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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package gui.wizards; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import org.netbeans.jellytools.Bundle; import org.netbeans.jellytools.JellyTestCase; import org.netbeans.jellytools.OptionsOperator; import org.netbeans.jellytools.SetupWizardOperator; import org.netbeans.jellytools.TreeTableOperator; import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.Node; import org.netbeans.jellytools.properties.Property; import org.netbeans.jellytools.properties.PropertySheetOperator; import org.netbeans.jemmy.ComponentSearcher; import org.netbeans.jemmy.EventTool; import org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties; import org.netbeans.jemmy.TestOut; import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JCheckBoxOperator; import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JComboBoxOperator; import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JLabelOperator; import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTableOperator; import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTreeOperator; import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestSuite; /** * This is the test suite for the Setup Wizard of NetBeans. * * @author juhrik@netbeans.org, mmirilovic@netbeans.org */ public class SetupWizardTest extends JellyTestCase { // private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; // private static final String "|" = "|"; // private static final String EXCLAM_MARK = "!"; private static final String STR_TRUE = "True"; private static final String STR_FALSE = "False"; // private static final String PROXY_PORT = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("gui/wizards/Bundle").getString("PORT"); // private static final String PROXY_HOST = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("gui/wizards/Bundle").getString("HOST"); // private static final String HASH_STRING = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("gui/wizards/Bundle").getString("Str_Hashes"); // private static final String WIZARD_FAIL = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("gui/wizards/Bundle").getString("Wizard_Fail"); // private static final String ERROR_TITLE = Bundle.getString("org.openide.Bundle", "NTF_ErrorTitle"); protected static PrintStream err; protected static PrintStream log; private static final String CAPTION = "=========================== "; private static SetupWizardOperator setupWizardOperator; /** The Constructor - it is Called for Each of Test Methods. *extends NbTestCase *@param name the test method name - it must start with "test" prefix and the test method must exist */ public SetupWizardTest(String name) { super(name); } /**Static method for Test suite. The tests are added to the suite. *@return the test suite */ public static NbTestSuite suite() { NbTestSuite suite = new NbTestSuite(); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testInvokeSetupWizard")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testProxyEnabling")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testProxyDisabling")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testProxySettings")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testSwitchToSDI")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testSwitchToMDI")); // suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testExternalWebBrowser")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testSwingHTMLBrowser")); // suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testExternalCommandLineWebBrowser")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testSecondPanelCheck")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testDescriptionsCheck")); // suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testDisableModule")); // TODO // suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testEnableModule")); // TODO // suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testDisableModuleBranch")); // TODO // suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testEnableModuleBranch")); // TODO suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testThirdPanelCheck")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testSetPeriodOfUCCheck")); suite.addTest(new SetupWizardTest("testLastPanelSettings")); return suite; } public void setUp() { // err = System.out; err = getLog(); log = getRef(); JemmyProperties.getProperties().setOutput(new TestOut(null, new PrintWriter(err, true), new PrintWriter(err, true), null)); new EventTool().waitNoEvent(1000); System.out.println(CAPTION + getName()); /* if(!getName().equals("testInvokeSetupWizard")){ try{ setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "It