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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openide.util; import junit.framework.*; import junit.textui.TestRunner; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.beans.*; import org.netbeans.junit.*; /** Test SharedClassObject singletons: esp. initialization semantics. * @author Jesse Glick */ public class SharedClassObjectTest extends NbTestCase { public SharedClassObjectTest(String name) { super(name); } public static void main(String[] args) { TestRunner.run(new NbTestSuite(SharedClassObjectTest.class)); } /* protected void setUp() throws Exception { } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { } */ public void testSimpleSCO() throws Exception { Class c = makeClazz("SimpleSCO"); assertTrue(c != SimpleSCO.class); assertNull("No instance created yet", SharedClassObject.findObject(c, false)); SharedClassObject o = SharedClassObject.findObject(c, true); assertNotNull(o); assertEquals("org.openide.util.SharedClassObjectTest$SimpleSCO", o.getClass().getName()); assertEquals(c, o.getClass()); assertEquals("has not been initialized", 0, o.getClass().getField("initcount").getInt(o)); assertNull(o.getProperty("foo")); assertEquals("has been initialized", 1, o.getClass().getField("initcount").getInt(o)); assertNull(o.getProperty("bar")); assertEquals("has been initialized just once", 1, o.getClass().getField("initcount").getInt(null)); Class c2 = makeClazz("SimpleSCO"); assertTrue("Call to makeClazz created a fresh class", c != c2); SharedClassObject o2 = SharedClassObject.findObject(c2, true); o2.getProperty("baz"); assertEquals(1, o2.getClass().getField("initcount").getInt(null)); } public void testClearSharedData() throws Exception { Class c = makeClazz("DontClearSharedDataSCO"); SharedClassObject o = SharedClassObject.findObject(c, true); o.putProperty("inited", Boolean.TRUE); assertEquals("DCSD has been initialized", Boolean.TRUE, o.getProperty("inited")); o = null; System.gc(); System.runFinalization(); // XXX should use assertGC here, it is more reliable and helpful... assertNull("findObject(Class,false) gives nothing after running GC + finalization #1", SharedClassObject.findObject(c)); o = SharedClassObject.findObject(c, true); assertEquals("has still been initialized", Boolean.TRUE, o.getProperty("inited")); c = makeClazz("ClearSharedDataSCO"); o = SharedClassObject.findObject(c, true); o.putProperty("inited", Boolean.TRUE); assertEquals("CSD has been initialized", Boolean.TRUE, o.getProperty("inited")); o = null; System.gc(); System.runFinalization(); assertNull("findObject(Class,false) gives nothing after running GC + finalization #2", SharedClassObject.findObject(c)); o = SharedClassObject.findObject(c, true); assertEquals("is no longer initialized", null, o.getProperty("inited")); o.putProperty("inited", Boolean.TRUE); assertEquals("has now been initialized again", Boolean.TRUE, o.getProperty("inited")); } public void testIllegalState() throws Exception { Class c = makeClazz("InitErrorSCO"); SharedClassObject o = SharedClassObject.findObject(c, true); assertNotNull(o); try { o.getProperty("foo"); fail("should not be able to do anything with it"); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // Good. } try { o.getProperty("bar"); fail("should still not be able to do anything with it"); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // Good. } } public void testPropertyChanges() throws Exception { Class c = makeClazz("PropFirerSCO"); Method putprop = c.getMethod("putprop", new Class[] {Object.class, Boolean.TYPE}); Method getprop = c.getMethod("getprop", new Class[] {}); Field count = c.getField("addCount"); SharedClassObject o = SharedClassObject.findObject(c, true); assertNull(getprop.invoke(o, null)); assertEquals(0, count.getInt(o)); class Listener implements PropertyChangeListener { public int count = 0; public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) { if ("key".equals(ev.getPropertyName())) { count++; } } } Listener l = new Listener(); o.addPropertyChangeListener(l); assertEquals(1, count.getInt(o)); Listener l2 = new Listener(); o.addPropertyChangeListener(l2); assertEquals(1, count.getInt(o)); o.removePropertyChangeListener(l2); assertEquals(1, count.getInt(o)); putprop.invoke(o, new Object[] {"something", Boolean.FALSE}); assertEquals(0, l.count); assertEquals("something", getprop.invoke(o, null)); putprop.invoke(o, new Object[] {"somethingelse", Boolean.TRUE}); assertEquals(1, l.count); assertEquals("somethingelse", getprop.invoke(o, null)); // Check that setting the same val does not fire an additional