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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.*; //****************************************************************************** // BEGIN_NOI18N // This class does not (and will not) cantain strings that need to be localized. //****************************************************************************** /** * * This class implements the Document Definition handler in order to build * the internal tree representation of the DD DTD. * */ public class TreeBuilder implements DocDefHandler, TreeParser { // root element of the DTD graph GraphNode rootNode; String docRoot; GenBeans.Config config; // Current parsing pointers private Stack curParentGroupStack = new Stack(); private GraphLink curParentGroup; // Global value of the type currently parsed (ELEMENT, ATTLIST, COMMENT) private Stack curElementTypeStack = new Stack(); private int curElementType; // Current parsed attribute ( private String defaultNamespace = null; TreeBuilder(GenBeans.Config config) { this.nameHash = new HashMap(); this.curAttr = null; this.config = config; } /** * Called once, when the DTD is started to be parsed. * Create the GraphNode root element. * * @param root root elemement name of the document (as the DOCTYPE * specifies in the XML document) */ public void startDocument(String root) { if (DDLogFlags.debug) { TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD, DDLogFlags.DBG_DTD, 1, DDLogFlags.STARTDOC, root); config.messageOut.println("Building the schema object graph."); } this.docRoot = root; } /** * Called when the DTD parsing is over. * * At this time, the DTD object graph is entirely built. The method * checks the consitency of the built graph, and cleans things up a bit. * */ public void endDocument() { if (DDLogFlags.debug) { TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD, DDLogFlags.DBG_DTD, 1, DDLogFlags.ENDDOC); config.messageOut.println("schema Object graph built."); } // Remove the starter groupings for (Iterator it = nameHash.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { GraphNode node = (GraphNode)it.next(); GraphLink l = node.getGraphLink(); if (l == null || l.name != null || l.getSibling() != null || l.isSequenceOr() || l.getGroupInstance() != Common.TYPE_1) continue; GraphLink firstChild = l.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild != null && firstChild.getSibling() != null) continue; if (DDLogFlags.debug) config.messageOut.println("Removing starter group: "+l); node.setGraphLink(firstChild); } // // We're done building the tree graph // It's time now to generate the beans // try { findRootNode(); } catch (Schema2BeansException e) { throw new Schema2BeansRuntimeException(e); } if (DDLogFlags.debug) { config.messageOut.println(this.dump()); } } /** * Either create the GraphNode for the element named name, or * get it from the hash table. This method can be called either * by the startElement() method (an element definition has been * found in the DTD) or by the element() method (an element is * referenced by another one). * * @param name name of the element as the DTD parser reads it * @param original true if the element definition has been * read, false if we are just asking to reference the element. * This parameter allows to check than an element is not * defined twice and is at least defined once. * @return the unique GraphNode object of the named element */ private static final int CREATE = 1; private static final int GET = 2; private static final int REFERENCE = 3; private GraphNode getGraphNode(String name, int mode) throws Schema2BeansException { String uniqueName = name; // Find out if we already know about it GraphNode node = (GraphNode)this.nameHash.get(uniqueName); if (node != null) { // We know about it if (node.isCreated() && (mode == CREATE)) { throw new Schema2BeansException(Common.getMessage("DuplicateElement_msg", uniqueName)); } } else { // // First time we hear about this element. Create the GraphNode // Object and its GraphLink link. The purpose of this GraphLink // object is to hold the siblings/children links for this node. // This GraphLink does _not_ reference the element. // (graphLink.element = null). // node = new GraphNode(name, uniqueName); node.setGraphLink(new GraphLink(null)); this.nameHash.put(uniqueName, node); //System.out.println("Created new GraphNode: "+node); } // // Called to get the original: mark it. If we are later called again // to get the original that means we have two element definition in // the DTD and we can throw an exception (see above). // Called to get a reference: increment the node usage. The root // of the node is never referenced and will keep a refCount=0. // if (mode == CREATE) node.setCreated(true); else if (mode == REFERENCE) node.incrRefCount(); return node; } /** * Called each time a DTD . The first element name doesn't * generate a call to this method (@see startElement). * * This is where the subtree of the element definition is built. * The element to add might be a child or sibling to the previous * element. If the element is preceded by a '(', this is child * (@see startGroupElements), otherwise the element is a sibling. * * @param name the name of the element defined within the * declaration. * @param instance has one of the three values: TYPE_0_1, * TYPE_1, TYPE_0_N, TYPE_1_N * */ public void element(String uniqueName, String typeName, String attrName, String attrNamespace, int instance, boolean externalType, String defaultValue) { if (DDLogFlags.debug) { TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD, DDLogFlags.DBG_DTD, 1, DDLogFlags.ELEMENT, attrName + " : " + typeName + instanceToString(instance, false)); } try { if (curElementType == Common.NONE && !externalType) { if (DDLogFlags.debug) System.out.println("Top element def for "+attrName); GraphNode attrNode = getGraphNode(attrName, CREATE); GraphNode node = getGraphNode(typeName, REFERENCE); attrNode.setAlias(node); } else if (curElementType == Common.ELEMENT) { // Get the element reference GraphNode node = getGraphNode(typeName, REFERENCE); GraphLink link = new GraphLink(attrName, attrNamespace); link.setDefaultValue(defaultValue); //System.out.println("curParentGroup="+curParentGroup+" curParentGroup.sibling="+curParentGroup.getSibling()); curParentGroup.addChild(link); link.element = node; link.setElementInstance(instance); if (externalType) node.setJavaType(typeName); //System.out.println("Created new GraphLink: "+link+" link.parent="+link.parent+" link.sibling="+link.sibling); } else if (curElementType == Common.ATTLIST) { // If the current attribute is completly built, signal the // Parser by throwing the exception. if (this.curAttr.isComplete()) throw new DocDefParser.MissingEndOfEltException(curAttr.getPropertyName()); if (defaultValue != null) this.curAttr.setDefaultValue(defaultValue); this.curAttr.addValue(attrName, attrNamespace); if (externalType) curAttr.setJavaType(typeName); } } catch (Schema2BeansException e) { throw new Schema2BeansRuntimeException(e); } } public void element(String typeName, int instance) { element(typeName, typeName, typeName, null, instance, false, null); } public void addExtraDataNode(String typeName, Object data) throws Schema2BeansException { //System.out.println("** addExtraDataNode: typeName="+typeName+" data="+data); GraphNode node = getGraphNode(typeName, GET); node.addExtraData(data); } public void addExtraDataCurLink(Object data) { //System.out.println("** addExtraDataCurLink: data="+data+" curParentGroup.name="+((curParentGroup == null) ? "curParentGroup null" : curParentGroup.name)); if (curElementType == Common.ATTLIST) { //System.out.println("curElementType == Common.ATTLIST, curAttr="+curAttr); if (curAttr != null) curAttr.addExtraData(data); } else { //System.out.println("lastChild="+curParentGroup.getLastChild()); if (curParentGroup != null && curParentGroup.getLastChild() != null) { curParentGroup.getLastChild().extraData.add(data); } } } public void nillable(boolean value) { //System.out.println("nillable="+value); if (curParentGroup != null && curParentGroup.getLastChild() != null) curParentGroup.getLastChild().setNillable(value); /* else System.err.println("no parent group for nillable"); */ } /** * set an extended property on a GraphNode */ public void setExtendedProperty(String typeName, String propertyName, Object value) throws Schema2BeansException { GraphNode node = getGraphNode(typeName, GET); node.setExtendedProperty(propertyName, value); } /** * Called to request that the graph node named name be of a certain * Java class. If the current element type is an attribute, then * we set the javaType of that attribute instead. * @param javaType is the name of a Java class (eg, "java.lang.Integer", or "int"). */ public void javaType(String uniqueName, String name, String javaType) { //System.out.println("Setting javaType of "+name+" to "+javaType); if (this.curElementType == Common.ATTLIST) { curAttr.setJavaType(javaType); } else { // Get the element reference GraphNode node; try { node = getGraphNode(name, GET); } catch (Schema2BeansException e) { throw new Schema2BeansRuntimeException(e); } node.setJavaType(javaType); node.setCreated(false); } } /** * Called when a parenthese is found, meaning that the following * elements (element() calls) should be considered as semantically * grouped. * * Creates a child GraphLink from the current link to group * all the further elements of this group. If any propriety * is defined for this group (as *, ? or + or |) this will be set later * on the current link (as the parent of any of the elements graph link * objects). */ public void startGroupElements() { if (DDLogFlags.debug) { TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD, DDLogFlags.DBG_DTD, 5, DDLogFlags.STARTGRP); } // A new parenthese in the parsing makes a new GraphLink. if (this.curElementType == Common.ELEMENT) { GraphLink link = new GraphLink(null); curParentGroup.addChild(link); curParentGroup = link; //System.out.println("curParentGroup="+curParentGroup); } else { if (this.curElementType == Common.ATTLIST) this.curAttr.setEnum(true); } } /** * We are done creating the elements of a same group, * set the current link to the parent of the group. * This will allow either to start creating siblings (if element() * is called) or go the next parent level (if this same method * is called again). */ public void endGroupElements(int instance) { if (DDLogFlags.debug) { TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD, DDLogFlags.DBG_DTD, 5, DDLogFlags.ENDGRP, instanceToString(instance, false)); } if (curElementType == Common.ELEMENT) { curParentGroup.setGroupInstance(instance); //System.out.println("curParentGroup="+curParentGroup+" instance="+instance); curParentGroup = curParentGroup.getParent(); } else if (this.curElementType == Common.ATTLIST) this.curAttr.setEnum(false); } public void setDefaultNamespace(String ns) { defaultNamespace = ns; } public String getDefaultNamespace() { return defaultNamespace; } private void findRootNode() throws Schema2BeansException { // // Find out who's the root of the graph // The root of the graph is the graph node that has not been // referenced. We might find zero, one or several nodes that // could be the root: // 0: throw an exception // 1: use the node as the root (check with doc root if specified) // 1-n: use the doc root value if specified or ask // for the node to use. // Iterator it = this.nameHash.values().iterator(); GraphNode node; int count = 0; List list = new ArrayList(); while (it.hasNext()) { node = (GraphNode)it.next(); if (DDLogFlags.debug) { System.out.println("refCount="+node.getRefCount()+" created="+node.isCreated()+" javaType="+node.getJavaType()+" node="+node); } if (node.isCreated() && node.getRefCount() == 0) { count++; list.add(node); } } if (count > 1) { // Attempt to find 1 that is most qualified int highestPoints = 0; GraphNode highestNode = null; int tieCount = 0; for (Iterator highit = list.iterator(); highit.hasNext(); ) { int points = 0; node = (GraphNode) highit.next(); if (node.getAlias() != null) { ++points; if (node.getAlias().getRefCount() == 1) ++points; } // See if the default namespace is the same as this node's. if (defaultNamespace == null ? node.getNamespace() == null : defaultNamespace.equals(node.getNamespace())) ++points; GraphLink link = node.getGraphLink(); //System.out.println("link="+link+" link.name="+link.name); if (link != null && !"#PCDATA".equals(link.name)) { ++points; GraphLink firstChild = link.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild != null) { ++points; if (firstChild.getSibling() != null) ++points; if (firstChild.getFirstChild() != null) ++points; } GraphLink sibling = link.getSibling(); if (sibling != null) { ++points; if (sibling.getSibling() != null) ++points; if (sibling.getFirstChild() != null) ++points; } } //System.out.println("points="+points+" node="+node); if (points > highestPoints) { highestPoints = points; highestNode = node; tieCount = 0; } else if (points == highestPoints) { ++tieCount; } } if (tieCount == 0 && highestNode != null) { count = 1; list.clear(); list.add(highestNode); } } if (count == 1) { this.rootNode = (GraphNode)list.get(0); // Only one element not referenced in the graph if (this.docRoot != null) { if (!this.docRoot.equals(this.rootNode.getName())) { String str = "Mismatch between doc root name specified (" + this.docRoot + ") and the root name found in the DTD graph (" + this.rootNode.getName() +")"; throw new IllegalStateException(str); } } } else if (count == 0) { this.rootNode = null; if (docRoot != null) { it = this.nameHash.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { node = (GraphNode)it.next(); if (docRoot.equals(node.getName())) { rootNode = node; break; } } } if (rootNode == null) throw new IllegalStateException(Common.getMessage("NoRootElementCandidate")); } else { // List the elements and pick the root (if specified) or ask config.messageOut.println("The following elements could be the root " + "of the document:"); for (int i=0; i |
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