isn't possible invoke Setup Wizard, action causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } */ } public void tearDown() { if(setupWizardOperator != null && setupWizardOperator.isShowing()) setupWizardOperator.cancel(); closeAllModal(); } /** * Invoke the Setup Wizard, calls SetupWizardOperator.invoke(). */ public void testInvokeSetupWizard() { try { if(SetupWizardOperator.invoke()==null) fail("Setup Wizard isn't opened after pushing Tools | Setup WIzard."); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Test enables the proxy in opened Setup Wizard and checks that it is possible to change proxy port and name */ public void testProxyEnabling() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //Use HTTP Proxy Server, set proxy checkbox to true setupWizardOperator.checkUseHTTPProxyServer(true); boolean proxyServerNameEnabled = setupWizardOperator.txtProxyServerName().isEditable(); boolean proxyServerPortEnabled = setupWizardOperator.txtPort().isEditable(); if(!proxyServerNameEnabled || !proxyServerPortEnabled) fail("Proxy Server Name("+(proxyServerPortEnabled?"enabled":"disabled")+") or Port("+(proxyServerPortEnabled?"enabled":"disabled")+") textfield is disabled, but it should be enabled."); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Disables the proxy in opened Setup Wizard and checks that it is not possible to change proxy port and name */ public void testProxyDisabling() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //Use HTTP Proxy Server, set proxy checkbox to false setupWizardOperator.checkUseHTTPProxyServer(false); boolean proxyServerNameEnabled = setupWizardOperator.txtProxyServerName().isEditable(); boolean proxyServerPortEnabled = setupWizardOperator.txtPort().isEditable(); if(!proxyServerNameEnabled || !proxyServerPortEnabled) fail("Proxy Server Name("+(proxyServerPortEnabled?"enabled":"disabled")+") or Port("+(proxyServerPortEnabled?"enabled":"disabled")+") textfield is enabled, but it should be disabled."); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Tests to set the Proxy Port and Proxy Name to the correct value. * Finally it finishes the Setup Wizard. */ public void testProxySettings() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //Use HTTP Proxy Server, set proxy checkbox to true setupWizardOperator.checkUseHTTPProxyServer(true); //Set Proxy Host, Port setupWizardOperator.setProxyServerName("webcache.uk"); setupWizardOperator.setPort("8080"); //Finish the setup wizard setupWizardOperator.finish(); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Opens Setup Wizard, finds it and switches to the SDI mode. * Finally it finishes the Setup Wizard. */ public void testSwitchToSDI() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //Multiple Smaller Windows Mode ("SDI") setupWizardOperator.separateWindowsMode(); new EventTool().waitNoEvent(1000); boolean sdiRadioButtonIsSelected = setupWizardOperator.rbSeparateWindowsMode().isSelected(); boolean mdiRadioButtonIsSelected = setupWizardOperator.rbCompactWindowsMode().isSelected(); if(!sdiRadioButtonIsSelected || mdiRadioButtonIsSelected) fail("SDI Mode ("+(sdiRadioButtonIsSelected?"selected":"unselected")+") or MDI Mode ("+(mdiRadioButtonIsSelected?"selected":"unselected")+")."); //Finish the setup wizard setupWizardOperator.finish(); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Opens Setup Wizard, finds it and switches to the MDI mode. * Finally it finishes the Setup Wizard. */ public void testSwitchToMDI() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //Full Screen Mode ("MDI") setupWizardOperator.compactWindowsMode(); new EventTool().waitNoEvent(1000); boolean sdiRadioButtonIsSelected = setupWizardOperator.rbSeparateWindowsMode().isSelected(); boolean mdiRadioButtonIsSelected = setupWizardOperator.rbCompactWindowsMode().isSelected(); if(sdiRadioButtonIsSelected || !mdiRadioButtonIsSelected) fail("SDI Mode ("+(sdiRadioButtonIsSelected?"selected":"unselected")+") or MDI Mode ("+(mdiRadioButtonIsSelected?"selected":"unselected")+")."); //Finish the setup wizard setupWizardOperator.finish(); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Opens Setup Wizard, finds it and selects the External Browser(Windows) * Finally it finishes the Setup Wizard. */ public void testExternalWebBrowser() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); String extBrowser; if(System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")){ //External Browser (Windows) extBrowser = Bundle.getString("org.netbeans.modules.extbrowser.Bundle", "Services/Browsers/WinWebBrowser.settings"); }else{ //External Browser (Unix) extBrowser = Bundle.getString("org.netbeans.modules.extbrowser.Bundle", "Services/Browsers/UnixWebBrowser.settings"); } setupWizardOperator.selectWebBrowser(extBrowser); new