Java example source code file (SynthMenuItemLayoutHelper.java)
The SynthMenuItemLayoutHelper.java Java example source code/* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package javax.swing.plaf.synth; import sun.swing.StringUIClientPropertyKey; import sun.swing.MenuItemLayoutHelper; import sun.swing.plaf.synth.SynthIcon; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.View; import java.awt.*; /** * Calculates preferred size and layouts synth menu items. * * All JMenuItems (and JMenus) include enough space for the insets * plus one or more elements. When we say "label" below, we mean * "icon and/or text." * * Cases to consider for SynthMenuItemUI (visualized here in a * LTR orientation; the RTL case would be reversed): * label * check icon + label * check icon + label + accelerator * label + accelerator * * Cases to consider for SynthMenuUI (again visualized here in a * LTR orientation): * label + arrow * * Note that in the above scenarios, accelerator and arrow icon are * mutually exclusive. This means that if a popup menu contains a mix * of JMenus and JMenuItems, we only need to allow enough space for * max(maxAccelerator, maxArrow), and both accelerators and arrow icons * can occupy the same "column" of space in the menu. */ class SynthMenuItemLayoutHelper extends MenuItemLayoutHelper { public static final StringUIClientPropertyKey MAX_ACC_OR_ARROW_WIDTH = new StringUIClientPropertyKey("maxAccOrArrowWidth"); public static final ColumnAlignment LTR_ALIGNMENT_1 = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT ); public static final ColumnAlignment LTR_ALIGNMENT_2 = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.RIGHT ); public static final ColumnAlignment RTL_ALIGNMENT_1 = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT ); public static final ColumnAlignment RTL_ALIGNMENT_2 = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.LEFT ); private SynthContext context; private SynthContext accContext; private SynthStyle style; private SynthStyle accStyle; private SynthGraphicsUtils gu; private SynthGraphicsUtils accGu; private boolean alignAcceleratorText; private int maxAccOrArrowWidth; public SynthMenuItemLayoutHelper(SynthContext context, SynthContext accContext, JMenuItem mi, Icon checkIcon, Icon arrowIcon, Rectangle viewRect, int gap, String accDelimiter, boolean isLeftToRight, boolean useCheckAndArrow, String propertyPrefix) { this.context = context; this.accContext = accContext; this.style = context.getStyle(); this.accStyle = accContext.getStyle(); this.gu = style.getGraphicsUtils(context); this.accGu = accStyle.getGraphicsUtils(accContext); this.alignAcceleratorText = getAlignAcceleratorText(propertyPrefix); reset(mi, checkIcon, arrowIcon, viewRect, gap, accDelimiter, isLeftToRight, style.getFont(context), accStyle.getFont(accContext), useCheckAndArrow, propertyPrefix); setLeadingGap(0); } private boolean getAlignAcceleratorText(String propertyPrefix) { return style.getBoolean(context, propertyPrefix + ".alignAcceleratorText", true); } protected void calcWidthsAndHeights() { // iconRect if (getIcon() != null) { getIconSize().setWidth(SynthIcon.getIconWidth(getIcon(), context)); getIconSize().setHeight(SynthIcon.getIconHeight(getIcon(), context)); } // accRect if (!getAccText().equals("")) { getAccSize().setWidth(accGu.computeStringWidth(getAccContext(), getAccFontMetrics().getFont(), getAccFontMetrics(), getAccText())); getAccSize().setHeight(getAccFontMetrics().getHeight()); } // textRect if (getText() == null) { setText(""); } else if (!getText().equals("")) { if (getHtmlView() != null) { // Text is HTML getTextSize().setWidth( (int) getHtmlView().getPreferredSpan(View.X_AXIS)); getTextSize().setHeight( (int) getHtmlView().getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS)); } else { // Text isn't HTML getTextSize().setWidth(gu.computeStringWidth(context, getFontMetrics().getFont(), getFontMetrics(), getText())); getTextSize().setHeight(getFontMetrics().getHeight()); } } if (useCheckAndArrow()) { // checkIcon