException ("Proxy not found: " + association.getName ());
            RefAssociation refAssoc = refPackage.refAssociation (association);
            if (refAssoc == null)
                throw new DebugException ("Proxy not found: " + association.getName ());
            iter = values.iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Object value = ();
                RefObject endValue;
                if (value instanceof UnresolvedReference)
                    endValue = (RefObject) ((UnresolvedReference) value).getValue ();
                    endValue = (RefObject) value;
                RefObject firstObj = isFirst ? endValue : obj;
                RefObject secondObj = isFirst ? obj : endValue;
                if ((firstObj != null) && (secondObj != null)) {
                    if (!refAssoc.refLinkExists (firstObj, secondObj)) {
                        refAssoc.refAddLink (firstObj, secondObj);

                        if (debug)
                    } else if (isOrdered) {
                        refAssoc.refRemoveLink (firstObj, secondObj);
                        refAssoc.refAddLink (firstObj, secondObj);

                        if (debug)
                            System.out.println("remove, add");
                    } else {
                        if (debug)
            } // while

            if (debug) {
                iter = refAssoc.refAllLinks ().iterator ();
                while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                    RefAssociationLink link = (RefAssociationLink) ();
                    String n_1 = (String) link.refFirstEnd ().refGetValue ("name");
                    String n_2 = (String) link.refSecondEnd ().refGetValue ("name");
                    System.out.println("link: " + n_1 + " " + n_2);
    } // ReferenceHandler

    // **************************************************************************
    // CollectionWrapper
    // **************************************************************************
    public static class CollectionWrapper {
        private Collection coll;
        public CollectionWrapper (Collection coll) {
            this.coll = coll;
        public Collection getCollection () {
            return coll;
    } // CollectionWrapper
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