change (cf. #37769): putprop.invoke(o, new Object[] {"somethingelse", Boolean.TRUE}); assertEquals(1, l.count); assertEquals("somethingelse", getprop.invoke(o, null)); // Check equals() as well as ==: putprop.invoke(o, new Object[] {new String("somethingelse"), Boolean.TRUE}); assertEquals(1, l.count); assertEquals("somethingelse", getprop.invoke(o, null)); o.removePropertyChangeListener(l); assertEquals(0, count.getInt(o)); o.addPropertyChangeListener(l); assertEquals(1, count.getInt(o)); o.removePropertyChangeListener(l); assertEquals(0, count.getInt(o)); } public void testRecursiveInit() throws Exception { Class c = makeClazz("RecursiveInitSCO"); SharedClassObject o = SharedClassObject.findObject(c, true); assertEquals(0, c.getField("count").getInt(null)); o.getProperty("foo"); assertEquals(1, c.getField("count").getInt(null)); assertEquals(o, c.getField("INSTANCE").get(null)); } public void testAbilityToReadResolveToAnyObject () throws Exception { SharedClassObject o = SharedClassObject.findObject (SharedClassObjectWithReadResolve.class, true); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream (); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream (os); oos.writeObject (o); oos.close (); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream (new ByteArrayInputStream (os.toByteArray())); Object result = ois.readObject (); ois.close (); assertEquals ("Result should be the string", String.class, result.getClass()); } /** Create a fresh Class object from one of this test's inner classes. * Produces a new classloader so the class is always fresh. */ private Class makeClazz(String name) throws Exception { return Class.forName("org.openide.util.SharedClassObjectTest$" + name, false, new MaskingURLClassLoader()); } private static final class MaskingURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { public MaskingURLClassLoader() { super(new URL[] {SharedClassObjectTest.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation()}, SharedClassObject.class.getClassLoader()); } protected Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (name.startsWith("org.openide.util.SharedClassObjectTest")) { // Do not proxy to parent! Class c = findLoadedClass(name); if (c != null) return c; c = findClass(name); if (resolve) resolveClass(c); return c; } else { return super.loadClass(name, resolve); } } } public static class SimpleSCO extends SharedClassObject { public static int initcount = 0; private static String firstinit = null; protected void initialize() { super.initialize(); initcount++; if (initcount > 1) { System.err.println("Multiple initializations of SimpleSCO: see http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=14700"); System.err.print(firstinit); new Throwable("Init #" + initcount + " here").printStackTrace(); } else { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); new Throwable("Init #1 here").printStackTrace(new PrintStream(baos)); firstinit = baos.toString(); // don't print anything unless there is a problem later } } // Protect against random workings of GC: protected boolean clearSharedData() { return false; } } public static class ClearSharedDataSCO extends SharedClassObject { protected boolean clearSharedData() { return true; } } public static class DontClearSharedDataSCO extends SharedClassObject { protected boolean clearSharedData() { return false; } } // SCO.DataEntry.tryToInitialize in absence of EM will try to print // stack trace of unexpected exceptions, so just suppress it private static final class QuietException extends NullPointerException { public void printStackTrace() { // do nothing } } public static class InitErrorSCO extends SharedClassObject { protected void initialize() { throw new QuietException(); } } public static class PropFirerSCO extends SharedClassObject { public int addCount = 0; protected void addNotify() { super.addNotify(); addCount++; } protected void removeNotify() { addCount--; super.removeNotify(); } public void putprop(Object val, boolean notify) { putProperty("key", val, notify); } public Object getprop() { return getProperty("key"); } } public static class RecursiveInitSCO extends SharedClassObject { public static final RecursiveInitSCO INSTANCE = (RecursiveInitSCO)SharedClassObject.findObject(RecursiveInitSCO.class, true); public static int count = 0; protected void initialize() { super.initialize(); count++; } } public static final class SharedClassObjectWithReadResolve extends SharedClassObject { public Object readResolve () throws java.io.ObjectStreamException { return "Ahoj"; } } } |
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