if (getCheckIcon() != null) { getCheckSize().setWidth( SynthIcon.getIconWidth(getCheckIcon(), context)); getCheckSize().setHeight( SynthIcon.getIconHeight(getCheckIcon(), context)); } // arrowRect if (getArrowIcon() != null) { getArrowSize().setWidth( SynthIcon.getIconWidth(getArrowIcon(), context)); getArrowSize().setHeight( SynthIcon.getIconHeight(getArrowIcon(), context)); } } // labelRect if (isColumnLayout()) { getLabelSize().setWidth(getIconSize().getWidth() + getTextSize().getWidth() + getGap()); getLabelSize().setHeight(MenuItemLayoutHelper.max( getCheckSize().getHeight(), getIconSize().getHeight(), getTextSize().getHeight(), getAccSize().getHeight(), getArrowSize().getHeight())); } else { Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(); Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(); gu.layoutText(context, getFontMetrics(), getText(), getIcon(), getHorizontalAlignment(), getVerticalAlignment(), getHorizontalTextPosition(), getVerticalTextPosition(), getViewRect(), iconRect, textRect, getGap()); textRect.width += getLeftTextExtraWidth(); Rectangle labelRect = iconRect.union(textRect); getLabelSize().setHeight(labelRect.height); getLabelSize().setWidth(labelRect.width); } } protected void calcMaxWidths() { calcMaxWidth(getCheckSize(), MAX_CHECK_WIDTH); maxAccOrArrowWidth = calcMaxValue(MAX_ACC_OR_ARROW_WIDTH, getArrowSize().getWidth()); maxAccOrArrowWidth = calcMaxValue(MAX_ACC_OR_ARROW_WIDTH, getAccSize().getWidth()); if (isColumnLayout()) { calcMaxWidth(getIconSize(), MAX_ICON_WIDTH); calcMaxWidth(getTextSize(), MAX_TEXT_WIDTH); int curGap = getGap(); if ((getIconSize().getMaxWidth() == 0) || (getTextSize().getMaxWidth() == 0)) { curGap = 0; } getLabelSize().setMaxWidth( calcMaxValue(MAX_LABEL_WIDTH, getIconSize().getMaxWidth() + getTextSize().getMaxWidth() + curGap)); } else { // We shouldn't use current icon and text widths // in maximal widths calculation for complex layout. getIconSize().setMaxWidth(getParentIntProperty( MAX_ICON_WIDTH)); calcMaxWidth(getLabelSize(), MAX_LABEL_WIDTH); // If maxLabelWidth is wider // than the widest icon + the widest text + gap, // we should update the maximal text witdh int candidateTextWidth = getLabelSize().getMaxWidth() - getIconSize().getMaxWidth(); if (getIconSize().getMaxWidth() > 0) { candidateTextWidth -= getGap(); } getTextSize().setMaxWidth(calcMaxValue( MAX_TEXT_WIDTH, candidateTextWidth)); } } public SynthContext getContext() { return context; } public SynthContext getAccContext() { return accContext; } public SynthStyle getStyle() { return style; } public SynthStyle getAccStyle() { return accStyle; } public SynthGraphicsUtils getGraphicsUtils() { return gu; } public SynthGraphicsUtils getAccGraphicsUtils() { return accGu; } public boolean alignAcceleratorText() { return alignAcceleratorText; } public int getMaxAccOrArrowWidth() { return maxAccOrArrowWidth; } protected void prepareForLayout(LayoutResult lr) { lr.getCheckRect().width = getCheckSize().getMaxWidth(); // An item can have an arrow or a check icon at once if (useCheckAndArrow() && (!"".equals(getAccText()))) { lr.getAccRect().width = maxAccOrArrowWidth; } else { lr.getArrowRect().width = maxAccOrArrowWidth; } } public ColumnAlignment getLTRColumnAlignment() { if (alignAcceleratorText()) { return LTR_ALIGNMENT_2; } else { return LTR_ALIGNMENT_1; } } public ColumnAlignment getRTLColumnAlignment() { if (alignAcceleratorText()) { return RTL_ALIGNMENT_2; } else { return RTL_ALIGNMENT_1; } } protected void layoutIconAndTextInLabelRect(LayoutResult lr) { lr.setTextRect(new Rectangle()); lr.setIconRect(new Rectangle()); gu.layoutText(context, getFontMetrics(), getText(), getIcon(), getHorizontalAlignment(), getVerticalAlignment(), getHorizontalTextPosition(), getVerticalTextPosition(), lr.getLabelRect(), lr.getIconRect(), lr.getTextRect(), getGap()); } } Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java SynthMenuItemLayoutHelper.java source code file: |
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