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can_not_generate_wsdl, localizable, localizablemessagefactory, localizer, no_content_type, no_current_packet, object, runtime_parser_invalid_attribute_value, runtime_parser_unexpected_content, runtime_parser_wsdl_multiplebinding, runtime_parser_wsdl_not_found, string, unsupported_content_type, wsdl_required

The Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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import com.sun.istack.internal.localization.Localizable;
import com.sun.istack.internal.localization.LocalizableMessageFactory;
import com.sun.istack.internal.localization.Localizer;

 * Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
public final class ServerMessages {

    private final static LocalizableMessageFactory messageFactory = new LocalizableMessageFactory("");
    private final static Localizer localizer = new Localizer();

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_INCORRECTSERVICE(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.wsdl.incorrectservice", arg0, arg1);

     * could not get binding from WSDL! service: {0} not found in the WSDL {1}.
     * It could be because service name does not match WSDL''s wsdl:service name:
     *  1. service name is not there in deployment descriptor OR
     *  2. Either there is a typo in deployment descriptor''s service name OR
     *  3. The computed names from @WebService do not match wsdl:service name
     * OR
     *  1. There is an error while parsing the wsdl and Service with name {0} is not found in the WSDLModel.
     * Suggest doing the following:
     *  1. Add/Correct entries for service name in deployment descriptor OR
     *  2. Specify targetNamespace, serviceName in @WebService on the endpoint class
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_INCORRECTSERVICE(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_INCORRECTSERVICE(arg0, arg1));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_NO_LINE() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("");

     * missing attribute "{2}" in element "{1}" of runtime descriptor
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_NO_LINE());

    public static Localizable localizableSTATEFUL_COOKIE_HEADER_INCORRECT(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("stateful.cookie.header.incorrect", arg0, arg1);

     * Invalid/expired {0} header value: {1}
    public static String STATEFUL_COOKIE_HEADER_INCORRECT(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableSTATEFUL_COOKIE_HEADER_INCORRECT(arg0, arg1));

    public static Localizable localizableNOT_IMPLEMENT_PROVIDER(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("not.implement.provider", arg0);

     * "{0}" doesn't implement Provider
    public static String NOT_IMPLEMENT_PROVIDER(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableNOT_IMPLEMENT_PROVIDER(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableSTATEFUL_REQURES_ADDRESSING(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("stateful.requres.addressing", arg0);

     * Stateful web service {0} requires the WS-Addressing support to be enabled. Perhaps you are missing @Addressing
    public static String STATEFUL_REQURES_ADDRESSING(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableSTATEFUL_REQURES_ADDRESSING(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableSOAPDECODER_ERR() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("soapdecoder.err");

     * Error in decoding SOAP Message
    public static String SOAPDECODER_ERR() {
        return localizer.localize(localizableSOAPDECODER_ERR());

    public static Localizable localizableGENERATE_NON_STANDARD_WSDL() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("generate.non.standard.wsdl");

     * Generating non-standard WSDL for the specified binding
    public static String GENERATE_NON_STANDARD_WSDL() {
        return localizer.localize(localizableGENERATE_NON_STANDARD_WSDL());

    public static Localizable localizableDISPATCH_CANNOT_FIND_METHOD(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("dispatch.cannotFindMethod", arg0);

     * Cannot find dispatch method for {0}
    public static String DISPATCH_CANNOT_FIND_METHOD(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableDISPATCH_CANNOT_FIND_METHOD(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableNO_CONTENT_TYPE() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("no.contentType");

     * Request doesn't have a Content-Type
    public static String NO_CONTENT_TYPE() {
        return localizer.localize(localizableNO_CONTENT_TYPE());

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.invalidVersionNumber");

     * unsupported runtime descriptor version: {2}
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER());

    public static Localizable localizablePROVIDER_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("provider.invalid.parameterType", arg0, arg1);

     * "{0}" implements Provider but its type parameter {1} is incorrect
    public static String PROVIDER_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizablePROVIDER_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE(arg0, arg1));

    public static Localizable localizableWRONG_NO_PARAMETERS(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("", arg0);

