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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package complete.common; import org.netbeans.jellytools.*; import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.Node; import org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.*; import org.netbeans.jellytools.modules.vcsgeneric.wizard.*; import org.netbeans.jellytools.properties.*; /** XTest / JUnit test class performing check of Variable editor. * @author Jiri Kovalsky * @version 1.0 */ public class Variables extends JellyTestCase { public static String MOUNT_MENU = "Versioning|Mount Version Control|Generic VCS"; /** Constructor required by JUnit. * @param testName Method name to be used as testcase. */ public Variables(String testName) { super(testName); } /** Method used for explicit test suite definition. * @return Variables test suite. */ public static junit.framework.Test suite() { junit.framework.TestSuite suite = new org.netbeans.junit.NbTestSuite(); suite.addTest(new Variables("testVariableEditor")); suite.addTest(new Variables("testAccessoryVariable")); suite.addTest(new Variables("testBasicVariable")); suite.addTest(new Variables("testCustomizeBasicVariable")); return suite; } /** Use for internal test execution inside IDE. * @param args Command line arguments. */ public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) { junit.textui.TestRunner.run(suite()); } /** Method called before each testcase to redirect system output. */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties.setCurrentOutput(org.netbeans.jemmy.TestOut.getNullOutput()); } /** Checks that variable editor can be invoked and contains all of its components. * @throws Exception any unexpected exception thrown during test. */ public void testVariableEditor() throws Exception { try { System.out.print(".. Testing variable editor .."); new ActionNoBlock(MOUNT_MENU, null).perform(); VCSWizardProfile wizardProfile = new VCSWizardProfile(); // wizardProfile.checkOnlyCompatibleProfiles(false); wizardProfile.setProfile(VCSWizardProfile.EMPTY_UNIX); wizardProfile.next(); VCSWizardAdvanced wizardAdvanced = new VCSWizardAdvanced(); wizardAdvanced.editVariables(); VariableEditor variableEditor = new VariableEditor(); variableEditor.verify(); Node node = new Node(variableEditor.treeVariables(), "Basic"); node.select(); node = new Node(variableEditor.treeVariables(), "Accessory"); node.select(); variableEditor.cancel(); wizardAdvanced.cancel(); System.out.println(". done !"); } catch (Exception e) { long oldTimeout = org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties.getCurrentTimeout("DialogWaiter.WaitDialogTimeout"); org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties.setCurrentTimeout("DialogWaiter.WaitDialogTimeout", 2000); try { new VariableEditor().cancel(); } catch (org.netbeans.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException te) {} try { new VCSWizardProfile().cancel(); } catch (org.netbeans.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException te) {} org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties.setCurrentTimeout("DialogWaiter.WaitDialogTimeout", oldTimeout); throw e; } } /** Checks that accessory variable has its properties, can be created and deleted. * @throws Exception any unexpected exception thrown during test. */ public void testAccessoryVariable() throws Exception { try { System.out.print(".. Testing accessory variable .."); new ActionNoBlock(MOUNT_MENU, null).perform(); VCSWizardProfile wizardProfile = new VCSWizardProfile(); // wizardProfile.checkOnlyCompatibleProfiles(false); wizardProfile.setProfile(VCSWizardProfile.EMPTY_UNIX); wizardProfile.next(); VCSWizardAdvanced wizardAdvanced = new VCSWizardAdvanced(); wizardAdvanced.editVariables(); VariableEditor variableEditor = new VariableEditor(); Node accessoryNode = new Node(variableEditor.treeVariables(), "Accessory"); Node node = new Node(accessoryNode, "NAME2"); node.select(); Thread.sleep(1000); new DeleteAction().perform(node); NbDialogOperator question = new NbDialogOperator("Confirm Object Deletion"); new org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JLabelOperator(question, "Are you sure you want to delete NAME2?"); question.yes(); if (node.isPresent()) throw new Exception("Error: Can't delete accessory variable."); variableEditor.createVariable("Basic", "TOWN"); variableEditor.createVariable("Accessory", "INPUT_DESCRIPTOR"); node = new Node(accessoryNode, "INPUT_DESCRIPTOR"); node.select(); PropertySheetOperator sheet = new PropertySheetOperator(variableEditor); Property property = new Property(sheet, "Name"); property.setValue("CONFIG_INPUT_DESCRIPTOR"); node = new Node(accessoryNode, "CONFIG_INPUT_DESCRIPTOR"); node.select(); property = new Property(sheet, "Value"); property.setValue("ASK_FOR(NAME, \"Married ?\")"); Node basicNode = new Node(variableEditor.treeVariables(), "Basic"); if (basicNode.getChildren().length != 0) throw new Exception("Error: CONFIG_INPUT_DESCRIPTOR doesn't collapse basic variables."); variableEditor.ok(); wizardAdvanced.back(); new org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JCheckBoxOperator(wizardProfile, "Married ?"); wizardProfile.cancel(); System.out.println(". done !"); } catch (Exception e) { long oldTimeout = org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties.getCurrentTimeout("DialogWaiter.WaitDialogTimeout"); org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties.setCurrentTimeout("DialogWaiter.WaitDialogTimeout", 2000); try { new VariableEditor().cancel(); } catch (org.netbeans.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException te) {} try { new VCSWizardProfile().cancel(); } catch (org.netbeans.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException te) {} org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties.setCurrentTimeout("DialogWaiter.WaitDialogTimeout", oldTimeout); throw e; } } /** Checks that basic variable can be created and deleted. * @throws Exception any unexpected exception thrown during test. */ public void testBasicVariable() throws Exception { try { System.out.print(".. Testing basic variable .."); new ActionNoBlock(MOUNT_MENU, null).perform(); VCSWizardProfile wizardProfile = new VCSWizardProfile(); // wizardProfile.checkOnlyCompatibleProfiles(false); wizardProfile.setProfile(VCSWizardProfile.EMPTY_UNIX); wizardProfile.next(); VCSWizardAdvanced wizardAdvanced = new VCSWizardAdvanced(); wizardAdvanced.editVariables(); VariableEditor variableEditor = new VariableEditor(); variableEditor.createVariable("Basic", "TOWN"); Node basicNode = new Node(variableEditor.treeVariables(), "Basic"); Node node = new Node(basicNode, "TOWN"); node.select(); String[] properties = new String[] {"Name", "Label", "Label Mnemonic", "Accessibility Name", "Accessibility Description", "Order", "Value", "Variable Selector", "Variable Is a Local File", "Variable Is a Local Folder"}; int count = properties.length; PropertySheetOperator sheet = new PropertySheetOperator(variableEditor); for (int i=0; i |
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