EventTool().waitNoEvent(500); String comboString = (String)setupWizardOperator.cboWebBrowser().getSelectedItem(); if(!comboString.equals(extBrowser)) fail("Browser: [" + extBrowser + "] should be selected, but selected browser is ["+comboString+"]!"); //Finish the setup wizard setupWizardOperator.finish(); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Opens Setup Wizard, finds it and selects the Swing HTML Browser * Finally it finishes the Setup Wizard. */ public void testSwingHTMLBrowser() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //Swing HTML Browser String swingBrowser = Bundle.getString("org.netbeans.core.ui.Bundle", "Services/Browsers/SwingBrowser.ser"); setupWizardOperator.selectWebBrowser(swingBrowser); new EventTool().waitNoEvent(500); String comboString = (String)setupWizardOperator.cboWebBrowser().getSelectedItem(); if(!comboString.equals(swingBrowser)) fail("Browser: [" + swingBrowser + "] should be selected, but selected browser is ["+comboString+"]!"); //Finish the setup wizard setupWizardOperator.finish(); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Opens Setup Wizard, finds it and selects the External Browser(Command Line) * Finally it finishes the Setup Wizard. */ public void testExternalCommandLineWebBrowser() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //External Browser (Command Line) String extCmdLine = Bundle.getString("org.netbeans.modules.extbrowser.Bundle", "Services/Browsers/SimpleExtBrowser.settings"); setupWizardOperator.selectWebBrowser(extCmdLine); new EventTool().waitNoEvent(500); String comboString = (String)setupWizardOperator.cboWebBrowser().getSelectedItem(); if(!comboString.equals(extCmdLine)) fail("Browser: [" + extCmdLine + "] should be selected, but selected browser is ["+comboString+"]!"); //Finish the setup wizard setupWizardOperator.finish(); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Opens Setup Wizard, finds it and presses the Next button. * Then the test checks whether the step of the wizard is correct(2nd step must be set). */ public void testSecondPanelCheck() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //General NetBeans Settings checkStepLabel(Bundle.getString("org.netbeans.core.ui.Bundle", "LBL_IDEPanelName")); //Press Next button setupWizardOperator.next(); new EventTool().waitNoEvent(3000); //Module Installation checkStepLabel(Bundle.getString("org.netbeans.core.ui.Bundle", "LBL_SetupWizardModuleInstallation")); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Test first collapses all nodes in the tree of the second panel. * Then the tree is fully expanded, all nodes are selected to False * Tree is again fully collapsed and all groups of modules are selectsed (set to True) */ public void testDescriptionsCheck() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //Press Next button setupWizardOperator.next(); JTreeOperator treeOperator = new TreeTableOperator((javax.swing.JTable) new JTableOperator(setupWizardOperator).getSource()).tree(); expandWholeTree(treeOperator, true); expandWholeTree(treeOperator, false); setTreeSelected(STR_FALSE); setTreeSelected(STR_TRUE); setupWizardOperator.cancel(); } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Finds out the module group that contains more than 2 modules and sets the 2nd module of the group disabled */ public void testDisableModule() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //Press Next button setupWizardOperator.next(); // collapse tree JTableOperator tableOperator = new JTableOperator(setupWizardOperator); JTreeOperator treeOperator = new TreeTableOperator((javax.swing.JTable) tableOperator.getSource()).tree(); expandWholeTree(treeOperator, false); String[] nodesNames = getNodesNames(tableOperator); for(int i = 1; i < nodesNames.length; i++){ Node n = new Node(treeOperator, nodesNames[i]); if(n.getChildren().length > 2){ n.expand(); setModuleSelected(tableOperator, n.getChildren()[1], STR_FALSE); n.collapse(); break; } n.collapse(); } } catch (Exception exc) { failTest(exc, "Test fails and causes EXCEPTION: "+exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Finds out the module group that contains more than 2 modules and sets the 2nd module of the group enabled. * It tests that the module is selected as well. */ public void testEnableModule() { try { setupWizardOperator = findSetupWizard(); //Press Next button setupWizardOperator.next(); JTableOperator tableOperator = new JTableOperator(setupWizardOperator); // JTreeOperator treeOperator = new TreeTableOperator((javax.swing.JTable) tableOperator.getSource()).tree(); String[] nodesNames = getNodesNames(tableOperator); for(int i = 1; i |
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