     * Incorrect no of arguments for method "{0}"
    public static String WRONG_NO_PARAMETERS(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableWRONG_NO_PARAMETERS(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableANNOTATION_ONLY_ONCE(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("annotation.only.once", arg0);

     * Only one method should have the annotation "{0}"
    public static String ANNOTATION_ONLY_ONCE(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableANNOTATION_ONLY_ONCE(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableALREADY_HTTPS_SERVER(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("already.https.server", arg0);

     * There is already a HTTPS server at : {0}
    public static String ALREADY_HTTPS_SERVER(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableALREADY_HTTPS_SERVER(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_XML_READER(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.xmlReader", arg0);

     * error parsing runtime descriptor: {0}
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_XML_READER(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_XML_READER(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_INCORRECTSERVICEPORT(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.wsdl.incorrectserviceport", arg0, arg1, arg2);

     * could not get binding from WSDL! service: {0} or port {1} not found in the WSDL {2}.
     * It could be because service and port names do not match WSDL''s wsdl:service and wsdl:port names:
     *  1. service and port names are not there in deployment descriptor OR
     *  2. Either there is a typo in deployment descriptor''s service and port names OR
     *  3. The computed names from @WebService do not match wsdl:service and wsdl:port names
     * Suggest doing the following:
     *  1. Add/Correct entries for service and port names in deployment descriptor OR
     *  2. Specify targetNamespace, serviceName, portName in @WebService on the endpoint class
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_INCORRECTSERVICEPORT(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_INCORRECTSERVICEPORT(arg0, arg1, arg2));

    public static Localizable localizableSERVER_RT_ERR(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("server.rt.err", arg0);

     * Server Runtime Error: {0}
    public static String SERVER_RT_ERR(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableSERVER_RT_ERR(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.invalidAttributeValue", arg0, arg1, arg2);

     * invalid value for attribute "{2}" of element "{1}" in runtime descriptor (line {0})
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(arg0, arg1, arg2));

    public static Localizable localizableNO_CURRENT_PACKET() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("no.current.packet");

     * This thread is not currently processing any web service request.
    public static String NO_CURRENT_PACKET() {
        return localizer.localize(localizableNO_CURRENT_PACKET());

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_UNEXPECTED_CONTENT(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.unexpectedContent", arg0);

     * unexpected content in runtime descriptor (line {0})
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_UNEXPECTED_CONTENT(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_UNEXPECTED_CONTENT(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableSTATEFUL_COOKIE_HEADER_REQUIRED(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("stateful.cookie.header.required", arg0);

     * This is a stateful web service and {0} header is required.
    public static String STATEFUL_COOKIE_HEADER_REQUIRED(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableSTATEFUL_COOKIE_HEADER_REQUIRED(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableNULL_IMPLEMENTOR() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("null.implementor");

     * Implementor cannot be null
    public static String NULL_IMPLEMENTOR() {
        return localizer.localize(localizableNULL_IMPLEMENTOR());

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.wsdl", arg0);

     * exception during WSDL parsing: {0}
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableSOAPENCODER_ERR() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("soapencoder.err");

     * Error in encoding SOAP Message
    public static String SOAPENCODER_ERR() {
        return localizer.localize(localizableSOAPENCODER_ERR());

    public static Localizable localizableWSDL_REQUIRED() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("wsdl.required");

     * wsdl is required
    public static String WSDL_REQUIRED() {
        return localizer.localize(localizableWSDL_REQUIRED());

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_NOSERVICE_IN_WSDLMODEL(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("", arg0);

     * There is an error in processing the WSDL {0} and no valid services are found.
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_NOSERVICE_IN_WSDLMODEL(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_NOSERVICE_IN_WSDLMODEL(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizablePORT_NAME_REQUIRED() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("");

     * Port QName is not found
    public static String PORT_NAME_REQUIRED() {
        return localizer.localize(localizablePORT_NAME_REQUIRED());

    public static Localizable localizableWRONG_TNS_FOR_PORT(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("wrong.tns.for.port", arg0);

     * Port namespace {0} doesn't match Service namespace {1}
    public static String WRONG_TNS_FOR_PORT(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableWRONG_TNS_FOR_PORT(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_MULTIPLEBINDING(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.wsdl.multiplebinding", arg0, arg1, arg2);

     * multiple bindings found for binding ID {0} for service {1} in WSDL {2}
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_MULTIPLEBINDING(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_MULTIPLEBINDING(arg0, arg1, arg2));

    public static Localizable localizableNOT_KNOW_HTTP_CONTEXT_TYPE(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("not.know.HttpContext.type", arg0, arg1, arg2);

     * Doesn''t support Endpoint.publish({0}). Known context types are {1}, and {2}
    public static String NOT_KNOW_HTTP_CONTEXT_TYPE(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableNOT_KNOW_HTTP_CONTEXT_TYPE(arg0, arg1, arg2));

    public static Localizable localizableNON_UNIQUE_DISPATCH_QNAME(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("non.unique.dispatch.qname", arg0, arg1);

     * Non unique body parts! In a port, as per BP 1.1 R2710 operations must have unique operation signature on the wire for successful dispatch. Methods {0} have the same request body block {1}. Method dispatching may fail, runtime will try to dispatch using SOAPAction. Another option is to enable AddressingFeature to enabled runtime to uniquely identify WSDL operation using wsa:Action header.
    public static String NON_UNIQUE_DISPATCH_QNAME(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableNON_UNIQUE_DISPATCH_QNAME(arg0, arg1));

    public static Localizable localizableALREADY_HTTP_SERVER(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("already.http.server", arg0);

     * There is already a HTTP server at : {0}# {0} - probably URL/port of a server
    public static String ALREADY_HTTP_SERVER(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableALREADY_HTTP_SERVER(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableCAN_NOT_GENERATE_WSDL(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("can.not.generate.wsdl", arg0);

     * Cannot generate WSDL for binding "{0}"
    public static String CAN_NOT_GENERATE_WSDL(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableCAN_NOT_GENERATE_WSDL(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.invalid.attribute.value", arg0, arg1);

     * invalid attribute value "{1}" in runtime descriptor (line {0})
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(arg0, arg1));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WRONG_ELEMENT(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.wrong.element", arg0, arg1, arg2);

     * found element "{1}", expected "{2}" in runtime descriptor (line {0})
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_WRONG_ELEMENT(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WRONG_ELEMENT(arg0, arg1, arg2));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIMEMODELER_INVALIDANNOTATION_ON_IMPL(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtimemodeler.invalidannotationOnImpl", arg0, arg1, arg2);

     * Invalid annotation: {0} on endpoint implementation class "{1}" - will be ignored. "{1}" is annotated with @WebService(endpointInterface="{2}"}, it must not be annotated with {0}, to fix it - put this annotation on the SEI {2}.
    public static String RUNTIMEMODELER_INVALIDANNOTATION_ON_IMPL(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIMEMODELER_INVALIDANNOTATION_ON_IMPL(arg0, arg1, arg2));

    public static Localizable localizableSERVICE_NAME_REQUIRED() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("");

     * Service QName is not found
    public static String SERVICE_NAME_REQUIRED() {
        return localizer.localize(localizableSERVICE_NAME_REQUIRED());

    public static Localizable localizablePROVIDER_NOT_PARAMETERIZED(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("provider.not.parameterized", arg0);

     * "{0}" implements Provider but doesn't specify the type parameter
    public static String PROVIDER_NOT_PARAMETERIZED(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizablePROVIDER_NOT_PARAMETERIZED(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_WSDL_PATCHER() {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.wsdl.patcher");

     * error while patching WSDL related document
    public static String RUNTIME_WSDL_PATCHER() {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_WSDL_PATCHER());

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_SAXPARSER_EXCEPTION(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.saxparser.exception", arg0, arg1);

     * {0}
     * {1}
    public static String RUNTIME_SAXPARSER_EXCEPTION(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_SAXPARSER_EXCEPTION(arg0, arg1));

    public static Localizable localizableWRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("wrong.parameter.type", arg0);

     * Incorrect argument types for method "{0}"
    public static String WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableWRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.wsdl.not.found", arg0);

     * {0} is not found in the WAR file. Package it in the WAR file or correct it in sun-jaxws.xml.
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_WSDL_NOT_FOUND(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_CLASS_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.classNotFound", arg0);

     * class not found in runtime descriptor: {0}
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_CLASS_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_CLASS_NOT_FOUND(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableUNSUPPORTED_CHARSET(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("unsupported.charset", arg0);

     * Unsupported charset "{0}" in the received message''s Content-Type
    public static String UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableUNSUPPORTED_CHARSET(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableSTATIC_RESOURCE_INJECTION_ONLY(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("static.resource.injection.only", arg0, arg1);

     * Static resource {0} cannot be injected to non-static "{1}"
    public static String STATIC_RESOURCE_INJECTION_ONLY(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableSTATIC_RESOURCE_INJECTION_ONLY(arg0, arg1));

    public static Localizable localizableNOT_ZERO_PARAMETERS(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("", arg0);

     * Method "{0}" shouldn''t have any arguments
    public static String NOT_ZERO_PARAMETERS(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableNOT_ZERO_PARAMETERS(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableDUPLICATE_PRIMARY_WSDL(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("duplicate.primary.wsdl", arg0);

     * Metadata has more than one WSDL that has Service definition for the endpoint. WSDL={0} is one such WSDL.
    public static String DUPLICATE_PRIMARY_WSDL(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableDUPLICATE_PRIMARY_WSDL(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableDUPLICATE_ABSTRACT_WSDL(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("duplicate.abstract.wsdl", arg0);

     * Metadata has more than one WSDL that has PortType definition for the endpoint. WSDL={0} is one such WSDL.
    public static String DUPLICATE_ABSTRACT_WSDL(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableDUPLICATE_ABSTRACT_WSDL(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableSTATEFUL_INVALID_WEBSERVICE_CONTEXT(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("stateful.invalid.webservice.context", arg0);

     * Not a WebServiceContext from JAX-WS RI: {0}
    public static String STATEFUL_INVALID_WEBSERVICE_CONTEXT(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableSTATEFUL_INVALID_WEBSERVICE_CONTEXT(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_ELEMENT(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.invalidElement", arg0, arg1);

     * invalid element "{1}" in runtime descriptor (line {0})
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_ELEMENT(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_INVALID_ELEMENT(arg0, arg1));

    public static Localizable localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("runtime.parser.missing.attribute", arg0, arg1, arg2);

     * missing attribute "{2}" in element "{1}" of runtime descriptor (line {0})
    public static String RUNTIME_PARSER_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableRUNTIME_PARSER_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE(arg0, arg1, arg2));

    public static Localizable localizableWRONG_FIELD_TYPE(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("wrong.field.type", arg0);

     * Incorrect type for field "{0}"
    public static String WRONG_FIELD_TYPE(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableWRONG_FIELD_TYPE(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableDUPLICATE_PORT_KNOWN_HEADER(Object arg0) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("duplicate.portKnownHeader", arg0);

     * Received SOAP message contains duplicate header: {0} for a bound parameter
    public static String DUPLICATE_PORT_KNOWN_HEADER(Object arg0) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableDUPLICATE_PORT_KNOWN_HEADER(arg0));

    public static Localizable localizableUNSUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPE(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("unsupported.contentType", arg0, arg1);

     * Unsupported Content-Type: {0} Supported ones are: {1}
    public static String UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPE(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableUNSUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPE(arg0, arg1));

    public static Localizable localizableFAILED_TO_INSTANTIATE_INSTANCE_RESOLVER(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("", arg0, arg1, arg2);

     * Unable to instantiate {0} (which is specified in {1} on {2})
    public static String FAILED_TO_INSTANTIATE_INSTANCE_RESOLVER(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableFAILED_TO_INSTANTIATE_INSTANCE_RESOLVER(arg0, arg1, arg2));

    public static Localizable localizableDD_MTOM_CONFLICT(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return messageFactory.getMessage("dd.mtom.conflict", arg0, arg1);

     * Error in Deployment Descriptor : MTOM Configuration in binding {0} conflicts with enable-mtom attribute value {1}
    public static String DD_MTOM_CONFLICT(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
        return localizer.localize(localizableDD_MTOM_CONFLICT(arg0, arg1));


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